The Risqué Contracts Series (15 page)

Read The Risqué Contracts Series Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #dirty talking hero, #billionaire romance, #alpha male romance

BOOK: The Risqué Contracts Series
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Chapter 9

er whispered yes was music to my ears. I surged forward and took her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Then I showed her how much it meant to me, spending the next couple hours worshipping her body, making love to the woman I was so very in love with.

Unfortunately, there were several work events on her agenda for the day and we were forced to leave the cozy warmth of our bed sooner than I liked. She kicked me out of the bathroom when I went to shower with her, citing the time and arguing about not wanting to be late.

I grumbled, but understood her point. Going against my every instinct, I dragged my ass out of the room where she stood naked under a waterfall. I was looking forward to some time on my skis in the snow, hoping the cold would help manage the extra pole I was carrying in my pants.

Elisa’s morning consisted of “employee only” meetings. I wasn’t too happy about her being forced to spend time with the Botox Brigade without me, but I was able to come to terms with it knowing the diamond on her finger made it clear she was taken. After the night before, I was pretty sure the spineless wimp was duly intimidated.

Before I hit the slopes, I took the time to make arrangements for Sunday. Elisa would be done by two, so I called up the concierge and gave him a list, trusting he would complete the tasks. Next, I placed a phone call to Maddie and one to Elisa’s sister Charlotte, making a special request. Charlotte wasn’t an easy sell, but I convinced her and she agreed with some trepidation.

With those things accomplished, I took off for the black diamond trails. It had been a while since I’d enjoyed the freedom of skiing—breathing the sharp winter air, clearing my mind, and focusing on nothing but the slope in front of me. This time, the calm and peace weren’t so much those things as much as they were thoughts of Elisa. She was my center, she had become my reason for being, and by the time I headed back to meet her, I was anxious as hell to see her.

I lounged at the bar, watching the sports channel while keeping an eye on the elevator. When the doors finally opened and she stepped out, I sped over and lifted her up into a big bear hug, then kissed her soundly. I needed her in my arms, but the pageantry was for any guy who was checking out my girl.

“Hey, baby. How was your morning?” I asked, my face still buried in her neck, breathing in the scent of cherry blossoms.

She giggled and wiggled her feet to be let down. “I missed you,” she said, her tone a little shy. The blush that spread across her cheeks and freckled little nose made my muscles tighten with arousal. She was so fucking sexy, and how she managed to be adorable at the same time was beyond me.

“I missed you, too.” I winked and draped my arm over her shoulders as I led her to another set of elevators. These went straight to the penthouses and I smirked when I saw Ken and Barbie glaring at us, practically green with envy. I enjoyed my wealth, but I didn’t usually throw it in people’s faces. This was one time I went out of my way to show off.
Eat your heart out, Bimbo Barbie, Elisa’s got the stud and the dollar signs while you’ve got knockoffs and a limp dick.

“Go change into your winter gear, baby. I’ve got a night of surprises for you,” I told her once we arrived back in our room.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off her delicious body while she stripped, but I gathered my restraint and kept from touching her. After bundling up, I walked with her to the ice rink at the back of the resort. When she realized we were going skating, she squeaked with delight and jumped up and down. So. Fucking. Adorable.

“I used to go ice skating at Rockefeller every Christmas with my family,” Elisa exclaimed happily as she laced up her skates. “Charlotte and I haven’t done it since the year after our parents died. We’ve just been too busy.”

She stood and wobbled a little, holding my forearm to steady herself.

“Ready, baby?” I asked, waiting for her affirmation.

“Yes!” She laughed, her eyes sparkling, her cheeks rosy from the cold. She’d never looked more beautiful.

We stepped gingerly onto the ice—it had been a few years for me, too—and started a slow loop. As we got more comfortable on our blades, we sped up and the wind whipped at our faces, fresh and clean. I loved living in the city, but the fresh mountain air made me appreciate the move I was making upstate.

The sun began to descend as we laughed and played like happy kids. Adding to the magic, a soft snow began to fall and I thanked Mother Nature for being in on my plans. Elisa put her head back, stuck her tongue out, and swirled around. She looked indescribable. So gorgeous, she took my breath away. And she was mine.


checked my watch for the tenth time and called out, “Baby! We’ve got reservations, we need to go.”

