The Runaway (4 page)

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Authors: Grace Thompson

BOOK: The Runaway
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She exaggerated when she told her about the boots, and insisted they would have made a perfect home for dozens of mice. ‘They were so big I could turn round without taking them off,’ she joked. A woman sitting at the next table and obviously listening, smiled too.

‘At least it’s over and now you’ve got Matt and he looks after you, doesn’t he?’ said Winnie. Lowering her voice, aware of a woman listening to their conversation, she asked, ‘Why do you have doubts about marrying Matt? Your lost sister isn’t the real reason, is it? And you must feel something for him or you wouldn’t be – you know …’ She gestured toward her swollen figure. ‘I mean, you’re living with him and his mam, Matt’s baby is on the way, so why refuse to become Mrs Matt Hewitt?’

‘You’re never thinking of marrying that Matt Hewitt are you?’ the woman at the next table said loudly. ‘Poor dab you, if that’s his child you’re carrying! He’s wicked beyond, that one and should never have been let out of prison.’

Startled, Faith asked what she meant, but the woman stood up and walked away, muttering about Matt’s mother, ‘That Carol Hewitt hasn’t got the sense she was born with.’ She stopped and added. ‘And neither have you if you marry that evil man! Run while you still can is my advice!’

Faith and Winnie looked around as though expecting someone else to explain, but everyone turned away; some studying their plates, or the contents of their handbags, others turning their chairs around noisily to face the other way.

‘Come on, let’s go,’ Winnie said, helping Faith to rise. ‘It wouldn’t do any harm to ask Matt’s mother what the woman meant, mind, just to set your mind at ease. If there is something wrong you’re entitled to know. Although the woman has probably mixed him up with someone else.’

Matt’s mother, Carol, assured Faith that she knew nothing about her son that could have warranted such a remark, but Faith was aware of an uneasiness about her for the rest of the day. There was so much she didn’t know about Matt. He evaded answering when she asked about his past and Carol always gave Faith the impression that she was afraid of secrets being revealed. There must have been other women, he was thirty-two after all, and that wasn’t necessarily a cause for such alarm.

Something illegal was Faith’s guess but he always became sharp and irritable when she asked what she thought were reasonable
to put to a man whose child she carried. Getting to know someone always led to questions and answers, but not with Matt. So how was she to find out what was meant by the outburst from the woman in the café?

Matt called in at lunchtime and again at four o’clock, besides popping his head around the door between jobs, then going back to his workshop having reassured himself that Faith was comfortable. So caring, constantly smiling. Faith waited for Carol to explain the strange comment made by the woman in the café, but she didn’t and Faith tried to convince herself that it had been as Winnie had suggested, a misunderstanding and best ignored. It niggled though, and she wondered if there really was something in his past to cause the woman’s concern. Another attempt to discuss it with Carol brought no result and she tried to forget it. She was beginning to feel like a traitor.


On the following day Faith went to Dinas Powys and sat on the wall of the churchyard where a wedding was taking place. She was lost amid the crowd of well-wishers, who were waiting for the appearance of the bride and groom. It seemed the whole village was gathered to
enjoy the occasion. The sun shone, warming the ancient stones on which she sat and adding a rosy glow to the scene. But Faith’s eyes showed none of the joy of those around her and she wasn’t part of the group. Standing lonely and ignored by the rest, she sank into melancholy.

This was how she had always imagined her own wedding day, but Matt had spoilt that by forcing her into a sexual relationship for which she had not been ready, then finding out she was expecting a child. Her dreams of a love match, culminating in a white wedding with friends surrounding them and everyone in the village wishing her well, were gone. The temptation to move away, somewhere where Matt couldn’t find her, had been strong. But being on her own for most of her life had left its mark and she was afraid of returning to those lonely years. Matt and his mother, a family of sorts, had been too much to give up, even though she feared for a different kind of loneliness in the years ahead.

