The Seduction Of Claudia (13 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Chauvet

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Seduction Of Claudia
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"So?" he asked, arching one brow.

"So, what?"

"Are you going to admit that I was right and you were wrong?" he asked, tickling her behind the knees.

"Never!" Claudia giggled.

"Oh yes, I think you will. Just wait and see," he said menacingly, then lunged for her.

"Andrew, for crying out loud," an imperious voice said from the open doorway. Andrew and Claudia jumped apart guiltily. "Leave the poor girl alone! There'll be plenty of time for all of that after the party's over!"

At the last comment, Claudia jumped up from the bed, blushing from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair.

"Come, darling, it's my turn to monopolize you. Andrew, your bowtie is crooked. Straighten it and get back downstairs," Maggie said, grabbing Claudia's hand and leading her out of the room.

Claudia looked over her shoulder at Andrew with wide eyes and shrugged helplessly. He rolled his eyes and flopped back on the bed. I feel like a teenager, he thought grumpily, first making out in the car and then getting caught by my mom with a girl in my room. Still, he thought with pride, mom, dad and Brian seemed completely charmed by his girl... He'd known they would be, because she was perfect for him. They would have known that he was serious about her when he'd told them he was bringing someone home with him for Christmas. He'd not told Claudia that she was the first woman that he'd ever introduced to his parents; he'd known she'd have been even more nervous if he had. She was the only one who didn't know the significance of her presence in his family home on a holiday that was so important to his to them all.

Getting off of the bed, he went to the mirror and straightened the offending bowtie, smoothed his rumpled hair. With a sigh, he rejoined the revelry downstairs. He couldn't wait until it was over. Then he would have Claudia all to himself, no more meddling or 'monopolization' from his parents and Brian.


The party wound down well after midnight. The family ascended the stairs, leaving the catering staff to finish the clean-up downstairs. On the second floor landing, they kissed one another goodnight, with promises for more peace, quiet and time to get better acquainted tomorrow. Andrew and Claudia left Maggie, Iain and Brian on the second floor and continued on to the third floor alone.

Andrew shut the door behind them, leaned against it and said,

"At last... We're alone."

"Don't get any ideas," Claudia warned severely. "I feel weird enough that your mother is letting us sleep together. It would be beyond embarrassing if 'anything happened'."

"Come on, Claudia," Andrew almost whined, "I barely laid eyes on you all night! The only thing that kept me from dragging you up here in the middle of the party was the thrill of anticipation..."

"Well, you'll just have to anticipate a little longer, like until we get back to town, because I could never do 'that' here!" she said primly. "It would be disrespectful to your parents and the hospitality they've shown me, Andrew. And besides... What if they heard us?" She asked, scandalized. Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed her overnight bag and toiletries, went into the bathroom and shut the door.

When she came out of the bathroom, she was dressed conservatively in flannel pajamas. Ha, Andrew thought, if she thinks those ugly pajamas are going to stop me, she's got another think coming! He went into the bathroom to prepare for bed.

While he was away, Claudia went over to the cushioned window seat, which granted a panoramic view of the ocean and the lights of downtown Boston courtesy of the cupola. She went over to the bed to get the antique afghan that was folded at the foot. Wrapping herself in it, she curled up on the seat and watched the foam-topped waves crash ashore. The lights of Boston looked far off, but somehow close enough to touch. She marveled at the raw beauty of the rocky beach juxtaposed with the snow-softened appearance of the streets and homes in the surrounding area.Beautiful, she thought.

Andrew came out of the bathroom and came to sit with her. Chilled, having stripped down to his boxers, he scooped her up onto his lap and re-wrapped them both in the blanket. They gazed out of the windows, shrouded in silent serenity. This is the way I always want us to be, he thought.

Tipping her face to his, he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. In spite of her resolve to refrain from making love in his parents' house on the very first occasion she'd met them, she wanted him. She'd hoped she would be strong enough to withstand Andrew's advances, but she really didn't want to. She'd seen the determined look on his face when she'd come out of the bathroom in the flannel pj's and had known that her goose was cooked.

They kissed, hotly and hungrily, each feeling as though they'd come home after a prolonged absence. Before she knew it, Andrew had her naked and straddling his lap. He touched her all over, never once breaking their fiery kiss. Claudia slid a hand between their bodies, caressed his cock through his boxers. He shifted, allowed her to remove them. Quietly, they joined. She rocked over him slowly, swirling her hips, lifting and lowering herself on him.

