The Seductress of the Skies (Erotica & sex Stories)

BOOK: The Seductress of the Skies (Erotica & sex Stories)
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Seductress of the Skies


Mike Connors


She watched from the hood of her pickup truck, laying back
against the windshield glass, as the plane flew by over the patch of land near
her daddy’s farmhouse. She knew she would get out of this horrible hillbilly
town soon, but she needed her high school diploma first, and she needed to save
a little more from waitressing, before she could move to the city and get a job
with a major airline. It had always been her dream to be a stewardess, but the
dream had taken on a new allure in recent years. Her mind had turned to men,
and she had thought about all the interesting men she would meet up in the
skies, and the places she would visit. She wouldn’t do what her daddy wanted to
do. She wouldn’t stay and help raise the goats, chickens, and cows on the farm.
She wanted her life to be more than just being a subsistence farmer. She wanted
to meet strange and exotic men. She wanted to see the beaches and the hills of
foreign lands. There was everything to gain, and as far as she could see,
nothing to lose. It was her dream to be a stewardess.

Every night, she would go out to the pickup truck, sometimes
with a boy, and she would wait for the planes to pass by. It made her feel
free, just watching them and thinking about it. It was something incredibly
significant to her, even though it was something unnoticed by so many, because
it represented her whole future to her. It was everything she had to hope for
just two years down the line. It was a job, it was the world, it was men, and
it was fun like she’d never had out here on the farm. She couldn’t stand the
farm boys around her that hit on her. It was just too much for her to bear.
They were so dumb and out of sorts. They had no plan in life. They had no
direction. Most of them were just going to stay on their daddy’s farms and work
there for a living. They had no plans to go off and see the world.

She had always had a fascination with strange, interesting men.
She wanted to see what the world had to offer in that department. If she could
just save up enough money to move to Chicago, and then get a job on an airline,
she would meet more than enough men from around the world who would show her
everything about the world and what it could be. But, for now, she was trapped.
She was stuck in this little hellhole of a town. She had to bide her time and
wait a couple of years. Then, she would be free, and she could go wherever she
wanted in life. Who knows what she would do after her job at the airline?
Hopefully, she wouldn’t end up waitressing again in Chicago. Hopefully, she
would move on to a bigger and better job. She could only hope that things would
start to move in the right direction for her. She had to build up her resume
and get good references. She had to work hard and do something new that she’d
never done before. She’d have to be on her best behavior and do everything as
well as she could, or else she would risk losing her whole future and
everything that was possible with the reality of living in one of the biggest
cities in the world and then flying all around the world. She was going to keep
a journal of every man she slept with. She was going to write about every great
experience she had. This was going to be her time, and she would never think
about this little town again.

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Her parents had named her Miranda, after her grandmother who had
been a nun, but she was anything but. She tried not to think of all the boring
old rules her parents had given her in that Podunk town growing up. She tried
to forget all the boring country boys. She had always wanted more out of life.

She had grown up with endless miles of pasture and seemingly
boundless acres surrounding her. Barns and farmhouses dotted the landscape.
Farms full of ostriches, antelope, buffalo, cows, horses, emus, buffalo, and
bulls could be seen for miles upon miles. She had thought that she would be
more exposed growing up, but she went through high school in the small
2,000-person town she had always since she was a child. Nothing exciting had
come into her life, and she hadn’t traveled anywhere. She couldn’t even think
about college because her parents were subsistence farmers. She knew she had to
get into a line of work that would expose her to the whole world so that she
could put her whole boring past out of her mind once and for all.

She couldn’t stand the tiredness and boredom of her existence in
that poor, tiny, ugly, shitty, and worthless town she had grown up in. It would
be something that would always haunt her, always stick with her in some way,
and always be a part of her. She couldn’t have anticipated the wildness and
energy of the sex she would have at 30,000 feet up in the sky though. She
couldn’t have anticipated the kind of sex she would have, the people she would
meet, the places she would go, and the fun she would have high above the earth.

This was a girl who had grown up in a poor home, without much
hope, but who had made it through high school with a lot of hard work and
effort, in order to make straight A’s. She didn’t want to live in that Podunk
town her whole life, and she knew her education was the path to her freedom.
She had always been bright and naturally gifted, and yet she didn’t even want
to take advantage of the scholarship to go to state college, a scholarship she
had gotten because she was valedictorian at her high school. Instead, she
wanted a job right away. She wanted to make money and buy things. She wanted to
meet with, and sleep with, interesting men. She couldn’t wait to get her hands
on some powerful older men because she was so sick of all the poor farm boys
growing up where she had.

