Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (40 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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"Zachary I--"

He didn't let her finish but just continued

"You know I'm not allowed touch you, not
after all that's happened between you and me. Not until you know
the truth. Damn your crazy big sister and my stupid asshole big
brother. Who the hell are they to tell me I can't fuck you."

Suzy was reeled as Zach continued on talking,
staring over her as though transfixed to where exactly she couldn’t

"They put you next to me, right next to me,
so I have to hear that sexy voice all day long, so I can smell you,
taste you every minute of every day knowing I can't touch you. What
the hell is that all about?"

A shard of light entered the room from a
beacon on a nearby building and lit up the semi-naked man's eyes.
They were staring wildly across the room, he wasn't looking at her
at all.

"It's not fair." He continued. "I've got to
have you." He turned away from her and began walking slowly to her

"Oh my God. He's sleep walking. He's totally
sleep walking." She murmured. Catherine had warned her about

She reached for her phone. Bella had asked
her for one favor in exchange for getting Kyle to pose as her
boyfriend; a picture of Zachary Demovic doing something totally
ordinary, like eating cereal in the morning or lounging with messy
hair the couch with a remote in his hand. If she could get
something semi-naked such as a beach shot then she would owe her
big time. When Bella set the condition Suzy had felt cornered and
desperate so she had agreed and decided to worry about how to get
the picture later.

Now was her chance.

She followed Zachary to her bedroom and
watched as he entered and sat down on the bed.

"I don't care what they say." He was saying
huskily. "You're mine, just like any other girl. I'm going to take
you places you never thought possible."

Suzy gulped. She was wet already and her hand
trembled with the cell phone poised to take a picture. It was dark
so the flash would have to be on. What if he woke up and caught

"You aren't like the others, are you?" He was
saying. "You're not just damn sexy, no way, as if that weren't
enough you know how to get to me too. But I'm going to make you pay
for every word little girl. I'm going to fuck you so hard it'll
make you scream like you've never screamed before and believe me
baby I can do it."

She lowered her hand, the one without the
phone and pressed it slowly between her legs. She was wetter than
she had imagined. This was too much, too bizarre, too fucking hot
for words.

"God I want to take you right now." He
growled at the empty bed where only her clothes lay. "If you knew
how much you'd get up and run from this hotel room like a scared

She ran her hand across her breasts and they
hardened even more.

So I guess it wasn't my imagination. He
definitely wants me.

She watched as he climbed onto the bed, then
rolled to his back and sprawled across it. He looked pretty ready
for action underneath his shorts. She had read about women taking
men when they were asleep. The thought sent a wild thrill of
excitement through her. He was there for the taking, but God, what
if he woke up? What if it was just crazy dream talk? What if
someone found out? And Jesus Christ, wasn't it totally and utterly
wrong to take him like that? Wouldn't it just be using him?

Her breath was shaking as she approached the
bed and raised the phone. His head was turned away from her, his
thick hair scattered on the pristine be linen of the bed.

Bella had asked for a photo but she found
herself scrolling to video and then hit record. The moment was
surreal. The moment she filmed a sleeping Zachary Demovic. He was
sexier than ever with his arrogant mouth shut and his dark eyes
closed. She allowed the camera to pass lovingly from one end of his
body to the other, lingering at his face, his closed eyes, his

"My God you are hotter than any man deserves
to be Zachary Demovic." She whispered.

She stopped recording.

That was way too much for Bella.
thought. She scrolled back to camera and then raised the phone
again, careful this time to take in only his torso, shoulders and
his head. Bella would have to be happy with that. She took the
photo, jumped when the flash went and then immediately ran out of
her room, through the living room and into his bedroom. She
obviously couldn't sleep in her own bed anymore and she desperately
needed a good night's sleep so it would have to be his bed

She stood inside the door and waited for
movement from the other room.

There was nothing so she closed the door and
stepped up to his bed. The sheets were thrown back but the indent
of his muscular body was still in the bedclothes.

