Read The Santangelos Online

Authors: Jackie Collins

The Santangelos (36 page)

BOOK: The Santangelos
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“Okay,” Max said, sneaking a quick look at her iPhone to see if there was a text or any other message from Billy.

There wasn’t.

“Ah, Capri,” Carlo sighed, a faraway look in his eyes. “

“Is Natalia coming?” Max asked, sipping her espresso.

“Why she come?” he questioned, wrinkling his forehead. “Why you think that?”

“Because you’re engaged,” Max said, stating the obvious.

“It no matter,” Carlo said, running a hand through his mop of thick black hair. “We stay engaged long time. She not my

“She will be,” Max pointed out.

“One day … maybe,” Carlo said vaguely. “We see.”

“Sounds like you’re in no rush.”

“Why I rush? Life is to be taken slowly,” he said, leaning across the table. “Who this man come chasing you last night?”

Was it possible that Carlo was the only person in the entire restaurant who hadn’t recognized Billy?

“Just a friend,” she said, quickly adding, “Nobody important.”

,” Carlo said, satisfied with her reply. “’Cause when we shoot our photos,
am the only man who matter to you. Together we make our special magic. We make
very famous,
amore mio

Why was he calling her “my love”? Shouldn’t he be reserving those sentiments for Natalia?

Max was relieved that Lorenzo would be by her side for all the trips. She’d grown to depend on him; he was the only one she truly trusted. Carlo was okay when he was sober, but give him a few glasses of wine and he turned into an irascible and annoying drunk. Dante, she sensed, was pure evil. She hardly knew Natalia. And Alfredo seemed oblivious to everything except business. As for the Dolcezza sisters, they didn’t seem to care much about anything.

She checked her phone again.


Ah … Billy. Playing games with her heart. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.

What would Lucky do?

Kick him out of her life once and for all.

Max made a sudden decision, a decision she was determined to stick with.

Good-bye, Billy Melina. I’m not falling for your charismatic movie-star trip anymore.

You had your chance, and you blew it.

This is my final good-bye



Somehow or other Willow ended up in Ralph Maestro’s bed. She hadn’t intended to sleep with him so quickly; it just kind of happened. After all, who was she to turn down an afternoon sexual adventure with a major movie star? Three mojitos, a surly Eddie glaring at her, and a shitload of compliments from Ralph coming her way convinced her it would be a fun thing to do. She’d had plenty of actors in her past, although never one as old or as famous as Ralph Maestro. He had to be sixty-something, but since he was a workout freak, he was still in muscular shape. Besides, maybe he could help get her a movie off the ground. He had important connections, and perhaps he’d even agree to make a cameo appearance, which would surprise everyone. Only it would have to be a brief appearance—she wouldn’t want anyone stealing her spotlight.

When they’d left Spago, there were a bunch of paparazzi gathered outside. Ralph got off on the attention; he’d put his arm around her and announced, “This pretty little lady could be my new girlfriend.”

TMZ, recording every word, jumped on it. Willow Price and Ralph Maestro. The tabs would eat it up.

After posing for the paps with a jovial smile, at the same time crushing Willow with his massive arm, Ralph escorted her to a white Bentley, where an alert driver jumped out and opened the rear door. The driver was a Ralph Maestro clone, only younger and uglier.

“My nephew,” Ralph announced as they got in the car. “He does everything for me, don’t you, Bart?”

Bart gave a half-assed grin, exhibiting teeth that were even bigger than his uncle’s.

Back at Ralph’s apartment on Wilshire—he’d moved out of his Beverly Hills mansion after his wife’s murder—Willow wandered around inspecting shelves loaded with awards while Ralph fixed her a drink. No Oscar, but plenty of other tributes to his long career. Five Golden Globes, several People’s Choice Awards, and many other trophies—quite a few from foreign countries.

Ralph’s apartment was huge. Once they reached the bedroom, she couldn’t say the same about his cock. For a big man, he was sadly lacking in that department. A short fat dick did not do it for her. However, she was an actress, wasn’t she? And once they were in bed, she pretended it was a crown jewel to be tended to and much admired.

