The Seduction of Sebastian St. James (4 page)

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Authors: Rachel van Dyken

Tags: #historical romance, #regency romance, #Humorous, #Rachel Van Dyken, #The Ugly Duckling Debutante, #kindle romance, #Fiction, #Romance, #Astraea Press, #London, #Historical Fiction, #Regency London, #Sensual romance, #Under 3.00 Kindle

BOOK: The Seduction of Sebastian St. James
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“Smiling about your fate are you, dear friend?” Nicholas paused before exiting the room with Sara. “It seems he and you are in town for the same reason, dear girl. The duke must find a bride this Season, and you must find a husband. Although bets are on you landing a husband before he even sets foot at his first ball. He has the uncanny ability to repel any lady of class within miles.”

“Guess I deserve that for encouraging young Samuel,” Tempest said gloomily.

“Yes well…” Nicholas bowed before finishing. “He’s now playing Mr. Duke in the front of the house and has decided life would be much more fun if he wiped jelly on his nanny and threw caution to the wind.”

Tempest nodded seriously while Emma tried to cover up her laughter.

“What exactly do you mean by—” The duke didn’t get a chance to finish because just then Samuel ran by screaming and stark naked.

“Good day,” Nicholas said, exiting the room at a dead run with Sara following close behind.

“Well, that was more excitement than I had hoped to see this afternoon,” Tempest joked as he rose from his seat.

Emma noticed an envious twitch in his eyes as he straightened his already perfectly smooth jacket.

“Leaving so soon, your grace?”

His pensive gaze traveled across her face before settling on her lips. She hadn’t even had time to lick them as he approached her.

“What would you have me do? Sit in my best friend’s drawing room with his wife’s cousin? Alone? Unchaperoned? Whatever would people say?”

He was openly mocking her, and for some reason, it sent a chill down her spine. He was exciting and she had missed excitement in her life for the past few years.

Gathering her wits, she reached toward an escaped curl on his forehead and pushed it back. “Why, your grace, I have to admit disappointment.”

Without moving he asked, “Disappointment?”

“Of course.” Her hand now rested on his shoulder as she provocatively leaned in. “One would think your reputation was all a ruse. I find myself saddened to see that others’ opinions of you decide with whom you associate and when.”

“Are you implying, dear girl, I should stay and chat like one of your gossip-ridden girl friends?”

“Gossip, no. But ride? I could go for one of those.”

His face blanched. “I’m sorry?”

“A ride through the park, silly.” She slapped him on the shoulder and sauntered away. “That is, only if it does not make you uncomfortable, your grace. After all, I do have a care for your opposition in spending time with a gossip-ridden lady of the

Emma was on fire. It was exhilarating. The Duke of Tempest wasn’t a man to be trifled with. Yet a part of her was saddened he had never once been the type of man to let his hair down, emotionally that is. Of course, he was known for being the most captivating and joyful of the peerage.

The man couldn’t breathe without the gossip mills finding out about it. She assumed he used his confident and easy-going personality as protection from those who would love nothing more than to see the man fall off his high horse.

Emma, having already fallen off her high horse, felt sympathy for him. It was easy living a life where people put no expectations on you, for your only choice was to keep climbing up. But those who were already the toast of the ton, they were the ones who lived the truly maddening lives. They had to stay in the newspapers and among the gossip during the Seasons affairs, at all costs.

The Duke of Tempest had always been well liked and respected, even among the mamas of the ton. Oh it was common knowledge he’d had his affairs, but the gossips never mentioned courtesans. No, the only women tied to him were the widowed who openly engaged in an affair with him, at least that’s the only information she had heard of him over the years. His reputation was to be spotless. It all started when he saved a small girl from drowning while he was at Eton. The next week he stopped a runaway carriage. The following year he saved the prince himself from a fall down the stairs. Which wasn’t all that heroic, except it saved embarrassing the royal family.

People were ready to have the duke sainted after all those incidents. So, he came to have the nickname “The Angel Duke.” Surely he thought it was silly, but Emma found it odd how easily it fit.

She swallowed and gloomily looked down at her hands. If he only knew what spending time with her would do to him. Well, he would most likely shout at everyone within distance, all the while pushing her in front of the first oncoming carriage.

Her secret was like a disease, making it impossible for her to keep anyone close no matter how badly she desired it.

Adventure was her only companion now, and her body ached for it the way it used to ache for dancing. If she could feel the wind against her face, the sand between her toes, water dancing on her skin, only then did the memories of that night seem to fade away. Adventure was to be her lover.

Love for Emma Gates would never happen. Love was saved for pure girls. Girls with little to no scandal.

“Just a short one then,” the duke answered gruffly.

“A short?” she asked confused. Apparently they had been in active conversation the whole time. Emma cursed her tendency to woolgather.

Tempest grinned. “A ride. That is if the offer still stands. I find myself curious as to your riding abilities, Miss Gates.”

Licking her lips, she bit back a smile. “I daresay they more than trump your own.”

He shrugged as if conveying a message of humility. “I gather we shall see about that. Meet me at the front in an hour. It should give you adequate time to change into a habit while I ready the horses.”

She exited the room only to hear him call after her.

“Shouldn’t you ask Sara to accompany us?”

“For what reason?” Emma turned back as he approached her.

“It isn’t at all proper for a lady to go about without a chaperone? I daresay you’ve been in the country far too long, Miss Gates.”

Emma grinned. “Oh, I see. You’re frightened to be alone with me.”

He cursed in answer then ran a hand through his hair. “I am a man.”

“I see, and were you confused about your sex before our little talk?”

Emma shocked herself with her bluntness.