Claudia tore her mouth from his, gasping for breath. She braced her hands on his shoulders and began to ride him with increased fervor. Andrew's hands gripped her waist, then slid down to take firm handfuls of her ass. He helped her, his hands guiding her as she fucked him. Her breath came faster, accompanied by little whimpers that Andrew muffled with his mouth. Wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, he bucked upward into her.

She broke the kiss again, panting. "Yes, oh yes, Andrew," she moaned. He took her hand, guided it between their bodies and ultimately to her clit.

"Do it," he commanded in a whisper.

Without a thought, she touched herself, used her natural lubrication to moisten her fingers and slid them over the button of her clit. She kept her other hand braced on Andrew's shoulder, using it as leverage so that she met each one of Andrew's firm upward thrusts with a firm downward stroke of her own. Dropping her head to his shoulder she surrendered to the orgasm that ripped through her; she sank her teeth into the muscle there to muffle her moans as she rode him through the waves. Grabbing a handful of her hair, Andrew yanked her head back and fastened his mouth on hers when he came, using her mouth to muffle his own roar of satisfaction.

Still entwined and coming down from their high, they sat together on the window seat until their sweaty bodies grew chilled.

"We should go to bed, sweetie," Claudia said.

"I know. It's freezing, huh?"

"Mmm," came her lazy reply. Finally, gathering her strength, she lifted herself off of his lap, scooped the blanket from the floor and pulled Andrew to his feet.

"Come on, Lazybones," she coaxed. She pushed him into the bed and climbed in after him.

"Thanks for coming up here with me tonight," Andrew said. "I know my parents can be overwhelming sometimes and you handled them perfectly."

"They're wonderful people, Andrew."

"Wait a minute," he said, propping himself up to look at her incredulously, "Stop the presses! Was that an admission that you were wrong about them?"

Turning away from him, she said primly, "Good night, Andrew. Oh, and Merry Christmas."

Chapter Six





Christmas morning dawned snowy and beautiful. Claudia opened her eyes and squinted against the brightness of the day. Stretching, she luxuriated in the feel of the silky sheets against her naked skin. Obviously very high thread-count, she thought. Curious about the rest of the decor, she looked around the room in which she had slept but with which she hadn't really had time to become acquainted.

It was furnished with antiques. The sleigh-bed was, from all appearances, hand carved, varnished cherry wood. In judicious arrangement, there was an old-fashioned writing table with a delicate upholstered chair, a dresser and an armoire of the same dark, highly polished wood.

The shiny hardwood floor was covered with an Oriental rug with a deep green and antique gold design. The cushion on the window-seat where she and Andrew had made love the night before held the same tones. The nightstands positioned on either side of the bed each held Tiffany lamps, originals Claudia thought – not merely 'Tiffany-style'. Each stained-glass lampshade matched the green and gold motif of the room, but were of different designs. With its tasteful décor and understated elegance, the room was lovely. It wasn't exactly to Claudia's personal tastes, but she could tell the room had been decorated with an eye towards its occupants' comfort and aesthetic beauty.

Having satisfied her curiosity about the room, she peeked beneath the bedcovers Andrew had drawn over his head to ward off the brightness of the morning. Smiling, she took a hank of her hair in her hand and feathered it across his ear. When he swatted at it, she moved out of the way quickly. Another little brush, this time on the tip of his nose. And another swat. She teased him further, drawing the sprig of hair down the side of his neck. She wasn't quick enough to dodge him and his hand closed tightly around her wrist. Andrew opened one eye and glared at her.

"Merry Christmas," she said, with a syrupy smile.

The eye snapped shut and he turned onto his back, pulled her down so that her head rested on his shoulder. He drew the comforter more securely around them. Claudia snuggled into him, caressed his chest and abdomen as she lay alongside him.

"It's getting late, Andrew, don't you think we should get up? I'll bet your parents have been awake for hours already..."

"Nope. We always sleep in on Christmas morning..." he replied gruffly without opening his eyes.


Claudia continued to stroke him, drawing lazy patterns in the swirl of hair on his chest and savoring the hot, smooth yet hair-roughened texture of his skin. She noticed that he had a trio of tiny moles on his shoulder that formed a perfect equilateral triangle whose outline she traced with her fingertip. She ran her hand down his torso, lightly brushed past his morning erection and on to the muscular curve of his thighs and massaged the muscles there with firm strokes. She slid her hands up again to his stomach where she dipped a finger in his belly button.

Again, her wrist was seized in a tight grip. And again, Andrew opened one eye and gave her a baleful stare. "You aren't going to let me go back to sleep, are you?" he asked, then kissed the palm of her hand and drew her closer.

"I'm bored," Claudia pouted.

"You're bored... You could've at least woken me up properly."

