The Shadow King (44 page)

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Authors: Jo Marchant

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removal of Tutankhamun to a glass case, 181–182

revolution, 223–229

search for Nefertiti, 164–166

successor, 241–243

traveling exhibition, 162, 164

Head of mystery, 61

Heart, Tutankhamun’s lack of, 216–218

Heart as seat of intelligence and knowledge, 68–69, 76

Heart scarab, 68–69, 225

Herbert, Evelyn (Carnarvon’s daughter), 35, 38, 47–48

Herbert, Mervyn (Carnarvon’s brother), 47

Herodotus, 82, 82(fn)

Hieroglyphs, 8

Hippo, death by, 220–221

Histoplasma capsulatum fungus, 141–142

Hittite letters, 146, 148, 236–237

Hittites, 19(fn), 67

Horemheb, 73, 146–147, 190, 214

Hosni, Farouk, 158, 161

Hoving, Thomas, 39(fn), 122, 164

Human tissue legislation, 104(fn)

Hunting, 191, 194, 220–221

Hydrocephalus, 85(fn)

Hyksos, 127

Ibrahim, Mohamed, 241–243

Ikram, Salima, 152–153

Inca mummies, 173

Incest, 191–192

Ineni (architect), 8

Inhapy, 18

Insecticide, 129

Irwin, Gerald, 145

Isis, 61–62

Iskander, Nasry, 132, 135

Iskander, Zaki, 96–97

Ismail, Somaia, 172–173

Israel, 122–124, 126–127

ITV, 108–109

Jackal. See Anubis

James, Susan, 165

Jesus, Tutankhamun as, 125–126, 131

Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs (Osman), 131


autopsy of Tutankhamun, 67–68, 72–74

KV55 mummy, 25–26, 92

modern-day looting of Tutankhamun’s tomb and mummy, 97–98

removal during World War II, 85–86

Tutankhamun murder theory, 147

Tutankhamun’s mummy, 97

Jews, 133–134, 136

John Paul II, 143

Johnson, Ray, 213–215, 221

Johnstone, Paul, 94, 94(fn), 95, 109

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 1–2, 187, 191–192, 194, 197–198, 207–208, 208(fn), 215

Judaism, roots of, 131

Kal-Islambouli, Khalid, 124

Kanga, Erustus, 221

Karnak, 27, 41, 180–181

King Tut Unwrapped (documentary), 2, 192, 208(fn)

King Tut’s Final Secrets (documentary), 160(fn), 161. See also National Geographic

Klinefelter’s syndrome, 190

Klippel-Feil syndrome, 148–149

Knight, Christopher, 162

Knight, Frances, 90

KV4, 42

KV5, 112

KV21, 188–189, 229

KV35, 118, 164–166. See also Elder Lady; Younger Lady


blood group data, 90, 104

Derry’s examination of the mummy, 85

DNA research on Tutankhamun and family, 187, 189

Hawass’s defense of research on, 229

identifying the mummies, 92–93, 192–193

skull dimensions, 72

Tutankhamun’s connection to the mummies in, 103

See also Amarna cache

KV60 tomb, 174–175, 175(fn), 176–178

Lacau, Pierre, 48, 50, 64

The Lancet, 190

Lauer, Jean-Philippe, 81

Leek, Frank

arrival at Luxor, 95

damage to the mummy, 98, 128

examination of the teeth, 102–103

mummy case lids, 102(fn)

published book, 108

removing the brain through the nose, 103(fn)

Leek, Phyllis, 96, 102(fn)

Lefebvre, Gustave, 189

Legends and myths, 2–3. See also Curse myth

Leishmaniasis, 202

Lipids, 203


annex of the tomb, 78

curse myth as protection against, 52

damage to Tutankhamun, 217–218

Deir el Bahri, 18

KV35, 23–24

KV55, 25–26

locals’ fears of foreigners looting, 22

modern-day looting of Tutankhamun’s tomb and mummy, 97–98

Tahrir Square protests, 224–225

Thutmose III tomb, 21–22

Tutankhamun’s tomb, 43

Lorenzen, Eline, 195, 197, 197(fn), 203–204, 209

Loret, Victor, 21–22, 21(quote), 23, 117, 117(fn)

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), 162–163

Lost in a Pyramid (Alcott), 53

Lubann, Marianne, 165(fn)

Lucas, Alfred, 42–43

autopsy, 64, 73–74

curse myth, 140(fn)

death of, 86

fungal deaths, 143

mummification process, 83

opening the tomb, 48

removal and transport of the treasures, 54–55

removal of artifacts during World War II, 85–86

studying the mummification process, 80

Luxor, 6, 27, 44–45, 179–181

Lythgoe, Albert, 144

Maatkere, 115, 115(fn)

Mace, Arthur, 39(fn), 43, 54–55

Mackowiak, Philip, 193

Magic bricks, 26

Malaria, 188, 191–193, 197, 202

Malek, Jaromir, 34, 34(fn), 39, 79–80

Marfan syndrome, 190

Mariette, Auguste, 9, 189

Martin, Steve, 123

Masaharta, 115(fn)