Ralph was not an exciting lover by any means. He was into the missionary position, which Willow had never been fond of. She tried her best to wriggle out from under his heavy body and maneuver herself on top of him. He was having none of it as he pumped and groaned and insisted that she call out his name. Then he came, and that was that.

After sex he fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Willow contemplated what she should do. She didn’t care to hang around while he snored the afternoon away—she had things to accomplish. On the other hand, she didn’t want to break their connection. Eventually she got dressed and wrote him a short note telling him how amazing he was—and including her cell number. She stuck it on his bathroom mirror.

On the way out, she was stopped by Bart, who blocked her by the front door as if she were a thief attempting to escape with valuable goods.

“Excuse me,” she said, trying to dodge past him.

“My uncle is a very generous man,” Bart said, staring at her boobs with lecherous eyes. “Did he give you money?”

What the hell did this prick think? That she was a hooker? What was wrong with him? Didn’t he recognize her?

“Get out of my way,” she said through clenched teeth. “And if you ever dare to speak to me like that again, I’m telling your uncle, and he’ll fire your stupid ass.”

Bart took a step to the side. She marched through the door.

Some people were dumber than shit.

*   *   *

Rafael was trying hard, but nothing seemed to be working. He was sprawled on top of Elizabetta in the tiny bedroom she shared with their son. Rafael Junior was not present; he was in the care of his grandma so that Elizabetta and Rafael might have some private time.

Private time meant sex, and Grandma knew that sex was important to keep the money that Rafael sent each month coming. Grandma was a canny old bird.

Elizabetta lay stiffly beneath him. She had not bothered to disrobe, merely gathered her dress above her waist.

Rafael had removed his trousers and underwear, although he still had on his shirt.

The small room was stiflingly hot. No air-conditioning. The ragged curtains were torn, allowing the morning light to stream into the room.

Rafael couldn’t help wondering what they did with the money he sent. It certainly wasn’t spent on home improvements.

“Go ahead, do it,” Elizabetta said sullenly, parting her legs with a weary sigh.

Was this the woman he’d left behind? The woman he’d dreamed about? The woman he’d saved himself for? In America he’d turned down countless opportunities to be unfaithful and he never had been. Except for Willow.

He couldn’t get hard; his cock refused to cooperate. He was put off by the wiry bush growing between Elizabetta’s legs—a virtual forest he was forced to navigate.

Flashes of Willow came to mind. Her smooth, creamy body, her long legs with no hair between them, just welcoming warmth and wetness.

How come he remembered?

He wasn’t supposed to remember, and yet he did. Now he couldn’t get it up for this peasant woman, the mother of his child.

It came to him in a flash.

He didn’t love her anymore. It was over.

*   *   *

Willow made it home, where a pack of paparazzi were hanging around outside her house waiting to pounce. There were more of them than usual. Being seen with Mr. Action-Movie Star was an excellent boost for her image.

The questions flowed fast and furious.

Where’s your new boyfriend?

Are you and Ralph engaged?

How long you been seeing him?

You in love, Willow?

When’s the big day?

Ridiculous questions. She didn’t answer any of them as she made her way into her house.

I’m hot again
, she thought gleefully.
Hot and happening. Ha! Wait until they hear about my movie, then I’ll really be on fire

Which reminded her that she should check in with Sam and assure him that he’d have his deal memo this week. Next she’d call Alejandro to find out when they could expect to have cash on hand. And finally she’d contact Eddie—who she knew would be steaming because she’d left the restaurant with Ralph.

Willow grinned. All was going as planned.

*   *   *

To Rafael’s surprise, Pablo agreed that Alejandro becoming a Hollywood producer might be a good idea.

Rafael wanted to say.
Surely you know he’s a fool, and this project will be like pissing money into the wind?

Instead he said a respectful, “You have made a wise decision, Se
or Diego. Alejandro will be very happy.”

A pleased-with-himself Pablo clicked his fingers for Eugenia to pour him more wine.

“Perhaps I
visit,” Pablo said, surprising Rafael even more—for everyone knew that Pablo Fernandez Diego rarely left the safety of his heavily guarded compound.

