The Scene (22 page)

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Authors: R. M. Gilmore

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Murder, #Supernatural, #Vampires

BOOK: The Scene
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“That? I haven’t worn that in three years and ten pounds. I doubt it even fits.”

“Why don’t you try?” He pressed the hanger into my hands.

I made my way to the bathroom where I spent fifteen minutes wriggling into that stupid dress. I took one look in the mirror and couldn’t believe my eyes. I didn’t look half bad. My hair and face were a hot mess but the dress looked pretty good. As long as I didn’t eat or drink anything that is. I wasn’t sure a little black dress was appropriate attire for interrogating possible suspects, but I was fairly certain I would blend in a bit better than if I wore what I’d had in mind. Jeans. Besides, Cyrus picked it out personally. I ran a brush through my hair slicking it back into a twist. Applying more make-up than usual I was completely ready to go about ten minutes later.

I had completely forgotten Cyrus was even there when I exited the bathroom. He was standing so near the bathroom door, I nearly ran into him for the second time.

“Stop doing that! You keep startling me!” I stood before him waiting for him to make the next move, cringing in anticipation. I was waiting for him to say something horrible about how I was squeezed into my dress. Or look at me funny and say nothing. After so many years, you get used to being cut-rate.

“You look amazing,” he said looking me up and down. It was rare I got looked up and down. Don’t get me wrong, I get play as much as the next girl. But no one as attractive and high status as Cyrus Atossa has ever told me I looked amazing. “Are you ready then?” he asked holding his arm out for me.

“Maybe I should drive myself. So you don’t have to bring me back here and all.” I was beginning to question my sanity.

Damn you inner turmoil.

              “No way. I will not let you out of my sight looking as you do.” His words slid from his lips as though they required no thought or effort.

Flattery to win me over?
“Well, bully for me. You keep your little ass right there while I finish slapping myself with a pretty stick.” I smiled. It didn’t even come close to matching his, but I tried.

He did as I asked and sat softly on the couch. I closed the door partially so he couldn’t see me hyperventilating.

What am I doing? I was all gussied up to go out with Cyrus.

There was more than one thing wrong with this situation. Number one:
in what universe would I ever have the opportunity to go out with an underwear model, ever? Number two: gorgeousness aside, there is a distinct possibility that the man in my living room has something to do with a multitude of dead girls. Not to mention some eerie connection with the vampire underworld.  Number three: this is the big one, I have no idea who or what he is. Everything he’s said and done has made me question his credibility. And my sanity. For whatever reason, be it the fact that I don’t date guys this hot, or the fact that he may be the only link I have to the culprits of these crimes, either way, I can’t say no to this guy. I tried. A lot. But I’m a bumble-fuck idiot around him. I made a promise to myself at that moment. I will not get in over my head. I will not let him bait me into anything dangerous or stupid. And most importantly, I will not get drunk and sleep with him.

I threw on a pair of black shoes and some flashy earrings. Grabbed a decent sized purse and made the transfer from the everyday purse. I added a small bottle of perfume and my .38. Just in case.

“Okay, I’m ready.” I stood in the hallway awaiting his reaction.

“Let us depart.” He stood in one quick motion, smiling that aggravating smile all the way out the door.

I locked the door behind us. Cyrus led the way down the steps, ensuring the entire time that I was safe and guaranteeing he wouldn’t let me fall. He held the door open for me and made sure I was buckled. I was beginning to feel like an infant. The car started and we were off. Headed to Lord knows where to, to do Lord knows what. I only prayed that he was taking me where we’d agreed, to do what I needed to do. I prayed that Mike had gotten my message and would be there to greet us at the door. I had a sneaking suspicion one, if not all, of my prayers would not be answered tonight.

“Just so you are aware, I carry a gun and I know how to use it,” I said with a very large smile.

“This does not alarm me.” He never even twitched when he said it.

We didn’t speak any further the rest of the drive. Silence is golden, they say. For me it
’s only a chance for my brain to overload itself with theories and predictions. Not a good thing when you’re already tense, in a moving vehicle, and you have a loaded gun in your lap. Maybe he expected my crazy ass to carry a gun. Or maybe he wasn’t worried I would shoot him. Maybe he was bulletproof.

Maybe I should carry a cross instead. Just saying.



              I can honestly say I was a bit disappointed when we arrived at the club and Mike was not standing out front like the sweet little bodyguard he is. I resisted the urge to grab my phone and mad-dial him until he answered. It wouldn’t do much good anyhow. At this point, I was counting my blessings I’d been taken to the exact place I was told I would be. At least I had that much.

I didn’t think Macabre Saturnine had a valet service but a man appeared at my window and opened the door. He made his way around to the driver’s side and did the same. Cyrus passed his keys off and the man got in and drove away. I must have been wrong. Or Cyrus was an idiot and gave his keys to some random stranger. I doubted that.

As I had the first time I visited this establishment, I jumped the line and went straight in. No one hollered at me this time, however. Everyone stared at Cyrus. I might as well have been invisible. Macabre Saturnine hadn’t the flair and mystique of Embrace. I did not feel fear here, well, not extreme fear anyway. No matter what happened
, I was not going back to that fucking place.

