The Secret Fantasy Society

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

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Big Bad Bosses 1:


The Secret Fantasy Society




Vanessa Devereaux





This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


The Secret Fantasy Society

Copyright© 2012 Vannesa Devereaux

ISBN: 978-1-60088-816-8


Cover Artist:



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


Cobblestone Press, LLC








For my writing students…











t be too hasty with your judgment about
gifting. This
is the story of my first re
gift, and
I hope
, it

s not
my last one


Janice slid a gold envelope across the table. She’d invited me to lunch at her country club. It was the first time I’d been there. The place was pretty impressive with its over the top gold furnishings complete with a water fountain adorned with a cherub spitting out water from a trumpet. And not just plain tap water flowed from its mouth, but spa water that you could drink to your heart’s delight. This was how people like Janice lived every day.

She was on her second glass of the famous beverage when the subject of my so far non-existent Christmas gift came up.

“Re-gifting isn’t usually something I approve of but December was hectic for me so I didn’t have an option. However, I think you’ll love it.” She inched the envelope a few more inches toward me. “Well go ahead and open it.”

Not sure what I’d find inside and sensing I might not like it, I let my hand hover over it. Knowing the people in Janice’s circle of friends, I guessed the odds were pretty good that it was a pair of tickets to the opera or ballet. But not to worry because I could always sell them and get something I really wanted.

I lifted the envelope and slid out a white sheet of paper with gold embossing around its edges. It was a gift certificate for…just what the hell was The Secret Fantasy Society?

Shit, maybe it

s a matchmaking service
which is the last thing I need.

“Phoebe purchased it for me right before I met Stephen so I have no use for this sort of thing now. I immediately thought of you, so Happy Belated Holidays.”

“So it’s a dating service?”

“No, no, no. It’s one night of pure fantasy.”

“One night.”

Janice nodded as she took another sip of water. “You’re matched up with someone that meets your sexual fantasy. And I thought as you haven’t been out with anyone since—what over a year ago?—that you might enjoy it.”

“It’s a sex club?”

Janice nodded. “It’s perfect for you, because I’m sure your pussy is so tight that if you don’t get fucked soon, a guy will have to get some tongs to pry it open.”

I swallowed and put my finger to my lip hoping that would silence Janice. I hoped that the two older women at the next table hadn’t heard any of her comments. Not that I’m a prude, just the opposite, but lately I’d been feeling depressed about my non-existent sex life.

“You don’t have any problems fucking a stranger just for one night, do you?”

I shook my head. With the dry spell I’d had, I’d probably keep him very busy.

“Good, but there is one thing you should know. When Phoebe purchased it she did ask what my fantasy was, so it’s designed for me and can’t be changed to your tastes.”

I opened my mouth, ready to ask her what that was exactly, but her cell phone rang. She raised her hand, which I knew meant she was going to take the call. She got up and walked away from the table as she spoke. Five minutes later she was back.

“Sorry, I have to run because that was a client wanting to look at a new office property. I’ll pick up the tab for our lunch on my way out, but feel free to stay as long as you want. I’ve signed you in as my guest so you can use the pool and spa services too.”

She kissed me on the cheek.

“You haven’t told me what your fantasy was?” I asked.

“That’s right, I almost forgot. I’ve embezzled money from the company. My boss has found out and now I have to pay the consequences. Call the number on the certificate and you can pick what day you’d like to use the service. I’ve heard all the guys fuck like a dream so I’ll want to hear all the sordid details. Bye.”

She was gone before I could say a word. I tapped the gold envelope against my palm. Embezzling money…that was her fantasy. The way Janice threw money around that might not be far from the truth.


* * * * *


I’d called The Secret Fantasy Society and told them I had a gift certificate I wanted to use. They’d assigned me a fake name and given me the name of the man who’d be playing my boss.
Duncan Thorpe.
I’d told them I was free on Friday night. I’d asked for their address but gotten a sharp response.

