The Sheik and the Slave (16 page)

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Authors: Nicola Italia

BOOK: The Sheik and the Slave
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Edward almost choked on his brandy and Anne swooned when
they learned that their beloved daughter was in Arabia and in the hands of a
powerful sheik.


"And once in England, I will be paid?" Adib asked

"Yes!" she answered. Katharine felt faint with
relief. "I speak the truth. My family is there. You will be paid once I
can reach them."

Adib looked strangely at his soon-to-be-wife and the foreign
woman. When Dunya had come to him with the tale, he thought she was crazy, but
the money soon enticed him to speak to the foreign woman. Now, he was certain.
She would accompany them onto the ship as a servant, as women could not travel
alone. When they reached England, he and Dunya would be paid in full.

"I agree," Adib told her.


Majeed slept late and woke to the sounds of servants
scurrying around, whispering to one another. Once questioned, it was soon
revealed that his female servant, Dunya, and his prize possession, the lovely
foreigner, were missing.

When Mohammed came upon his brother, Majeed was in a rage.

"Calm yourself, my brother. What is it? Can I
help?" Mohammed asked, trying to calm his younger brother.

"A servant has stolen off into the night," Majeed
told him.

Mohammed looked at his brother with uncertainty.

"Is that all?" he asked.

Majeed shook his head and explained further.

"No, no. If it were only she, it would not matter at
all. But there is another with her."

Majeed knew nothing of Dunya's lover, Adib, and assumed
incorrectly that the two women must be traveling alone and therefore appearing
conspicuous to anyone who might see them.

"I see," Mohammed replied as he glanced around the
tent. It was a large, spacious one, suited to comfort and elegance. He watched
his younger brother stride across the room, becoming more agitated.

"This other. Was it a male servant? A lover to the
servant girl who left?" Mohammed inquired.

"No, No,

Majeed explained, shaking his head.

precious jewel. A most rare jewel here in the hot, dead desert. A goddess in
female form, tempting men to taste her."

Mohammed looked curiously over at his brother, wondering if
he had started drinking the sweet wines earlier in the day than usual.

"I need to be alone," said Majeed as he stalked
out of the tent, leaving Mohammed to stare after him.

Majeed spent the rest of the day in seclusion, drinking and
commiserating over the loss of his found treasure while the treasure was busy
making her getaway.

Adib and Dunya were true to their word. They helped
Katharine travel to the coast, where they bought appropriate clothes necessary
for their journey. Together, the three booked passage on board the next ship
leaving port. Once aboard the ship, Katharine could breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon she would be home, and all of this would be a distant
memory. She grieved at losing Mohammed, but knew in her heart that they were
too different to have ever made a life together.

Perhaps, since she had experienced such joy and pleasure in
Mohammed's arms, she would be able to marry a titled lord without feeling the
loss of her freedom and independence. She had taken her freedom for granted and
now knew what it was to live without it.


Mohammed cornered Rana late in the day. He wasn't sure how
to address the matter of his brother and he was confused. What jewel had his
brother been speaking about? What goddess? Had it been a slave of great beauty
from a neighboring tribe? He thought Majeed's behavior to be very strange.

"My sister," Mohammed greeted her as he entered
her tent. The sun was setting low in the distance.

"Mohammed," Rana said. She motioned for him to sit
next to her.

"I am concerned for my brother," Mohammed
continued. Though most men would not deign to speak to a woman regarding
another man's state of mind, he trusted and respected Rana's judgment.

"In what regard?" she asked.

"He speaks of a jewel, a goddess stolen in the night by
the servant. I fear for his mind, sister," he continued. Mohamed looked to
her for clarity.

Rana paled as Mohammed spoke, and she glanced away from him
to try to hide her tears. Mohammed grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"What is it? Is my brother losing his mind? Tell me! I
must know!" he demanded.

"No, he isn't losing his mind,

she said.

from it. But I am losing a husband."

