The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (7 page)

BOOK: The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
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Roswell and America’s Destiny


The crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft outside of Roswell, New Mexico, on July 4, 1947, has now taken on the dimensions of a historical watershed event comparable to other significant dates in world history, such as the invention of the printing press, the discovery of America by Columbus, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada. More than any other event involving UFOs, this one has achieved mythic proportions and has succeeded in becoming the marker of the beginning of the space age. Why this should be so is not entirely clear. After all, it is now believed that the Nazis were dealing with ETs in the early 1930s. But certain events, in hindsight, just take on an aura of extraordinary importance and significance for the human race, for inexplicable reasons, and this is one of them. Before Roswell, the world continued to reflect on the horrors and glories of World War II. It was still a time of dance bands, the promise of the stock market, and total cosmological innocence. Distant stars were just the subjects of romantic songs. After Roswell, the entire planet entered a distinctly new and different era, and now the stars became the origins of strange new visitors to Earth. Everything changed. We were no longer alone in the universe.


When analyzing watershed events of this type, one can only marvel at their timing and geographic placement because they seem to occur at a time and place that are absolutely necessary so that subsequent events can most easily follow. It is as if a long freight train is steaming down the tracks, expecting the switch to be in place when it arrives at a crossing point. If that switch is not in place, the train will wreck, and its valuable freight will be scattered to the winds because it is not slowing down. But through some miraculous agency, the switch is thrown just in time, and the train passes safely through, now able to unload its precious cargo to anxiously waiting hands. In 1450, the Renaissance was the freight train carrying the burgeoning intellectual and artistic products of an explosive cultural revolution in Europe, but the hand-printing of literature was the exclusive province of the church and the royal courts because it was too expensive and time consuming for anyone else. If Johannes Gutenberg hadn’t invented the printing press at that moment in time in central Europe and thereby thrown that critical switch, the Renaissance, inspired by widespread access to classical art and literature, could never have happened, and we might still be in the Dark Ages.




The timing and geographic placement of the Roswell crash was extremely fortuitous, and it set in motion a chain of discoveries that allowed us to realize that we had been virtually catapulted into the middle of extraterrestrial warfare. According to Colonel Philip J. Corso and William J. Birnes in the breakthrough book
The Day After Roswell,
this shocking realization caused a panic in the American military establishment when it was understood that we were actually pawns in a struggle between supertechnological adversaries, against whom we ourselves were practically defenseless. Out of this panic emerged a Faustian agreement with hostile aliens as we began to play the game of exopolitics while embarking on a crash program to develop the technology and weaponry we needed to protect the planet.


All of this has been conducted under a thick blanket of secrecy, allegedly to avoid alarming the public and creating financial anarchy. And the secrecy itself became a bargaining chit with the ETs. Our agreeing to the cover-up allowed them to carry out most of their nefarious operations away from the prying eyes of the press. In return for our collusion in keeping it all under wraps, they granted concessions that we probably could not have gotten otherwise, as we raced feverishly to catch up with technologies that were thousands of years in advance of our own. Unfortunately, we paid a heavy price for this agreement, since we lost the advantage of opening up the scientific problems to the best minds on the planet and instead relied only on scientists with a military affiliation who had to confine their research to strictly military objectives and were not free to explore ideas for technology that would benefit humanity. In fact, in the early days, many of them were ex-Nazis brought to America under Operation Paperclip who liked to work with weaponry and were not particularly concerned with advancing the human condition. From a military standpoint this was pragmatic, but it actually retarded scientific progress that could have been far more innovative.


In any case, says Corso, beginning in the early 1960s we were able to harvest incredible technological innovations from the crashed Roswell craft, including night-vision technology, fiber optics, lasers, and, most important, transistors, which revolutionized both industry and the military. He claims that we have now achieved a high level of defense against alien incursions. The turning point was the Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars,” under President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. According to Corso, satellite-mounted high-energy lasers and particle-beam weapons can now disable UFOs with pinpoint accuracy.