“We don’t give that out. Mr. Thorpe will visit you, and you’ll take it from there,” I was told.

I assumed he’d stop by my house, but on Friday afternoon I had a surprise when my assistant told me there was a man in reception wanting to see me.

I glanced at my appointment book. He wasn’t penciled in.

“Did he say what he wanted?”

“Only that he has some business to discuss with you.”

“Okay, you’d better show him back here.”

I was in the middle of sketching a new design for one of my regular clients when I heard a tap on my door. It was my assistant again.

“Mr. Thorpe to see you.”

I dropped my pen when I recognized the name. I didn’t expect him to come to my office. I was a mess. I hadn’t brushed my teeth after lunch, my hair needed a good comb; and my make-up… Forget it. It was a disaster.

He stepped inside. He was tall, probably over six feet, with dark wavy hair and a cleft in the chin. Broad shouldered, he wore what looked to be a very expensive, dark blue, designer suit.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I said.

He closed the door before heading over to my desk.

“We have a lot to talk about,” he said.

Without being asked, he pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. I took a quick drink from my coffee mug. The coffee had been sitting there most of the afternoon and was now cold and bitter. My mouth was suddenly dry. Partly because of fear of the unknown, and the other fifty percent was due to sheer anticipation.

He crossed one leg over the other.

“It’s come to my attention that you’ve been a naughty girl, Chloe.”

He brushed some lint off his navy blue pants, the silver ring on his little finger catching the light and shining directly onto me.

“Who told you that?”

“I have my sources in the company.”

“Maybe they’re wrong.”

He leaned forward, putting his right forearm on my desk. His eyes were green with tiny flecks of hazel in them. Gorgeous, and something I would always remember about him.

“I don’t think so. There’s over a million dollars missing from my company, and all clues point to you. The fancy clothes, the new car, and the trip to Monaco last year.”

I swallowed hard twice. He made this all seem so real that I felt as if he’d backed me into a corner and I had actually done something bad.

“Can you prove I used your money to fund all that?” I asked.

“You’re not as smart as you think. I’ve had a private investigator following you and checking into your banking activity for the last six months.”

I stood and walked around to the front of my desk, leaning my butt up against the edge. He eyed me up and down beginning at my legs and working his way upward. Today I’d opted to wear my black skirt and white blouse that had a zipper as a closure, and no buttons.

“So you’re here to tell me that you’re going to turn me over to the police?”

His smile was sly and sexy. “That wouldn’t be much fun. Even though you’ve embezzled from me, you’re still a valuable employee.”

“You’re going to look the other way?”

He tapped his fingers against his lips and stared at me, almost without blinking. If I didn’t know this was all part of a game, his stare would have intimidated me big time.

“I can’t look the other way, and you’re going to need to be punished. I want you to learn the consequences of taking money from me.”

He loosened his tie, pulled it down from the collar a few inches, and then very slowly, popped open the button of his shirt.

“Punish me?” I asked, unable to look away from the hint of skin he’d revealed.

“You’ll do everything I ask you to do.”

Obedience was his chosen punishment for me? “And what if I don’t want to?”

“It’s either that or prison. Your choice.”

I didn’t have to ponder my options for long. Obedience beat prison any day, but I couldn’t help the tingle I got envisioning exactly what his next
would be. “Okay, I guess I’m all yours.”

“Get your coat and meet me down at reception in five minutes.”

He stood, turned, and I watched him walk away. He had a confident stride and a great ass.

I logged off my computer and closed my notebook before grabbing my purse and coat and heading out of my office. I rode the elevator with a smile on my face, hoping the other two people who stood beside me didn’t notice it and wonder if I was drunk or something.

When I got to reception Duncan stood by the glass door now wearing a dark overcoat and black gloves. He held the door for me. As I stepped outside I noticed that a grey limo with tinted black windows was waiting at the bottom of the steps. The driver stood by the back door and opened it when he saw us heading his way.