"Rana, please. You both speak in riddles,"
Mohammed said. His handsome bronzed face showed concern for his family and
their strange talk.

"Majeed speaks of a woman."

"A woman? Just a woman?" Mohammed said carelessly,
not realizing that Rana was in pain.

"No, my brother. If she were a mere woman, she would
not have caused such torment between us. She is unlike any woman you have ever

Mohammed was growing irritated by this conversation. He had
come to his brother's camp to distract himself from his missing princess, and
here they sat discussing a servant's escape and some woman who went with her.
She was probably a servant woman who looked like Yasmeen and thus was causing
problems for the homely but sweet Rana. But then, Mohammed had never known
Majeed to be overly fond of women. He had married and produced children, but
sex had never been important to him.

Rana looked fondly at Mohammed. He was an attractive man,
she knew. He had many female admirers and lovers with his bronzed body, dark
looks, and intelligence.
What would he have thought of the beauty?
Would he have wanted her too?

"Majeed and my sons discovered her in the desert,"
Rana began slowly.

"Oh yes?" Mohammed feigned interest, but what he
really wanted to do was to find Majeed and shake some sense into him. He was a
foolish man, letting a servant girl come between his wife and his duties.

Mohammed had always enjoyed his harem, but his duty had been
to Yasmeen, to impregnate her with heirs. When she had failed to birth sons,
his interest had begun to wane. Now, a second marriage was inevitable,
especially since Yasmeen was missing.

"She is beautiful. Even my sisters cannot
compare," Rana replied, staring wistfully into the distance.

"That is saying something. Your sisters' beauty is well
known," he replied.

"Yes," Rana said, remembering that her eldest
sister had almost married Mohammed.

"After they brought her here, Majeed seemed captivated.
Indeed, I think he thought of little else. He wanted her, I know. He took me
once, wishing I was her," she confessed. Rana blushed in the tent. She
knew Mohammed would keep her secrets.

"But Allah the merciful, forgive me. I am glad she is
gone. I begged Majeed to send her away," Rana cried out suddenly.
"Her beauty is such that it will drive men mad to possess it!"

Mohammed laid a hand upon her shoulder.

"Be calm, sister. Perhaps she and the other servant
will find work together in the city," he said.

"Perhaps. But I do not think she was a servant,"
Rana said, shaking her head. "No, she was not a servant."

"I'm going to find Majeed. He needs to see reason and
stop behaving like a foolish boy." Mohammed said as he stood up to leave

s tent.

Rana smiled.

"You are a good man. A good brother," she said to

Mohammed turned to go. He was almost to the tent's opening
when he heard Rana whisper softly, "I have never seen hair that color,
like the golden sands of the Sahara.

Mohammed stopped. His blood turned cold and he felt himself

"What did you say?" he asked. He turned back to

"What?" she asked. She had spoken her comment
aloud but had not realized it.

"You spoke of hair the color of the Sahara,"
Mohammed said.

He knelt in front of her, grasping her shoulders in his
large hands. Mohammed almost started to shake Rana. The first time he had laid
eyes upon Katharine, he had thought her hair the color of the Sahara. The panic
gripped him and frightened him.

"Yes?" Rana almost winced as Mohammed's hands
threatened to crush her slim bones.

"Who was she?" he asked hoarsely.

"The girl, the foreigner, she was the one they rescued.
The one Majeed wants, the one who has escaped, with golden hair and eyes like
the Arabian Sea," Rana said, confused at Mohammed's fierce reaction.

"No. No!" he whispered to himself. Mohammed almost
cried aloud, but managed to hold himself still.
Oh Allah! No!


Katharine breathed in the sea air as the ship's journey
continued and the weeks passed. It was as uneventful as her previous journey
had been fraught with chaos and gloom.

Perhaps it was due to the money she had promised Adib, but
he was intent to see her safe and free from harm.

The sailors were a suspicious lot and, as usual, thought a
woman aboard to be bad luck, but they treated her and Dunya respectfully.

