The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella (96 page)

Read The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #BEACH, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #FOOTBALL

BOOK: The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella
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Brianna grabs us each a copy of the salon’s menu as we sit around a thick, plush circular sofa in the center of the room.  The three of us debate the different packages available, and I do my best to ignore the exorbitant prices.  We settle on the Ultimate Indulgence Package that includes a Hot Stone Massage, Facial, Pedicure, Shampoo & Blow Dry, and a Spa Lunch.  The only thing missing is a wax, but I never miss my regular waxing appointment at home.

The helpful attendant at the desk is very accommodating.  She schedules each of our treatments so that we have a pedicure and lunch together at one thirty.  One at a time, the three of us are whisked away to get pampered and indulged.  Half way through my first ever Hot Stone Massage, and I’m in my own Nirvana.  All my worries, stresses, and anxieties are erased and I find my mind in a state of near perfect peace.

When I am finally escorted to the pedicure chair, I have been massaged, scrubbed, and purified.  I feel like a new woman.  My hair feels soft and luxuriously silky on my bare shoulders.  Jocelyn is the last to join us at the pedicure station, also glowing from her facial and blow dry.  “So Juliette, what’s it like dating the sexiest man in the NFL?” Brianna asks.  “Does he have to fight the women off with a stick?”

“Evan is the sweetest, most romantic man I’ve ever known,” I tell them.  “I’m getting used to the attention when we go out.  Sometimes, when we get to meet other celebrities, it’s fun.  Other times, when we just want to spend some time out alone, it gets . . . difficult.”

“Oh that’s right, I remember seeing you two in the news that day he took you to a Knicks game.  Did you really get to hang out with Ben Stiller and Jason Sudeikis?” Brianna asks.

“We did.  Want to see some pictures?”  I pull out my phone and I share some of the photos from that day.  Some of the pictures I took myself, and others I downloaded from the Internet.  As I’m swiping through the images, my heart stops when I find one that I didn’t realize I had.  There’s one of Evan introducing me to Averee during halftime. 

Brianna notices when all the blood drains from my face.  I pull the phone away and close the screen in a panic.  “Was that Averee?” she asks.

“Yeah, it was.  I’d rather not talk about it, though.  This is supposed to be fun and relaxing, right?”

As if on cue, a helpful attendant offers each of us a glass of champagne.  Brianna adeptly changes the subject to her wedding plans, and we all chat excitedly about her upcoming nuptials.

After our light lunch of grilled chicken salad and fresh fruit, we head out on our shopping trip.  We walk the few short blocks to Jocelyn’s favorite boutique, Indulgenza.  As we’re walking along the streets of SoHo, a motorcyclist zooms by and for a moment, I could swear he looks an awful lot like Ryker.  But it can’t be.  I wipe the uncomfortable thought from my mind.

In no time at all, we arrive at the boutique.  The two floors of vivid, metaphysically themed décor propel us into what feels like a dream world and I’m overwhelmed by an unshakeable “pinch me” effect.  Scattered throughout the store are beautiful collections of all sorts, ranging from casual and playful to stunning and chic. 

While the girls are greedily inspecting the new arrivals, I’m overtaken by the architectural beauty of the space.  The two-story stonewalls are accented by beautiful wooden sculptures hidden among the artwork and murals.  I can see why this is their favorite boutique.

We each select a few dresses to try on, and Jocelyn leads us towards the dressing rooms, hidden away from sight in an authentic bank vault.  We spend what must be hours trying on shoes, checking out handbags, and experimenting with sunglasses.  A girl could easily get lost in this place, transported to an otherworldly universe of shopper’s delight.  Evan may just have to make those extra commercials after all.

Brianna is the timekeeper.  She ushers us out the door at precisely five o’clock.  She has a five-fifteen appointment at a jeweler down the street to look at wedding rings and attendant gifts.  Broadwin Jewelers is a short walk from the boutique.  We arrive at the entrance, and Brianna rings the bell.  There is a sign on the door proclaiming,
Custom Jewelry and Diamond Design by Appointment Only
.  A voice booms out, asking for a name and reason for visit.  Brianna answers and instantly the door buzzes, granting us entry.

We are greeted by a friendly man in his forties or fifties who welcomes us to his private showroom.  He whisks Brianna off to the back of the store and suggests Jocelyn and I look around.  As we do, I notice there are bouquets of flowers atop the jewelry cases lining one wall.  The first vase contains orange gerbera daisies.  “You look deep in thought,” Jocelyn mentions.

