Read The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Book 2 in the Blue Butterfly Series

The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
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“I’ll see what I can do,” he whispered in my ear when he reached up and unclasped the cuffs around my wrists. “I don’t kiss,” he added when he leaned back from me.

I grinned at him. “Two peas in a pod. Now come on, let’s fight and show them what you’re made of.”

I WAS STRUGGLING to hold on to my sanity as she knelt before me. Her eyes held mine, the message in them clear. She said she could handle this side of me but truth be told, she didn’t actually know that side of me.

She was the complete opposite of Mae but the exact replica and my mind was finding it hard to push out the mirror image.

Connie blinked up at me, her expression both cold and compassionate. She knew. She knew what my heart held, as much as I had tried to hide it from her. And I supposed, to her, that gave us a connection. Which in a way, it did. However, she was unaware of just how much a part I had played in her sister’s death. I wasn’t delusional, I knew she would end me right there and then if I told her, and I agreed, I did deserve death. But I needed to get Annie to safety first, I needed to die knowing that her life could be lived to the full.

“My name is Connie Victoria Swift.” I watched as Connie lifted her chin defiantly and gave me the words I needed. “I am my own person. I am the very reason your life will end when the final card is dealt.” She stood up, her face full of anger. “I am the reason Mae’s life took the route it did.”

I stared at her, my eyes wide and unblinking. What the fuck?

“I abandoned her when she needed me most.” She took another step towards me. “I am the very reason she started to self-harm. I am the cause of her inner hatred. I am the motivation she needed to destroy herself.”

“What?” I hissed at her.

Her chest heaved, her own hatred at herself evident in her eyes. She hesitated, her gaze secured on mine as she spoke the words that finally snapped my restraint. “I gave her the weapon to extinguish everything she was. I left her, Daniel. I left her alone and grieving. I walked away and never – fucking – looked – back. She was weak and she was a fool.”

She flew into the wall when my fist knocked her feet off the ground, her body following with a heavy thud. She scrambled up, palming the wall for support. Her face bounced off it when my foot connected with the base of her spine. “She was not weak!”

“Yes,” she spat as she attempted to get up. “She was pathetic. Poor Mae,” she mocked sending my rage into a dangerous level. “Always poor, poor Mae.”

I grabbed a fistful of her hair, snapping her neck back harshly as I pulled her across the room. “Don’t speak her fucking name again!”

“Holier than thou, Mae. That’s what they called her at school. Did you know that, Daniel? Never split her fucking legs for anyone.”

She stared me out as my fingers circled her throat, the compression I forced over her larynx made a strange squeak. Her pupils fired, her tongue peeked out, her chest heaved, her breasts pushing into my chest. The bitch was aroused. Well fuck!

I smirked at her. “You want to fuck, swan? You want to show me just how fucking holy

The smile that lifted her lips was dirty and depraved. “There’s nothing holy about the way I fuck…

I gasped and fell back when her forehead connected with mine, the pain causing my eyes to water.

She slipped from my hold and moved behind me. Spinning round, I grabbed at her arms, lifting her and throwing her onto the bed. She bounced, her smile widening.

“You have no idea what you’re goading.”

She pursed her lips, her eyes hooded and teasing. “Don’t make excuses for your inability to get a hard on. Just tell me, we can simply talk if you’re having trouble.”

Her mocking laugh caused the air in my lungs to solidify, making it difficult to breathe. Fucking bitch. She wanted the darkness, then I’d make sure she never saw light ever again.

Grabbing her ankles, I flipped her over, her firm arse making my cock harder. There was something about her that called to something deep down inside me. It wasn’t just lust, it was a need, a hunger to inflict pain but at the same time I wanted to show her exactly what fucking me was about, how fucking pleasurable it could be.

She scrambled up the bed, fighting me all the way. I pulled her back down then covered her slight frame with my own, my body crushing her under me. The outline of her body fit against mine perfectly, her backside sitting seamlessly against my crotch, the dip below her shoulder blades creating a moulding for my chest, the length of her exact for our bodies to line up precisely.

Her elbow dug into my ribs but I was too far gone to feel the pain. The darkness had shadowed any rational thought about what I was doing. One of my hands pushed her face into the mattress as my other slid down my zip, freeing my raging hard on. The bitch needed to be taught a lesson, shown just who held all the fucking cards. She was a no-one, a fool who thought she could manipulate me. There was only ever one woman who had done that, and there would never be another.

Her body twisted below mine. The power I had over her was euphoric, feeding the side of me that had been buried for way too long. It felt good to hate again, cleansing to my soul. I wanted to break the bitch, destroy her underneath me. And I wanted to witness every single glorious fucking minute of her decimation.

I hooked her ankle with my foot, pulling one of her legs to the side, opening her up for me. She struggled, but only slightly. I yanked her head back so I could rest my mouth at her ear. She was gulping for breath. I hadn’t realised I’d pressed her into the bed hard enough to limit her oxygen supply that much. Not that I cared.

“You think you’re my equal?” She mumbled something I didn’t catch. “Well let me show you just how wrong you are!”

Her back arched under me as I thrust into her. Her pussy was wet, causing me to blink in confusion. They were always dry, always, especially the first time I took them. A moan left her lips and I smiled to myself.

“Well, well.” I pulled out of her and slammed back in, my hold on her hair refusing her body any movement. “Seems the pain feeds your inner slut.”