“After you,” said Duncan.

I slid in, feeling the coolness of the plush leather seat against my back and buttocks. Duncan got in beside me, his thigh bumping into mine. I could feel his hard muscles running along the side of his leg and guessed he worked out a lot.

The driver closed the door and then got in and raised the heavily tinted privacy glass between us.

“Are we going to your place or mine?” I asked.

Duncan put his finger up to his lips. “You’ll see when you get there. And as we travel there, you are to do everything I tell you.”

I eased my butt back in the seat.

“Open up your coat and blouse for me,” he said.

I did as slowly as I could, hoping he’d catch on that I’d already decided to tease him this evening. He didn’t take his eyes off me for a second. I pushed back both sides of my coat and slowly slid down the zipper on my blouse. I didn’t have to push that aside because Duncan’s hand was inside it before I had a chance. He still wore the black leather gloves and even through the thick lace of my bra I could feel his fingers moving across my skin.

“How do you feel knowing I can do this whenever I damn well please?” he asked, passing his fingers over my nipples, making them ache. My breasts suddenly felt heavy with the need to be touched some more.

“I suppose I should have thought about it before I stole money from you.”

He pinched the right nipple, taking me by surprise.

Duncan leaned in and kissed my earlobe.

“Is this turning you on, Chloe?”

I suddenly liked that I was being called by another name. As if I could slip into this whole role-playing scenario and not have to think about anything else or the consequences.

Next thing I knew his gloved hand was disappearing underneath my skirt. He rested it on the top of my thigh while he kissed my neck.

“You want to tell me about your pussy and what it’s feeling right now?” he whispered close to my ear.

“It’s wet, hot, and waiting for you to touch it.”

“I make the rules.”

He sounded angry, and for some strange reason it turned me on.

“When’s the last time you fucked someone?” he asked.

“It’s so long ago that I can’t remember.” I wasn’t joking because it had been at least eighteen months.

“Then you should be nice and tight for me.”

He let his fingers splay back and forth over my thigh.

“Touch my crotch,” he said.

I reached under his coat, feeling the bulge push against my palm. His cock was hard and I hoped as big as it felt through his pants. I gave it a squeeze, feeling it jerk a little.

He moved away and got down on the floor in front of me. There was plenty of space for him to get comfortable. Duncan put one of his hands on either side of my skirt and hitched it up until it scrunched around my thighs. He massaged my calves and thighs as his hands made their way upwards, before finally getting hold of my panties and pulling them down.

“Raise that cute little ass.”

I lifted my butt off the seat as Duncan slid my panties over my hips and down my thighs. He tossed them aside before encouraging me to move to the center of the seat.

“You see those two leather straps?”

He pointed behind me. Two black handles hung from both sides of the limo’s walls. I turned back and nodded.

“I want you to put your hands through them and hold on, no letting go, no matter what I do to you.”

“You won’t…harm me, will you?”

His gaze was all sincerity when he answered with a shake of the head. “Punish, yes, but with pleasure not pain. Pleasure…for you and me.”

With half-excitement, half apprehension, I put my hands into the straps. They were cold, rough, but I did as I was told.

Duncan pressed the button for the intercom.

“Yes sir?”

“My assistant and I are going to be working back here so make sure you keep driving around, and don’t disturb us until I say so.”

“Yes sir.”

Duncan positioned himself in front of me again before pushing my legs apart. He still wore the gloves as he moved his hands up and down my legs. The coldness of the leather and the rough edges of their seams were both strangely more erotic than I could have ever imagined. He edged closer to the top of my thighs, rubbing his fingers back and forth on my skin. I pressed my butt into the seat, feeling its coldness bite into me. He lifted my skirt up some more and now as I looked down I could see my mound, dark and neat where I’d gotten waxed just the day before. He reached up and turned on one of the overhead lights and shone its beam between my legs.

