The Ride (6 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            Sitting around the club with the girls is nice. After a few days of deathly boredom I was able to get all the girls together. It took some work, but I was able to round them all up. Good company and good fun. Looking around I can't help but smile at my family, well the ones that are here any ways. The Hell's Disciples consists of thirteen active members, three prospects, and all of the club member’s old ladies and families. My father Low is the President of the Hells Disciples outlaw motorcycle club. He's been President since I was a baby. It’s going on twenty-three years now, but a member since he was seventeen. He's a hard man. Very rough and mean at times. He's a man of few words, but when he does speak people listen. Educated with a good sense of street smarts. A tall man at a little over six feet tall. Short dark hair, scruffy beard full beard. Green eyes. He's a well-built guy for his age. Twinks is his club girl. She's been around as long as I can remember. She’s always in the back ground. Small blonde women with large boobs and larger hair for her small five foot two inch frame. Lots of makeup, but somehow she manages to pull it off. She's not my mom, but she keeps my dad happy and alive so I deal. Tiny is the club's treasurer, handling all the finances. His name is a joke. Tiny is Native American man pushing three hundred and twenty pounds, at five-ten he's a large man width wise. Bald head with a long chest length brown beard it’s either braided or twisted. Tan weathered skin. Uncle Tiny is true family, my mom's brother. Aunty Kiki is Tiny's wife. They’ve been together since before my time. Aunty Kiki is a big hearted, ferocious mama bear. Loves Gin and me like we were her own. She all the guy's adopted mama. Wild red hair, Jersey Shore tan, animal printed out from head to toe. Heavy set body with a few extra curves. Love her dearly. Gin is Sargent at Arms. Basically he’s the muscle. He's here to keep things in order. Although he's usually causing as much trouble as he's deflecting. Gin is Tiny's son, my cousin, although he might as well be my brother. Aunty Kiki isn't his mom, his mom is a women serving life in person. Gin or as I like to call him from time to time Caleb, is a large well-built guy. Very tall, well over six-four. Bald shaved head, tattoos adorning his shiny head along with a good portion of his body covered in tribal art. Lip pierced three times on one corner. Dark features. Tan skin with my dark brown eyes. Scary looking guy with a big heart. Peaches is Gin's girlfriend and my partner in Crime. She's Gin's dark counterpart. Latino with dark exotic features. Long wavy black hair, striking green eyes, plump red lips. She has a curvy, voluptuous body. Ass for days. Gin refuses to make her his old lady. He's too damn selfish, wanting to fuck with any girl. Too damn stupid to realize just how much he needs her. Peaches has been my best friend since diapers. Her father was a member named Pipes who was killed when we were younger. The club pretty much adopted her. Although her aunt legally had custody of her she spent all her time her with me, with us. She's wild and crazy. Always up for trouble and fun. Larger than life personality. Another member is Stitch. He's road captain. Not exactly sure what his job entails, since I'm not a loud on runs. Stitch is one of my closest friends. His father is a founding member, Sargent. Stitch and I have been friends since we were young children running around the club house together causing chaos. We've always been close. Stitch is a pretty big guy. Six-two, a whole lot of muscles. Long brown hair always in a man bun, long chest length neat beard. Arms sleeved in flames. Dark gray eyes. He's a really outdoorsy type. A man’s man. Rae a long time club girl, his mom, died from cancer when we were really young. Cali is Stitches old lady. They've been together since high school. Cali and I have been friends since high school too. It was always her, Peaches, and I against the guys. The three of us against the world. Cali looks like she just left the Playboy mansion. Huge fake tits, tiny waist, bubble butt, and tanned legs for days. Long blonde hair down to her ass. Big blue baby doll eyes, pouty pink lips. She has a small voice, but don't let that fool ya. She's as wild and crazy as they come. Love her too. Then there is Happy. He is the intelligence for the club. Smart man that one is. Irish in heritage. Happy is just that, happy. Easy going guy. Always one to crack a joke. Always smiling. Tall and thin with a blonde Mohawk. Colorfully tattooed all over, pierced eye brow. Mini is his old lady. She's pretty new. They got together while I was away. She's a good girl though. Keeps Happy … well happy. Small girl, light brown hair to her shoulders, pretty hazel eyes, nice smile. Average looking. She's funny and sweet.

