The Sacrificial Lamb (41 page)

Read The Sacrificial Lamb Online

Authors: Elle Fiore

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Sacrificial Lamb
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“It’s not your fault. You just asked a question.”

“Yeah, but I shouldn’t push you so much.”

“Well, yeah, that is pretty fucking annoying.” Domenic gave her a sidelong glance, trying not to grin at the look of indignation on her face.


He was sure if Alex had anything at hand, she would have thrown it at his head. His bad mood started to evaporate. Domenic reached out, hooking a hand around her wrist, and pulled Alex toward him. She fought him halfheartedly, and he poked her in the ribs a few times, listening to her yelp in protest.

“You love it,” he said in a playful voice.

“No,” she replied, trying to dodge his seeking fingers. Somehow he got her lying flat on her back with him on top of her.

“Tell me you love it.”


“Tell me.”

“Okay! Okay! I love it!” she exclaimed, wriggling madly. He stopped his assault and looked down at Alex, smiling.

“Do you?”

“Yes,” she replied, her face becoming serious. “I love—” she hesitated and took a quick breath “—it.”

Lowering his head, he kissed her gently. Domenic had a feeling Alex Montgomery would be the death of him, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

The rest of the afternoon was spent on more self-defense moves. They worked on the second part of getting out of a knife hold. Domenic had Alex stitch everything he had taught her together until she could escape him with ease. They stopped for breaks and worked until dinnertime.

All the tenseness from before was gone, and they lounged about, listening to music and enjoying each other’s company. As twilight came and went, he thought again how time was slipping through his fingers and wished he could either slow it down or have more of it with Alex. Domenic couldn’t stop feeling they would never see each other again once this was over—not like this anyway.

He rose from the couch and held his hand out for Alex to take. She followed him to the bedroom. Domenic loved these times best. They moved against one another, exploring each other’s bodies and taking their time. He wanted to know every inch of her before they left here and relish in every moan and sigh.

“How did this happen?” Alex whispered as they lay in the dark, tired and blissful.

“How did what happen?”

“This,” she said, running her hand down his chest and over his hip.

“If I’m not mistaken, you attacked me over a game of Scrabble.” Domenic smiled at the ceiling in memory. Alex buried her head in his chest, chuckling.

“I’m not sure,” he said, answering her original question. “There’s just something about you.”

Alex stayed silent, absorbing what he said. The smile left his face as he wondered why she had asked. “Why? Do you regret it?” he asked, hoping he didn’t regret asking.

“No,” she answered automatically. “I’ll never regret it.” Domenic hugged her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

“I was just trying to figure out what’ll happen when we leave here.”

“You’ll go back to your father, most likely in the Witness Protection Program.”

“And where will you go?”

He could have been imagining it, but Alex’s voice sounded pained.

“I have some things I need to take care of.”
Because I love you

“Oh.” She remained still. Domenic wished he could know what she was thinking. “So we’ll never see each other again?”

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “Now do you regret this?”

“No,” Alex whispered into the dark. He could tell she was crying. Domenic rolled her over so that she was on her back and kissed away her tears.

“I’ll find you,” he said recklessly. “If you want me, I will find you again. Do you want me?”

“Yes,” Alex answered. She held his face in her hands and ran her lips over his mouth. “Yes, I want you.”

It wasn’t quite
I love you
, but he would take it. Domenic continued to kiss away Alex’s tears, making promises he would try his best to keep—knowing they were made in vain, but hoping nonetheless.


, Alex held on to Domenic like a life preserver to keep from sinking into despair. One more day. Only one more day until he would hand her over to his brother-in-law. From what she understood, Russell had made arrangements with the U.S. marshals to meet in a yet undisclosed location for the handoff. It would be last minute so no one from the Liseni would have a chance to find out and intercept them. From there she would be brought to her father and Shane, who would be awaiting her arrival.

Alex still hadn’t decided what she was going to say to Shane when they saw each other again. She didn’t think he’d take it well if she came out and told him she’d fallen in love with one of the men who held her captive. Hopefully on the drive back to Illinois, she would figure something out. Alex didn’t want to hurt Shane—he had done nothing to deserve this. This was a long time coming, however, so she was hoping he would be somewhat prepared for the end of their relationship.

Domenic had fallen asleep, but she remained awake. Her mind kept going around in circles. She detested the fact that Domenic was going to disappear, even if it was for a short period of time. He refused to tell her what he planned to do once they parted, reiterating that he needed to take care of some things before he could return to her. Alex tried to convince him it wasn’t important and to just come with her into the Witness Protection Program, but he was adamant. Over the next day and a half she hoped to convince him.