“Keep your boxers on, Brysen. I’m coming.”

Yelling out “not yet” was just too cliché. That didn’t stop me from thinking it, though.

“Baby, that idiom doesn’t apply to me. You know as well as I do I don’t wear underwear.”

“Great,” I heard her voice behind me and turned in her direction, “we’ll match.”

She stood there, my every fantasy come to life. The black cocktail dress swept across her chest, just above the swell of her breasts, her shoulders were bare, but the sleeves ended at her wrists, where my ring twinkled on her hand. The skirt fell to mid-thigh, showcasing her long, long legs with black strappy stilettos on her feet. Her hair was pinned up, emphasizing her slender neck, just asking to be nibbled and sucked. I was instantly hard. Somehow, I kept my outward composure, but mentally, I was drooling and panting like a dog after a bone.

“Matching?” I managed to croak.

“Yes, as in, neither of us have anything on under our clothes.” Her sweet laughter tinkled in the air and she winked at me.
Son of a bitch
. She was naked under that dress. How was I supposed to focus on anything else now?

Fuck the restaurant, I have my dinner right here.
The thought prompted me to stride over and bend to pick her up, but she danced out of my reach and laughed when I growled in frustration.

“You bought me this beautiful dress, waited for me to get dolled up, the least you can do it take me to dinner before you mess it all up.”

I huffed in annoyance. “Fine, let’s go before I rip that dress in two and feast on you.”

Again, she laughed, and the sound brought a smile to my face. I loved everything about this woman, but her laughter was at the top of the list, right next to hearing her scream my name.

I picked up a cashmere coat and held it out for her to slip her arms in. She shook her head ruefully. “You have to stop spoiling me, Brysen. I feel like a gold digger.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re going to be my wife, baby. What’s mine is yours. And, even if you weren’t...” the thought made me frown, “these things are gifts. Now, move your sweet little ass.”

Giggling, she turned around to let me help her with her coat and I got my first glimpse of the back of the dress. “Oh, fuck no. Get back into that room and change,” I boomed.

The scrap of fabric that had no business being called a dress was completely backless. Attached at the side of the front piece was a strap, keeping it in place. But there was nothing else, and it rode so low, I would have been able to see the string of a thong, had she been wearing one. That’s when I remembered she was bare underneath. Yeah, that wasn’t fucking happening. “Now,” I stressed firmly.

Elisa whirled around and snatched the coat from my hands. She glared daggers at me as she slipped it over her shoulders and buttoned it up. “Thank you, Brysen, for telling me how beautiful I look tonight. How sexy this dress looks on me, and that you can’t wait to show me off. That’s what you meant to say, right?” I didn’t respond, my anger fuming, but slowly deflating at the hint of hurt in her voice.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I said, stepping closer. “You look absolutely amazing. But no one should see you practically naked, except me. I don’t share.”

“Brysen, you bought the dress for me, don’t tell me you didn’t notice the back.”

I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed. “Yeah...I had my assistant pick it out.”

Elisa rolled her eyes. “Serves you right for not picking it out on your own, babe. You have only yourself to blame.”

My eyes narrowed, my ire sparking again, but it quickly burnt out. She was right.

“Will you at least put on some underwear?” I grumbled.

“Oh, fine, you big baby,” she said as she walked into the bedroom. A minute later, I was helping her into her coat again, doubly thankful I’d planned a dinner where I’d have her all to myself without needing to worry about every guy in the room watching her with hungry eyes.

Chapter 10

’m speechless.” Understandably so. There were no words to describe how incredible our night had been so far and it had barely started. When Brysen took me to the gondola, I assumed we were going to have dinner at the restaurant on top of the mountain. When we got on board and there was a bottle of champagne chilling and no other passengers, I figured he’d made arrangements for our ride up to be private. Then a waiter served us crab stuffed mushrooms when we reached the first stop and I realized
was our dinner date—the two of us hanging over the mountain, completely alone, as we ate a gourmet meal with all my favorite dishes.

“It’s only fair since the sight of you often leaves me without words,” he murmured, trailing a finger up my arm. “I guess they’re right when they say love makes you speechless.”

