The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (62 page)

Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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Harrison turned to face her.

"Please listen Bella, just listen to what we
have to say. We only want to help you."

"This is kidnapping." She said. "False

"No it's not. You can go whenever you
please." He said. "But I'm asking you, I'm begging you, to please
just stay and listen to what we have to say."

"There's nothing you can say that will change
anything." She stood up and made ready to go. "So unless you plan
on locking me in here--"

Another figure stepped out from the bathroom,
vile in appearance, unwashed, hunched, slovenly and with the most
evil, selfish eyes that Bella had seen in five days.

She looked to Harrison in shock.

"No-one's planning on locking you in honey."
Steve said to her with a disgusting smirk on his face.

doing here?" she said in

"It's okay Bella, his name is Steve and he's
here to help you. He's the reason I found you. If it wasn't for him
we still wouldn't even know if you were...." He couldn't say the
words. Despite his strength in front of his family he had been out
of his mind with worry. If Steve hadn't contacted him through the
2nd Chance Foundation just before the meeting he might have
relented and given in to their demands for information. As soon as
his family had left him alone he had set out immediately to pick up
Steve and then travel with him to the location he claimed to know
that Bella was hiding out in.

"Just take it easy Bella." Steve said, fixing
her with a stare that said 'shut the hell up' while at the same
time faking a broad smile for Harrison. "I know you don't know
, but you do know Stacy and Stacy is a very, very close
friend of mine. She told me where to find you and I passed it on to
Mr. Demovic here. Ain't that right Mr. D?"

Harrison nodded his head.

"Stacy was supposed to be here too." He said.
"But Steve informed me that she had a last minute accident and
couldn't make it, so he was kind enough to come along by

Steve glared at her meaningfully.

"That's right. She ain't been well at all
since you ran out on her. In fact, her health is gettin' worse
every day and I don't see it gettin' any better unless you come
back to New York City with us and straighten this whole mess

Bella stared from one man to the next.
Harrison looked like the solution to all her problems; Steve like
the incarnation of pure evil, but the greasy little slime ball had
obviously somehow fooled Harrison and now she would have to go
along with the charade until she was sure Stacy was safe.

Harrison sat down cautiously in front of her,
longing to just hold her. He had watched dozens of people come back
from the brink through his charitable foundation nothing had ever
been so personal to him as this.

"Steve," he said, "would you mind leaving us
alone for a minute? If that's okay with you Bella?"

She looked at Steve and he grinned at her,
his eyes saying all she needed to know. Stacy was right, he was a
cold, sadistic maniac, perhaps a sociopath without a shred of
conscience. She had met people like that in prison but how could
Harrison possibly have seen through him? People like that didn't
inhabit his world.

She watched Steve as he slowly turned and
walked towards the door and then stop.

"Say Mr. D," he said over his shoulder, "can
I borrow the keys of the car? I might go for a little drive while
you two love birds catch up."

The look that Harrison gave him was cold but
characteristically unreadable. He took out his wallet and slid out
two hundred dollar bills.

"Take a cab." He said, and turned back to

"Thanks boss." Steve said and then put his
fingers to his lips with a glance to Bella before turning to leave.
The meaning of the gesture was clear; keep your damn mouth

A shudder of fear went through her.

The door closed and now she was alone with
Harrison again, but this felt nothing like the last time.

They looked at each other for a long time
without saying a word.

There was nothing to say. She had stolen from
him, tricked him, run away from him, but still he had come looking
for her.

Eventually he stood up and she shrank back
from him, but when he put out his hand and waited for hers she took
it without hesitation. The effect of his touch was instantaneous;
like a powerful drug that casts all doubt and fear aside. She could
take his strong hand and for a while the self-inflicted mess of her
life would cease to exist.

He led her gently out to his car and when she
was inside they drove in silence from the lot, leaving the seedy
side of town and heading back to Main St. where he was staying at
the local Hilton hotel, the best place in town if not the greatest
hotel in the world.

When they reached his room he picked her up
as he had done before, carried her to the bedroom and then laid her
down on the bed. She stared at him, watching his every move in awe,
confusion, and wonder. Did he still want her? Even after all the
mistakes she had made?

He leaned in close to her and she made ready
for the touch of his lips on hers, but before they met he reached
down and took her by left wrist in his powerful hand and raised it
gently above her head towards the bedpost. She felt cold metal
against her skin and then heard a metallic click as he cuffed her
to the bed.

"Just in case." He said quietly and then sat
down a short distance away at the end of the bed but how far away
it felt when he had been so close a moment earlier.

"You ran away from me last time. I'm not
taking any chances." His eyes were dark and unreadable but a smile
played across his lips.

Bella couldn't help but smile back and then
the smile turned into a nervous giggle, the giggle into peals of
uncontrollable laughter, and the laughter seemed to continue
without end until Harrison couldn't help himself and began to laugh
as well.

"What's so damn funny?" He asked. "I just
tracked you down and cuffed you to my bed, this isn't a joke."

"I'm sorry." She said, trying to control
herself. "It's not you, it's everything. And now this; chained to
your bed. It's too crazy. Ever since the day I met you everything
has fallen apart. I thought you were the hottest man I'd ever seen.
God damn it you
the hottest man I've ever seen but look
at me. Look at what you've done to me."

"I haven't done anything to you. You've done
all this to yourself."

"You might be the cleverest man I've ever met
as well Harrison, but you don't seem to get any of this at

"I get that I want you and that's all I need
to get. I'm not going to let you go and ruin your life because of
some stupid mistake. I know what a good friend you've been to Suzy
and Melissa and I know that you've never asked anything in return
from them. That isn't the kind of person who steals from a stranger
for no reason."