"Don't sulk. Against my better judgment, I put you to sleep 'properly' last night. Remember?" she poked him in his ribs.

"Mmmm... No, I don't recall. Refresh my memory?"

"Oh, you are too much!" she laughed, "It's Christmas morning and the first thing you think of is sex? And in your mother's house, with her in a room right below us?"

"Leave my mother out of this," he said lazily, his eyes closed again.

Claudia's caresses turned a little more menacing. She dragged her fingertips lightly across his skin, making it pebble with goose bumps. She traced the line of his collarbone, a very sensitive spot for him. She teased him, running her index finger back and forth across it lightly, lulling him with the gentle caress. Suddenly, she applied quick, hard pressure to his collarbone and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He grabbed her and rolled her underneath him.

"You're dead," he threatened.

"Oh? Show me what you've got, big boy," she taunted.

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Andrew pounced on her and began tickling her where she was most vulnerable: her sides. She squirmed and giggled, tried her best to get away from his marauding fingers. Her giggles turned into outright belly laughs and she lay helpless under his assault.

"Do you give up?"

She took advantage of his pause in tickling her and jackknifed her legs around his waist and squeezed him between the lean muscles of her thighs. Now that she had leverage, she twisted to the side taking him down to the bed. She scrambled on top of him, crowing,

"Ha - got you! I'm king of the mountain!"

"Yeah, right. I let you get me. You're no match for me, little girl," he said, putting his hands behind his head. "Get down here and give me a proper good morning, will you?"

"I will," she said, bracing her hands on either side of his head and bestowing a peck of a kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, he pushed his hands into the curly tangle of her hair, kept her in place to ensure he got the kind of good morning kiss he was looking for. Andrew savored the kiss and the feel of her body on top of his. He caressed her creamy smooth skin from the nape of her neck down to the curve of her hips, ran his fingertips lightly along the crease of her buttocks and deeper between her legs to caress the lips of her sex. Feeling a wave of involuntary, intoxicating arousal, Claudia shivered and ground against Andrew's hard cock. Then pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at him smugly.

"Nice try, but you won't do it again."

"Do what?"

"Seduce me."

"I betcha I can."

"No you can't."

"Do you dare me?"

"What are you? Eleven?" she taunted, then scrambled out of bed when she saw the glint of determination in his eyes as he responded to her challenge.

"OK, listen. I'm going to take a shower. By the time I get out, I hope that you will have... um, calmed yourself down and re-acquired your sense of decorum," Claudia teased, gesturing to the sheet that tented over Andrew's hard-on.

"I'd prefer it if you'd 'calm me down'," he grumbled.

"Ooohh, I'll just bet you would, babycakes," she replied. With as much dignity as she could muster while standing around stark naked, she swept into the bathroom and closed the door.

She wasn't surprised when he joined her in the shower.

"You're such a tease," he said, "come here."

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her beneath the spray of hot water. Claudia surrendered, knowing that resistance was futile where Andrew was concerned. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed against him. Feeling hot and hungry for him, she deepened the kiss. His hands wandered over the water-slicked terrain of her body, lingered when he reached her breasts, gently pulling and twisting her already engorged nipples. Andrew grabbed the bottle of shower gel, squeezed a dollop into his palm and worked up a rich lather as he massaged her neck and shoulders.

He turned her around, so his cock rested against her bottom. He rubbed the lather into her breasts, his hands filled to overflowing with the supple flesh. He whispered in her ear, telling her in erotically explicit terms what he wanted from her, what he was going to do to her. Her knees weakened when he slid one soapy hand down her torso to the patch of hair between her legs. He cupped her mound, pressed the heel of his palm against her clit and rubbed in slow circles. His middle finger slid between the lips of her pussy, lightly caressing from her opening up to her clit and back down again. His touch was feather-light, intended to goad her into demanding - no, begging - that he take her.

Claudia spread her legs wider; she was already yearning to be penetrated. Andrew slid his hand back up her torso, raising her arms and positioning her hands flat against the tiled wall of the shower stall. He traced the elegant line of her back from top to bottom, ran one hand down the crack of her ass, grazed his fingertips over the swollen lips of her pussy and down the backs of her thighs. She arched her back and pressed back against him, longing for his gloriously hard cock. He slid one arm around her waist and guided his cock into her tight, wet cleft.

In one long, slow thrust, he was buried to the hilt. Claudia moaned, thrilling at the feel of being stretched around his cock, exulting in the exquisite fullness she felt. He stayed still inside her, his cock throbbing when he felt the flutter of her inner muscles around him. He withdrew almost completely, then thrust slowly into her again, setting a slow, controlled pace. He loosened his hold on her waist, slid his hand between her legs to the hard nub of her clit. He circled it softly with soapy fingers and she gasped,

"More... Harder."

