The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse (14 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse
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Shiloh took his son in his arms and, together with Liam, left his house, heading toward Brody’s. They needed a plan.

* * * *

Alpha Soren Wade glowered at his beta, Anson. “What do you mean we don’t have enough men?”

“We’ve strengthened the defenses to the north, but we haven’t been able to reach all our pack members yet. Some of them are out running.”

Soren rubbed his hand over his eyes. “Get everyone back here at once. We need to host an urgent meeting.”

As Anson departed to fulfill the order, Soren’s mate, Daniel, appeared by his side. “Will they find us, Soren?”

“I don’t know, Dani. They might.” Soren gave his lover a serious look. “If something happens, I want you to take the pups and run.”

Daniel gritted his teeth, but didn’t speak. Soren knew what his mate was thinking. Why did something like this have to happen, especially when they thought they’d found happiness?

* * * *

Garth Mckenna shook his secretary, screaming at her, “Yes, you’ve heard right. Delete all the fucking files.”

Trembling, the woman finally obeyed. After John had called him, Garth immediately set about to deal with the huge problem he had on his hands. A great number of agency staff was now busy cleaning out

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their computers of all data that could lead an intruder to the various shape-shifter families who’d come here to register their matings or adopt.

Other people had emptied the nursery and taken the orphan children to safer locations. Since he couldn’t think of anything else, Garth had taken the liberty to send them all to Byron’s home.

Thankfully, his friend had given him access over his properties here in LA, as well as temporarily handing him the reins of the family until Byron returned. Truth be told, Garth didn’t even have to do much in that position since Byron could lead his organization from wherever he was. However, this crisis put them in a circumstance none of them had expected, and Garth intended to use all the resources at his disposal to keep his loved ones safe.

His phone rang, and Garth only picked up because he recognized the ringtone he’d set for his hummingbird mate, Nicolas. “I’m at Byron’s, Garth. How are things there?”

“Still working on organization. Any news on what happened at the stadium?”

“Apparently, Rick fled. We don’t know anything after that.” His mate paused. “I called my sister, just in case.”

“Good thinking. There’s no telling what would happen from now on. I’m going to try to get Byron on the phone and see his opinion on this.”

“All right. I’ll deal with things here. Don’t worry.”

As his mate ended the conversation, Garth readied himself to dial Byron’s number. He didn’t get the chance. The phone rang before he could call. It was Byron. Immediately, Garth took the call.

“Are you at the agency?” Byron inquired without preamble.

Garth’s heart sank in his chest. “Yes, why?”

“Get out of there,” the shark said. “Get out of there now.”

* * * *

The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse


Byron couldn’t have thought Rick could do any more damage, but he’d been sorely mistaken. He’d left the birthing room with a heavy heart, intending to check in on the situation, only to run into a distraught Malcolm.

“He sent a tape to a television station and posted a video online.”

Byron had rushed to the computer room and found several staff members watching a still-playing video. Rick Carver had demonstrated his shape-shifting ability on the video feed as well. He hadn’t been content with just that, though. All the addresses of shape-shifters Rick knew of were also listed, and the agency was emphasized as a center where all the races came together.

Whatever plans Byron might have had could no longer control an increasingly serious situation. While they could claim the video was rigged, the information had leaked to the authorities, who were now on high alert.

Instantly, Byron ordered his staff to start contacting people. He himself called Garth, while others spoke to Elder Wade, Soren, Brody, and the sheep elder. The existence of the town of Ramston where Carson originally hailed from had been revealed, along with that of Brody and Liam’s homes, Soren’s pack lands, and Elder Wade’s location.

After he contacted everyone he could think of, he returned to his mate’s side. Skylar had been transferred into their new bedroom, at the first floor. Large aquariums had been set up, ready for their new occupants. After all, Layton and Morgan couldn’t stay in the pool every moment of the day.

Skylar cracked his eyes open as Byron entered the room. At first, he seemed a bit dazed, but then, as the remnants of the anesthetic dissipated, he released a gasp-pop of shock and fear. “The children.