If only she could run away as she had done in the past. When she learned she was pregnant, it had seemed as though the last door to freedom had slammed and she was trapped. Winnie was a friend whom she would miss, but she’d have coped if it weren’t for the baby. A baby was a strong tie between herself and Matt, ‘And’, she repeated like a mantra. ‘running away is no longer possible.’

She glanced at her watch. It was time she went back. It would take two bus-rides and a walk, she’d be very late and Carol would be ringing Matt and telling him she was missing. After any absence of longer than half an hour Carol worried. Coming back to the place where she had been brought up by foster-parents had taken Faith most of the morning.

She wasn’t sure why she had come; hope of perhaps seeing a friendly face and maybe make contact with the neighbours she had once known. A pretence that someone might remember her, and care. So far she had seen no one she recognized. After so many years the place had changed. The house where she had lived with her
had new tenants. When she went to look, a young woman with two small children skipping around her had been washing the front step. She looked happy and the children were chubby and rosy.

The crowd began to murmur and move towards the church door and Faith eased her awkward body away from the wall and moved with them. She might as well see the couple and add her hope that they
had chosen wisely and that a happy future beckoned to them. She smiled grimly. The only choice she had been able to make was to refuse to marry Matt, not to give in to his persuasive arguments or his mother’s emotional pleading. She had to have his child but at least she didn’t have his name. It was a small victory but a victory nevertheless.

To shouts of admiration the newlyweds stood at the doorway and awaited the instructions of the photographer. The remarks changed to more ribald comments and laughter filled the air around her but Faith felt as though she were behind a screen, looking out but unseen, the sounds distant and nothing to do with her. There were tears in her eyes, blinding her to the people as she pushed her way toward the lich-gate. She hurried back to the bus stop for the first stage of the journey back to the house she was supposed to call home.

Carol was looking anxiously out of the window and she opened the door as Faith approached. ‘Faith! I wondered where you were. You’ve been gone this ages.’ The soft Welsh lilt didn’t manage to hide the disapproval in Carol’s voice.

‘I can hardly get lost, can I? I went on the bus to Dinas Powys, and stopped to watch a wedding.’

‘Why? This is your home now.’

‘They were called Jennifer Rees and Julian Brown. Lovely couple,’ she said, having overheard.

‘And you and our Matt will be following them up the aisle soon, won’t you?’

‘I don’t think so.’ Avoiding further reprimands about bringing a child into the world without making Matt its legal father, Faith pulled herself up the stairs to the only privacy she had, her bedroom, at least until Matt came in. The privacy of her own room hadn’t lasted even a day.

Christmas came and went and the days dragged by. She felt so lethargic, forcing herself to do the small, boring jobs which were all Carol allowed her to do. Surely pregnancy should be a joyful time, she thought sadly. Shouldn’t she be busy preparing for her child? Even her attempts at knitting and sewing were taken over by Carol. She felt stifled by the exaggerated care she was given. She felt like a prisoner and the days were long, the weeks stretched out before her with the promise of even more frustration and boredom as she
Carol insisting on taking over the care of the baby when it arrived.

As Matt worked so close to the house he could appear at any time, calling in between the stages of his work. And she became jumpy, startled when he opened the door and called to her as though afraid she had moved; waiting between times made her very tense.

Matt was talented and his work was admired, even by those who couldn’t hide their dislike of the man. He made everything from the smallest gnome to the most impressive statues, plant-stands, benches, fences and garden furniture. He worked in several materials, including stone, his favourite, and wood. The inexpensive animals were made from moulded cement, and many of his items were
painted. If life were different she would have been filled with admiration for his ability but, as with everything else, she was too wearied by boredom to take a real interest.

Although she visited the yard on occasions, usually when he had made something with which he was particularly pleased, she found the rest of his life a mystery. He was ten years older than Faith, and about his past she knew nothing. Yet he must have had a past. Not all of it pleasant, if the woman in the café was to be believed. One last attempt to persuade his mother to talk about it failed like the rest, and Faith noticed a frisson of fear cross Carol’s face each time she asked a question even though they were questions she thought innocuous. Curiosity didn’t fade because of this attitude, it increased.