She didn’t speak but I held back the groan when she circled her hips beneath me. Fuck! My balls clenched as I fought to hold back my cum. Her tight pussy was a surprise, I had expected her to be slack, loose from all her previous lovers.

She freed her hands from beneath her body but I seized her wrists before she could use them to hurt me. Pulling them above her head and holding them down, I started to thrust harder and faster, my cock sinking deeper and deeper into her. Lust took over, refusing me any control over myself as I pounded her with an intensity I had no influence over. The beast inside me found the darkness, consuming it until I lost all constraint.

I squeezed my eyes closed as heat travelled up my spine. My cock throbbed from the thrill of blood pumping mercilessly, every single muscle in my body coiled tightly, begging for release and pleasure. Her moans morphed into cries as my sickness descended, twisting every thought, manipulating my perception. She begged me to stop then pleaded for me to fuck her harder. My mind crashed with the conflicting sensations, the tight grasp of her cunt as she pleaded with me to stop, the fight she attacked me with opposed her deep moans of pleasure.

“Yes,” she panted as she shook her head.

Everything started to hum, reality changing the fantasy until all I could feel was nirvana, her exquisite pussy milking me for my orgasm, her erotic moans pulling my own carnal groans and the expression of bliss on her face as I fucked her harder and harder.

She took all of me as she bucked back on me. “Hurt me,” she demanded as she clawed at the bedhead with her fingers but pushed back against me to pull me even deeper.

It suddenly occurred to me as my climax exploded that she’d played the game expertly, her pleads unheard by the monitors but her actions very much observed. She relished in the pain of depravity, revelled in the sweet thrill of suffering.

I pulsed inside her, emptying my corruption into her. But her own sin devoured it, her own orgasm locking me inside her as we both rode out the fever of carnality. Her scream of pleasure matched my own, each nerve ending in my body rejoicing finally at the sheer rapture of ejaculation.

A choked sound erupted from me when I recognised the thrill as something I hadn’t felt for a long while. For two years.

“No!” I shook my head rapidly as I scrambled off her.

She frowned at me over her shoulder as my wide eyes stared at her. “Daniel?”

“You…” I couldn’t face up to what my body relayed to me in the afterglow of climax. “You can’t be that person.” My system hummed, satisfaction relaxing my sated body as the lump in my throat restricted my breathing, making me lightheaded. “Why did you do that?”

Her frown deepened. “What?” She turned so she was facing me. Her firm breasts heaved with her deep inhalations, the sight making me hard again. God damn it.

“You manipulated me!”

Tipping her head to the side she eyed me warily. “I’d lost you. You had lost yourself. I did…
what was needed.”

My body calmed slightly. “So those things you said about Mae?”

She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. “Daniel. You honestly think I could think those things about Mae?” The release of her tears stunned me. She was putting on a show once again for the camera, her capacity to deceive quite disconcerting.

“I don’t know anything about you, Connie. I have no clue as to what your relationship with Mae was like. She had nobody, no-one at all in her life when I met her.”

“When you
her? I think you’re starting to believe your own lies, trusting fantasy. You didn’t
her, Daniel. You hunted her down and ruined her.” Her anger was suddenly potent. Her fists tightened, her eyes narrow but she fought it back, her gaze flicking to the camera in the corner again to remind herself to keep it in control.

“I wasn’t the one who abandoned her, Connie. I take my own responsibility for Mae’s death, but I think it’s about time you stopped living in your own fantasy.”

She clicked her tongue and shook her head faintly as though she was disappointed in me. “Sometimes the choices we have to make aren’t made because they are the easiest ones. And sometimes…. Sometimes we aren’t given a choice in our own choices.”

Her grief was suffocating. I wasn’t sure if the tears that fell from her were still fake ones. “What do you mean?”

She shook her head and sighed. “I did what I had to, Daniel. Whatever I did or didn’t do, I have always believed that I did the right thing. My life was lived for my sister, my heart beat for
. I have no regrets; guilt, very much so but I won’t repent for saving her.”

My feet seemed to be glued to the spot. My legs didn’t feel as though they belonged to me and I reached forward, palming the edge of the bed as many thoughts rushed me at once. “Tell me one truth.” Her eyes held so much pain that her gaze crushed my insides. “Did you sacrifice your life to save your sister’s?”

Her gaze dropped so I didn’t witness her despair as she nodded. “Yes.”

I blew out the breath that had been stuck in my throat. “Who gave you over to them?”

She lifted her eyes and frowned at me. “
gave me to them.”

“Oh my God.” Her pain was overpowering and I closed my eyes to her sorrow.

“He owed too much, the evil bastard,” she said quietly, retelling her tale to herself rather than me. “Mae was sleeping in her room when they came. They came for both of us but I fought them. Well, as much as I could at thirteen. Isaac, my Master, he… I don’t know to be honest, he just wanted me, said I showed potential, not that I understood what he meant then. He gave me the choice and I took it without a second thought. My death was faked two years later, my father’s debts were written off and Mae was free to live her life.” Her tears were fluent now as she looked up at me. “I didn’t know that I would destroy her anyway. If I’d have known I would never have…” She blew out, taking control again, refusing the liberation of her grief. She lifted her chin and pulled her shoulders back. “I did what I thought was right at the time.”

BOOK: The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
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