Andrew kept his pace slow, his caresses teasingly light and held Claudia poised on the brink of orgasm. He knew her well enough to know that she would be feeling impatient, knew she wanted him to push her over the edge hard and fast. He didn't want hard and fast, he wanted it slow and easy. He wanted to savor the feel of her slick heat gloving him, to take his time enjoying the feel of her firm breasts and hard nipples in his hands, to delight in her sighs and moans of pleasure.

She began to thrust back against him, increasing the pace and the force of his entry into her. She removed one hand from the wall, reached down and rubbed her clit with firm circular strokes. She moaned and rested her forehead against the wall, felt the rampant clench of arousal low in her belly. Andrew's hands cupped her breasts, palming them, tugging and squeezing her nipples. He let her take over, allowed her to plunge down onto his cock with deep, hard thrusts.

"Mmmm, yes. Harder, Andrew," Claudia begged.

Andrew leaned forward and grazed his teeth along the line of her neck and shoulder. She shivered in response and her skin erupted in goose bumps. He reached down and moved her hand away from her clit and put it back on the wall. He lightly brushed his fingertips across the hard nub, back and forth. Claudia needed more, wanted more and clenched her teeth, groaning in frustration and bliss.

The shower stall was full of steam and echoed with the sounds of passion. Droplets of water glistened on the lovers' bodies, a mixture of sweat and spray from the shower. Andrew applied more pressure to her clit and she gasped in pleasure. He felt her pussy walls clamp around him spasmodically. She was making breathy, whimpering sounds and cried out when he changed tactics and squeezed her clit lightly between his index and middle fingers. A repeat of the caress had her climax roaring through her. It hit her hard and would have buckled her knees had Andrew not gripped her waist to keep her upright. He rode her hard, pressing pleasure upon her. He felt the continuous ripple of her orgasm squeezing and releasing his cock as he fucked her. The low quivery moans she made and the sensations of her cunt pulsing around his cock were overwhelming. He squeezed her clit again and the responding spasms of her pussy triggered his orgasm. He exploded, making short deep thrusts into her.

Drained, he leaned over her back and braced himself against the wall with one hand, his breathing labored. Claudia slithered around in the circle of his arms to face him, clung to him languidly as they kissed and caressed one another, prolonging the intimate moment. Andrew reached for the shower gel again and Claudia giggled and took it from him.

"Give me that," she teased, "I think I'll wash myself this time!"

In the end, they wound up washing each other and dawdled in the shower longer than they should have. They were having too much fun teasing, playing and exploring to get out. It felt good to wake up next to him, to play with him, Claudia thought, I could get used to mornings like this.

They slid into domesticity easily, performing their toilettes side by side in front of the big mirror above the vanity with its his-and-hers sinks. Claudia took out her blow drier and her brush, intending to straighten her hair for the day. Andrew grimaced, saying,

"Don't. I like it curly."

"But Andrew, it's so messy and unrefined that way. It makes me look like a wild-child," she protested. "I prefer it nice, neat and tame."

"I love the wild-child in you," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Besides, it's Christmas - don't I get a say?"

"Man, you are all about the dirty fight today, aren't you?" she said sarcastically, capitulating.

She finger-combed her hair and dried it with the blow drier set on cool. When it was mostly dry, she pulled it back from her face with a wide red headband and fluffed the curls around it. Hoping that she had chosen an outfit that projected a 'casual-yet-elegant-day-at-home' vibe, she dressed in chic stovepipe leg black wool slacks and black boat-neck cashmere sweater with a thin red stripe around the neck. She belted the pants with a red suede belt and wore red suede driving moccasins.

"Is this good?" she asked Andrew, nervous again.

"You always look good to me, baby."

"I know that, but what I want to know is, will your mother approve?" agitation edged her voice.

"Are we starting that again?"

"A simple yes or no will do, Andrew," she said tartly.

"I've got to keep you away from my mother," he sighed, "you just met her last night and you're already rivaling her in the 'who's the best at badgering Andrew' contest. You look wonderful," he said.


"If you're finished primping, can we go, now? I need coffee in the worst way."

"Now who's badgering who? Yes, we can go. If you're going to stay grouchy all day, I'll need that coffee more than you do..."

"Very funny. Come here."

Claudia went to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She twined her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. They were a deep, dark blue this morning and despite the playful banter, mock bickering and lovemaking they'd enjoyed, they were serious. Cocking her head to the side, she asked,

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