Bella tried to maintain the laughter that had
taken control of her, but Harrison's gaze was becoming unbearable.
She wanted darkness and anonymity but he looked as though he were
reading her soul and if he couldn't see all the details she knew he
feel the truth behind all of her deceptions. Any shred of the
hysterical laughter left her and tears welled up in her huge green

"I can't tell you." She whispered. "I'm

The sight of the tears in those eyes was
torture to Harrison, but he had seen people pushed to the brink
before in order to overcome their pasts and their personal demons.
He knew he couldn't relent.

"Then at least just tell me that there's a
reason, that there's something that will explain all this even if
you can’t tell me now."

She nodded her head, and large tears rolled
down her pale cheeks. She longed to tell him the truth but she also
knew what would happen to Stacy if she did.

"How did you find me?" She said.

"That's not important."

"Yes it is." She nearly shouted. Somehow
Steve had weaseled his way into Harrison's world and the thought of
it galled her. Running away was supposed to separate those two
worlds but instead it had only made things even worse. "How do you
know that man?"

"Steve? He's in the 2nd chance program. He's
had difficulty finding work because he has a long record and he's
an older man, so he volunteered to work in the center doing odd
jobs, cleaning and helping out."

Bella wanted to scream out that he was no
good, that he was evil, and to get away from him as far as you can,
but she didn't dare say a word.

"Your friend Stacy told him to speak to me
and to tell me where you were. Everyone wants you to come home
Bella, everyone here is on your side."

"How long has Steve been with 2nd

"Not long, just a few days. It's a miracle if
you ask me and one for which I'm very grateful."

Bella couldn't take it anymore, her sobs and
tears came freely and Harrison, as much as he wanted to be strong
couldn't hold himself back, he needed to put his arms around her
and when he did her red lips soon found his.

She was wearing office clothes but he made
short work of them, unwrapping her as though she were a package
just delivered to him for his pleasure. He undressed her on one
side, cuffed her free hand to the bed with another set of
restraints and then released first hand in order to undress her on
the other side and strip her bare.

It seemed to take a tortuous eternity for him
to complete the operation and the feeling of being made naked had
never been so meticulous, so careful and so complete before in
Bella's life. Not only had he boxed her in on all sides but he had
taken away all her defenses as well. She lay on the bed wearing
nothing but her panties, waited while he looked down at her and
then watched him slowly begin to remove his own clothing.

She was almost panting with desire. The
realization that she had at least one power over him--that he
obviously he found her sexually irresistible--was an unbelievable
turn on.

When he was down to just his shorts he
climbed onto the bed and hovered over her, looking at her like a
wild animal sizing up a raw meal.

"Do you want this?" He asked her through
pained breaths.

"Do I have a choice?" She answered.

"You always have a choice."

"Is this a choice?" She tugged at the cuff
restraining her left wrist.

He made no reply but instead moved down to
her waist and firmly took a hold of her hips and butt in his hands.
The sensation was exquisite and she cried out in response.

"Was that a choice?" He asked.

Bella didn't move so Harrison continued on,
navigating his lips and hot breath slowly downwards across the
trembling geography of her naked body. He paused at her breasts and
her impossibly swollen nipples but didn't touch them. He traced is
way down her abdomen to her navel and then all the way down to the
line of her panties to take the edge in his teeth. The tug of the
fabric to her lower back, hips and butt was unbearably sexy and
Harrison made the most of it; peeling the panties down a centimeter
at a time while his ass squeezed and twitched visibly in the air
behind him.

When the lace underwear had reached her knees
he stopped again.

"Should I release you now?" He asked, but
still Bella said nothing so he continued on, drawing the slight
fabric down to her ankles and then tearing them over her feet with
his hand to cast them aside to the floor.

"I'm going to fuck you now." He informed her.
"You can still say no. If you say nothing, I'll take it that you
want me to continue and that you want me to cum inside you tonight.
Do you clearly understand?"

She nodded her head and then watched as he
placed both his hands firmly around her right ankle and then
stretched her down across the bed. When her foot came close to the
bedpost he fitted the second handcuff around her slim ankle and
locked her down. The feeling was unexpectedly thrilling. Bella had
never been into anything like that in her life and had never even
fantasized about it before, so the absolute newness of the
experience made it all the more exciting.

He looked at her again, waiting for a sign
that she wanted out, but none came. Instead she tested her bonds
and felt the solidity of the bed frame and how it lengthened her
out, ready for his satisfaction.

He slipped off his shorts and then climbed
back onto the bed, sliding in between her legs, pushing her thighs

"You're mine now." He said, knowing it wasn't
true, but wishing it to be so. She still hadn't told him anything.
She lifted her head up and put her mouth to his ear.

"You can still say no if you want to." She
whispered. "Either way you're still mine." She had no idea where
the defiance in her words had come from. Something in her was
responding to him in a way she could never have foreseen and the
effect on Harrison was startling. His body descended on her and he
began to devour her with his mouth, his tongue and most of all his
cock. She felt his huge manhood push its way inside and lift her
from the bed, his entry facilitated by the wet receptiveness of her

The battle had commenced and there was no
going back for him now. As soon as her heat surrounded him he knew
she was right; he belonged to her and he would have to fight not to
lose his mind and his world into hers.

But for now she was underneath him,
spread-eagled, bound, wet and wide open. Sure he belonged to her on
some level, but God was this piece of property going to fuck its
owner sideways. He had left scores of women gasping in shock after
nights of legendary Harrison Demovic love-making but this was going
to make those experiences look flaccid by comparison. He dived
deeper inside her, burying himself to the base of his shaft and up
to the edge of his balls but she seemed unstoppable and continued
to squeeze, resist, push herself against him but draw him in at the
same time.

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