Masks, 61–62, 70–71, 73, 77, 123, 163

Maspero, Gaston

Ahmose-Nefertari mummy, 176(fn)

Carnarvon concession, 30–31

Deir el-Bahri find, 17–18

documenting Brugsch’s experiences, 11–15

KV35, 23

looting of Valley tombs, 9–10

unwrapping ceremonies, 19–20

Yuya and Tjuiu find, 24–26

McAlister, Melani, 123

McNeill, Ronald, 46

Media, 2–3

burial chamber excavation, 57–58

cause of Tutankhamun’s death, 107–108

curse myth, 87

DNA research, 203

finding Tutankhamun’s tomb, 44

Hawass’s interest in, 164

Hawass’s National Geographic project, 151–153

opening the tomb of Tutankhamun, 48

Tutankhamun CT scan, 160

Tutankhamun’s biblical connections, 125–128

Tutmania, 123

Memphis, 18

Menes, 221

Meni (Sixth-Dynasty official), 52(fn)

Merenptah, 115, 129(fn), 130

Merenre I, 129

Meritaten, 92

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 122

Meyer, Christian, 193, 193(fn)

Microsatellites, 186–188, 204

Middle Kingdom, 8(fn), 76

Mitochondrial DNA, 176, 204, 208

MN blood group system, 90, 120–121, 120(fn). See also Blood groups

Mokhtar, Gamal, 121

Mold, 142–143

Monotheism, 27–28

Moore, Patrick, 94(fn)

Mormons, 132–135

Moses, 126, 130

Moses and Akhenaten (Osman), 130

Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 130

Mountain, Bill, 98(fn)

Mubarak, Hosni, 124, 161, 183, 223–224, 228

Mubarak, Suzanne, 161


Aspergillus fungus, 142–143

baboon, 115

biblical connections, 135–136

Brugsch’s find, 13–14

cephalometrics studies of royal mummies, 114–117

climate control, 132

crocodile mummy DNA research, 209

decapitation during Cairo protests, 224

DNA research on Tutankhamun and family, 133–135, 184–188, 197, 205–208, 226–227

etymology of, 83

excavations at Karnak and Luxor, 6–8

Hatshepsut project, 171–179

identifying KV55 mummies, 92

identifying the KV35 mummies, 164–166

KV60 women, 174–175

looting of Valley tombs, 8–9

monkey mummy DNA research, 200

negligence and decay, 128–129

Pääbo’s ancient DNA research, 199

putrefaction of, 17–18

Weeks’s work in Nubia, 112–113

Welsh, 87, 89–91, 103

See also Elder Lady; Fetuses; Tutankhamun (mummy); Younger Lady; specific individuals

Mummies of the Pharaohs: Modern Medical Investigations (Bucaille), 127

Mummification process, 80–85

abnormalities introduced during, 194–195

anomalies in Tutankhamun, 216–220

DNA research on Tutankhamun and family, 206

Welsh mummy, 90

The Mummy (Webb), 53

The Murder of Tutankhamun: A True Story (Brier), 145–148

Murder theory (Tutankhamen), 145–149

el-Nasser, Gamal Abd, 92, 94, 112, 123

National Geographic, 191–192

CT scan of Tutankhamun, 153–155, 157

determining cause of death, 160(fn)

disentombing Tutankhamun, 151

Hatshepsut project, 172

King Tut’s Final Secrets, 161

Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty, 164–166

traveling exhibit, 162

National Research Centre (NRC; Cairo), 171

Native Americans, 133, 210

Nature magazine, 199

Nazi Germany, 91(fn)

Neanderthal DNA research, 210

Necrosis, 189, 193(fn), 194, 234–235

Neferneferuaten, 190(fn)