“Funny thing, you know the first gift Evan ever gave me were daisies just like these.  It brings back memories.  It feels like a lifetime ago.”  I walk to the next vase.  “Look,” I turn to Jocelyn.  “Pink tulips.  Evan gave me a single pink tulip on our first date.  He took me on a yacht cruise around the tip of Manhattan.”  The next display contains a vase of white tulips and hyacinths.  “You’re not going to believe this,” I tell her, “but Evan gave me these exact flowers after our first fight.”

“Oh, I believe it,” she answers, smiling broadly.  “I’ll be right back, I need to see what’s taking Brianna so long.”

She slips away, leaving me to follow the trail of flowers that magically follows the timeline of my relationship with Evan.  The next vase contains the same beautiful red roses Evan presented to me on our unforgettable date in New York.  A large bouquet of dahlias graces the next display.  Evan tried to give them to me the night of the benefit, but thanks to Averee, I never got to enjoy them. 

It becomes clear to me as I pass by arrangements of purple orchids (like the ones from our Atlantic City trip), pink and white heather (from our first Grand Opening), and finally, a collection of forget-me-nots, white daisies, and a purple iris (from our last fight), that this is no coincidence.  It can’t be.  At the end of my walk down memory lane is a table with two chairs placed before it.  Sitting atop that table is a vase of striking white gardenias.  Evan’s never given me gardenias before.  I step closer to examine the beautifully graceful blossoms and soft music begins to fill the room.  Jason Derulo is singing a heartfelt and melodic ballad that delivers a simple message, “Marry Me”.  As I listen to the words, I can’t contain the tears that fill my eyes and trickle down my cheek. 

Jocelyn and Brianna are nowhere to be seen.  Slowly, a door opens behind the counter, and Evan steps out, carrying a single white long-stem rose.  My legs will no longer hold me, and I sink into the chair, thankful to have a soft place to land.

Evan places the rose on the table, wipes away the tears that stain my cheek, and takes both my hands into his as he takes a seat in the chair beside me.

“Juliette, my love, do you remember the first time we met on the beach?  You were sitting helplessly in the sand, waiting for something.  You may not have known it at the time, but I like to think that you were waiting for me.  I truly believe that our meeting was not accidental.  I know, beyond all doubt and reason, that our lives were meant to be lived as one.”  I can’t answer him, I just nod as new tears begin to flow.  Evan gently wipes them away.

“I never told you this, but the very first night you spent sleeping in my bed, in my arms, was when I realized how I truly felt about you.  You were frightened, and you came to me.  Even then, you knew that together, we are stronger.  Together, we are complete.  Together, we can endure anything and survive anything.  I fell in love with you that night.”  The memories of that night wash over me like a thick blanket.

“It was on Easter Sunday that I knew I wanted to marry you.  You had little Regan on your lap at the dinner table.  Flashes of our future life together nearly stopped my heart with visions of our own children in your arms, little brown-haired cuties with your beautiful green eyes.”  Evan rises from his chair, pushes it to the side, and gets down on one knee.

“Let's make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we'll tell our children the story of how I proposed to you.  The story of our love is only just beginning.  Let's write our own happy ending. You deserve someone who will support you without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?  Will you marry me?"

Every girl dreams and fantasizes about this moment.  The moment her Prince Charming stumbles into her life and stays forever.  To be lucky enough to catch the eye of a handsome man who can make all her dreams come true.  Evan is my knight in shining armor.  He is my own living, breathing fairy tale.  He is my happily ever after.

“Well?  Are you going to answer him or not?” Jocelyn’s voice rattles me from my thoughts.  I hadn’t realized it, but Evan is waiting for me to say something.  His eyes shine with hope and his smile melts my heart.

“Yes, Evan, of course.  I’ll marry you.”

Quicker than a flash, Evan’s up off the floor, whisking me up in his arms and twirling me around in circles.  “Do you know what you’ve done?” he asks.  “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world.”

Brianna and Jocelyn are crying, too.  They knew the whole time.  They were a part of this from the very start.  Jocelyn has her phone out, still recording.  She taped the entire proposal.

Evan places me down on the ground.  “Now, let’s go shopping.  Anything in this showroom is yours for the asking.  Are you ready to wear my ring?”  My heart is beating so fast, I can hardly breathe.

