The Sanctuary (2 page)

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Authors: Arika Stone

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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Vicki briefed me for a solid hour on our current client work before she finally noticed how distracted I was. “You’re lost. You haven’t heard a word I told you,” Vicki muttered into the screen.

“No, I’m here, just a bit tired. I’m still absorbing it all.” I yawned.

“Absorbing work or Mr. Ruska?”

“A bit of both. I’m drained, and getting away from work has brought home how exhausted I really am. But, yes, Val, he’s a mystery.” I paused. “Call me when you have more information on him. Otherwise, I’ll speak to you at the end of the week.”

I clicked the computer shut. I didn’t want to think about work. I wanted to think about Val. I poured myself a glass of wine, lay down, and flicked on the television. I flipped his card over, analyzing it, searching for clues. I thought about turning the computer back on to Google him but decided against it because I knew I would get distracted by work.

Sometime after the wine, I drifted off to sleep. The following morning, I woke to the utterly annoying ring of my cell phone. I squinted at the screen and saw it was Jude calling. What a way to start the day—with the wrong prick in my face.

I picked up. “What do you want, Jude?” I snapped, vexed at his call.

“Hello, gorgeous. Is that any way to answer the phone?” He was amused.

“Jude, it’s seven a.m. I haven’t spoken to you in three months. Why are you calling me?” I asked in my best “get to the point, asshole” voice.

“Calm down, baby. I heard you were on vacation, and I hoped, with some downtime, we could spend time together, you know, work things out.”

“Jude, you fucked another woman. Did you honestly think I would take you back? Are you insane? I told you to never call me again. I did say that. Didn’t I? I distinctly remember telling you to fuck off as you dropped that whore on the floor when you finally recognized me in the hotel room in Paris. Not to mention what I told you once you followed me back to New York, you asshole.” I cooled down and regained my composure. “It’s over.” And with a sharp click, I closed the phone.

I decided to make the most of my wake-up call. It was just the spark I needed. I hopped into the shower and got dressed. It was time to explore the city.

I was fascinated by Helsinki. Some of the structures were heavily influenced with art deco accents while others had obviously been built during Russian rule. The seaside town was quaint. I felt as if I’d stepped back in time, into a simpler era. As I stared down a cobblestone road, I could envision horse-drawn carriages and Victorian-era romance.

I hopped on the tram to explore another section of the city and got off a few stops later; this would be as far as I would go. I didn’t want to venture too far off. I wandered slowly, window shopping, until I stopped in front of two scantily clad mannequins in lingerie. I hadn’t brought anything with me if a romantic interlude was to occur. My mind immediately raced to Val. I giggled to myself and headed inside the shop.

The man behind the counter had a soft face and gentle eyes. “
,” he greeted me.

I nodded as I scanned the walls; this was a bit more than just a lingerie store. I suddenly was mortified. I was a single female alone in a foreign adult shop. I quickly erased my embarrassment. I was only browsing anyway.

“English?” the man asked.

“Yes…” I spotted Val emerge from a room behind the clerk. My heart raced. What was he doing in here?

Val’s eyes caught mine, and he smiled. “Eve, I didn’t think I’d see you again, let alone here. I’d like you to meet someone.” He leaned on the counter and waved me over.

I walked toward the men and tried to assess the unusual situation.

“Eve, this is my father Mikko. My parents have owned this shop for the past twenty years. My mother makes all the custom pieces you see here.” Val turned to his father. “Dad, this is Eve, the enchanting American I met yesterday.”

“I didn’t expect to meet your parents so soon,” I joked as I extended my hand to Mikko. “It is lovely to meet you.”

Val teased me. “So you were thinking of me, weren’t you?”

“But of course. I always shop for lingerie for men I hardly know,” I joked. Although I was thinking about him as I walked in the shop, it unnerved me that he was here and it was his parents’ store.

“All women do. Regardless of how recently you met the man. You assess your wardrobe to purchase items in case the what-if occurs.” He smirked as if he was all knowing. I didn’t know if I wanted to kiss him or kick him for that oh-so-truthful comment.

“Would you do me the honor of having dinner with me this evening? I promise you the best Finnish food, enlightening conversation, and to submerge you in the culture. I would love to get to know you.” Val’s eyes were full of hopeful confidence.

