The Road To Forgiveness (17 page)

Read The Road To Forgiveness Online

Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Love, #lust, #hea, #angst, #price, #mia, #sebastian, #New Adult

BOOK: The Road To Forgiveness
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He leans in and kisses me gently on the
forehead, “I do, wife.”

I take a sip of my sparkling cider and toast
to our future. We spend the rest of the afternoon eating and
drinking. Roger takes a few pictures so that we can always remember
this wonderful occasion. I want to tell Sebastian I don’t need
pictures, I will always remember this moment. It the moment
Sebastian gave me my life back.

Chapter Thirteen

I’m sitting on the king size bed in the
master suite of Sebastian’s yacht, waiting for him to finish
talking with Roger. We had a wonderful afternoon, laughing and
dancing, but I’m ready to be with my husband… alone. I have the
music on low and I’m still in the white sundress I got married

To Sebastian. My husband.

It still doesn’t feel real that he is mine.
My therapist is going to have a field day when she finds out. I’m
supposed to be taking every aspect of my life slowly. What she
doesn’t realize is this is slow to me. I wouldn’t have married
Sebastian if I weren’t absolutely sure I was ready.

Sebastian is taking longer than I expected so
I decide to undress with out him. As I start to slide my zipper
down the side of my dress I hear the door open behind me. I turn my
head to see Sebastian walk in with the most euphoric look on his

“Are you getting undressed without me?”

“You were taking too long.”

He shakes his head in disapproval, “That
simply won’t do. A husband is supposed to undress his wife on their
wedding night.”

I look him up and down before turning my head
away from him, “Then you should come over here and do your

I stand there, unmoving, waiting for him to
come over. I feel him press his body into mine before his hand
moves over mine and slowly unzips my dress. I let my dress fall to
the floor and I step out of the material. Sebastian’s hands move
over my body, slowly. He is taking his time with every touch. I can
feel him begin to stir against my back.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says against my ear
as he lowers his mouth to kiss my shoulder. “I’m the luckiest man
in the world.”

I turn around to face him. I look into his
blue eyes for courage, “I’m the lucky one. I don’t deserve a man
like you. I thought men like you were a myth and I realized today,
that it’s partly true. Men like you are a myth because you are the
only one who truly exists. There is no other man like you and I am
so lucky to have somehow fooled you into loving me. I’m so happy to
be your wife and I hope to make you happy, forever.”

I lift up on the balls of my feet to plant a
kiss on the exposed area of Sebastian’s chest. He lowers his head
so that we can kiss properly. The minute our lips touch I am lost
in Sebastian. All my worries are gone and I am just here, in this
moment, ready to consummate our marriage.

Sebastian walks me backwards until I feel the
back of my legs hit the mattress. I break away from the kiss to
lower myself on the bed. I look up at my husband with

Sebastian quickly takes his shirt off and
throws it on the floor. He then removes his shorts and joins me on
the bed. We don’t rush things. Sebastian takes his time, kissing
every inch of my body before removing the two small pieces of
material left covering me. I reciprocate, wanting to feel every
inch of Sebastian. I remove his boxers and lower my mouth onto his
erection before he can protest.

I can feel him harden inside my mouth as I
lick the head of his cock before sucking him inside me. He tastes
great. Screw the food cravings; all I am craving right now is

Sebastian rises up onto his elbows, “Mia…
Fuck that feels good. You’ve got to stop, baby.”

I ignore his plea as I take his cock deep
into my mouth. My hand grabs the base of him and I move my mouth in
unison with my hand. I feel him throb underneath me and I get so
much joy knowing I am giving pleasure to my husband. Before I can
get him to come, I feel Sebastian move under me and lift me up
under my arms.

He moves me up his body and takes my mouth
with his. I don’t protest as Sebastian kisses me hungrily. He flips
me over so my back is on the mattress and I open my eyes to see him
hover over me.