“Would you like a drink?” Cyrus spoke in a low tone I was surprised I could hear over the music. I thought for a moment about Embrace again.

“No. I’d rather not, thanks.” I continued making my way to the bar in search of the girl with the purple hair.

The loud electronic music had subsided and made way for slower melodramatic female vocals. I glanced to the area where the leather boys had been posted last time. Instead on the stage, stood a very small brunette woman; too small for the deep voice she was belting out. The band behind her wasn’t lit. Only her. The woman’s voice was slightly hypnotizing. I stood watching the miniature woman push lyrics from her diaphragm. I was finding it hard to believe that voice came from such a tiny person. Pulling my thoughts away from the stage, I worked through the crowd toward the bar. I made a mental note to discover who they were and where I could buy their music.

“Do you see Reggie?” I had to practically yell to hear myself speak.

“Is it so important you speak with her this evening? Wouldn’t you rather dance with me?” Once again his voice slid from his lips with little effort. I looked up at him and came very close to saying,
Yes please

“No. I need to talk to Reggie. Where is she?” I chicken-necked around the crowd in front of the bar looking for the woman in question.

At long last, I spotted my girl. Well, I spotted her hair: large, purple, and most likely very flammable. I pushed and elbowed, shoved and screamed, and finally made my way to the actual bar, as opposed to the edge of the thick horde of people who bordered it. Leaning my full weight against the padded edge, I leaned over and yelled for Reggie. It only took five tries before she heard me. Her eyes shot up to meet mine, then to Cyrus behind me. She looked all around the bar, eyes darting left and right. She was quite obviously searching for someone in the crowd. I tried to match her eyes and see where she was looking, but I’d never figure it out in this mass of sweaty bodies. Reggie was clearly busy, but she had seen us and sort of acknowledged we were there. She’d be along shortly.

“Do you want a drink now?” Cyrus spoke so closely to my ear I could feel his cool breath on my neck. A chill ran down my spine.

I shook my head, fearing my voice would come out wrong: shaky, and too obvious. As we stood there at the bar waiting for the skinny purple haired girl, the woman on stage began a new melody. The beat began first, then the smooth lyrics. Her voice assumed a profuse suggestion of hunger and heat. The beat pulsed, waved in and out. I was suddenly aware of where Cyrus was - pressed closely at my back. His arm stretched around me, hand flat on the bar. The song pulsed on; her low animal voice sang slow thirsty lyrics. Cyrus was moving slowly with the music; I could feel him at my back. Once again, his breath on my neck.

“Dance with me?” No matter how hard I tried, I could not repel him any longer.

Finally giving into him, we moved to the dance floor. Customarily, I would have never left my spot at the bar without a drink in my hand. Cyrus was very good. I thought of nothing but the explicitly carnal female voice that pulsated into the air. He pulled me into him, enfolding his arms around my body almost completely engulfing me in himself. I could smell his cologne deep in my nose now. Before I knew it, I was lost in his scent, his sweat, and perfect male form. The feel of his cotton shirt against my skin. The scorching touch of his skin on mine. I looked into those green eyes and anticipated seeing the vibrant green I had the last time we had danced together, merely green. They were beautiful and deep, but simple, human eyes. I stared into them for what seemed like an eternity. His fragrance, his eyes, the woman and her melodramatic voice; I had become entranced. Our bodies moved together as one. Swaying and snaking with the rhythm. He was so close to me, I could have climbed right inside of him. Still stuck in his gaze, his lips moved nearer mine. I was shaking with anticipation. My eyes never left his. I could feel the aura of his lips mingling with mine, so close I could taste it.

“No!” I shoved him away. The music had changed to a cover of Lita Ford’s Kiss Me Deadly. I suddenly gushed back into reality. My mind was flooded with memories of a very strange dream involving this jackass and that song that had left me so frightened of him. My mind was too clouded when it came to Cyrus. I could never make proper decisions with him. Luckily, the force is strong with me and I have avoided peril thus far. Lord knows where I’ll end up if I continue to hang with Cyrus. If I can rule him out as a suspect, or even an accomplice of some kind, then I’m free to be as clouded as I wish. Until then, I need to keep my distance if it kills me. It may kill me if I don’t.

I’m fucked

“What have I done now?” His face was blank but his voice sounded hurt.

“Nothing. It’s me; I have too much to worry about right now. I can’t be smoochin’ boys and I definitely can’t be that physically close to you again. Sorry.” I turned then and shoved my way through the droves of people.

Once again, I found myself pressed against the padded edge of the bar. This time, however, Reggie was within touching distance from me. I used the distance and my irrationally emotional strength to grab her by the spindly little arm and drag her ass nearly over the bar.             

“We need to talk. Now.” The words came out practically a growl.

“Okay.” Her eyes were large with fear. Good.