Furthermore, according to the penetrating investigations of Dr. Richard Boylan, a former associate of Dr. Michael Wolf who has emerged as the foremost source of information about human/ET interaction and who claims to have informants under deep cover in high places, we now have antigravity craft capable of routine intra– solar system travel and deep-space ships referred to as Nautilus types that use even more sophisticated propulsion systems such as tachyon and antimatter engines.
These developments were the result of an intense program of reverse engineering of crashed alien craft as well as actual scientific assistance by friendly aliens. Boylan also says we have had military bases on the moon and Mars since 1962. From Preston Nichols, author of
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time,
we learn that we have achieved interdimensional and time travel with the help of the Sirians at an underground base at Montauk Point, Long Island. And according to William Henry, best known for 2003 book
Cloak of the Illuminati: Secrets, Transformations, Crossing the Stargate,
who has unearthed evidence of the existence of ancient stargates, not only do real stargates exist, but we have learned how to use them.


All of this started with Roswell. The Roswell crash threw the switch, and the freight train carrying us into the age of galactic interaction has roared right through. We are now well into an era of “science fact” that makes science fiction look like so many Tom Swift stories. If the Roswell crash had not occurred, we might still be in the technological dark ages and totally vulnerable to an alien takeover. In the words of Corso, from
The Day After Roswell,
“The real truth behind a fifty-year history of a war that looked like the ultimate defeat of humankind . . . can now finally be told because we prevailed. It was because in the dark hours before dawn in July 1947 the army, only dimly recognizing that we were on the edge of a potential cataclysmic event, pulled the crashed spacecraft out of the desert and harvested its parts just like the inhabitants of that vehicle wanted to harvest us.”




According to psychologist Carl Jung, a synchronous event is a timely and meaningful coincidence that has great importance in a person’s life but could not have been planned or expected and defies the calculations of probability. Jung viewed synchronicity as evidence of a dynamic coupling between the subjective and the objective worlds—between reality and the subconscious. A synchronous event is really an outward manifestation of a subconscious state. World events spring from the collective unconscious through the influence of archetypes, which are patterns inherent in the shared psyche of all of humanity. According to Crystalinks,
“These patterns, or ‘primordial images,’ as Jung sometimes refers to them, comprise man’s collective unconscious, representing the dynamic source of all human confrontation with death, conflict, love, sex, rebirth and mystical experience.” Synchronicity seems to occur most often at times of personal and world crises and at significant passage points.


By these definitions, synchronicity would be the most likely explanation of how the switches are thrown at critical times in world history. Writer David E. Flynn, author of
Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars,
has analyzed and dissected the circumstances surrounding the timing and placement of the Roswell crash. The results of his research give us an amazing glimpse into the mechanics of synchronicity and destiny.




Flynn’s presentation “An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Countdown to 2012,” given at the Ancient of Days Conference in Roswell on July 4, 2005, first attracted my attention. Then, after reading his article of the same title, which appeared on the Internet at the Raiders News Service website, I arranged for an interview for
Atlantis Rising
magazine. All of the direct quotes by Flynn in this chapter are from his Internet article. Flynn believes that all human knowledge derives from higher sources, slowly advancing the spiritual condition of humanity toward a goal of perfection. This knowledge, he claims, comes from “the gods,” who are really extraterrestrials, and it is given to the human race through synchronous events that occur on a precise timetable throughout history. The timetable is geared to cycles over immense periods of time that we cannot discern easily because our history is so limited in scope.


One such event was the first descent of the “sons of God” to Mount Hermon in ancient Phoenicia. There, they bred with human women, the so-called daughters of Adam, and produced a hybrid race. These were the infamous Nephilim, literally “the fallen ones,” who were supposedly of gigantic stature. Of this, Flynn says, “Through the influence of these heavenly beings and their offspring, men became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed.” There have been many myths about this. In the Bible, it was “eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge.” In Greek mythology, it was Prometheus bringing fire to mankind. (
means “light bringer” and is another name for Prometheus.)


Flynn says that the Nephilim and their descendants founded certain secret, “illumined” organizations to preserve the divine knowledge of the gods, believing that they would again return to Earth, at which time all sacred knowledge will have been revealed to the human race. This body of knowledge is represented by the phoenix, its name derived from that of Phoenicia, a bird that was destroyed but will be born again out of the ashes of its incineration when the gods return. These secret organizations, such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Illuminati, know the timetable of the planned disclosures and understand that the dates and times of such events are in accord with ancient symbolic tenets so that they can be recognized by the cognoscenti as “divine revelations.” Thus, it is theorized that the intellectual and artistic underground in fifteenth-century Europe, informed by the secret organizations, knew that the invention of the printing press was imminent. In the same way, says Flynn, the secret societies knew that an event like Roswell, which would launch us into the space age, would occur on July 4, 1947, and it is this recognition that has invested the Roswell crash with such an aura of fame.