“You will?” Rafael said, not sure that he relished the thought of Pablo coming to L.A.

“Maybe,” Pablo responded, clicking his false teeth. “I have a wish to meet some of the young ladies you mentioned. Beautiful sexy actresses. I have always had a yen for Cameron Diaz. I would like a meeting to be arranged. You take care of it.”

Rafael almost choked at the thought of Cameron Diaz and Pablo Fernandez Diego getting together. That would

Eugenia served the two men platters of thick steak and an assortment of vegetables.

Pablo slapped her on the ass before cutting into his steak with a sharp knife. Blood flowed from the hefty piece of meat.

“Moron!” he screamed at Eugenia. “You know I like my steak well-done. Why are you so stupid, woman?” And with those words, he picked up his plate and flung it at her.

Rafael felt his mother’s humiliation as the plate hit her full in the face.

He said nothing. He was as trapped as she was.

“I understand you visited your girlfriend today,” Pablo said, turning to Rafael as if he hadn’t just thrown his plate at Rafael’s mother.

Rafael nodded. The last thing he wished to be reminded of was the disastrous day he’d spent with Elizabetta.

“You know,” Pablo continued, twirling his fork in a not-so-playful way, “your girlfriend is fucking one of my guards. I have heard they might even marry.”

Rafael experienced a sharp, stabbing pain in his gut. Was it possible that Pablo was telling the truth? Was that why Elizabetta had been so surly and indifferent toward him?

He met Pablo’s gaze full on. Was the old tyrant hoping for a reaction?

Rafael refused to give him what he wanted.

“This is a fine wine, Se
or Diego,” he said, keeping his voice even and steady. “Might I request another glass?”

Pablo’s expression changed from calm to a malicious scowl. He’d expected more from Rafael. He’d expected sniveling and whining and protestations that the information couldn’t possibly be true. He’d expected to be

This was not to be. A shame, for there was nothing Pablo liked more than being entertained.

He rose abruptly from the table. “It is time for you to return to America,” he said authoritatively. “Alejandro cannot be trusted on his own. You have to always stay by his side to protect him.”

“Am I to tell him that you have agreed to finance his movie?” Rafael inquired, half hoping that Pablo would say no.

“This is so,” Pablo said, fingering his beard. “I will finance his movie through you.”

“Excuse me?” Rafael said.

“We both know that Alejandro can be … reckless at times. He is not good with responsibility. Therefore, the money will be cleaned and I shall arrange for you to open a special account that you will oversee and report to me about.”

“Alejandro may not like that,” Rafael ventured.

“That’s the way it is,” Pablo said.

“What about the cash he’s asked me to bring back to the U.S.?”

“Foolish!” Pablo snorted. “There are plenty of dollars in the U.S. I will arrange delivery for the initial up-front money. He can have that, and then you will take over all finances.”

Rafael was relieved. Trying to smuggle two million dollars on his person back to America was indeed a stupid idea. Alejandro had been screwing with him, as usual; he’d known Pablo would never give him the cash.

“One of my drivers will take you to the airport,” Pablo said, dismissing Rafael as if he was a lowly servant. “You can leave now.”

Rafael thought.
I will leave now. But one of these days, I will be back to collect my son. I make this promise to myself. It is a promise I swear I will keep



Chris Warwick had two means of transport. One was a personalized van that he used for work. The other was a fully restored 1965 silver Ford Mustang that he took out only on special occasions. Tonight he drove his van, which he’d parked in a lot at LAX before flying to Chicago.

Chris always made sure that he was prepared for anything that might happen. He carried a Glock semi-automatic pistol for which he had a license, and tucked away on different parts of his body were two five-inch folding knives always sharp and ready for action. He might look unthreatening, but with all his martial art skills, he was a lethal weapon.

It was getting late when he drove up to Pedro Albarado’s door in Silver Lake, unannounced. Thanks to his many connections, he’d already found out quite a bit about Pedro. Pedro Albarado had a long history of crimes ranging from carjacking to home invasion, burglary, and receiving stolen goods. He’d done time twice, and was quite the career criminal.

BOOK: The Santangelos
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