Perhaps she would just tell him that she loved him and couldn’t bear to lose him. Would that be enough to get him to stay with her? Alex had been so close to telling him that night but at the last minute chickened out. There was proof Domenic felt the same way she did, but it was still daunting to say the words aloud. And since she had already made the first move, she felt the ball was in his court.

It was silly, she knew that, but each time she tried, the “I love you” died in her throat. Maybe when they had to say goodbye, she would summon up the courage. Until then, she would just hold on to hope that Domenic would change his mind and come with Russell and her. Just thinking about letting him go made her ill. Her stomach roiled, and she tightened her grip on Domenic. He made a small noise and rolled onto his side, scooping her against his chest.

Being cradled in his arms made Alex feel secure enough for sleep to finally envelop her. Placing one last kiss over his heart, she closed her eyes and drifted off into slumber.

It was still dark outside when she felt small fluttery kisses being placed all over her face. Smiling, she kept her eyes closed and enjoyed the sensation. Soft lips on her eyelids, cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. Last but not least, she felt them brush against her mouth. As quick as they touched, away they went. Alex pouted and was rewarded with a deep chuckle.

Opening her eyes she was met with two deep green ones, crinkling in amusement. Reaching out, she caressed Domenic’s cheek, running her hand over his skin. He had shaved yesterday, and there was just the slightest hint of stubble. Touching his mouth lightly, he kissed her fingertips before parting his lips and sucking her middle finger between them. His tongue swirled around the tip in lazy strokes, and she felt a jolt sizzle down her body.

The amusement in his eyes was being replaced with desire. Removing her finger, she slid it across his bottom lip, wetting it. Domenic took hold of her and rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of his body. His mouth fastened on her neck. He trailed hot, openmouthed kisses over the sensitive flesh, occasionally sucking and flicking it with his tongue. Alex groaned in bliss, spreading her legs to straddle him, lining him up with her sex and sliding against him.

Domenic began humming against her neck. He moved his attentions lower, cupping one of her breasts and bringing it to his lips. After dusting the slope with tiny kisses, he then bit her nipple, moving his tongue over the hardened peak. She gasped with pleasure at the sensation and jerked her hips against him. Domenic took hold of one buttock, encouraging the movement.

Throwing caution to the wind, she moved up Domenic’s body, positioned him against her entrance and sheathed him. He felt even better than she could have imagined, smooth and firm, with nothing interfering with the perfection of him. Domenic’s hand clamped down, holding her still as he realized what she had done, a hiss escaping his lips.

“Alex…” he panted, staying stock-still. She heard the pained note in his voice and knew he was fighting with himself, deciding if he should pull out or plunge deeper.

“It’s safe,” she whispered into the silky strands of his hair. It was the truth. Alex knew that this far into her cycle she likely wouldn’t get pregnant, and if Domenic knew he posed a safety risk, he would have pulled back right away. “Domenic, please. It feels so good.” She rotated her hips, and he drew in a breath, letting it out in a slow groan.

Taking that as assent, she began rocking against him. Domenic slid in and out of her in a slick glide. He had his forehead pressed against her breastbone, and she could feel the fan of his breath against her skin. Leaning back, she pulled him up against her and they clutched each other, starting to move in unison. Her arms were wrapped around Domenic’s shoulders, and she traced the planes of his back before sinking one hand into the hair at the back of his head. He resumed kissing her neck with both his arms banded behind her, one hand gripping her shoulder and the other her buttock, as he increased the force of his thrusts.

Alex’s breasts rubbed against him, the hair on his chest brushing against her nipples maddeningly. Domenic whispered against her neck and shoulder, too low for her to hear. Getting caught up in the sheer sensation of him, she took his face in her hands and brought it to her own.

Their lips met, opening, tongues searching and touching, sliding against one another. They continued kissing sensuously, wound around one another, drowning in each other. Alex started to pick up speed, rocking back and forth, making Domenic groan. He took his hand from her shoulder and gripped her hips, moving her with more force. He rubbed against her in a delicious way, and she could feel the heat building in a small spark of fire that was unfurling, gaining in intensity.

Alex threw her head back, concentrating on that bloom of heat, willing it to explode and consume her whole. She heard a high keening noise and was vaguely aware it must be coming from her. Domenic was encouraging her, his deep voice resonating against her body, the vibrations igniting her until she was shuddering and calling his name. To her intense delight, Domenic was in the throes of climax right along with her. He had his head tucked into her shoulder as his hands clamped down with every thrust. She could hear him whispering her name over and over again.

Falling back to the bed, they lay, chests heaving, covered in sweat, still intertwined.
I love you. I love you. I love you
, chanted in her mind. Alex could taste it on her tongue, but once again she stayed silent.

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