The Secret Billionaire: A BWWM Love Story For Adults (5 page)

BOOK: The Secret Billionaire: A BWWM Love Story For Adults
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hotels? I guess I have read about them in some articles. These are
hotels where people come to have sex. I guess.”

Claudia whispered in Archer’s ears very seductively, “These
are found only in Japan and today we are going to my favorite Love

was the only word that stuck out in Archer’s head. But his
excitement took over his better judgment. Besides, Claudia was now
frisking her hands all over his body.

I ready for this?” he asked himself.

Suddenly the
car stopped and the driver said something in Japanese. Claudia
quickly paid him and opened the door. “We are here. Come!”

quickly got out, but Archer remained in the cab, thinking what he
should do. “This is the first time I am meeting this woman and
the first place she took me is a weird ass place where people come to
fulfill their kinky sexual desires.”

come on!” Claudia cried from outside the cab.

realized he had to do something and then he looked forward. He found
the driver staring at him through the rear view mirror. Like a
reflex, his hand moved and opened the door. His legs walked out of
the car and he saw the cab driving away.

Archer could see Claudia’s inviting smile. Together, they
entered this strange looking building.

The staff
seemed familiar with Claudia as she walked inside. She kept talking
to them in Japanese and the further they went, the more comfortable
Archer got.

is the restroom?” Archer asked Claudia.

She looked at
him carefully, “Are you nervous, cowboy?”

Archer could
see her silently laughing at him, “No, I wanted to pee since we
left your hotel,” he said with a straight face.

Claudia smiled and pointed him to a door. “There. Go and do
your thing.”

quickly walked inside the restroom and locked the door. He opened the
tap and pulled out his phone. He dialed Phillip’s number and
waited for the phone to ring.

Phillip’s sleepy voice answered the phone.

I think I bit off more than I could chew this time.” Archer was
getting nervous.

me what is going on. You were absolutely fine when you were leaving
to meet Claudia.”

woman has brought me to her favorite Love Hotel. Do you know what a
love hotel is?” Archer asked trying to keep his voice down.

I know what a love hotel is. You made me read those articles.”
Phillip said, “But if I remember correctly, you were quite
intrigued with the concept of such hotels. What happened now?”

you not hear me? It's her
love hotel in Tokyo. Favorite is the key word, in case you missed it
again.” Archer almost screamed, but he covered his face with
the other hand.

just go ahead and have fun.” Phillip chuckled.

is so not funny, Man!” Archer replied.

all you need to do is get to the airport and come back. You are not
in 1942. Nobody there can hold you against your will.”

Archer could
see that Phillip was right. Nothing was holding him there and he did
not want to experience this weird Japanese obsession of a place where
people come to have random unconventional sex.

I am coming home.” Archer said gaining his confidence back.

Hours later,
he was back at the airport, waiting for his flight. He was trying to
forget Claudia’s disgusted face when he told her that he did
not want to do this. Lucky for him, she did not create a scene or
behave like a crazy chick. To his surprise, she took it very
maturely. “I understand, this is not for everyone. It needs a
certain taste and courage,” she said being a little dismissive
of Archer.

But the only
thing Archer cared about was getting the hell out of there.

this shit!” he took out his phone and deleted his profile from
the High Seas website. Then he uninstalled the app from his phone as
well. “What kind of moron came up with this idea!” He was
relieved he was going home, safe and sound.

Chapter 3

look stunning! Good luck with the date,” Jane typed in her
phone below the picture of Vera in her blue dress.

Vera received a
confidence boost on reading Jane’s comment and she looked at
herself in the mirror again. This was the Vera she was missing for a
long time. She was going on a date with a handsome man she had met at

you ready?” Alice asked from downstairs.

Mom!” Vera replied admiring herself. She quickly checked her
purse and exited her room. Her mother was waiting for her downstairs.

You look so beautiful! This dress looks so lovely on you.”
Alice had nothing but praises for her daughter.

Mom. Are you sure you will be fine by yourself?” Vera asked.

am not a little child Vera. You go and have fun.”

me, you will call me if you need anything.” Vera held her
mother’s hand tightly.

promise, I will call you. Now go.” Alice said.

Vera kissed her mother
and left the house. She got into a taxi and reached the restaurant
where she was supposed to meet her date.

Cyril was a charming
young man who was clearly impressed by Vera’s beauty. Vera
could see that he was out of words when he first saw her in person.
“Wow!” was the only word that came out of his mouth.

got it!” Vera high five-d herself in her imagination. “You
look great, Cyril!” she knew she should pay him a compliment as
well. The guy blushed and took her inside the restaurant.

Cyril could see Vera was
a little shy and so he decided to break the ice. “How is life
Vera?” he threw a very vague question at her.

Vera replied and went back to being shy.

Cyril could sense that
this would be a little tougher than he thought, and so he tried
again, “You like this place? Its one of my favorite restaurants
in the city.”