Right when she graduated high school, she knew she wanted to be
a stewardess. There was something so exciting, so freeing about being up in the
air. If she could get paid to be up in the air, then why not do that with her
life? It beat a boring desk job where her main thrill would be an after-work
cocktail with the new office intern and a forgettable night afterward. She
wanted something more out of her life. She wanted to be able to travel, to meet
exotic and interesting men, to ignore convention and defy the ordinary, and to
feel something more – something that her friends back in the Podunk town where
she grew up in would never get to experience. She had seen enough pasture and
farmland for ten lifetimes, and she couldn’t stand the thought of having a
boring life. So, she had moved to the big city and got a job as a flight
attendant after high school. It was pretty easy, all in all, because the very
basic requirements of the job required just a high school diploma, a perky
attitude, and a sweet smile.

She met a lot of interesting people in the city that year. It
was a bit of a culture shock to her, though, never having left a 2,000-person
town and then taking a Greyhound bus to Chicago with the money she had saved up
as a waitress at the only diner in town, Piggy Sue’s. It was a restaurant that specialized
in pork products, because the owner had a farm with a lot of pigs on it, and he
saved money by slaughtering his own pigs and using them in the majority of the
dishes on the menu. She had served up more pork-based dishes than she cared to
remember to save up enough tips to go to Chicago on a Greyhound bus and move
into an apartment all her own. She would only be staying there for six months
because she only had enough money to stay there for six months. Lucky for her,
she set up the job in the last couple of months of her lease term. She was all
ready to get up into the air, earn a living, and meet even more interesting
people around the world. Every day since she had been in Chicago, she had
explored as much of the city as she was able. She could barely take it all in.
She tried to meet as many new interesting people as she could each day, and she
had many interesting one-night stands and relationships during those first few
months there. She went to a new restaurant just every weekend, in order to save
her money, and she had a pizza slice from a different pizzeria every day.

Her time in Chicago was a memorable time, and it was certainly
special to her – because of its buzz and bustling activity, and its contrast to
the little town she had grown up in. However, it was nothing like what she
planned on experiencing with her new job as a stewardess. That was where she
expected to meet really esteemed, powerful men – up in the air and in the
exotic locales she traveled to on her flights. She was full of hope and wet
with anticipation when it came to the possibilities of what her new job would
bring. She had thought about this job since she had graduated high school. It
was going to be her ticket to bigger and better things, and she could always
come back and settle in Chicago as a receptionist when it was all over. She
could meet new and interesting men in the city of Chicago once she had ended
her career as a stewardess, and all the experiences she would have gathered up
would make her an ideal match for many of the wealthy, worldly men who lived in
Chicago. She was genuinely excited about all the possibilities laid open before

There was something genuinely erotic about her love of the
airplane though. The rumble of the private jet taking off always turned her on,
with 400 mph of phallic metal thrusting through the air, and then that feeling
of floating, of being high, of feeling the rush… it reminded her of orgasm.

Eventually, her lease term ran out, and she joined the fleet of
the major airline she had lined up. She had excellent grades in high school.
She also put a lot of effort into the application. It had been a breeze to get
the job. While she found it fascinating at first, it wasn’t everything she had
hoped for, because one key element of her plan had been closed off to her.

Shortly after working for the major airline for a couple of
years, she settled into the big city, into Chicago, and got a job as a
receptionist. She just couldn’t bear all the restrictions of the airline. She
never got a chance to have sex with any of the attractive, handsome men on the
plane. There was too much bureaucracy. There was too much ordinariness to her
job, and she had felt like maybe her aspirations and dreams of exploring the
world and meeting interesting men on airplanes was not going to work out. She
had decided to settle in Chicago for six months or so to give her time to line
up a job as a private jet stewardess. She knew that if she could get a job with
a private company that sent their flight attendants onto the private jets of
the rich and famous, she might have a better chance of fulfilling her

It wasn’t long after settling into Chicago that she got accepted
for an interview with a private jet stewardess service. She would be sent out
onto private jets to offer her services as a flight attendant for the rich,
wealthy, and powerful – those rich enough to afford their own private jets.