            Arms is someone who's been around a long time. Another founding member. He's always been in my life. Pretty average looking guy. He's quiet and calm. A really thoughtful guy. Always looks to be in deep thought. Short and clean cut gray hair. Only a few tattoos hidden under his shirt. He’s always dressed clean and put together. His name comes from his long ass arms. Melli is Arms old lady. She's another newbie. Sweet little thing. Long curly strawberry blonde hair. Sweet smile adorned with dimples. Fair skin with light green eyes. Looks like the wholesome girl next door. She works for the local PD, keeping the guys informed. She's kind and thoughtful like Arms. Leo is a founding member along with my father and Arms. He's an older guy. Wrinkles for days. I love the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. They remind me of all his funny jokes and stories. That guy is full of it. Always sharing ridiculous stories that consist of 'I walked ten miles to school in the snow uphill both ways' or how he rigged his bike to run with only a tooth pick and gum. Leo has a long gray beard and long gray hair. Soft blue eyes surround by those deep easy wrinkles. Lip full of chew, hand holding a spitter, and a mind full of bull shit stories. His ass always planted at the bar. You need Leo that's where you'll find him. Mary is Leo old lady. She too has been around since way before my time. Mary is a large lady, okay she's huge. Wild white hair, Marge Simpson style. She’s a loud mouth biker bitch. Picture Roseanne Conner with the mouth of well … the mouth of a biker. She's pretty abrasive and in your face if you don't know her. She takes a bit of getting used to, but once she warms up to you she'll love you until death. Sargent is another founding member. A long time service member. Served for ten plus years. He's a strict man. Very detailed and to the point. No holds barred type of man. Military style haircut. Hard eyes, mouth always in a grim line. Big beer belly due to all the beer he drinks. His son is Stitch. And then there is Crush, Tags, Rampage, and King. They're the clubs resident bachelors and play boys. Crush is a freaking model. Swear to God he came right from the pages of a fashion magazine. GQ type of guy. Artfully messy light brown hair, pretty gold eyes, perfect white teeth. Tan, tall, toned, and lean body. Only one tattoo on his back. Got his name because all of the girls crush on him. He's a serious flirt, sweet talking lady’s man. Rampage is a large scary man. Body wide and bulky. Swear that man will fight anyone for any reason. Brick wall gets in his way he'll try to fight it. Temper for days. He's beefy with muscles I never knew existed. If he's not working out he's on his ass in front of the TV. Despite his scary looks he's a pretty nice guy, lazy as hell, but nice none the less. Rampage and I have always had a fun brother sister type relationship. I've known him since I was about nine. Tag's is a sweet southern gentleman. Deep southern drawl that screams cowboy. He loves his cowboy boots and hats. Loves the outdoors, hunting and fishing, pretty much anything outdoors. He has manners coming out of his ears. He's a really nice guy, sweet big heart. Smaller guy, with buzzed light brown hair. He's pretty average. His name comes from the set of dog tags he always wears, along with the ones tattooed on his chest. And then there is King. The king of all asshole know it all's. Bossy as hell man. If you didn't know better you'd swear he was the president the way he barks orders. Shoulder length blonde hair, blonde facial hair. Light brown eyes. Tattoos like the rest of the guys. He and I don't care much for one another, but it is what it is. I deal with him. Along with the club members there are three prospects waiting to be patched in, all at different stages. Prospect Blade, Prospect Jones, and Prospect Kash. And a plethora of club whores and hang arounds that round out our club. This is my family. My family consisting of big scary one percenters and their families. A family I wouldn't change for the world.

            Sitting at the bar I feel a warm hand slide down my back. “You gunna let me get you drunk and take advantage of you?” Peaches purrs in my ear. Looking up at her she winks at me. We both just stare at each other for a moment. Poor Mini stares between the two of us. Probably wondering who's going to throw the first punch. Peaches licks her lips and we both lose it. Laughing until our sides hurt and we can't breathe. Mini breathes a sigh of relief. Prospect Blade chuckles under shit breath. “Christ,” Mini mumbles sitting back down. Kiki pulls her into a side hug. Kiki knows what’s going on. “You're gunna have to get used to these two,” she throws her thumb in our direction, both of us still laughing. She gives a little annoyed eye roll. Flipping her the bird she chuckles and gives me one right back. “They're trouble makin' bitches. Shit's just gettin' started with Lil back in town now.” Mary cackles next to Kiki. “Crazy bitches,” Mary shakes her head while sweeping behind the bar. Well hell they make it sound like the devil just rolled back into town. “Thanks mama, your makin' me look bad,” I accuse her. Rolling her eyes she pouts her lips. Hands on her hips ready to give me the mama lecture. “Good Lord baby. You know I love your trouble makin' ass. Mama loves all her babies.” Her smile sweet and genuine while she pasts my hand. I return it. Mary and Kiki both go back to their cleaning up. Don't know why. The guys will just mess it back up once they're back. “Here bitch,” Peaches smirks sliding over a shot glass filled with clear liquid. Oh no. Shaking my head I push it back. “Not happenin'. You remember what happened last time I drank this shit?” Throwing her long black hair over her shoulder she laughs at me. Sneaky smirk on her face. “Oh I remember,” she ways wiggling her eyebrows. I can see the wheels of her dirty mind working overtime.  “Oh fuck. You mean after the Barbeque of 06?” Cali says laughing right along with Peaches. Fuck me. Mini looks interested now. Eyes light with trouble; she swings her gaze at the three of us. “What happened?” she asks pure interest on her face. Damn near shaking with excitement she waits for an explanation. Shaking my head at my two shit headed friends I pray they keep their mouths shut. “It’s nothin',” I say trying to stop this story before it gets started. Once Cali and Peaches get going, there is no going back. Cali holds her hand up to shut me up. Bitch is going to bring it up. Cali and Peaches exchange a look, ready to start shit. “You mean the mornin' I found you n' Peaches butt ass naked in bed together?” Cali says with a little giggle. That's not exactly how it went down. Not my finest hour. Mini squeals in delight waiting for the full story. Peaches cops a feel egging Mini on. Cali laughs at Peaches and me. And I need a drink. A really, really strong one.




