The Sacrifice (19 page)

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Authors: Mia McKimmy

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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Her eyes move lower and met up with
his massive erection. She inhaled a sharp breath. “Ooh, chef, is all that for


am, it most definitely is,” Cy said, using his
best southern drawl. “Would you like it served on a silver serving tray, my

“Oh, no,” Riana drawled. “I like it
the way it is.”

Cy jerked the hat from his head and crawled into the warm water,
and into her open arms.


Chapter 19


opened the door for Analae as they entered ‘The Chocolate Fetish.


had dinner in Asheville, and stopped by to pick up dessert to take home.

until you taste the truffles here,” Oz said. “They

huge and will literally melt in your mouth.”

smiled up at him. “If that

s not an exaggeration, we

have to share one. I

m still full from dinner.”

we will. If we ate one each, we wouldn

t be able to move.”

laughed. The sound soothed him deep inside, something he

missed terribly over the years. She planned to stay at his place tonight. Over
the last few weeks they

d spent most nights together, rekindling a love
that had never faded for either of them.

there had been no more killings or signs of Vind in Asheville or the
surrounding towns, he felt secure taking her out for the evening. Excitement
about Cy

s planned proposal tonight had them both in a good
mood. Cy was like his own son. He couldn

t be more pleased at
the thought of him becoming his son-in-law.

and Riana had talked a few times during the past weeks. She seemed to be
warming to him. But she was still angry with Analae over her betrayal. It didn

stop Analae from wanting to be there in the morning to sneak a peek at their

s happiness.

They left the dessert shop and headed
for the car, stopping along the way to listen to several street musicians.

“Where are those drums coming from?”
Analae asked.


the Friday night drum circle at Prichard Park. Every weekend, weather
permitting, people show up with bongos, tambourines, cowbells, whatever they
can find to keep the beat and join in. It

s like a big street
party, and actually a lot of fun. I have a couple of bongos at home. We

come down next weekend if you want.”

Analae stopped and gave him a
questioning glare. “Who are you? And what have you done with Oz?”

raised his brows and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “What, you don

think I can keep a beat?”

burst of laughter escaped Analae. “It

s not that I think
you can

t. It

s just not something
I ever thought I

d see.”

guess I

ll have to prove it then.” He placed his hand at
her back, and maneuvered her down the street and through the crowd gathered
around the circle. Once they reached the center, Oz lifted her up onto one of
the large rocks around the edge so she would have a better view. “Stay here, I

be right back.” Analae nodded instead of shouting over the loud drums.

wove through the crowd of content faces. The rhythm pulsed through them like an
invisible string, allowing complete strangers to connect on a primitive level.
Humans had been able to connect to Earth

s vibrations since
their creation. Only a small percentage could connect to the vibration of the
numerous crystals and gems pulled from Earth

s core. If they all
could, humans would be a much happier species.

the center of the circle, fifty or more people drummed while others either
watched or danced. A young man with long, blonde dreads to his waist stood next
to Oz. He tapped the guy on the shoulder. When he looked into Oz

eyes, he entered his mind.


ll hold your bongos while you dance with that pretty brunette.”

The guy smiled and handed over the
bongos. An expression of pure delight covered his face as he grabbed the
scantily dressed girl and started dancing.

grasped the bongo between his powerful legs and joined in. As his head bobbed
with the beat, his eyes found Analae

s smiling face
through the crowd. The contagious beat had her body moving and feet tapping
against the rock in rhythm with the drums. He

d never seen her so
relaxed and carefree. Like her, he

d buried himself in
work to block out the misery of being alone. His heart soared to feel this
happy, and see it returned on Analae

s face.


cell vibrated against his hip. He stopped drumming and checked the caller ID.
He gave the boy his bongos and made his way over to Analae. “Miles called,” he
yelled over the noise. “I need to call him back. He and Kam are on rotation and
might have a problem.”

the time they made it away from the drum circle, his phone rang again. “What

s up,


on Page Avenue. And you

ll never guess who I

looking at?

I don’
t know, Miles. Who are you looking at?”
he echoed in a flat tone.


Vind. He

s walking around here like he owns the place. I
thought you would want in on this.”

stopped dead in his tracks. “Are you sure it

s him?”

yeah, it

s him alright. I

d know that prick

“How many are with him?”


the weird part. He appears to be alone.”


with him. You know he

not here without his entourage of protection. This must be a trap.”

released a loud sigh. “Might be, but there

s no one with him at
the moment.”


s patrol and get them positioned around the area.
Analae is with me and I need to take her to the car. We

parked off Haywood, so I

ll only be a minute. Whatever you do, don

let him out of your sight. And don

t call Cy.”

know. Cy

s off limits tonight.”

hung up and looked at Analae

s anxious face.

“Has something happened?”

yet, but it

s about to. Miles and Kam spotted Vind one street
over. I need to get over there.”

they reached the car, Oz unlocked the door and handed Analae the keys. “Take
the car and go back to my place. Do
stop for anyone. I

be there soon as I can.” He kissed her quickly and closed the door, only to
jerk it open again and push the door locks.

stepped onto the street and glanced back at her through the window. He
instantly wished he hadn

t. The fear on her face took his breath.

of you dying is what pushed her away. Shut up,
he told the voice in his
Her misery for the last twenty five years made her stronger than her
He kissed the tip of his fingers and held his hand out toward her.
Her returning smile didn

t reach her eyes.

“Please be careful,” she mouthed.

“I will, honey, try not to worry.”

Oz walked down Page Avenue and caught
up with Miles and Kam. “Where is he?”

jerked his head in the direction of his gaze. “He

three buildings down, propped against the wall like he

waiting for someone.”

you think he

s seen you?”

If he had, he would

ve transported out of here. He

been in the same spot since I called you.”

“He just slipped between the
buildings,” Kam announced.

two stay behind him. I

m going back over to Haywood and head him off from
the alley.”

Oz moved between the buildings, and
then transported to the other end of the alley. He stepped behind a dumpster
and waited. Moments later footsteps echoed off the buildings and headed his

warning bell in Oz went off. Something wasn

t right. He

led this war long enough to know it wasn

t normal for Vind to
be this careless. He

d evaded them at every turn. Now, he was walking
right into their hands.

As Vind got even with the dumpster, Oz
moved forward with lightning speed and buried his fist in his gut. The force of
the punch raised Vind three feet into the air and slammed him into the building
across the ally. As Vind hit the ground, Oz landed on top of him with a dagger
to his throat.


” Vind took deep gulps
of air, trying to inflate his lungs.

Miles and Kam appeared beside them.

squatted and looked Vind in the face. “Well, riddle me this, Joker? What are
you doing in our town, alone and unarmed? You should know that

bad for your health.” Kam

s tone held a threat of bad things to come. The
guy had watched way too many Batman telethons.

Oz put anti-transport cuffs on Vind
and jerked him to his feet.


gaze darted between the three of them. “I demand to see my mother.”

responded with a scoffing laugh. “Do you think we give a crap what you
? No one knows we

ve captured you. We can do whatever we want. I
vote we save everyone some trouble and kill you, right here, right now.”


with Miles,” Kam added.

looked at Oz. “Would you inform dumb and dumber over there that I

m a
royal. And, it is an instant death sentence for anyone who kills someone of
royal blood without an order from the queen
the Royal Council.”

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