Sebastian turned away laughing. “As amusing as you might be, I have a care for your reputation.”

“Don’t.” Emma fought to keep her voice even as she met Tempest’s calculating gaze. “I assure you, I’m not a debutante out to seduce you, nor will my reputation be in question, your grace.”
Difficult for a reputation to be in jeopardy when it’s already been destroyed.
“Now, would you rather discuss chaperones and propriety or go for a ride?”

Emma fought the desire to look away as Sebastian’s piercing eyes continued to question her as if trying to figure out what had brought on her answer. Finally he shook his head and held out his hand.

The air stilled as she put her hand in his. Warm lips caressed her knuckles sending a thrill down to her toes, “A ride through the park, of course.”

“Good, I’ll just be a minute then.”


Chapter Three


Sebastian paced in the entryway, trying his best to look casual as he heard footsteps tap lightly across the marble staircase.

With each step his fist seemed to get tighter and tighter. As if the person’s footsteps had a direct connection with the tension he felt all over his body.

He was still perplexed at her offhand comment concerning reputations. Didn’t every girl worry about reputations? And why wasn’t Nicholas yelling at him for taking the girl out on her first day in London? It wasn’t necessarily frowned upon to take a lady for a jaunt in the park during the fashionable time of the afternoon. But he wasn’t so ignorant to believe that tongues wouldn’t be wagging after they were seen together. Self preservation told him it would be best to attach himself to Miss Gates in a brotherly way. After all, they were staying at the same house, which was cause enough for scandal. But if he could attain that they were as close as cousins, well then, there should be no problems for either of them in the near future.

It both bothered and intrigued him how easily he had fallen to her little challenge. But it wasn’t a crime to want to spend more time with her. Surely all the marriage talk wasn’t affecting his normally sound mind when it came to passing the hours with women? And even he was self-assured enough to know he wasn’t falling for a woman he barely knew merely because she challenged him at every step. The female race as a whole was provoking. It was their curse and a man’s burden.

He stole another glance to where Miss Gates had disappeared; would she be such a burden? His mind treacherously replayed images of her smile, her almost violet eyes, and beautifully adorned hair. The odd color seemed almost unreal—long velvet locks with shots of read framed her face.

Swallowing the lust that was building inside, he tried to think of anything but the way her mouth curved mischievously when she was verbally sparring with him, or how she bit her plump bottom lip when she seemed to be thinking of an intelligent answer to a question. Groaning he briefly contemplated canceling the trip, considering his body was already responding to the thoughts of her lips and the way she would look beneath—

Cursing, he didn’t finish the thought.

One thing he was sure of, Miss Emma Gates was trouble.

Plain and simple.

Where did Nicholas keep his whiskey again?

“Are the horses ready?” came a chipper voice behind him.

Turning he braced himself for what he knew would be a devastating blow to his already frayed wits. He held out his arm to escort her to the waiting horses.

“Ah, Miss Gates, I was beginning to wonder if you had backed out of our little jaunt to the park.”

Taking his arm, she rolled her eyes. “Sir, I never back down from a challenge.”

“Oddly, I don’t find that hard to believe. Shall we?”

She inclined her head. Waltzing—or what looked like waltzing—in the direction of her horse, she let out another shot of laughter, making Sebastian all the more uncomfortable with her brilliant idea. Why was it that every movement she made gave him the impression she was dancing? Or gliding? It appeared her grace was more than natural. Every action, even that of getting onto her horse, spoke of a deep-rooted sensuality and grace.

Two characteristics many women of his acquaintance lacked.

What did she possess that set her so far beyond those he knew?

He shrugged off the wandering thought and mounted his horse. Naturally the people of the
were going to go mad with delight when they saw him with a woman in the park. They would surely wonder who this comely creature was. He could only hope they didn’t take imagination too far and assume her to be another one of his mistresses. The poor girl didn’t need that type of reputation, if she was to be launched into society this year.

“Your grace!” Belverd exclaimed, as they entered the park on horseback. Turning, he acknowledged the man who had shouted and looked to his right where Miss Gates had been waiting. Her eyes taunted and twinkled—

And then, she was gone.

Giving a curt nod to Belverd, who was busy watching with a horror-stricken look as Miss Gates’ horse disappeared over the hill, Sebastian took off at a gallop to chase down the obviously suicidal woman.

Was she insane?

At the speed she was traveling, all her horse needed to do was trip and she would be dead. He cursed loudly as his horse neighed an outburst of displeasure at him.

“Just a little further…” he said to himself.

She reached the water and stopped, turning to face him, her face red with exhilaration.

Sebastian struggled to keep his voice even. “Do you have any idea how dangerous your little ride was?”

Her face brightened with laughter.

“You weren’t concerned were you, your grace?”

“Of all the stupid little…”

This was probably the first time he had scowled in years. His anger seeming to increase with each word he spoke.

“Young ladies do not gallop through the park on horseback, Miss Gates. I assure you no husband will want someone so…so…damaged.”

Her face registered immediate anger and shock.

“Damaged?” she repeated, fists clenched. The light in her eyes had dissipated, and in it’s place was darkness and pain.

Sebastian’s patience had already gone out the window. “Yes, Miss Gates, damaged. Your husband hunting abilities will take quite a hit if you fall off your horse racing in the park!”

Swallowing, she nodded her head thoughtfully. “Thank you for your suggestion, your grace. I can see the ride is over.”

With that she turned back toward Renwick House, inclining her head briefly in his direction, before digging her heels into the horse and trotting away.

What just happened?
He watched her tense frame get smaller and smaller as she made her way back to the house.

“She looks angry,” a tiny voice said.

What in the?

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