Walking into the club house I sit my ass down at the bar. Long run. My ass is wore the fuck out. As soon as I have a drink in my hand I hear a bunch of loud ass chatter coming from up in the loft. Walking down the stairs Peaches is laughing. Actually more like cackling. Behind her is Stitch and Cali and behind them walks Tiny with a little Lil on his back. Her bare feet stuck out from under his arms. What in the fucking hell. “Tank,” Lil calls excitedly with a big smile, waving at me. The past week shit has changed around here. The old ladies and girlfriends have been hanging around the club more. I attribute that to Lil. She spends almost every day here helping Low out. There's just something about her. You get to the club and you're looking for a brother, you can't find him. Look for Lil, that's where he'll be. Everyone just seems to gravitate to her whether meaning to or not. It's seems she spends most of her time with, me, Gin, or Stitch though. Hanging out with me talking and flirting. I've grown to like her even more than I did before, which is scary as fuck. It's all finally starting to feel normal around here again. After Lucy died the women stopped coming around so much. Well except the club whores, but those bitches aren't good for much. Place got fucking depressing. The old ladies are annoying as hell, but it's a love hate kind of thing. It's nice to have the loud ass happy chatter back and home cooked meals. “Sit me down here,” Lil says tapping Tiny on the head. Turning around he backs to the bar and sits her ass on the bar top right next to me. Feet on my bar stool. “Somethin' wrong withcha feet baby?” I ask her nodding to her feet. Laughing she shakes her head. “No I just painted ‘em. Can't smudge ‘em.” That makes no sense. I'll never fully understand females. “Why didn't you wait to walk 'til they dried?” Shrugging she smiles sheepishly. Biting her lip she looks a little embarrassed. “Heard your bike thought I'd come say hi.” Well shit. I sure as hell can't argue that. Gin plops down next to me. He rolls his eyes at Lil immediately. And here they go. These two are always at. “Girl ya always paintin' your shit pink. Don't own another color?” Lil glares at him. “Shut up Gin. I like my pink toes,” she says sticking her foot in his direction wiggling her toes at him. I'd have to agree I like them too. Pink toes nails and shit, I've fucking lost my mind. “Would you like something to drink Miss Lil?” The prospect behind the bar asks Lil. Miss Lil? I have to contain my laugh at that one. He's taking all formal and shit like she's a fucking princess or some shit. I guess in a way she is princess of the club. “Can I have an orange pop please?” I watch the prospect stare at her. The way he gets all dreamy and a little fucking twitchy around her. He knows how fucking beautiful she is. It's a damn issue. All of the brothers starring at her constantly, especially the brothers that aren't related to her. Peaches sits herself between Lil's knees on the stool. “Yeah Gin shut up I like ‘em too.” The girl fist bump and laugh. Women I swear. For the next two hours we bullshit and hang out. This is how I like shit. Lil around, the way I like it. I can spend time with her and keep an eye on her. My phone rings letting us know it's time to head out. “We're out,” I tell Lil reluctantly. She smiles, but it's a sad one. “Alright. Be safe.” Be safe? When the hell am I not safe? Turning to leave she calls me back. “Tank?” Tapping on her cheek she looks at me expectantly. Smirk on those sweet lips. Girl wants a damn kiss. She's turning me into a pussy whipped little girl. Damn trouble maker. Kissing her cheek good bye I feel a strange sense of calm. Well shit. “Later angel.”

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