One cold, bright day in early February, a shout from outside woke her from an afternoon rest and she looked out of the window to see Matt lying under a fallen ladder. His stillness was terrifying and she seemed to stay without moving for an age, but in fact it was only seconds before she rose from the bed and ran out to him. It was obvious from the position of his leg that it was broken. She ran to the phone and called an ambulance, which was arriving as Carol returned from the shops.

The ambulance men came, diagnosed a broken leg and took him to hospital. Carol went with him and Faith, having been told to stay at home, followed by bus. As soon as she arrived she was told to go back home. ‘You mustn’t risk the baby,’ Matt warned and his mother agreed. Nearly at the end of her pregnancy she knew they were talking sense and besides, Carol wanted to stay and there was no need for them both to be there. She caught a bus instead of the taxi which Matt advised and made a cup of tea which she took to her room. In less than fifteen minutes she was asleep.

Carol woke her when she returned and they made lists of the people who needed to know. People expecting finished orders, mainly. ‘What about relations?’ Faith asked. ‘There must be some who would like to visit?’

‘Oh, we needn’t worry about anyone else. It’s only you he’ll want to see, and me of course.’

‘We could get some of his clothes washed while he’s in hospital; you know how difficult it is to persuade him to part with his favourites. And his suit and overcoat could go to the cleaners while we’re at it. Perhaps I could take some of his clothes to the cleaners tomorrow?’

‘Don’t worry yourself dear. We can sort all that once he’s home.’

The following day Carol went to the hospital on her own. Matt having insisted that Faith needed her rest. Faith had been given his clothes to bring home, so she picked up his coat and began to empty the pockets ready to take it to the cleaners. Her fingers found a bank statement and she was about to put it with the rest of the contents when she realized it was not Matt’s usual bank. Curious, she opened it. What she read was puzzling. It was in Matt’s name but it was nothing like their normal account. Money went into this separate account at intervals, each transaction different, the dates and amounts varying each month, but payments were precisely and
made to an Ethel Holland on the twenty-eighth day of each month.

She stared at the pages for a long time, then, when she heard a car pulling up outside she looked out of the window to see Carol
out of a taxi. She stuffed the papers into her pocket and went down to open the door to her.

‘I’ve put his clothes ready for the cleaners,’ she said brightly.

‘Give them to me,’ Carol said. ‘Heavens, girl, haven’t you got the kettle on yet? Dozy, you are. More go in a damp firework, as my mam used to say.’

When they sat drinking their tea, Faith asked quietly, ‘Who is Ethel Holland?’

Carol turned to stare at her. ‘Who? Never heard the name. Where did you get it from? Gossiping in the newsagent’s again, I’ll bet.’

‘Matt was muttering in his sleep the other night and said
that sounded like Ethel Holland.’

‘Forget it, and don’t bother Matt with dreams, he’s ill, remember.’

Faith nodded vaguely but thought the newsagent’s was a good place to ask questions. Sounding as though she knew more than she actually did would be a good way to begin.

The newsagent’s was quiet when she went in later that day. She paid the weekly bill and casually asked, ‘Matt told me about the trouble he was in a few years back. D’you think he was innocent? He insists he was wrongly accused.’

The man stared at her uneasily. ‘Told you, did he? There’s a surprise. I don’t want to discuss it, Faith. Loses his temper too quick, that one. Best you ask him what you want to know.’

‘How long ago was it, Mr Foster. Five years? Six?’

He frowned for a moment then said. ‘More like ten. It was in June, I remember, a hot, sunny day, and – Oh, Hello, Mrs Cooper!’ He looked relieved. ‘Called for your
Radio Times
have you?’ He shook his head at Faith, dismissing the subject and smiled as he turned to the other customer. Faith went out and she was smiling too. If the newspapers had reported whatever had happened, the library was the place to begin.

She went to see Matt, taking the few things he needed, and was told he would be home in a few days’ time. ‘Your mother has made up a bed for you near the fire so you won’t have to struggle up stairs,’ she explained.

‘That won’t do, tell her to put it away. I’m going upstairs as usual,’ he replied.

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