Vera looked around and
did not find anything that she did not like, “I like it.”

Cyril now knew for sure
that there was something strange here. “Tell me Vera, do you go
out often?”

was stumped. She did not know how to answer that. Should she say ‘No’
and come out as a dork who lives in her closet, or say ‘
risk being tagged as a slut? There was no gray area for her. She
thought her answer would be either black or plain white.

Cyril could see her
confusion, but did not understand the reason behind it. However, he
waited patiently for Vera to come up with an answer.

used to go out a lot, you know, when I was in college.” Vera
had already started explaining herself. “But now I mostly stay
at home.”

Cyril nodded trying to
seem polite, but he could sense how awkward Vera was being. He really
liked this girl and so he was willing to give her as many chances she
wanted to have this evening.

I come out here a lot with my friends. You and your friends don’t
go out much?” he asked trying to make Vera talk.

really! We just stay home and talk. Mostly we watch movies on the

Cyril jumped on the
first opening he saw, “Hey I love watching movies too. What
kind of movies do you like?”

Suddenly, Vera realized
that she knew the answer to this question. “Documentaries
mostly. I like learning about new things. But my friend Jane likes
romance and dramas. I guess a stereotypical female movie buff.”

Cyril saw Vera’s
beautiful smile for the first time that evening and he wanted to see
more of it. He kept talking to her about movies and things she liked.
Vera surprised herself by opening to this charming man about her
likes and dislikes. She told him about her secret love for adventure
sports. “I used to trek and go kayaking when I was in college.
And I really wish to do that again.”

After their wonderful
dinner, Cyril turned to Vera and looked into her eyes, “Vera, I
really enjoyed this evening with you.”

Vera was astonished. She
was not expecting this on her first date, but she decided to go with
the flow. “Me too!” she said bringing a smile to her
beautiful face.

you like me to drop you home?” Cyril asked like a gentleman and
Vera nodded in agreement with a smile.

The ride to Vera’s
home was fun like their dinner. They discussed so many things and
Vera laughed out loud a few times. The car stopped and Cyril looked
at Vera. Their eyes met and Vera found herself moving towards Cyril.

Cyril took the hint and
closed the distance between their faces. Their lips met and
electricity filled Vera’s body. She had not been touched by a
guy in years and suddenly she remembered how great it felt. In an
instance, she grabbed Cyril’s face and pulled him towards
herself. Both of them passionately made out in his car. But then,
Vera saw her house across the road, and she closed her eyes.

Cyril noticed something
was not right, “What happened?” he asked.

Vera opened her eyes and
decided that tonight, she will get out of her shell. She wanted to be
the old Vera who did not shy away from getting what she wanted.

we go to your place?” she asked.

Cyril did not know how
to answer that question. He waited for a moment to make sure that he
was not dreaming, “Of course! But are you sure?” he

Vera grabbed his face
and kissed him again, “Yes!” she said.

Cyril quickly put on the
seat belt and drove away.


Cyril and
Vera were lying in Cyril’s bed without their clothes. They were
feeling the warmth of each other’s bodies and their hands were
exploring the spaces their hearts desired. They took a brief moment
to just pause and look into each other’s eyes. Vera could not
believe that it was happening. Her eyes gave Cyril the permission he

He prepared
himself and just when he was ready, the bed vibrated. It was Vera’s

am so sorry!” she said almost pushing Cyril away. It was her
mother who was calling her. “Uggh! I am sure it can wait.”
Vera’s excitement took over and she silenced the ringer.

am sorry, where were we?” she asked with a cute smile. Cyril
got ready again, but soon after that the phone vibrated again. Vera
checked and it was her mother calling again.

Mom!” Vera looked into Cyril’s eyes who was towering over
her. She signaled him to wait for a minute with her finger. Cyril
knew this could take a bit longer than that and he laid down beside

are you? You said you will be back by 10.” Alice said.

I am running a little late. Do not wait for me and go to sleep. I
will be home late tonight..” she looked at Cyril who was
smiling at her, “.. or probably in the morning.”

is another reason why I called you.” her mother said.

Vera was now a little alarmed, “Are you okay Mom?” she
got up in the bed.

cable is out. I am not able to watch TV.” Alice complained.

Vera did not expect this from her mother, “What do you want me
to do?”

fix it all the time for me. I don’t know how to take care of
it.” Alice explained.

you want me to leave my date and come home to fix your cable?”
Vera made sure her mother heard how ridiculous it sounded.

told me to call you if I needed anything.” Alice said.

meant in an emergency. Like if you were feeling unwell. Or if
somebody was in the house.” Vera almost yelled at her, but
remembering that she was with Cyril, she controlled herself.

am sorry, I did not know that I was only supposed to disturb you when
my life was in danger.” Alice tried to sound sarcastic.

Cyril got out
of the bed and went to the bathroom. Vera saw him locking the door.

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