“Remember, I don’t want to see either of your hands move from those straps.”

I shook my head. He edged closer to the seat and ran his fingers through my pubic hair.

“Just think, because you were so-so bad, I can touch you like this whenever I want. I can look at your gorgeous pussy whenever it damn well pleases me. Like right now.”

He pressed his hand on my mound, the leather grazing my skin, and then pushed one finger over my clit. I arched up, pulling against the straps as he circled it again and again, almost making it sore, but at the same time causing me to yearn for more.

The leather cut my wrists as I wiggled and struggled with them, hoping my movement would create more friction between my clit and his gloved finger. My right hand accidently slipped out of its binding. I tried to get it back into position before he noticed, but I wasn’t fast enough.

He stopped touching me.

“You really are a bad girl. You don’t do anything your boss tells you to do.”

“Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

I made sure both my wrists rested on the thickest part of the straps this time.

Duncan roughly pulled my legs up, bringing my feet to rest flat on the seat. Cold air hit my folds and entrance, and I shivered.

“Are you cold? Because I’ve got just the thing to get you warmed up.”

He reached for the bottle of champagne that sat on the top of the drink cabinet by one of the limo’s door. He popped it open, poured me a glass and put it to my lips so I could drink. It was sweet, but not overly so, and quenched my thirst. I glanced at him over the rim as he offered me another sip.

Duncan had almost a devilish look as he tipped the remaining liquid over my mound, letting it cascade down over my folds with one or two drops gliding over my pussy opening.

“That’s too good to waste.”

He kneeled on the floor in front of me, leaned forward, and kissed my pussy lips before spearing my entrance with his tongue. I closed my eyes, feeling almost sleepy in a dreamlike state as he alternated flicking and licking my slit. I wiggled my butt, but he slapped my legs and held them still as the tip of his tongue made its way deeper inside me.

Shit, he was good. While this wasn’t my first experience with a guy going to work on me like this, it was, however, the best. I leaned my head back, feeling the cool leather on the nape of my neck. It was a wonderful contrast compared to the heat building in my mound.

Duncan pulled out of my pussy and made his way up to my clit, circling it with his tongue until I didn’t think I could take much more. I pulled on the straps, and felt them strain against the brackets that secured them to the limo wall.

I wanted to come. I had to come to find release.

I cried out, almost passing out from the pleasure building in my lower body. I finally found relief and screamed. Duncan stopped and lifted his head to look at me.

“Take off all your clothes for me. And yes, you can let go of the straps to do it.”

When this game started and I’d felt slightly inhibited, his last request would have intimidated. However, after what he’d just done to me, I was happy to strip for him.

I unzipped my skirt, eased it over my thighs and butt and handed it to him. He dropped it on the ground. I took off my coat, letting it slip behind me, and then rid myself of my blouse. I made him wait a little longer while I unclasped my bra and pulled it off my chest. He gave a slight grin as I held it up in the air and let it glide through my fingers on its way to the floor.

He leaned forward again until his mouth was mere inches from mine.

“If I would have known what a great body you had I would have had some fun and games with you before now,” he said.

“But you had to wait for me to be bad.”

“And when you’re bad, you are very naughty. How are you going to make it all up to me?”

I slid my butt forward toward him. He played with my nipples as he looked me in the eye.

“I could do sexual favors for you. You could fuck me all you want.”

“I will. Don’t you worry about that.”

He still wore the gloves and trailed his fingers down my belly, over my navel and onto my mound again. Duncan then reached behind me and pressed on the small of my back, pitching me forward toward him until my ass was teetering on the very edge of the limo’s seat.

“You want to come again?” he asked.

I nodded. I wanted to so very badly.

“Then you’re going to have to work for it.”

He spread my legs before resting his finger close to my entrance. Sitting there like an erect cock. I stared down at it, waiting and hoping he’d push it inside me, but he didn’t budge.

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