Evan and I take a seat at the table, and the friendly doorman who ushered us in just a few minutes ago, takes a seat across from us.  He introduces himself as Michael Broadwin, the owner and a Registered Jeweler as well as a Certified Gemologist.  He makes custom rings right here on the premises.

“So, Miss Fletcher, Mr. McGuire here has told me a lot about you.  We’ve selected a few diamonds that might interest you.”  He pulls out a swatch of black felt and places several diamonds on top.  “This diamond is a pear cut with a 2.01 carat weight.  I understand that the pear holds a special meaning for you both.”  I’m immediately reminded of the pear tree we planted at our front door.  It’s absolutely beautiful.

Next, he shows me a princess cut, an emerald cut, and a radiant cut diamond, each more beautiful than the one before it.  I try to ask the price, but Evan won’t hear of if.  “I’ve already had this discussion with Mr. Broadwin, Juliette.  You just tell me which one is your favorite.”

“Well, before you decide, I do have one more diamond for you to consider.”  Mr. Broadwin reaches beneath the table and pulls out a small bag.  He empties the contents onto the felt and the most unusual diamond I’ve ever seen lays before me.

“What is it?  Why isn’t it white like the others?” I ask.  It’s got a beautiful honey and cinnamon color, also in a pear cut.

“It’s a chocolate diamond.  I understand you are a pastry chef and I thought this might be of significance to you, as well.”  He sees my indecision.  “The brown diamond is an ideal gemstone for anyone with a strong sense of their own style and, depending on the setting, a chocolate diamond can be either more subtle than a white diamond or infinitely more bold.”

I look at Evan, “Do you like it?”

“I do.  But what about you?  I want you to choose the diamond that makes your heart sing.  Is this the one?” 

I take another look at it, and the more I look at its unique beauty, the more I’m convinced that it’s perfect in every way.  “It is,” I tell Evan.

“Okay.  Let’s look at some settings now.”  The jeweler puts away the stones and brings out several selections, and I quickly narrow it down to the white gold choices.

“Well, of the three remaining settings, I recommend this one.”  He holds in front of us a beautiful ring setting.  “It features twenty-two round diamonds pavé-set on the 14 karat white gold engraved band and on the sides of the center diamond.”

My face lights up when he describes the setting.  “Evan, it has pavé-set diamonds, just like my earrings.”

“Would you like to see what the chocolate diamond would look like in this setting, Miss Fletcher?”  I nod enthusiastically.  “Certainly, just give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back.” 

Evan turns to me, “Are you happy, Juliette?”

“Evan, if we’re going to get married, you have to learn how to read my emotions better that that.  This is most definitely my happy face,” I tell him.  I look deep into his endless blue eyes, still in awe that he is mine.  Evan kisses me passionately, and all I can think about is our future together. 

“You were made for me, Juliette.  Just me.  Your lips were created to kiss mine.  Your hands were made to hold mine.  And this finger, this one right here,” he points to the ring finger on my left hand, “was made to wear my ring.”  He brings my hand to his lips and places a kiss upon my ring finger. 

I reach up and run my fingers through his hair and whisper, “I need you beside me like I need oxygen to breathe.  I didn’t know that a love this strong even existed, but it does.  I love you, your body, your heart, and your mind.  I love your imperfections that no one knows but me.  I swear I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.” 

Evan kisses me softly at first, just a few delicate caresses before urging my lips apart with his tongue.  I can feel his devotion and passion, propelled by the need to express unspoken feelings. 

We break apart, and it’s then that I notice Brianna and Jocelyn are nowhere to be seen.  “Where are the girls?” I wonder aloud.

“They left, Juliette.  They were the perfect co-conspirators.  So tell me, sweetheart, when did you figure it out?” Evan asks.

“Not until the song started playing.  I knew the flowers were from you, but right up to that moment, I was too preoccupied walking down memory lane.  You really outdid yourself, chief.”

“Good, that was my goal – to sweep you off your feet.  I’m glad to see it worked.”

Just as I’m about to plant more butterfly kisses all over Evan’s face, the jeweler reappears with a ring in hand.  Evan and I sit back down.  He lays the ring on the velvet cloth and my breath catches in my chest.  It’s exquisite.  “Try it on,” Mr. Broadwin urges.

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