Well, I won't take your body while you sleep
but there's nothing wrong with just lying in your bed while you
totally take over mine.

She tried to make it sound humdrum to herself
but the thought of slipping in between those sheets sent an
indescribable thrill through her that threatened to keep her awake
for the rest of the night. She took off the bathrobe and slipped
into bed wearing only her underwear.

The effect was even more exciting than she
could possibly have imagined.

The smell of his body and the distinctive
mild cologne he wore was all around her. She lifted her phone to
take a look at the photo she had stolen for Bella and saw there was
another string of missed calls, this time from Melissa with one
single attempt from Bella.

What the hell was going on now?

She decided to worry about it in the morning.
It was really late already and tomorrow would be another long day.
She relaxed into the sheets, took in one last long breath of the
intoxicating masculinity that enveloped her and began to drift

Dreams came quickly through the fog of her
jetlag, filled with images of the single male who had filled her
reality to overflowing in the last few days with his larger than
life presence. She felt his hands caress her body as though he were
beside her, stoking the flames of her desire. She felt the hot, wet
exploration of his tongue in the curves and crevices of her
quivering body and there was no doubt in her mind that he would be
an expert in every possible way.

The soft sheets around her mixed with her
dreams and she imagined Zach next to her in the oversized bed,
having his way, dominating and controlling her in ways she couldn't
imagine. The hours that followed were a mix of restless pleasure
and pain in which she woke several times from dreams that were too
exquisitely hot and vividly real for words.

When she felt the heat of his lips against
hers yet again that night she didn't move but instead opened her
lips to receive him, felt his arms around her, heard his breath in
her ear and then when she opened her eyes and saw him there in the
flesh, her mind skidding back to reality, she screamed.

This was no dream.

He was really there, caressing her, kissing
her, using her.

His eyes blinked open and he unleashed a
scream as well, instinctively pushing her away from him. Suzy
rolled from the bed with the force of his thrust and fell to the
floor below in nothing but her underwear. Zachary jumped out the
other side and the pair stared at each other, frozen in shock.

Suzy hated her body to be seen by anyone,
especially since her surgery and the scar it had left on her right
side. Being seen by Zachary Demovic with his perfect male body only
made it ten times worse again.

"What are you doing in my bed?" The two of
them said simultaneously. Then there was a silence as they took in
the situation, each trying to piece together how they had gotten to
where they were.

"It's my bed." Zachary finally said.

"Why were you kissing me?"

"Why were

Suzy struggled to get up off the floor and
keep her body from view at the same time. No-one else had seen her
scar since the nurse had removed her final dressing.

"What the hell is that?" She screeched,
drawing attention away from herself. Zachary looked down to see the
monstrous protruding bulge in his shorts.

"Shit." He said, reaching for the blanket to
cover his rampant desire, but Suzy had the other end, her breasts
tantalizing half revealed in the darkened room.

"Well, what the hell are those?" He said,
pointing to her bosoms.

The two began to struggle for the

"Couldn't you at least be a gentleman, you

"You're the one who gave me this." He said
referring to his protrusion. "This is your fault and that is my

"You're the one who got into
she tugged at the bedspread.

"This is my bedroom and you have no right to
be turning me on like this with those beautiful things," he
indicated her breasts, "or that cute, sexy little thing," he
referred to her ass, "while I'm trying to get some rest in my own

"Get your eyes off me." She was deadly
serious. Observations about her naked body were more than she could
take from anyone, let alone the man she had been lusting over like
a tigress for days.

"Get your cute body out of my face and maybe
then I can take my eyes off you."

Suzy stiffened in wild anger.

"Mr. Demovic, Sir, is everything alright?" It
was a man's voice; Demovic security.

The struggling pair froze.

"Suzy! Oh my God, are you okay?"

Suzy's anger turned to shocked fear. That was
Melissa's voice, fraught with strain.

"Zachary! What the hell is going on?" It was
Jason's voice, low with violent suppressed rage.