Rick. What happened?”

Byron knelt by the bed and slowly caressed his mate’s face. “Shh.

The boys are all right. They’re still in the pool, under close

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supervision. The doctors recommended to leave them to swim around for a few hours, then transfer them in the aquarium.”

“I want to see them.” Skylar whimpered. “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

“Of course not, sweetheart.” Byron took his mate in his arms and carried him out of the room. “You know I would never lie.”

Byron took his mate to the pool, where Skylar immediately entered the water. Layton and Morgan gleefully swam around him, obviously sensing their birth parent. For a few minutes, Skylar just enjoyed their presence, and then, he turned toward Byron. “What happened in LA, Byron? What did Rick do?”

Byron knew he couldn’t hide anything from his mate.

“Essentially, he revealed the existence of shape-shifters. Not only did he change forms in the middle of a stadium filled with spectators, but he also sent a video with details on known shape-shifter addresses.”

All the color drained out of Skylar’s face. “The agency. My mother. My friends. Byron, we have to help them.”

“Garth has already evacuated the agency.” Byron gave his mate a serious look. “And you’re not going anywhere, Skylar. You’re staying here, with our sons, where it’s safe. I, however, will go.”

Skylar bit his lip. He stole a glimpse toward his two newborns, merrily swimming around in the water, and then turned toward Byron again. Even without their bond, Byron would have sensed the turmoil going through the seahorse. He knelt next to the pool and pressed a kiss to Skylar’s forehead. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I promise I’ll come back to you.” He had too much to live for not to do so.

Just as he thought this, his cell phone rang. It was Garth. Byron frowned, wondering what could have happened in the short time that passed from his conversation with the lynx. “Byron here,” he said as he took the call. “What’s wrong, Garth?”

“Byron, I was on the phone with Shiloh when something happened.” Garth sounded concerned. “I’m not sure what is going on there, but I think they were attacked.”

The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse


Byron cursed. The two families were alone in the Rockies, with no one to help them. “I’m coming there. Until then, send a plane to investigate. We won’t allow anyone to get hurt.”

“On it,” Garth replied. “We’ll be expecting you. And be careful.”

“I will.”

Byron cut the connection. There was no time to lose. Their friends were in danger, and if the humans had attacked the four men and their children, they certainly wouldn’t stop there. Now more than ever, he owed it to his mate and children to fix the situation an insane werewolf had created.

* * * *

Later that day

By the time Byron reached the Cunningham residence, a state of emergency had been declared in Los Angeles and the neighboring counties, essentially equivalent with martial law. It concerned Byron since the current state of affairs would give human authorities the right to get away with whatever the hell they wanted, including investigating their homes and businesses.

In a sense, the decision didn’t surprise Byron. Much faster than Byron expected, Rick’s video had gone viral, reaching even those people who hadn’t been at the game or watching television at that hour. However, had the human authorities been more cautious, widespread panic could have been prevented. Instead, special troops had been sent out to all key locations under the guise of drug raids.

Most shape-shifters had managed to flee before the humans got there, but a couple hadn’t been prepared. It would seem the humans had been watching a number of families for a while now, and in spite of John and Byron’s efforts, some had been caught in the cross fire.

Perhaps it would have gone unnoticed, but in order to escape, the people in question had shifted, and now, there was no question as to

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the reality. Shape-shifters did exist. There was no longer any doubt about it in the minds of the humans.

Naturally, the public had panicked. Stores had been vandalized in an attempt to take all precautions, and gun salesmen had especially been hit hard. It was only due to Garth’s quick intervention that the agency information hadn’t fallen into the wrong hands. The building must have been among the first to be searched by authorities, as Byron saw it from his helicopter, its gates wide open, invaded by security forces.

Beyond that, Byron didn’t know much else, at least not until he found Garth himself. The lynx was waiting for him next to the landing bay.

“The situation is worse than I originally thought,” he said.

