The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2) (5 page)

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"So you like being independent?" he asked.

Ella squinted at him in the soft light. Even in the dimness, her eyes had a bright, vibrant quality. He imagined her looking at him in the darkness of his bedroom, her head alongside his on a pillow. Raz felt himself tighten at that simple thought.

"I've always been that way. I like the way I live my life," she replied. Once again there was that note of defiance in her voice.

Raz nodded. "That's most admirable," he said. "Although my Kingdom prides itself on how it treats women, this is sometimes not a safe place for an unaccompanied female foreign tourist."

"I am not a tourist," Ella snapped at Raz.

Raz smiled and drew back a little. "Of course you're not. You're an aid worker on a fact-finding mission." He squinted at Ella. "Is that more to your liking?"

"Don't tease me, Sheikh Al Kharif," Ella said.

Ella shifted in the seat, crossing her legs. He heard the soft rustle of the fabric of her simple but sophisticated blue dress. The hem draped across her knees. With a glance, he took a moment to savor the sheen of her skin. Her feet were enclosed in tasteful low heeled shoes.

When he lifted his gaze, he saw that she was watching him, a knowing expression on her face.

"It seems I'm not the only one doing the teasing," Raz said slowly.

Ella sighed sharply and shook her head. She turned away from him, giving him a brief chance to enjoy the sight of her long blonde hair. It tumbled softly onto her slightly exposed shoulders. That sight made his throat tighten.

Raz glanced out the window at the brightly lit streets. It wouldn't be long before they arrived at their destination. He wondered how she would react when she found out where he was taking her. It was the only place that made sense, given her situation. Raz hadn't been surprised to find Ella in the trouble she had been in. It was foolish to become involved with someone like Karim. He was simply not to be trusted, and Ella had naively placed herself in his sphere of influence.

She still had so much to learn about life in Qazhar. Perhaps it would be his responsibility to show her what living in Qazhar really meant. The wonderful experiences to be had, as well as the dangers to avoid.

Ella turned, and he was momentarily dazzled by how striking her blue eyes were. There was a fierce intelligence in them that was utterly compelling, totally captivating. He wondered how many lovers she'd had, and immediately felt embarrassed that he had even harbored such thoughts about her. She was still an absolute stranger to him. A beguiling, fascinating stranger, but one about whom he was determined to learn more.

The car edged out of the bright lights of the city and headed out into the darkness of the desert. There was nothing to be seen away from the headlights of the road.

Ella twisted and looked back through the rear window. "I thought we were going to a restaurant. It looks like we're leaving the city."

Raz saw the shadow of anxiety flicker across her features, and he knew he had to reassure her. "I did say we were going to the best place to eat in my kingdom," he said.

"Not a restaurant?" she asked.

Raz shook his head. "You could say we'll be enjoying some family cooking."

Ella's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Raz gazed ahead through the limo's windscreen. "We'll be there in a few minutes."

"Where?" Ella demanded sharply. Raz saw her reach down and clutch the side of the leather seat. She glanced quickly at the inside of the door. The red light indicating locked doors couldn't have been at all reassuring, he thought.

"My family's home. Our palace, if you like to call it that," Raz explained.

"Your family's palace?" Ella ejaculated.

Raz nodded. "I couldn't have such an esteemed guest as yourself wasting an evening in a hotel restaurant. Apart from which, it's the safest place."

Ella frowned. "But, I'm not in any danger."

Raz stared straight ahead, eager not to reply to that statement.

Ella twisted in her seat and faced Raz. "You're not my protector. I didn't ask you to ensure my safety while I'm here."

"Nevertheless, it is my duty to make sure you are taken care of while you are in my kingdom. Particularly given the circumstances of your visit."

"I still don't feel satisfied by what you've told me," she said.

The way she'd spoken that word had made something shift inside him. He looked at her closely.

It would give him such a pleasure to satisfy this beautiful woman, to delve deep into her secrets, discover what made her soul ignite. Beneath that fiery exterior, there was surely something soft, pliant and welcoming; a part of her that he would light up with all the sensual skills at his disposal.

Raz refused to believe there wasn't a softer side to Ella Brant. And it would be a privilege to uncover that side of her, to peel away the layers of toughness she had wrapped around herself.

"Please take me back to the hotel," Ella said suddenly.

Raz gave her a soft, pleading look. "But, my mother will be so disappointed. She and my sister have gone to great trouble to prepare a wonderful, traditional meal."

Raz saw that he had startled her with that revelation. "Although you'll be pleased to know my father is not at home," Raz said with an ironic grin. "He can be a bit grumpy."

Ella peered at Raz, trying to tell if he was joking with her. She shook her head and let out an exasperated gasp. "It looks like you've left me with no choice."

"I don't think you can possibly refuse," Raz replied. "It's our way of showing you hospitality," he said with a grin. "My sister prides herself on her cooking, and you don't want to ever get on Aliyah's wrong side."

Ella glanced down at her dress. "How can I attend a dinner with your family dressed like this?"

Raz ran his gaze all the way down her body. His eyes moved slowly, appreciating every inch of Ella's curves. He knew that she could tell how much he was enjoying looking at her and, for the first time since they'd met, she didn't seem remotely uncomfortable about it.

