The Right Time (79 page)

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Authors: Susan X Meagher

BOOK: The Right Time
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There was only one way to find out.



Hennessy took the stairs two at a time, sucked in a deep breath and started to pound on her door. She really hadn’t planned on rattling the hinges, but her anxiety was giving her body its own agency, and it was in a forceful mood.

The neighbors were going to call the police if she didn’t settle down, but Townsend wasn’t answering. Why hadn’t she asked for a key? She’d burst right in if she had the means, dragging Townsend out of the shower if she had to.

Giving up, she turned and ran right back down the stairs, jogging to the garage to check for her car. Her heart was beating like a drum, not having considered Townsend might be driving to Boston. If that was her plan, she was probably already gone. Damn it all! Her early rising might just have ruined Hennessy’s life!

But the little skeeter was sleeping peacefully in the garage, much to her relief. Another peek into the other side showed her bike in place, which might have been a good sign. But it could also mean she’d had a car service take her to the airport.

Hennessy was about to text her, but she desperately wanted to see her face when she spilled her guts. Even though Townsend had gotten pretty darned good at hiding feelings she wanted hidden, Hennessy was sure she could divine the truth, no matter what. But she had to see her face.

Back in the truck, she drove to The Academy. Their cabin wasn’t going to be used by the summer program, but they’d decided to batten it down anyway. Townsend had plenty of time to do that in the last three days, but there was a chance she’d swing by before leaving town. But on foot? Unlikely. Still, Hennessy drove on, turning every stone on the island before she took off for the airport. Townsend preferred a nonstop flight, and there was only one of those a day from Savannah, at nine. That would let Hennessy get there, but there wouldn’t be much time to make her case and stop her from flying into Nicole’s arms.

The Academy was nearly deserted, with only the cleaning staff and the handymen working this week to prepare the place for the kids. Hennessy parked the truck in the closest lot, then took off. Running in flip-flops was a pain in the butt, and she vowed to wear sneakers next time she was chasing a woman down. As though there’d be a next time. If she couldn’t convince Townsend to be hers she might renew her Catholic bonafides and join a convent.

Leaping onto the steps, Hennessy tried the door.
Her keys were in her hand, and she reasoned it was silly not to take a look around. Maybe Townsend had left a note about her plans. She was tidy like that.

As the door swung open, she heard muted noises coming from the bathroom. Swiveling her head, she took in a paper bag and remnants of a muffin lying on the coffee table.
Striding to the bathroom, she knocked, with less force than she’d used at Townsend’s house.

Silence. Then a tentative, “Yes?”

“It’s me,” Hennessy said, her voice high and squeaky.

The door opened, and the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world stood there, clad in only a salmon-colored towel. Confusion gave way to delight as a beaming smile covered her face.

Townsend’s arms extended for a hug, but Hennessy found herself unable to keep her business under wraps. “Don’t go,” she said, her heart pounding so hard Townsend could probably see it. “Please don’t go.”

A slow smile replaced the confused look that had her brows knit together. “And just where would I go?”

“Boston,” Hennessy said, her brain stopping and starting like a balky motor. “You’re going to Boston.”

The smile grew brighter. “And just why would I go to Boston, when you’re standing in front of me, looking like you’re about to collapse? I’ve got to stay to call the paramedics.”

Hennessy heard her speaking, but the words weren’t making much sense. She was too focused on getting her message out in the open. “If there’s any way you can stay…if you’re willing to—wait.” She blinked, her mind darting around like crazy. “Aren’t you going?”

Townsend stood there for a second, her chin tilting up as her eyes searched Hennessy’s like there was some information there she needed to learn before she spoke. Finally, after Hennessy was sure she was going to lose her chicken biscuit right on the floor, Townsend’s confident voice said, “I’m not going. At all. Nicole’s disappointed, but—”

“I don’t give a hot damn about Nicole,” Hennessy interrupted. She slapped a hand over her mouth. “That was so unkind! I don’t want her to be unhappy but…”

Townsend moved closer, so close Hennessy could see a little dot of moisturizer above her eyebrow. “Are you trying to make a point? If so, you’re doing an awful job of it. Just awful,” she insisted, shaking her head.