I let go of her arm and shoved my finger in the direction of a nearby exit sign. I had hoped it led to the back. I was right. Cyrus must have caught the exchange as he was right on my heels as I heaved the heavy metal door open and plodded outside. I was breathing heavily as I folded my arms over my chest and waited for the waif to exit the building. Cyrus made an attempt to touch my shoulder, but never made contact. I was utilizing my new found frustration to thwart his advances and throw Reggie around like a ragdoll. Be it sexual frustration or not it was working for me.  Somehow I had scared her enough, she came bursting through the heavy door. She seemed oddly strong.

I’m stronger, hopefully.

              “You need to start talking. Both of you. There are some facts I’ve been left in the dark about and I need to know where you two stand before my detective friend comes snooping around here with his gun and jurisdiction and such. Trust me, you and everyone involved are being watched. I need to know now; maybe I can change the outcome.” I glanced sideways at the beautiful man on my right. He stood like a stone monument. Face never changing, no inclination as to his involvement.
. “Regina?” I tried to keep my face strong.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said in a small voice looking at the ground. Her eyes darted up to look at Cyrus then back down to the black asphalt.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about. Where are you from Regina? Who were your friends?” I stared her down for a long while then added, “Sandora sends her greetings.”

Both heads shot in my direction. They both looked a little uneasy; Reggie more so than Cyrus who remained pleasantly still and statue like through his tension.

“You know her, Cyrus?” I was not expecting that entirely.

“I met her once.” His eyes moved to look at the little purple haired freak.

“In Fresno? When you recruited Reggie?” Now that caused the reaction I wanted.

“What have you done, Dylan?” He stepped back away from me.

“Those little bitches!” This from the purple-people-eater. How true could that become?

“Oh, but they’re your friends Regina. Dante, Sandora, and Shantressa. Diego.” I left it at that; no need to go any further.

“I don’t know why you’re here harassing us! We’ve done nothing. Your little friends were in here tonight, just a few minutes before you entered. They left a few moments later unfortunately. I was going to call you, but you saw how bombarded I was. I know we talked before about how these guys are not the type you think could kill, but I think they are. Go find them, you’ll find the real answers. Leave us alone!” She was nearly screaming it at me at a pitch I could hardly swallow. It was the shrill pitch of panic, not anger. I had the distinct impression she was withholding a shit load from me.

“Who’s Diego, Regina? Why are you so pissed with Shantressa for talking to me? Talk to me, Reggie! I need to know what the fuck is going on here and all roads lead to you.” Well sort of. It was more of a cul-da-sac or British round-a-bout than a road, but she didn’t need to know that.

“They told you things that were none of your business! Diego isn’t a person I have contact with anymore. I’ll tell you something you need to know, darling little Dylan. Back the fuck off. You don’t know what you’ve gotten into. Stop now, while you’re still ahead. And your little cop, Mike, doesn’t scare me, he can’t touch me. Have fun with Cyrus while he still has you in his sights sweetheart. He won’t be around forever.” She turned to walk away when I grabbed her arm hard. It might have been a bruise later.

“Where’s Diego? I know you’re lying to me and I have a sick suspicion you’re hiding him. And someone who needs to be hidden, obviously, has something to hide from. What’s he hiding from Regina? What did he do?” I held my grip tight.

“Get your fucking hand off me!” She pulled her arm free with a strength I was unprepared for. I stumbled forward a little and caught myself before I fell flat on my face.

“Regina, girls are dying.” I was desperate, my voice reflected that.

“Diego is more than you can handle. His tribe of idiots, while nearly incompetent sometimes, are too much for you, Dylan. Walk away now. There is more here than you will ever understand. Your feeble little human brain will not comprehend the complexity of our existence! Leave us alone!” She had moved quickly and was towering over me at this point.

“I can’t turn back now. It’s impossible; if you think I will, you obviously don’t know me very well.” I was making every attempt at standing my ground and failing miserably. This bitch had a good six inches on me. I outweighed her easily by at least sixty pounds, but she was stronger than I had anticipated.

“He was a little twerp. A dork with no sense of self. I helped him find it. He took what I taught him and left to do his bidding. I haven’t seen him since. I would suggest you do the same. Stay the fuck away from me, Dylan Hart. You may be the next to be drained and left undignified in an alley. Like this one perhaps.” A sick smile twisted across her face. I backed up many steps until my back slammed into the rough cool brick behind me.

“Back down, Regina!” A low growl rumbled from deep in Cyrus’ throat.

“Oh shut it, kitten!” she snarled back.

“Regina, you back off or I may have you for dinner.” His head twisted to one side as he nearly whispered it to her. 

“Touch me and Malcolm will have your hide. You wouldn’t dare.” It was Reggie’s turn to back up. Cyrus slowly stalked toward her, forcing her back even farther.

“I out rank you little one. You may have been his golden child once, as have I. And yet, if he becomes enlightened to your doings, it is you who will feel his wrath. Or perhaps, I will be lucky enough to be chosen to dole out the punishment.” As tall as Regina was Cyrus made her look tiny. His height and broad shoulders nearly blocked her from my view.

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