The Sheik and the Slave (5 page)

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Authors: Nicola Italia

BOOK: The Sheik and the Slave
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could you?

wanted to ask. She shook her head but her tongue wouldn

t form the words. The drug had worked.

When Katharine was first brought into the audience chambers,
she made little eye contact. But once she stood in the center of the room, she
looked up. She was surrounded by men, with no women in sight, and she thought
it odd. Then, she noticed the man on the chair who seemed to be a king in his
own right.

He was striking and handsome and she felt herself blush as
she gazed at him. He was dark, with golden skin and liquid brown eyes. When he
looked her up and down, assessing her merit, she knew her fate would lay with
him and her eyes hardened. She hated him, and he could see this when she
returned his gaze.


As Katharine was taken away to the harem, Yasmeen stood
behind the screen with hate in her eyes as well. She hated the pale girl on
sight and knew that this girl had been bought with gold to service her husband.
It sickened her. She knew that the harem was an acceptable practice in their
culture, but she hated the whores, and a white foreign one was even worse. This
woman would not stay long in the palace, she promised herself.


Katharine pulled away from the women as they tried to bathe
and attend to her.

it! Don

t touch me!

she screamed and tried
to evade their hands. They scraped the hair from her arms and legs and scrubbed
her clean. They pulled her legs apart and inserted a cool cream into her tight

you mad? Stop it!

she cried, and wondered if this was a nightmare. She tried to fight the tears
and maintain her anger, but she was tired and the drug was still in effect.

we are to ready you. Body hair removal and cleanliness is essential,

a small woman spoke. The
hair around her most intimate place was left, as was the sheik

s preference.

me for what?

Katharine asked.

master, of course,

Bashasha said.

Bashasha was an older woman with a kind little face and soft
voice. She was the overseer of the harem and used her kindness to ensure the
harem ran smoothly. It was no easy task to keep 27 plus women complacent and
happy. Fighting was a casualty of an easy life where women sat around much of
the time. There was also sharp competition for the sheik

s eye, and favoritism happened even though
he tried to mask it.

Bashasha smiled at the girl


is a wonderful lover, generous and gentle,

she said.

You will

you will see!

Katharine argued.

have no desire for anyone! I have been abducted, kidnapped, brought to this
strange land where I know no one! I am to marry an English lord if and when I

cried aloud as another young beauty inserted her fingers inside her tight

Bashasha listened intently as the girl spoke to her in a
foreign language. She then said to Katharine,

says you are a virgin.


t touch me!

Katharine replied.

Of course I am untouched,
that is a gift for my husband.

will please our master very much,

Bashasha said.

will enjoy you.

Katharine almost screamed but her head was swimming.

This is insane! I am a lady from England. I demand to be sent home this


Bashasha patted her hand and told Katharine,

Lady, this is to be your
home. You were sold to our master. I suggest you forget your faraway land and
make the best of this. Your only purpose here is to serve the master. But don

t be afraid. You will
live a life of luxury.



you will submit to his desire. If you please him, he will treat you well. If
you don

t, he may
sell you to another sheik,

Bashasha cautioned her.

Katharine sobbed as the women in the harem dressed her in
brightly-colored foreign clothes. Their hands rubbed jasmine-scented oil into
her arms, hands, legs and her most private parts.


she begged. She
felt violated and was tired. The drug weighed her normally agile mind down and
she felt like she was swimming underwater.

are ready. Come with me,

Bashasha commanded. Katharine reluctantly followed Bashasha through the many
corridors and into a large room that was dominated by a bed filled with pillows
and a large pool behind it. Persian rugs in dark masculine colors of brown and
red lay on the floor, and beautiful tiles covered the walls and decorated the
pool. It was a lovely room.

here, mistress,

Bashasha said, leaving her alone.

Mohammed had been thinking about the beauty since she first
arrived. He was throbbing at the thought of her long legs around his waist and
was bewitched by the golden hair and blue eyes, which he had long dreamed about
but never seen. She was a vision. He was hidden in a secret panel and quietly
slid the wall open. He came behind her and was able to smell her scented with
jasmine, his favorite scent.


said the

She whirled around and found herself face to face with a
most beautiful man. Tall and bronzed, he was just as handsome as he had been
when she first spied him in the audience chambers. He was dark and attractive
in a way that Englishmen never were. But none of that mattered in the least;
she wanted to be sent home immediately.

my name is Lady Katharine Fairfax. I demand that you return me to my father and
my home in England. I have no wish to be here at all.

that is difficult. Because I very much wish you to be here,

he said. His gaze
wandered over her form, starting with her breasts, chest, hips, and then back
to her breasts. His fingers wandered over the neckline and rested on her
collarbone, outlining it in a suggestive manner. She shuddered lightly.

You overstep yourself,

she said. Katharine was shocked at his outrageous behavior.

He grinned.

I am Sheik Mohammed Aksam Al Sabid. I own more land here than in the whole of
England. I have bought you and you are now part of my property, which I intend
to take the greatest of care with.