“Carson received a severe injury while trying to protect his son. A bullet, shot from very close. Angel got away with just a scratch, but he hasn’t spoken a word since we brought him in. Clark won’t let us near him. Brody is out of his mind with pain.”

“Christ.” Byron couldn’t believe his ears. “What do the doctors say?”

“His shape-shifter abilities should be able to deal with it, if he lives through the night.”

Byron felt his mate’s pain as Skylar acknowledged what had happened to his friend. He took a deep breath, knowing Skylar was counting on him to help their loved ones out.

Following Garth, Byron went in search of Brody. The werewolf and his injured mate were his first order of business. He found the man pacing in front of his mate’s room. As soon as Byron approached, Brody looked up at him. For a few moments, there wasn’t even a sign of recognition in Brody’s eyes, but then, realization seemed to dawn.

He stalked forward and grabbed the lapels of Byron’s jacket.

“Make them pay, Byron. Tear them apart. I know you can do it.”

The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse


“I plan to do so.” Byron gently released himself from Brody’s hold. He needed to find someone that could tell him the details of what occurred.

Thankfully, Liam was also there and filled him in while Brody returned to his pacing. “Someone found us,” the second werewolf whispered. “We tried to play dumb, but Angel panicked and turned into his antelope form. The men shot at him, and Carson took the bullet. After that, Brody and I took Carson and the others and stalled until Garth got there with reinforcements. Have you heard from Elder Wade and Soren?”

“Everyone left all compromised locations. I’m not sure where they are.” Liam paused. “How’s Skylar?”

It occurred to Byron that in all the mess, he hadn’t even told his friends about the birth of his children. “Shocked and exhausted. The news pushed him into labor.”

Liam’s eyes widened. “Oh, my God. How is he, Byron? The children?”

“Fine. They went through the operation fine. But now more than ever, we need to find a solution to solve this. For Carson, for Skylar, and for everyone else, we can’t allow this to continue.”

“But what do we do?”

Byron remembered the first time he’d shifted and his subsequent fight with his parents. He remembered all the years he’d spent leading the Cunningham family. Finally, he recalled Skylar laughing with Carson at Elder Wade’s ceremony and knew there was no other way.

“We fight back. Like Brody said, we tear them apart.”

As Liam mused over this, Malcolm approached Byron and pulled him away from the werewolves. “We found Rick,” he whispered in Byron’s ear. “What plans do you have for him?”

Byron felt the beast inside him stir. Rick had attacked his mate and endangered the life of his children. The werewolf’s fanaticism had caused Carson to be injured. Most likely, the losses would not stop there. He needed to pay.


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At the same time, Byron knew Brody would like to witness the man’s punishment, and now was not the time for it. “Let him wait,”

he told Malcolm. “We have more important things to worry about.”

Malcolm nodded, obviously agreeing with him. “So what next?

How do we stop this?”

“With lots of balls and luck.” Byron grinned. “And maybe the fangs of a megalodon.”

The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse


Chapter Seven
The next morning

There was very little Byron had never thought he would do, but at the top of that short list was shape-shifting in middle of US waters, within view of humans. He’d reached the conclusion that this disaster had happened in his lifetime for a reason. The shape-shifters needed to make a stand, and he was the one who’d have to urge them all into action.

He had the benefit of a very large and rich information network, and as such, in spite of the martial law currently instituted, he’d found out the location of several military vessels. What he needed to do wouldn’t be easy—he’d never actually tried it—but he was relying on his beast to lead him through everything.

Thankfully, Carson had pulled through and woken up before Byron even left the Cunningham home. His antelope son, Angel, had yet to recover from his shock, but Byron had hope that it would happen. Until then, he needed to create a safe environment for all children, no matter the cost.

He wasn’t the only one who would brave a difficult task today.

Garth and his mate, Nicolas, were on standby, waiting for Byron’s order to proceed with an even riskier endeavor. Byron hoped their assistance wouldn’t be necessary, but he doubted the humans would agree to anything easily. If anything, Byron’s two groups would have to work together to make the plan work.

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