She had gotten a job with Big Flights, and the name was what had
attracted her to applying for the company in the first place. Certainly, she
only wanted the biggest celebrities, the biggest paychecks, and the biggest
you-know-what’s. She didn’t know what to expect, or what kind of clients her
employer would line her up. True enough, her job was just to be a stewardess,
not an escort, but she would look for every opportunity to take that level of
service to the next level with her clients. She just couldn’t resist the idea
of a big, powerful celebrity. Her hometown had been so boring, and she wanted
to spend her whole life making up for how awful it had been. She wanted to make
love to every big celebrity. She wanted to see every exotic locale –
destinations off the main routes of the major airlines. This was her dream job,
and she didn’t know what to expect. She kind of liked the idea of the surprise.
She was turned on by not knowing, by not being in control. That’s why she liked
flying so much. She knew that it was scary, but she liked the thrill. It sent a
chill down her spine whenever the plane took her off, and it sent a chill up
her leg too. She was turned on by terror.

A Really, Really Big
Flight Is Cumming Up

This morning was the most exciting morning of her whole entire
life. It was the day she went into Big Flights for the first time to sign in
and get ready for her first private flight with a rich, suave businessman. She
was 22 years old, blonde, blue-eyed, buxom, and full of orgasmic potential. She
had no strings attached to anything. She had no obligations. She had finished
her lease term just in time to be ready for her new job. She would be on a
non-stop round of flights all year, passed around as a private flight attendant
by a flight attendant contracting company. She would be on planes with strange,
rich, interesting men for the next year. Anything could happen. She was told
she might have to go on about 150 flights that year, and she just knew that
this was going to be the wettest, wildest year of her life.

With her mind full of possibilities, she pushed open the glass
front doors of Big Flights with a quick push and strode into the lobby with an
air of energy and confidence. The executives and interns walking by, both male
and female, stared at her as she walked in. She was jaw-dropping, beautiful,
and almost unimaginably gorgeous. She was in her prime at 22, and she had just
spent a couple of years at a major airline where she just didn’t have the
opportunity to get all those sexual fantasies taken care of – being up in the
air, romping and screaming, and with a strange, interesting man – but this was
the first day of a big change in her life. Big Flights was definitely going to
be the hardest and biggest challenge in her life thus far. She would meet 150
interesting travelers this year, and she had no idea what kind of wild sex to
expect from these worldly and experienced travelers – at least those she could

She reached the front desk, and after a little flirtation with
the attractive male intern, she finished signing in and received her brief for
the flight that day. She was instructed to sit down in a chair in the lobby and
learn as much as she could about the client. It was her job, as a private
flight attendant, and as someone representing Big Flights, to offer the
best-in-class, top-flight service that the Big Flights name really stands for. After
all, Big Flights was for the biggest celebrities, movie stars, recording
artists, musicians, executives, and high-profile clients that wanted only the
best. The best definitely entailed customized, personalized service. Although,
she planned on giving as many of these travelers, as many as she could seduce,
a much more personalized service. She eagerly pawed at the manila folder to get
at the enclosed brief describing who her client would be for the day, what his
tastes were, and what his accomplishments had been. The flight attendants were
expected to offer conversation with the clients, if they wanted it. They were
expected to provide in-flight entertainment and company, but anything sexual
was strictly forbidden, and it could result in firing. However, the private
cabins were closed off to the pilot, and it would just be her and the traveler
sitting in a big luxurious cabin 30,000 feet up in the air, maybe drunk or at
least a little tipsy, and with nothing to do but get to know each other. She
figured it would be pretty easy to seduce whoever she wanted, especially with
her looks.

She eagerly pawed at the brief and ravished it with her eyes.
She was so excited to see who would be her client for the day – and hopefully
her first lay in the sky. She definitely wanted to join the Mile High Club, and
nothing was going to stop her from getting into that club today. She was ready
to go, and she didn’t want to wait a single day longer because that uptight
major airline company had held her back so long. Sure, she had had a few lays
in Chicago at her apartment, but nothing could compare to the thrill of
sleeping with a rich, powerful man 30,000 feet up in the air. There would just
be no comparison. Sleeping with Chicago college boys versus wealthy super-elite
men, and being in the position of seducing them too, well, there was just no
comparison. It was high time, pun intended, for her to see who this first
client was going to be. She was already so wet just thinking about that jet,
that rich client, and that privacy that they would share 30,000 feet up in the

She placed the manila folder on her lap, and she slid one hand
down into her pants, only covered with the manila folder. She planned to get
started, to get her engine running, before she ever met the client. She was
going to get into it right here and now, in the lobby of Big Flights. The idea
that she would be masturbating in front of everyone, without them knowing, was
so arousing to her. She slid one hand down into her pants, and she started
rubbing slowly as she read. She was already so wet just from the idea that she
would be up in the air alone with exotic, interesting man, and she wanted to
pleasure herself just reading about him before she ever even met him.