It seemed like time stood still as what he’d said registered in my brain. My heart leapt in my chest while butterflies swirled in my stomach. Brysen Mariano, the renowned playboy quarterback, had just used the four letter word every woman wanted to hear. And he’d said it to me. Okay, he hadn’t quite said it directly to me, but the sentiment was there just the same. I was even more shocked by how I wanted to respond. We hadn’t even known each other a month, but I already had his ring on my finger and love in my heart. It hadn’t hit me before this moment, but I loved Brysen. I should have realized it when I told him yes this morning, but I’d fooled myself into thinking my feelings would grow into love as we got to know each other better.

“Yeah, I guess they are,” I agreed. I almost confessed the depth of my feelings, but the opening of the doors as we reached the next station interrupted me. The moment was lost while the waiter quickly cleared the table and served the next course: a delicious salad of mixed greens, berries, and nuts paired with a sweet white wine, Seven Daughters Moscato. I loved the choice of wine, but it wasn’t up to the usual standards for what Brysen would pick since it only cost about ten dollars a bottle.

It seemed out of place with the rest of the gourmet meal, but Brysen didn’t appear to mind. We polished off the bottle as we cuddled close and devoured our meal. Bacon-wrapped filets cooked to a perfect medium served with au gratin potatoes and asparagus. Since it wasn’t in season, it was entirely possible the vegetables cost more than the wine.

I giggled at the thought and Brysen’s gaze heated. “Best damn sound in the world.”

My laughter died in my throat. “What do you mean?”

“Two things I want to hear for the rest of my life: your laughter and the sound you make when you come. I live, and would happily die, for both.”

Holy moly, this man knew exactly what to say to press all the right buttons. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve him, but I would forever be grateful for having him in my life. “I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much as I do when I’m with you.”

“I guess I’d better up my game.”

“What?” I sputtered. I didn’t think I’d survive it if he did. “Why?”

“Making you laugh more than anyone else feels good, but I’ll be damn sure the same goes for your orgasms.”

“Oh, Brysen,” I whispered, “if you only knew.”

“Knew what, baby?”

With his brown eyes locked on my face and the gondola slowing down for the next stop, I made an admission I never thought I’d say aloud. “You’re the only man who’s ever made me come.”

“Fuck,” he hissed, dragging me onto his lap while the doors opened. “It’s a good thing we’re almost back at the bottom of the mountain because I’m going to enjoy it even more knowing I’m the only person who’s ever heard those sounds escape your mouth.”

“Forget dessert. Can’t this thing go any faster?” I joked in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood before I ripped the clothes off his body without a care for who could see us.

“Don’t speak too soon,” he said, gesturing toward the covered dish on the table.

I lifted the lid and gasped in surprise. “A chocolate soufflé? Seriously, how did you know all my favorites?”

“I remember every word you’ve said to me since we met. Etched into my fucking memory because of my need to know everything I could about you.”

I dropped the spoon I’d just filled with chocolaty goodness onto my plate and wrapped my arms around him. “Please tell me this ride is almost over and we can take our dessert back to the suite for later.”

“The soufflé is your dessert, baby. The chef couldn’t make what I really wanted to eat.” His hand slid under my dress, making what he wanted for his dessert obvious.

My legs slid open and I felt his fingers brush against the gusset of my panties. “This has been the most romantic dinner in the history of all dinner dates, but please tell me we can head to our room soon. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

Brysen looked over my shoulder before sliding my panties to the side and sinking a finger into my pussy. “No need to wait, baby.” His hand twisted so his thumb teased my clit while he fucked me with his fingers. He drove me to the peak fast and hard. “Come for me now.”

I splintered apart, shuddering in his arms as the doors opened again. Flipping my dress back into place before the waiter entered the gondola, Brysen grabbed my coat from his outstretched hand and hustled me into it, not giving me the chance to be embarrassed. Then he lifted me into his arms and carried me to a horse-drawn carriage waiting at the bottom of the steps. The minute we were settled with a blanket over our laps, Brysen’s mouth claimed mine in a deep kiss. By the time we made it to the front of the hotel, my lips were swollen and I was panting with need.

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