He pulled her forward and his hands moved inside the robe. As the robe

s top fell around her
waist, he saw that her small nipples were colored like small roses and he cupped
them. They were beautifully shaped.

Katharine was shocked at his bold touch.


t touch me!

she said as she jerked
away from him.

you cannot change what will occur. You will satisfy my needs and join my harem.
I will enjoy your body very much,

he said, smiling.

deceive yourself. The day after I become your whore, I will either kill myself
or find a way to escape you. Test me if you dare,

she said, speaking to him boldly; it thrilled him beyond compare. She wasn

t afraid of him and she
was majestic.

He knew he had to have her, but did not want to break her
spirit in a rape. She would hate him afterwards, and that he would not allow.

He picked her up lightly and took her to the bed. He knelt
between her slim thighs and moved the fabric up to her waist. Her pussy
glistened in the light and he knew she wanted him. It was a natural act for a
man and woman to come together. Men had needs and women serviced them. It was a
simple thing, and the harem helped ensure that he did not put undue pressure on
his wife. The harem serviced his needs and the numerous women kept him

you want to work in the kitchens then? Or perhaps you want to become chief
bather? This would be important work, helping the harem women bathe and
preparing them for me,

he taunted her. As he spoke, his fingers moved into her tight, slick pussy and
she arched into him. She couldn

help herself. Her head was swimming.

She was spinning out of control and the emotions were
tumbling onto her. No one had ever touched her like this and she was on fire,
with pinpricks hitting behind her eyes. She knew it would be easy to give into
him, but she couldn

She couldn

t give
into him or show any weakness.

me to the harem. I

rather be a slave than your whore,

she told him coldly and breathlessly, trying to stem the emotions she felt.

Mohammed went still and his body tensed.
She is a little
falcon with talons and an iron will
, he thought.

be it,

he said. He
looked down at her and then moved away from her. He clapped his hands twice.

Two eunuchs appeared and bowed slightly to Mohammed.

Send the princess here to
the harem. She is to be the new bather. Tell this to Bashasha.

Mohammed grimaced as he watched her leave his bed, still a

Farasha to me,

said as they left with Katharine.

Katharine shivered as she walked down the corridors with the
eunuchs. She had been close to giving in to the sheik. She had wanted him and
though she was a lady and an Englishwoman, she had been willing to forget it all.
I must be mad
, she thought. In a foreign land, a prisoner and a slave,
and she had been ready to give in at the first moment alone with him.
I must
remember who I am and never give in to him
, she thought.
I must find a
way to get back home


Alone, Mohammed grinded his teeth. He had learned the
foreign English tongue for business and didn

enjoy it. It was a foreign, harsh tongue that stuck in the mouth and stayed
there like sour dates. Unlike Arabic, his beautiful, lyrical mother

s tongue, English was a
harsh language.

But that was before he had met the princess, the beauty who
spoke English and communicated through it. He wanted her. His cock was still
stretched and lengthened, ready for the tight passage that she had been ready
to give him. She was a willful woman, used to men fawning around her, and
probably held the upper hand with most men. It would not be so with him.
her stew in the harem as a bather
, he thought. She would be his soon

Farasha sauntered into the room, stripping away her clothes
as she walked. She was slender with small breasts and hips, long black hair and
a red mouth. She had almost black nipples on her breasts and she loved to bend
over and take his cock up the ass.


Farasha said
in Arabic as she leaned over the bed and beckoned him.

His cock plunged into the tight asshole as Farasha groaned
and thrust her hips back to him.

my lord. Harder, please,

she murmured lightly in Arabic as not to offend him. Even in the midst of sex,
the harem women were appropriate in word and action unless otherwise asked.
Always respectful, they wanted only to serve the sheik.

Just as Farasha

small asshole tightened around his cock, he thought suddenly of a small,
alabaster ass with long legs and blonde hair falling down the back. He would
wrap the blonde hair around his hand as he jerked her head up. Her pussy would
drip and cling tightly to his cock. He groaned as he spilled his cream inside
the Arabian girl

ass thinking of the English girl. Soon, he would have the proud English girl.


Katharine loathed the harem. She hated the Arabian land and
its forsaken sand. She despised the food that consisted largely of lamb and
chicken and a thick milky substance they enjoyed as well as rice and wheat. The
harsh Arabic language was guttural and though she began to pick up several
words and phrases, she did not want the harem women to know this. Her ability
to quickly grasp languages came to her aid, but she did not enjoy learning the
language. She contemplated her escape daily.

Most of all, she hated him. She detested his very existence
and tried to stay away from him and never be in his presence. Soon, a month
passed since she had first entered the palace.

She learned her job in the harem with the help of Bashasha,
who was kind to her. She bathed, massaged, and pampered the women of the harem
and thought of little but her escape. Most of the other women suffered under

s hateful
glare and abuse, but Kat escaped such treatment. It was common knowledge that
she did not share the sheik

bed, so she was not a threat to Yasmeen.

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