No man had ever spoken to me this way. It wasn’t what he said; it was how he said it. He wasn’t pretentious; he was sincere. I enjoyed the romantic notion of it. I briefly thought of Jude before throwing caution to the wind. “I’d love to join you for dinner.”

“Where shall I pick you up?” Val pressed on.

“I’m at Hotel Kamp. How is seven for you?” I asked.

“Seven’s perfect.” Val reached for my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Until then.”

I attempted to keep my cool as I left, glancing back once to catch Val wink at me. As soon as I was safely out of earshot, I dialed Vicki.

“Vicki, did you get the report on him?” I asked before she could mutter hello.

“Hello to you too, and, yes, I did. Didn’t you get my voicemail?” Vicki asked.

“No, I didn’t. And?”

“He’s clean. Nothing to worry about.”

“I have a date with him tonight. If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow, get worried.”

I hung up and rushed back to my hotel. I had an evening to prepare for. Hopefully, it would be an evening to remember.

* * * *

The phone buzzed in the room, causing me to practically jump out of my skin. It was seven p.m., and he was right on time. I picked up. “Hello?”

“This is Antti from the front desk. I have a gentleman named Valo Ruska here for you.”

“Okay, send him up.” I forced my earring into my ear as I hung up and gave myself the once-over in the mirror. If I’d been a guy, I’d fuck me. Playing dress-up always made me feel sexy. I could be someone else, an alter ego. I could stop playing the dominant boss and let a guy wine and dine my submissive side.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and was greeted by an armful of flowers. “For you.” Val extended the bouquet. “You look beautiful.”

I backed away so he could enter. “Why, thank you.” I kissed him on the cheek. “Let me put these in water. Would you like a glass of wine?”

“I will have to decline for now. Perhaps after dinner, though.”

He stood out with his dark, well-fitting jeans and light gray shirt, which was partially hidden by his eclectic tuxedo jacket and a turquoise scarf. His style was finished with his hair neatly tied under a newsboy cap. He looked like an artist and a very fuckable one at that. His accented English was irresistible. And he was interested in a possible nightcap. His lust was as strong as I’d felt it to be the day before. The game was on.

“I have a car waiting.” He offered his arm, which I accepted, and we descended downstairs in the elevator.

We exited the hotel, and his driver opened the door for us. Val extended his hand outward. “After you.”

I entered the car and peered out the window. A few tourists with cameras were standing outside snapping pictures.

Val sat next to me. He went to place his hand on my leg but rested it on his lap instead. The driver pulled away, and our evening began.

“So where are we off to on this lovely evening?”

“I booked a reservation at Chez Dominique. They combine French recipes with Finnish ingredients. I’m sure you will be delighted with it.”

Chez Dominique. I was surprised. Either Val had extremely good taste or was out to impress me. Chez was one of the top restaurants in the world. I wondered how he’d secured a reservation on such short notice. He might not have been a criminal, but who was he?

I recognized the city center. “I was down this way today. I visited the art museum.”

“So you assumed you would first find me at a museum, and when that didn’t pan out, you searched for me in a lingerie store?” he teased.

Our eyes locked. His smile was contagious. I bit my lip, “You were on my mind today, but I didn’t expect to see you again.”

“Ahh…you weren’t going to call. I suppose fate is funny. We were meant to meet again.” He motioned toward the window. “We’re here.”

He got out of the car and offered me his hand as I stepped out. We entered the posh restaurant, and I was impressed by the glamorous and chic décor. Chez Dominique was not only world renowned for its cuisine but also for its modern, trendy atmosphere. I was no stranger to this life where the elite hobnobbed and men of means impressed their arm charms. How could an artist be so well-to-do unless he was famous? Val intrigued me on many levels.

The maître d’ escorted us to a table near the back, away from the hustle of the more populated part of the restaurant. Val seated me and proceeded to take the chair next to me. I eyed him, hesitant about what to say. The waiter arrived, and Val addressed him in incomprehensible Finnish. For the first time I felt completely foreign and lost in the conversation.

“I hope you don’t mind. I ordered for us.”