“Let me know if I hurt you,” He says huskily
as his hands move to lift my legs up and over his hips. I can feel
his cock tease my entrance before he moves into me slowly. I let
out a long moan of ecstasy as my head falls back onto the mattress.
Sebastian slowly pulls out until only the head of his cock is
inside me, and then he thrusts back in. He continues this slow
torture until my body starts to tremble and I’m ready to come.

“Sebastian,” I moan out, as I’m ready to

“It’s okay, Honey, you can come. I’m going to
make you come all night. I own you by name, now I’m going to own
your body,” he grunts, as he thrusts hard inside me. His words are
my undoing as I shoot over the edge, moaning incoherently.

Sebastian comes with me. We both hold each
other tightly as our orgasms take over. When we both start to come
down from the high, Sebastian kisses me softly as he lowers his
hand and starts playing with my breasts.

“I’m ready for round two with my incredibly
sexy wife,” he murmurs against my lips.

We make love all night and into the early
morning hours. We only stop to have a quick refueling session
involving food and beverages in bed. Sebastian is tender in some
moments and rough in others. He’s the perfect combination of sweet
and rough for me.

I finally fall asleep in his arms an hour
before the sun rises. The gentle swaying of the yacht with the
sound of the ocean’s waves puts me to sleep, ending the most
perfect night of my life.




We arrive back to Sebastian estate the next
evening. Despite getting very little sleep the night before, I am
surprisingly well rested. Several members of Sebastian’s staff
congratulate us as we walk into his home. After their greetings,
they leave us to ourselves for the rest of the night.

I walk into the kitchen preparing to make a
snack. I haven’t eaten in a few hours and my baby girl is letting
me know she is hungry. I open the fridge and pull out some
lunchmeat, mayonnaise, and a tomato to make a sandwich. Sebastian
sits on the stool across from me, watching me.

“What would you like to do for the rest of
the week?”

I’m confused by his question. “I haven’t
really thought about it. I guess I’ll start getting the nursery
prepared before I travel back to Georgia next week.

I’ve been visiting Charlie and my mother once
a month since I left Georgia at the end of December. It’s good for
me to see them and I usually only stay for a couple days. The truth
is, I go to see Miles. Once I started visiting him I couldn’t
imagine going too long in-between visits.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean what should
we do for the week? You know, for our honeymoon.”

I hadn’t really thought about a honeymoon.
Last night and this morning was enough of a honeymoon for me.

“I thought the last twenty-four hours were
perfect. I don’t need to go anywhere else. Spending the rest of my
life with you is enough. Did you take this week off work?”

“I did. That is one of the perks of being
your own boss. Plus, work is going to get really busy before the
baby comes. I want to get a lot of it out of the way so I can take
some time off and spend it with you when our little girl

I tilt my head and just look in awe at my
thoughtful husband. He really does love me.

“We can honeymoon here. Spend the next week
in bed. This might be our last chance to have a lazy week together.
That sounds like a perfect way to start our marriage,” I say to
him. I would love to spend a week in bed with Sebastian.

I finish making my sandwich and start to put
the ingredients back in the fridge.

Sebastian comes up behind me and places a
kiss on the back of my head. “You’ve got yourself a deal. A week in
bed where I will ravish you,” he says as he bends down and picks me
up bridal style.

The doorbell rings and distracts me from the
small fear I have of Sebastian dropping me because I’m the size of
a small country now.

“I’ll get it,” Sebastian yells to no one in
particular as he carries me to the front doors of the estate. The
doorbell rings again when we are only a few feet from the door.

“Impatient much?” I mumble into his neck as
he opens the door with one hand.


I turn to see three sets of familiar eyes
looking at me. My mother, Charlie, and Jonathon are all at the
door. My mother is holding pink balloons and Jonathon is holding a
bottle of Sparkling water with four plastic champagne flutes.
Charlie stands slightly behind them, holding everyone’s luggage.
When I make eye contact with him he just shrugs his shoulders.

“I can’t believe you all are here,” I squeal
in shock.

My Momma walks though the doors as Sebastian
let’s me down gently. She hugs me tightly before releasing me to
hug Sebastian.

