The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)
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As she stood there, she thought about what she was trying to do.


That was what was on her mind; that had driven her out of her room with indignation burning inside her chest. How dare Raz think he could confine her to his palace.

Ella half expected to hear a door thrust open and Raz to come running out, chasing down the corridor, demanding that she return to her room. Well, at least, he hadn't come knocking on her door. Would that have been a bad thing, she asked herself?

Ella shook those thoughts out of her mind and made her way down the steps. She strode quickly across the hallway and to the front doors. They were huge and heavy, with a pair of large, circular door handles. She twisted one of them and was relieved when the door moved toward her, letting in a blast of cool night air.

Outside she hurried down the dozen steps to the inner courtyard of the palace. She paused and gazed at the windows on the two floors above her head. There were no lights on in any of the rooms. The only light in the courtyard came from the open door behind Ella. It looked like everyone, including Raz, was asleep.

Ella gazed across at the one thing she had expected to see. She smiled.

Raz's red sports car stood in the middle of the courtyard.


With one more glance around herself, Ella ran across the courtyard, reaching the car and pulling on the door handle. The car door swung open, and Ella saw something glitter.


Ella twisted the bag off her shoulder and threw it inside the car. She glanced ahead of her at the gate that sealed the palace from the outside world. The high metal gates were closed, but Ella figured it would only take a moment to open them.

She raced across the courtyard and halted in front of the gates. It looked like they were controlled by electrical means. She could see that when they moved they would slide into a large recess in the wall.

Ella's eyes ran around the sides of the gate, searching for any sign of a switch or power box; anything that would open the gates. But, she couldn't find anything.

A rush of irritation swept over her. Surely the gates weren't completely locked. There must be some way of opening them from the inside.

Then she saw something and felt a wave of triumph. In a darkened corner there was a small alcove, and inside that there was a black painted switch.

Ella dug her hand inside the alcove and pulled on the switch. A sudden low humming started and Ella took a few steps back, enjoying the sight as the high doors began to slide smoothly into one of the walls.


Outside she could see the road stretching down from the palace and off into the distance, disappearing into a valley. The scent of the faraway desert caught in her nostrils.

Feeling suddenly eager to be gone, Ella turned and started to run back toward the car. It would only be a matter of time before she was on the road and only a few hours back to the city.

Ella's heels clacked noisily on the hard surface of the courtyard, but that didn't matter anymore.

A few more steps brought her to the car, but she slid suddenly to a halt, disbelieving what she could see ahead of her.

The dark figure was leaning casually against the car.


He was dressed in a casual, black dressing gown, which was open down to his waist. She could see the damp skin of his chest and the tight stomach muscles that seemed to catch the light cast from the palace's hallway.

"Going somewhere?" Raz asked holding the car keys up in front of his face and jangling them mischievously.

Ella didn't move a muscle, merely fixing Raz with an angry glare.

Raz cocked his head, awaiting Ella's reply. "Well?" he said still waiting.

Ella sighed. "Give me those keys," she ordered.

Raz shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid I can't condone theft," he said.

"You'll get your precious sports car back," Ella said.

"That's not what concerns me," he said. "Will I get you back?"

For a moment, Ella was lost for words. She rolled her eyes and gasped disbelievingly. She peered at Raz. "You can't force me to stay here," she said.

Raz moved, closing the car door with a soft thud. "I know that. My invitation to stay might not have been worded in quite the way I intended."

"Invitation? Is that what you're calling it, now?"

Raz nodded. "I'm only thinking of your safety, Ella. You must understand that."

"I've been trying to understand that for most of the night up there in my bed."

The mention of that seemed to catch Raz's attention. He halted a few steps from Ella and glanced up to the floor where her room was situated.

One corner of his mouth quirked. "I could hear you tossing and turning," he said slowly. "You make a lot of noise when you're in bed. Did you know that?"

In spite of herself, Ella felt her face redden. "You were listening in on me?" she gasped.

"I could hardly miss what was going on," he said. "I'm in the room next to yours."

Ella felt her mouth open in shock. How could he not have told her he would sleeping so close to her room? Maybe if he had told her she would have demanded he take a room in another part of the palace.

Raz's hand slid the car keys into the pocket of his dressing gown. She glanced down and saw that he was barefoot. He must be entirely naked under that gown, she thought. The cool of the hard floor beneath his feet didn't seem to bother Raz in the slightest. Ella tried to wrench her gaze away from Raz, not wishing to encourage him in the slightest.

"Were you seriously thinking of stealing my car and driving back to the city?" he asked.

"That was the plan," she replied raising a defiant chin.

Raz grinned. "I have to admire your initiative. It seems I misjudged you," he said. His gaze ran down her body and she felt her nerves vibrate knowing that he was examining her like that. "I like the casual style," he said. "But, jeans and short-sleeved shirt wouldn't take you far if the car ran out of gas." Raz turned and looked back at the red car. "As it would have done in just a few miles."

So, that was why he'd left the keys in the car, she thought. There had never been any chance of her getting very far.

"You would have needed more traditional clothing if you had ended up stuck in the desert," he said.

Ella glared at Raz. "I have no intention of dressing like a desert woman," she declared.

Raz's brows rose. "But, I disagree. I think you would look perfect in such garb. Exactly like a wild spirit of the desert."

Ella squinted at Raz. "A wild spirit that needs to be tamed?" she sneered.

Raz's mouth widened into a wolfish grin. "Why, Ella. You took the words right out of my mouth."

Ella tried to step away from Raz, but he moved in front of her, blocking her way. "And, I am the man who would do the taming," he said in a heavy, quiet voice.

Ella peered into Raz's dark, chocolate brown eyes, seeing such passion there that it made her heart skip a beat.

