The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (136 page)

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Authors: Paul Kennedy

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P. Hassner, “Europe and the Contradictions in American Policy,” in R. Rosecrance (ed.),
America as an Ordinary Power
(Ithaca, N.Y., 1976), pp. 60–86. See also Helmut Schmidt’s insistence, in
Grand Strategy for the West
, p. 147, that “the leadership role can only be assumed by the United States.”


See again Doran and Parsons, “War and the Cycle of Relative Power,” passim; G. Modelski, “Wars and the Great Power System,” passim; idem, “The Long Cycle of Global Politics and the Nation-State,” passim. See also J. Levy,
War in the Modern Great Power System
(Lexington, Ky., 1983).

Rasler and Thompson, “Global Wars, Public Debts, and the Long Cycle,” passim.

L. E. Davis and R. A. Huttenback, “The Cost of Empire,” in R. L. Ransom et al. (eds.),
Exploration in the New Economic History
(New York, 1982), pp. 41–69; R. Taagepera, “Size and Duration of Empires: Systematics of Size,”
Social Science Research
, vol. 7 (1978), pp. 108–27; idem, “Growth Curves of Empires,”
General Systems
, vol. 13 (1968), pp. 171–75.

I am thinking here of the various scholars influenced by Wallerstein’s “world-system” ideas. For example, A. Bergesen, “Cycles of War in the Reproduction of the World Economy,” in P. M. Johnson and W. R. Thompson (eds.),
Rhythms in Politics and Economics
(New York, 1985); E. Friedman (ed.),
Ascent and Decline in the World-System
(Beverly Hills, Calif., 1982); Bergesen (ed.),
Studies in the Modern World-System
(New York, 1980); McGowan and Kegley (eds.),
Foreign Policy and the Modern World-System
, passim.

War and Change in World Politics
, p. 93.

Rise of the Trading State
, passim.

War and Change in World Politics
, pp. 158–59, has a very good discussion of this point.

, See the analysis in Wight,
Power Politics, ch
. 3.

Quoted by McCormick, on p. 19 of his article “Strategic Considerations in the Development of Economic Thought,” in McCormick and Bissell (eds.),
Strategic Dimensions of Economic Behavior


Kennedy, “Strategy versus Finance in Twentieth Century Britain”; and also J. H. Maurer, “Economics, Strategy, and War in Historical Perspective,” in McCormick and Bissell (eds.),
Strategic Dimensions of Economic Behavior
, pp. 59–83.

Gilpin’s term; see
War and Change in World Politics
, p. 162.

Cited in Pflanze,
Bismarck and the Development of Germany
, p. 17.


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