The playful way she said that made the room whirl. Hennessy was sure she was going to pass out, but she stabilized herself by putting her hands on Townsend’s hips, her world righting itself in seconds. “I am. I’m trying to say that I love you with all of my heart.
of it.”

Lovely eyes blinked slowly, with Townsend’s smile growing with each passing second. “You love me?”

“I do,” Hennessy pledged, her eyes closing as the emotion that thrummed through her body threatened to take her down.

“Are you sure?”

The sun might not rise tomorrow. Gramma might decide to move to Milan and design couture. People might stop using sugar in their tea. But this one fact would remain. Hennessy’s eyes blinked slowly as she tried to sound as certain as she felt. “I am more sure of my love for you than anything in this world.”

That smile had now grown to the point that Townsend’s face couldn’t handle another bit of joy. Her fingers curled around Hennessy’s belt loops and pulled her close. “Then maybe you’d better kiss me.”

Hennessy’s hands tenderly bracketed Townsend’s face, with her heart opening up as she gazed into those spring green eyes. “I’ve wanted to do this since I was eighteen years old,” she whispered. “To hold you in my arms and give myself to you. All of me. For the rest of my life.” As her head dipped, their lips met, warm and soft and so sweet. Sweeter than a ripe peach, still warm from the sun.

Then Townsend was gazing up at her, bearing the loveliest smile in the world. “You’re the first person I ever loved, Hennessy Boudreaux, and you’re going to be the last.” Her arms slid around Hennessy’s waist, holding on so tightly she had trouble getting a breath. But she didn’t give a hot damn. Breathing was optional. Having Townsend hold her was all she needed to live.

As Townsend began to release her grip Hennessy stared down at her, completely mesmerized. Without a moment’s thought, she dipped her head to kiss her again, desperate to make up for all of the times she’d longed to kiss those sweet lips. A burst of spring tickled Hennessy’s nose as their bodies pressed together. Townsend’s soap smelled of every flower in the garden, all merged with her natural scent to create a distinctive perfume that Hennessy was immediately addicted to.

Her lips were hungry, starving for the sustenance she could only obtain from Townsend and her life-giving touch. Again and again they kissed, hands moving to link around her neck, giving her even more access to Townsend’s gorgeous body.

Shaking with desire, Hennessy’s fingers skittered down a gentle slope, trailing from a muscular shoulder to… As her hand followed a more dramatic curve she realized the towel had come undone. Townsend’s flesh was cool and silky soft, and just waiting to be caressed. Sliding lower, Hennessy cupped her perfect ass, letting out a low growl when that warming flesh filled her hand.

Townsend dropped her hands, pulling away slightly as she gave Hennessy a sexy smile. “I’m about to lose my towel.”

“I’m about to whip it right off you.” Her heart skipped a beat when she heard those words come from her mouth. She’d never said
so suggestive to Townsend! But she was saying it now, and meaning it.

The look Townsend gave her was about as welcoming as looks got. “Be my guest.”

It was time to be decisive. They weren’t teenagers any more. Starting off like she’d never been kissed was just dumb. Hennessy was a mature woman who’d learned to love sex. That was the woman she wanted Townsend to get to know.

She’d dressed so quickly she wasn’t even sure what she had on, but it was time to take it all off. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt, and as she got the top one undone, Townsend’s nimble hands worked on the bottom. By the time they met in the middle, they weren’t looking at the buttons any longer. They gazed only at each other, letting their hands work unsupervised.

Her shorts dropped to the floor, then Hennessy kicked them away, still staring into Townsend’s open, loving gaze.

Warm hands fiddled with her bra, then the straps slid down her arms, with the garment whisked from her. In the blink of an eye, her panties were discarded, and the towel dropped alongside them. Then her body pressed against Townsend’s, bare skin touching bare skin.