Mount Hermon in ancient Phoenicia, the point of the first descent of the gods to Earth, lies precisely at latitude 33.33° north and longitude 33.33° east of the prime meridian (the longitude of Paris). This focus on the number 33 by the gods invested this number with occult significance, and it became a sacred number to the Freemasons. The Masons understand that the power of numbers and symbols is derived from the ancient wisdom. Flynn quotes W. Wynn Westcott, a famed occultist, who says, “Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony . . . spiritually as well as physically . . . to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals.” To indicate that the power of the number 33 derives from geographic coordinates, the Masons have incorporated the two most important symbols of navigation into their logo, the square and the compass. This is to say that the arts of earthly navigation are a metaphor for the attainment of spiritual understanding. Flynn says, “Navigation unites time with space and the heavens with the earth . . . Navigation not only predicts the destination of a traveler on the earth but also the time the traveler will arrive . . . The most powerful secret held by the occult elite is related to this concept taken to a higher level.” Or, in a reversal of the words of the famous Hermetic axiom, “As below, so above.”


Flynn tells us that another important number was derived from the Mount Hermon location: 33.33° of the great circle represents 2012.9 nautical miles. Of this connection, Flynn asks the question, “Does the chosen location of the first connection of heaven with the earth on Mt. Hermon . . . set in time the final phase of a new world order in 2012?” Interestingly enough, 2012.9 translates to December 2012 when counted in the precessional calendar beginning in March, the exact date of the end of the Fourth World according to the Mayans. The precessional annual calendar equates also to the astrological calendar wherein March 21 is the first day of the year.


The significance and the synchronicity of the Roswell crash become startlingly clear when all of the numbers involved in the location of the crash site and the date of the crash are considered. The impact area, about seventy-five miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, is at latitude 33° north. This places it at a distance of 2012 nautical miles from the equator. When the latitude is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant pi (3.1415926572 . . . ), the result is 104°. This is the precise longitude of the crash site. The multiplication by pi is understandable, since it is one of the most important numbers in architecture and navigation. Flynn says, “The only place on earth where 33° latitude and 104° longitude exist without lying in an ocean, as it does south of the equator, or an uninhabited mountain plateau as it does in the eastern hemisphere, is a few miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, USA.” He says further, “The odds against a crash location occurring ‘by chance’ precisely at the coordinates that are the product of Pi × 33 are astronomical.”


The earth is 21,600 nautical miles in circumference. When this number is divided by 33.33, the result is 648.06480648, a variation of 6,480, or one-quarter of a precessional cycle. When this number in turn is divided by 19.47, a variation of the year of the crash (i.e., 1947), it produces 33.28, a very close modification of the latitude of the site. Interestingly, there are 64.8 years between July 1947 and March 2012. Furthermore, Flynn says it is no accident that the crash occurred on the anniversary of American independence, July 4, since the event had much to do with the ordained destiny of the United States. As Corso has shown, the crashed disc was the source of technical innovations that allowed the United States to develop technological parity with the aliens.


Flynn believes that Roswell was also a marker event to begin the countdown to 2012, a fact that would not be comprehended until the twenty-first century. Because it has been viewed as an accident for all these years, researchers have been diverted from the mathematical message until now, when the year 2012 has taken on enormous significance. This convinced Flynn that the perpetrators of the crash were connected with the original sons of God who landed on Mount Hermon and first imprinted 2012 on the universal subconscious. This casts the sacrificial dead aliens in the role of “messengers,” which is the precise term the ancients used for heavenly beings. Once more, the advent of the messengers heralded a new era of the interbreeding of aliens with humans and the creation of a hybrid race (see chapter 19).


And so Roswell must now take its rightful place in the grand pageant of American history, along with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Washington crossing the Delaware, the Civil War, and our victory in World War II, as the event that prepared us, and the rest of the world, for galactic membership.


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