Nefertari. See Ahmose-Nefertari

Nefertiti, 23, 27–28, 164–166, 190(fn), 229, 244

Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty (documentary), 164–166

Nelson, Mark, 144–145

New Kingdom, 8(fn), 13, 18, 20, 27(fn), 69(fn), 104, 114, 114, 116, 129(fn), 216

New Scientist magazine, 205

New York Times, 47, 50

Newberry, Percy, 34

Next-generation sequencing, 209–211

Nibhuriya, 146

Nineteenth Dynasty, 8, 8(fn), 13, 18, 22, 35, 73, 77, 116, 126, 128

Nixon, Richard, 122

Njanga (witch doctors), 141

Nubia, 65, 80, 83, 112–113, 112–114, 113–114, 116, 202, 202, 214

Nureddin, Abdel-Halim, 154

Obama, Barack, 137

Obesity, 115(fn), 174

Old Kingdom, 8(fn), 52–53, 221

Oleo-resin, 82

Opening of the Mouth ceremony, 56

Organs, removal and preservation of, 7, 26, 56, 70, 77, 81–82, 177, 216, 218–219

Osiris, 52, 57, 61–62, 68–69, 76, 182

Osman, Ahmed, 130–131, 134

Ötzi the Iceman, 157, 201, 210–211

Pääbo, Svante, 198–202, 210

Paintings, 55–57

Paleopathology, 156–157

Papyri, 41, 45, 201–202, 221

Paulshock, Bernadine, 190

Penis, Tutankhamun’s, 4, 70, 99, 158, 182, 191

Personal possessions, 78–79

Petrie, Flinders, 23, 27, 46

Pinedjem and family, 13–14, 18–19, 22

Plasmodium falciparum, 188

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, 171, 199–201, 204

Pseudohermaphroditism, 190

Psychics, 51–52

Ptolemy, 181, 181(fn)

Pusch, Carsten, 184–188, 197, 205–208, 226–227

Pyramid tombs, 8

Quagga, 199

Quilici, Brando, 173, 175

Qur’an, 127–128, 130

Ra, 27(fn), 56–57

Race of pyramid builders, 66

Radon, 141(fn)

Rahman, Hani Abel, 156, 165, 177

Rameses I, 27

Rameses II (“the Great”)

biblical and Qur’anic connections, 128–130

conservation of, 129

discovery of, 19–20

history and accomplishments of, 13, 19(fn)

KV5 construction, 112

Ramesseum, 11

succession, 77

X-rays of, 130

Rameses III, 20, 115

Rameses IV, 22, 35

Rameses VI, 37

Rameses XI, 42

Reality, community and, 230

Reburial of mummies, 17–19, 74

Reeve, Lyn, 95, 101, 103

Reid, Archibald Douglas, 93

Reliefs, 213–215


Akhenaten shifting to abstract god, 27–29

biblical and Qur’anic connections of the mummies, 125–128, 130–131, 136

DNA sequencing, 136

Mormons’ research, 132–135

weighing the heart, 68–69

Resin used in embalming, 62, 72–73, 81–82, 82(fn), 186

Rhyl, Wales, 87, 89–91, 103

Ring, faience, 147

Robinson, Kerry, 205

Rodin, Ernst, 148–149

Rollo, Franco, 201

Roman Empire, 65

Röntgen, Wilhelm, 92

Rose, Mark, 136

Rove, Karl, 230(fn)

Rowland, Megan, 227(fn)

Rühli, Frank, 156–157, 159–160

Sackler Library, Oxford, 33

el-Sadat, Anwar, 119, 122–124, 128, 128, 223

Sahure, 194

Saleh, Ahmed, 134

Saleh, Mohamed, 97

Salt, 82–84

Salt, Henry, 7

Saqqaq Eskimo group, 209–211

Saqqara excavations, 7, 31, 81, 102(fn), 129(fn), 201

Sarcophagus, 49, 57–58, 57(fn), 60–62, 74

Scanning electron microscopy, 118

Scarabs, 5, 68–69, 229

Schlögl, Hermann, 244

Schröder, Gerhard, 161

Science magazine, 200

Secrets of Egypt’s Lost Queen (documentary), 177–178

Secrets of the Pharaohs (documentary), 132

Seknet-re, 135

Selim, Ashraf, 157–159, 165–166, 177–179, 178(fn), 185, 187–188, 190–191, 194, 206, 233–234

Sequenenre Tao, 20

Seti I, 8, 20

Seti II, 22, 42, 116

Shoshenq I, 18

Sicard, Claude, 6

Sickle-cell disease (SCD), 193(fn)

Siptah, 22

Sitting Bull, 210

Skin, 69–70, 84, 103

Skull data

cause of Tutankhamun’s death, 158–159

genetic studies in teeth, 113–114

identity of the Younger Lady, 166

reinterpreting Tutankhamun’s, 218–219

resin, 105

shape of, 72

Tutankhamun murder theory, 145–146, 148–149

Skullcap, 97–98

Smenkhkare, 41, 85, 92–93, 105–106, 108–109

Smith, Joseph, 133

Smith, Lindon, 25–26

Smyk, Boleslaw, 143

Social Physics, Law of, 215

Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), 134

Soul, components and preservation of, 81, 81(fn)

Spiritualist movement, 53–54

Sprengel shoulder, 119


Amarna, 28

Amenhotep’s temples, 11

Anubis guarding the treasury, 75–76

Tutankhamun’s burial chamber, 41–42, 49–50, 71

Step Pyramid, 81

Stutter bands in DNA, 205–207

Suppiluliuma, 147

Surgey, Alexis, 141

Suskind, Ron, 230

Switzerland, 162

Taboos, 47

Talatat, 214

Tappern, James, 85

Taylor, John, 61(fn), 82(fn)


curse myth and lost knowledge, 140

gamma ray sterilization, 129–130

identifying corpses, 90–91

scanning electron microscopy, 118

See also Computed tomography (CT scan); DNA research; X-ray technology

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