“No, not at all. I just wish I knew what you’d said.”

He leaned in. “You’ll pick up the language if you force yourself to live in the culture. How long do you intend to stay?”

“I don’t have a deadline. I could leave as quickly as I came, or I could stay for an extended period if I find a reason compelling enough.” I watched him to see if he picked up on my not-so-subtle hint.

“So, if you fancied, you would leave tomorrow?”

“If I wanted to. I have no ties here.”

The waiter interrupted us to pour champagne before leaving the bottle and departing the table.

Val raised his glass in a toast. “Cheers. Tell me more about you, Eve. What makes you tick?”

I wasn’t sure how I should interpret his words. Did he want to bed me or get to know me? “I’m not sure how to answer that,” I muttered, taking another sip of champagne.

“You can answer any way you fancy.”

“Stop being so elusive and get to the point,” I replied, staring him in the eye.

“I’m not the one who started this game. I can’t get a direct answer from you.” He paused. “If you want this to be real, then you must be real.”

I sighed as I gazed into his green eyes. “I own my own company. I’m overworked, stressed, and had a skin-crawling itch to just go. I’ve traveled the world, but I’ve never been here. It’s unexplored territory. It’s cold, dark, and moody. It fits how I feel at the moment.”

He remained silent, waiting for me to continue, but I didn’t. It was his turn to share.

“And you?” I continued. “This…” I motioned around the room. “This is life for me every day. So when I bump into a total stranger who tries to romance and impress me, it makes me wonder, are you real?”

He reached across the table and took my hand into his, slowly circling the racing pulse in my wrist. “To some extent, yes, this is real. I don’t live like this every day; you would sooner catch me at a local pub than here. But I have the means to afford such luxury when I am in the presence of someone worthy of impressing.”

Although his words were eloquent, they were also smooth, too smooth. But I could tell from the way he held my hand and spoke directly to me that they were heartfelt. Something told me I could trust him, but I wasn’t sure if I could trust myself. I had too much on the line to fall in love.

“Thank you.” I nodded. “You wanted to know what makes me tick?”

“Yes. What makes Eve Eve?”

“That depends. If I was in New York, work would be making me tick. I submerge myself into whatever I am working on. I am consumed by it. It’s all or nothing for me. But recently, I felt the urgent need to leave. I cleared my calendar, tied up loose ends, and flew here. I wanted adventure, something to breathe new life into me.”

“So you came here for adventure, and you’ve been feeling moody and dark.” Val pressed for more answers.

“Don’t you think this is a bit too deep for a first date?” I questioned. “How about you, Val? I know nothing about you. You tease me with your charming good looks and irresistible accent, but you’re still a mystery.”

“I write, I paint, I sculpt. I live. I can do what I want, when I want. My success is past me. I am living off the fruits of my labor.” He took a sip of champagne, pausing before continuing. “There once was a time when I had two loves in my life, my career and my fiancée. Unfortunately, my career won. It wasn’t until I lost my fiancée that I realized love was my inspiration in life.”

I grinned through a champagne buzz. “We’re very similar, you know.” I drew myself closer to him.

“How so?” I felt his breath on my skin as he spoke.

“We’re both passionate about what we love.”

Through the next several courses, I became more comfortable around him. He was funny, unique, quirky, romantic, sexy as hell, and we clicked. He understood me. It felt as if I had known him for years.

“I have one more place to show you before we go home,” Val said as we entered the car. He placed his arm around my shoulders, and I slid comfortably into his chest.

“Where to now?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise.” He nuzzled his lips next to my cheek. My heart fluttered like a butterfly trapped in my chest. My body ached for him to touch me, to feel his silky fingertips graze my face and embrace me in a kiss.

The car pulled up to a stadium.

“What are we doing here?”

The place appeared deserted.

“I have something for you inside.” He pulled me into the tower, and we took the elevator to the top level.

“Here we are,” Val stated. The doors of the elevators opened to an enclosed observatory deck. “This is one of the best places to view the city.”

I gazed upon Finland’s capital; the twinkling of lights reminded me of my own backyard landscape at home. “Val, it’s beautiful up here. Thank you for a wonderful evening.” I hugged his waist, admiring the golden glow of the city below us.

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