"Will you drive me back to the city?" Ella asked, knowing the answer that lingered on his moist lips. His eyes narrowed as if he was surprised that she had even asked the question.

Shockingly for her, she realized that she didn't want him to agree; didn't want him to nod his head and put an end to this delightful torture. Standing so close to him, feeling his presence this close, she told herself that perhaps being with him just a short while longer might allow her to get the answers she needed. It was a shallow excuse, she told herself.

Her gaze dropped down to follow the tangle of dark chest hair that traced a line down to his waist and below. Her throat tightened, and she felt her nipples harden beneath the coarse material of her shirt. Her core had suddenly become warmer, and she shifted a step away from him. Ella saw his eyes widen as if he sensed the effect his proximity was having on her.

"Never mind," she said waving her hand dismissively. She ran a hand nervously through her hair. Raz seemed to take a simple pleasure from watching her hair spread between her fingers.

"May I escort you back to your room?" he said after a pause.

Ella walked past him and headed for the door that led back into the palace; the entrance to her sweet, unwanted safe house.


A short while later, Raz stood at his balcony door and considered how lucky he had just been. She'd almost gotten away. It had been a close thing, but it looked like he'd finally begun to win her round. He'd seen the way she'd looked at him in the courtyard; seen the desire hidden behind that familiar defiant gaze. And, he'd felt a rush of pleasure sweep throughout his body at the confirmation that look had given him.

Ella was beginning to admit something that Raz had already conceded to himself; there was a burning attraction between them both, and there was no use trying to deny it any longer.

Raz had escorted Ella back to her room. He'd been careful to keep his distance from her, even though the urge to sweep her up in his arms had been almost impossible to resist. When he'd finally bid her goodnight at her bedroom door, he'd seen the warring emotions on her face. She'd hesitated at the door, looking intently at Raz, her hand on the door handle.

At first, he'd thought she was going to invite him into her room, but then he'd realized that she was simply trying to understand just what had happened down in the courtyard.

If she had insisted, he would, of course, have driven her back to the city. But, he knew that would mean losing out on an opportunity to win Ella over; to show her just what he felt for her; it would mean wasting a last chance for them both to discover the passion Raz knew lay hidden and contained within each of them.

Making Ella safe back in the city wouldn't be impossible. It just meant he would no longer have her to himself.

He wasn't prepared to allow that.

Raz felt greedy, even possessive when it came to Ella. The determination to claim her had been burning inside him from the moment he'd seen her lying in the battered wreckage of the car back on the beach. The flame of his desire for Ella had been coursing through his body every moment she'd spent within the walls of his palace.

And there was only one way to extinguish that flame, to stop it from driving him close to insanity.

Raz stepped out onto the balcony and gazed up at the stars. He closed his eyes and let the sounds of the waves against the rocks sink into his soul. He'd lost count of the times he'd stood on this balcony after some kind of encounter with a woman. But, none of those encounters had ever come close to making Raz feel the way he did right now.


There was something about Ella that had taken hold of his spirit, occupying a previously empty space in his heart. Raz felt a fullness in his being which he'd never experienced before. And, he could not explain it.

He and Ella had started off completely on the wrong foot. Her accusations had certainly offended him, but he had taken them as a challenge. Ella had resisted him, opposed him with her every move. Was that why he was so compelled to have her, to own her? Had he simply reacted to her delicious defiance?

What could he do to win her over? How could he show her just how much she meant to him?

Raz leaned against the balustrade and gazed down at his motor-yacht. Tied up there at the jetty, it looked so insignificant. Such luxury could never fill a man's soul, he said to himself. Not the way a woman like Ella could take possession of a man's very being.

What use was a yacht in the life of a man?

And then the idea came to him. It was really so simple. He wondered why he hadn't considered it before.

Of course.

Ella had come to his kingdom with one intention; to obtain the truth.

Raz gazed down at the boat and smiled. It was ideal, in fact, more perfect than he could have imagined.

If Ella wanted the truth, then Raz would supply her with all the answers she needed. The boat would allow Raz to prove once and for all that he meant to do whatever it took to convince Ella that he was the man for her.

Raz nodded with satisfaction. One thing was for sure. Ella would approve of his idea. He was sure of it.


"You mean to say that I should go with you on your boat?" Ella asked, a look of incredulity on her face.

Raz nodded. "Exactly that. I told you I would do what it took to clear up the mess at the border. I want you to be happy." Raz saw the way Ella looked at him when he said that. Maybe his choice of words had been too obvious, but the time for avoiding their attraction to each other was over.

They were in the dining room the following morning, and they had just finished eating breakfast. The sunlight streamed in through the open doors. There was a fresh early morning breeze. It was going to be a good day, Raz thought. Even better once he'd succeeded persuading Ella to go with him by boat to the border between his kingdom and Karim's.

Ella put down her cup of coffee and frowned at Raz. "What's the catch?"

Raz feigned innocence. "No catch. I want to make a gesture. A mark of our newfound friendship," he said in a friendly tone.

"Friendship? After last night?" Ella queried.

Raz shrugged. "I didn't force you to stay. Did I ?"

Ella pursed her lips and scowled at Raz. She paused, and he could see the thought behind her beautiful eyes. There were small dark rings beneath her eyes, but somehow they only added a surprising element of attraction. Even when she didn't look her best, Raz found Ella irresistible.

"How long will it take to sail to the border?" Ella asked, sounding like a tourist asking a tour guide for more information. Was that all he was, Raz asked himself. Someone to help Ella get what she wanted? Because Raz already knew what he wanted, and it wasn't anything to do with merely being a glorified cultural advisor.

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