She had the manila folder opened with the introduction page
opened in front of her, and she had already slipped down two fingers into her
panties to get going. She was so impatient that she wanted to make sure that
she got started as soon as possible. Plus, if the client didn’t respond to her advances,
then she would have at least gotten the excitement about masturbating to her
fantasy in the presence of other people. It was still sort of thrilling, even
if it wasn’t the real deal, the Mile High Club fantasy she had since she had
decided to be a stewardess early on in life.

She rubbed her clit in a slow motion, because that was how she
liked to get started, nice and slow, but she had another reason for doing it
very slowly too. She didn’t want anyone to notice what she was doing, of
course. If there were sudden or jerking movements, then people would quickly
glance over, see one hand slipped down underneath the manila folder, and then
guess what was going on. It was a serious issue because it could result in her
termination right there on the spot, and she had investigated for a long time
the various ways one could masturbate in public without getting caught. If you
weren’t careful, you could get caught. You might get fired. You might get a
ticket. It could ruin your reputation and credibility on your resume. No
employer wants to hire a convicted public masturbator. It could ruin a career.

She was very slow and deliberate with the motions she made with
her fingers underneath the manila folder. She flicked cautiously, but
powerfully. Her eyes took in all the material, her mind pondered it, and it fed
into her fantasies. With each new word she read, she rubbed a little more
intensely, and she intended to have a full orgasm sitting right there. The
brief was only three pages and meant only to cover the most pertinent
information in the most concise format, so it was possible that she could
finish having an orgasm before she read through the brief at full-speed. After
all, she had to read at full-speed because the flight was going to be in 20
minutes. Maybe the client would smell the sex on her.

She was getting so aroused learning about her new client. It was
someone she recognized, but she had never fantasized about him before. This
time, here in the chair, was her first time. As she discovered more details
about his professional life and personal interests, and she focused on the
picture, she was able to form a more complete picture of the man she had only
seen on TV. She was extremely, exquisitely, almost painfully close to orgasm.
It was so hard not to cum looking at the gorgeous full-body picture of this
star rapper and actor. He was a very popular, but still lesser known, white
rapper. He had also been in a score of independent films, mostly romantic
dramas. He was a talented poet and a heartthrob actor. This was her dream lay,
a man was chiseled, poetic, and dramatic. She couldn’t stop starting at his
cute, charming face in the picture, and her fingers were rubbing vigorously at
this point. She was about to climax when she saw a human resources manager
approaching her. She quickly retreated her hand from her panties. She placed
both hands firmly on top of the manila folder and returned the greeting she
gave as she passed by. Luckily, she was just walking by and wanted to say to
the new flight attendant on the staff.

Miranda slowly inserted two fingers after cautiously putting her
hand back down underneath the manila folder. She was going to finish right here
and now. If she ever did close enough to the movie star to seduce him, she
would tell him afterward that she had already masturbated to him in the lobby
while waiting to get on the plane and meet him. It would surely sound his
arousal through the roof, and it would be something he would never forget.
Hopefully, she could make this impression on him, and maybe she could even meet
him again sometime. At least, he would be able to request her whenever he took
a Big Flights flight if he liked her. Because of the privacy in the cabin, no
one at the company would be the wiser. She would get to have drinks and a
discussion with one of the most successful and wealthiest young stars in
America whenever he was traveling on a Big Flights flight and she wasn’t
already booked. Of course, the airline stewardess contractor liked to keep
their clients happy, and if a client requested another stewardess again, he was
sure to get her every time. It was in their interest to make sure the client
was as happy as possible. Of course, they were legally obligated to forbid sex
between the stewardesses and clients. She still had to keep a low profile, or
she could get fired from her incredibly exciting job.

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