“Your husband called me a few days ago to
tell me what he had planned and to give me the flight information.
I couldn’t believe it. My baby girl was getting married. I told
Charlie and called Jonathon and here we are. We stopped to get
balloons on our way from the airport. Sebastian has been keeping me
updated with text messages. Isn’t he just the sweetest? He wanted
us here to celebrate.”

I look over at my husband as he smiles back
at me.

“You did this?”

“I know how much you wanted to share this
with them. Now you can.”

I grab him in front of everyone and kiss him
hard. I am so in love with this man. He kisses me back just as
hard, easily taking control of the kiss. When he lets me go I
whisper, “What about your mother? Don’t you want her here?”

He gently brushes his knuckles over my cheek
endearingly,” I called her and told her the news. She said to tell
you congratulations and she hopes to meet you soon. That is the
best we’ll probably get from her. She is in Europe and has no plans
to come back any time soon.”

I lift my hand to hold his, “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. All I need is you.”

I move my head to brush my lips across his
knuckles, “All I need is you, too.”

I loose myself in his eyes. They pierce
through me and hold me in place. I stay, unmoving, until Jonathon
breaks the moment.

“Enough with the lovey dovey, sappy crap. I
need a drink.”

He pushes past my mother to give me a hug,
and then he hugs Sebastian.

“I brought this sparkling water stuff for
you, since you’re with child, but the adults would like something a
little harder. I plan on getting trashed tonight.”

He walks past us, not waiting for a reply;
looking for the liquor stash I’m sure.

Charlie steps up in his place and pulls me
into one of his bare hugs. “Congratulations, Mia. I’m so happy for
you. You deserve the best and I believe Sebastian will try to give
you that every day of his life.”

I hold on to him tightly, not wanting him to
let me go. I love you, Charlie. Thank you for showing me what a
father is. You’ve shown me how to love unconditionally and I’m so
glad you’re in my life. Miles didn’t need a father when he had such
a good man like you.”

Tears fall down my eyes as I realize just how
true my words are. Charlie is the most amazing man and my mother is
so lucky to have found him. We’re all the better for it. I
reluctantly let him go and smile up at his teddy bear like

“I see you shaved since the last time I saw

He lowers his head shyly as he kicks his
boots together. “Yeah, well, your mother was complaining that is
was getting to rough when we… umm… kissed.”

It takes me a second to realize what he is

“Gross. What did I tell you about telling me
that kind of stuff? Too much information, Charlie. I don’t want to
think about you, and my Momma… kissing.”

We both laugh as we walk further into the
house. Sebastian closes the door behind Charlie and we all go in
search of Jonathon. We find him in the kitchen, with a bottle of
Jack in his hands.

“Let’s get this celebration started,”
Jonathon yells as he throws back a shot of Jack and swallows before
anyone can respond. My mother laughs and joins him on the stool
next to his. I sit across from them as Sebastian and Charlie take
the seats on each side of me.

“That flight was horrible. The cabin was
stuffy, the seats were too small, and there was an older couple
going at it, the entire flight,” Jonathon says as he downs another
shot. “Mia, just consider yourself lucky that I wasn’t already
drunk when I got here.”

“I thought I flew you in first class?”
Sebastian says, slightly upset.

“Hey, we were the only one’s sitting in first
class with you.” Charlie says, now realizing the older couple
Jonathon was referring to was him and my mom.


“Exactly,” Jonathon replies to Charlie.

We all laugh uncontrollably at how ridiculous
my friend is.

We spend the night drinking and laughing. I
finish the bottle of sparkling water listening to Jonathon tell us
about Cameron and him moving in together. I guess Jonathon was okay
with change after all. He found a great job in Seattle and starts
in a couple weeks. I’m happy for my friend.

I don’t remember going up to bed or saying
goodnight to everyone. I was so tired by the time Sebastian laid me
in bed and gently kissed my forehead. I do remember rolling over in
his arms when he joined me a few minutes later in bed.

“Hope,” I mumble into his chest.

“What’s that Honey?”

I nuzzle my head further into his chest.
“Hope, I want to name our baby girl Hope.”

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