Townsend held her close, looking up at her with eyes filled with desire. “Are we going to make love? Right here?”

“We are,” Hennessy declared, not a bit of hesitation in her voice or her determination.

“Why didn’t we do this ten years ago?” she said, a soft laugh bubbling up. “God knows I wanted to.”

“If we’d done it ten years ago, we wouldn’t be here today. And I’m damned glad we’re here today.”

“Show me,” Townsend demanded, desire filling her gaze. “Show me how glad you are.”

Hennessy wrapped her arms around her, bending slightly to place the most love-filled kiss she possessed to her quivering lips. The dam broke, with a flush of feeling and touching and sharing every sense at once nearly knocking her to her knees. But Hennessy wasn’t going to miss one second of this sensual wave. Her mouth covered Townsend’s, tongues gliding against one another as chills chased up and down her spine. She felt like a prisoner, just released from Alcatraz after spending years gazing at the dazzling city across the bay, now walking its streets, a free woman. Every dream she’d ever had, every fantasy, every wish was wrapped up in her arms.

Hennessy hadn’t thought it possible to kiss a woman so many times, yet have each frantic touch seem like the first. Her lips tingled with sensation, with every other part of her body taking pleasure from Townsend’s tongue.

“Mmm,” she moaned, shaking with need. Her legs quivered when she bent, slid one arm behind her back and another under her knees, then carried Townsend across the room to gently deposit her onto the sofa.

“Scratchy,” Townsend said as her bare skin touched the wool. Hennessy grasped a soft throw she’d wrapped around herself often during cold mornings, never having guessed she’d one day use it in lovemaking. After spreading it out, Townsend lay upon it, then extended her arms, inviting Hennessy to lie atop her.

But that wasn’t in her plans at the moment. Having Townsend lying in front of her, every part begging for attention, made her slow down to enjoy the ride. “I’ve got something to do,” she said, mesmerized by the delights before her. Gently, she stroked every bit of soft, downy skin, watching avidly as goosebumps broke out beneath her fingers. Townsend was as responsive as a hair-trigger, purring with delight as Hennessy touched her everywhere, reverently.

Then she gazed into her eyes as her fingers continued to roam, loving the way Townsend’s eyes closed slightly, then flew open when Hennessy probed a particularly sensitive spot. On and on she moved, her capacity for pleasing Townsend, for wringing little gasps of delight from her limitless.

She’d grown into such a beautiful woman, with a curvy, fit body honed from years of dedicated self-care. Every choice she’d made, from what she ate to how she moved, focused on taking exquisite care of herself. What a tremendous, blessed change.

Hennessy flashed on the girl she’d met just a few hundred yards from here, but she banished those thoughts. That Townsend—that emotionally battered, combative, furious, self-destructive kid was gone forever. And Hennessy had never been so happy to bid goodbye to anyone. The adult had healed the child through nothing but hard work and determination. Traits that Hennessy would never, ever stop admiring.

Now attributes she’d dreamed of, but had been sure she’d never see revealed themselves. Townsend placed Hennessy’s hand upon her breast and sucked in a gasp as she compressed those fingers into her flesh. Despite all of her changes, there was still fire burning in those veins. But now it served a gentle mistress, one focused on pleasure, rather than chaos.

Hennessy had seen flashes of that fire, brief ones that had seared into her memory over the last year. Each time, she’d tried to close her mind to the sensual groan when Townsend tasted something delicious, or the sated smile she’d show when her muscles burned after a tough workout. Watching that expression, the look of a woman whose body gave her great pleasure, had been torture. But now—now that they’d burst through the barriers that had kept them apart—they were going to revel in that pleasure. Together.

Hennessy leaned over and tasted her lovely mouth again, quickly becoming lost in the sensation. Sharing the most basic elements of life, breathing the same air, hearts pounding in rhythm as their lips and tongues merged.

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