"Give me the goddamn blanket." Suzy

"What about me?" His erection was still

"Mr. Demovic Sir, we're coming in."

"Don't come in. I'm not ready yet."

"Zachary? Is Suzy in there with you?" Melissa
sounded almost hysterical.

The door flung open and the lights came

Chapter Twelve

"Get away from her!" Melissa screamed in horror as
she saw the sexy lingerie her little sister was dolled up in and
the ready bump that surged in Zach's shorts. Jason lunged at his
brother but the burly security team prevented them from coming into

When they had all finally calmed down and the
brothers had been released from the grip of their own guards Jason
glared at his brother and demanded an explanation. Suzy gathered up
the blanket that had fallen from Zach's hands and wrapped it around

"What the fuck is going on here Zach? We
discussed this and you made a promise to me."

Zach looked at Suzy, looked at himself and
shrugged his shoulders. His brother was really beginning to annoy
him and there was no explaining the situation. Hell, he didn't even
know what had happened himself.

"This isn't what it looks like Jason." He
said. "But even it was Suzy and I are both adults and I don't see
any laws being broken here so what exactly is the big fucking

Now Melissa lunged at him and Demovic
security had to move fast to restrain her. Her wild hands searched
for pieces of furniture to hurl at him but the guards were too big
and too adept and her hands remained empty.

"Okay, okay. Let me go goddamn it, I'll leave
him alone. Come on Suzy, let's get out of here, you're coming with
me." She grabbed her sister's wrist.

"Let go of me you crazy bitch. I'm staying
here." Suzy screamed at her, shocking Melissa to the core.

"Suzy, you don't mean that.. what are you
saying? Do you want this, this jerk off to just use you for his
pleasure and then toss you aside like a, like a--'

"Used Kleenex?" Zachary offered.

Security had to restrain Melissa again while
Zachary stood impassively, his shorts still protruding slightly.
When the raging woman calmed down again and security released her
she turned back to Suzy and held out her hand.

"Don't be a fool." she said. "Come on. It's
him or me and trust me, this man has issues. Serious issues."

"She's right." Zachary said. "I seriously
want you in that bed for one night only, so you better just cut and
run right now."

Suzy was still holding the blanket around her
as she stood in the crowded bedroom. She opened it in defiance to
reveal just enough of her scantily clad body but without showing
her scar. Melissa's mouth opened wide enough to swallow a ground
hog. The security guards covered their eyes in gentlemanly fashion.
Melissa covered Jason's eyes for him. Zachary watched her, smiled
and felt his rod stiffen. He cupped his hands in front of his
crotch like a soccer player.

"I want to be used." She said defiantly. "And
I especially want him to use these," She indicated her pert, barely
covered breasts, "in any filthy way he wants to."

Zachary took a deep breath and sat down on
the bed. He put a pillow over his lap and looked up at his security
detail helplessly.

"You bastard." Melissa said as she cut a slap
across his face, too fast for the distracted security guards to
react. "And you too." She sliced another one across Jason's

"Me? Why me?" he said and then looked at his
security guards. "And what am I paying you guys for? Stop looking
those things" he nodded to Suzy's breasts, "and get your eyes back
on the job."

Melissa stormed from the room followed by a
chastened guard.

Jason turned to his brother.

"You promised me you selfish, lying asshole."
he said.

"I kept my promise. Nothing happened, you can
ask her." He nodded to Suzy.

"Is it true?" Jason asked.

Suzy was still standing half revealed in her
lingerie and the truth was that she felt more exquisitely liberated
than she ever had done before in her whole life. For so many years
she had been body shy, then with the scar from her surgery it had
gotten even worse despite her overall feeling of health and
well-being. The barrage of attention from Zachary with all his
shamelessly direct compliments and sinful innuendos had begun to
break down barriers. Now this bizarre situation together with her
seemingly unerring ability to put this powerful man in his place
using only her tongue and her body, had ripped away the last shreds
of her fear and she felt a new confidence grow in her that she had
never experienced before.

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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