Dunya was kind to Katharine and helped her bathe and tried
to deliver edible meals. When Katharine was alone at night, she dreamed of
Mohammed. She often awoke to his face, and many times pushed her slim fingers
inside her pussy to relieve the tension that had built.

She wanted him, and only he would do. But she knew she would
have to forget about him if she was to ever have a life filled with a husband
and children, which she wanted. She would try to find a man in England who
would treat her well, and then she would marry, but she would always dream of

She dreaded seeing her family again. What would they think
of her? She wouldn

tell them of her time spent in his bed. She would say she had been a servant
and leave it at that. She would never mention that she had craved his touch and
ached for him.


"Come to me," he whispered in the dark room.
The familiar scent of incense hung in the air as she walked toward him and he
commanded her to disrobe.

"Princess," he spoke to her as he reclined on
the pillows before her.

She watched with horror as Yasmeen settled herself
between his legs, her naked body glistening in the dark light. They both had
the same honey-colored bodies with dark smoldering looks. He smiled as he fed
Yasmeen his thick cock. His hand guided her dark head as she made slurping
noises in the room.

Yasmeen was crouched like a dog, with her ass in the air,
as she worked on Mohammed's cock.

Katharine watched the scene and Mohammed nodded at her.
She knelt behind Yasmeen. She felt pulled into the threesome by his dark eyes
and the need to please him. She was, after all, his mistress; it was her duty
to please.

Yasmeen's small ass was in the air as she bobbed up and
down on Mohammed's thick meat. Katharine moved her hands over Yasmeen's ass and
was fascinated and sickened at the thought. She looked at Mohammed's dark eyes
over Yasmeen's body and he smiled.

"Take it all," he softly told his wife as she
gagged slightly at his thick length.

He looked over at his mistress as she knelt behind his
wife's ass. Yasmeen moaned deep in her throat as his cock expanded inside it.

Katharine slapped Yasmeen's ass hard and Mohammed smiled
as she gagged on his cock.

"Shhhhhh," he told Yasmeen sharply, as he
watched Katharine touch herself and realized she needed to be pleasured.

He moved Yasmeen away and motioned for Katharine to
approach him.

"You need to be fucked, princess," he told her
as he grabbed her hips and positioned her over his cock's length.

"No, I'm not ready," she said, shaking her
head. She didn't want Yasmeen in the same room with them. It was wrong.

"You're sopping wet," he said as his fingers
pushed into her slick cunt and he pulled her down over his length, impaling her
with Yasmeen's saliva still on him.

"Ahh," she cried out in pleasure and pain.

He nodded to Yasmeen, who was crouching next to them. She
immediately came over and twisted one rose-colored nipple between her fingers
and moved her hands over the slender white back.

"No," Katharine cried softly at the other
woman's intrusion.

"Shhh," Mohammed told her softly. "You are
here to please me."

"No," Katharine begged as she bounced on his
cock and Yasmeen tongued her nipples into hard points.

Yasmeen grabbed Kat's golden hair and twisted it around
her hand.

"Bounce, whore," she told Katharine, and she
slapped her bottom until it was red.

Katharine tried to slow the climax as Yasmeen's hands and
mouth tormented her.

"You're a whore here, to please the sheik,"
Yasmeen told her coldly as she slapped her ass again.

The sheik

hands were on her hips and his cock was buried deep within her as he came. His
white seed spilled out onto the pillow as he moved away from her.

Katharine was horrified and disgusted as the sheik said,
"Send in the next girl."


Katharine awoke to the sound of a fist pounding on her cabin
door. She shivered in the cool air, remembering the degrading dream.

"Yes?" she asked. She looked disheveled as she
answered her door in a long, white shift.

"The coast of England has been spotted, Lady,"
Dunya told her in Arabic.

you, Dunya,

Katharine said, smiling widely. Then, she closed the door and sank upon her
she thought. She was home.

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