"I think that dress is more than adequate," he said, his eyes drinking in the sight of her full curves.

Ella glanced ahead at the lights in the distance. "Is that it?"

Raz followed her gaze and nodded. "That's our humble abode," he replied.

Ella squinted. "It doesn't look so humble."

The car turned through a gateway and slid along a long tree-lined driveway, emerging into a circular courtyard with a large fountain.

Ella twisted in her seat and gazed out the window. "Wow. This is impressive," she gasped. Gone was her determined resistance to be replaced by a simple wonder. Raz had grown up in the palace, so it was hard for him to fully understand the effect the glorious edifice had on first-time visitors.

The car drew to a halt. Raz leapt out of his side and raced around, opening the door for Ella. He extended a hand to her, giving her a warm, welcoming smile. She hesitated a moment, gazing up at him. She seemed to be deliberating whether or not to accept his gentlemanly courtesy. After a moment, she placed her hand in his, and he helped her out into the cool night air. The sound of insects was a soft background murmur.

Raz couldn't help savoring the sight of Ella's legs as she stepped out onto the flagstones of the courtyard.

Ella paused by Raz's side and gazed up at the front of the palace building. Raz saw her shake her head slowly as she took in the sight of the ornately carved front, the wide steps that led up to the high double doors; the exotic carvings illuminated by the ground set lights; the high windows.

The staff had put on the extra lights at his request. The entire facade was lit up, and Raz had to admit it looked impressive. He could only imagine what Ella thought of it.

Raz realized he was still holding onto Ella's hand. He loved the sensation of her soft skin, and she seemed to have briefly forgotten that her fingers were still held in his tender grasp.

"You're very lucky to have grown up in a place like this," she said.

"I suppose you're right," he said gazing up at the palace front. "It's all I've ever known. But, I don't live here all the time."

Ella's brows rose. "Really? Where do you live?"

She seemed to realize that the question was too personal, too intimate, because Raz saw her face color involuntarily.

"I have apartments scattered around the kingdom."

Ella smiled. "Apartments? More than one?" she said sounding incredulous.

"And a palace by the sea," Raz added.

Ella rolled her eyes. "Okay. That's enough bragging," she said.

Ella glanced down at her hand and pulled her fingers clear of his grasp. Raz felt the sudden release keenly. He gestured to the staircase. "After you," he said.

Ella started up the staircase with Raz by her side. Raz opened one of the heavy, ornately carved doors. Ella stepped inside slowly. There was a wide hallway and a long staircase leading up to the upper floor. Ella took in the beautiful mosaics and carvings; the high ceiling, the decorative murals on the walls. Raz thought that, to Ella, the whole scene must seem like something out of a fairy tale. Ella smiled appreciatively at Raz. "Beautiful. It's exquisite."

Raz felt a rush of pleasure at hearing her words.

Then two figures emerged from the room to the left.

His sister and his mother.

Raz felt his heart start to beat faster. He hoped they wouldn't say anything to spoil the moment. But, one look at both of their smiling faces told him they were determined to give Ella a courteous welcome.

"Raz!" the younger woman said coming to him and giving him a hug. "We wondered where you had gotten to."

"Aliyah," Raz replied hugging his sister. His gaze shifted to his mother, Beatrice who was smiling at Ella.

"My dear," Beatrice said to Ella. "It's so lovely to meet you. Raz has told us all about you."

Raz saw Ella flash him a sudden look of surprise.

Beatrice hugged Ella who looked taken aback by the sincerity of the welcome. But, that was his mother, Raz thought. Always on the lookout for a suitable woman for him. He'd told his mother that he was bringing home a guest for dinner, and immediately his sister had promised that a sumptuous meal would be ready when he arrived. Raz had no doubt that the food would be excellent. Aliyah had a way with food, even if she had to supervise the servants with a little more attention than usual in the process.

"I hope you're hungry," Aliyah said to Ella.

Ella seemed lost for words. After a moment she hesitantly replied. "I suppose I haven't eaten much today. I had some meetings to attend. I've been busy."

"Yes," Beatrice replied. "Raz was telling me all about why you've come to our kingdom." Beatrice flashed an urgent look at Raz. "It's such a serious business. Isn't it, Raz?"

Raz was surprised that his mother had seen fit to mention Ella's reason for being in Qazhar. When he replied, the words almost stuck on his tongue. "Why...yes, mother. It's a most worrying thing," he said.

Ella's eyes narrowed.

"And, Raz will do everything he can to sort it out," Beatrice said looking at Ella. She glanced at Raz. "Won't you, Raz?" Beatrice asked him.

Raz felt like he'd been suddenly put on the spot. "Of course, I will," he replied. His mother had always had her own ways of getting Raz to carry out his responsibilities. But, right now he didn't want to talk about it. Especially as he could see a look of curiosity on Ella's face.

"Enough of this business talk," Aliyah said firmly with a smile. Aliyah took Ella's arm and started to lead her toward the room she and Beatrice had emerged from. "You must tell me all about yourself," she said to a surprised looking Ella.
Aliyah glanced back at Raz and narrowed her eyes. She turned back to Ella. "We can have some tea first and you can tell us all about why you're here, and how you met Raz."

Ella's mouth opened, ready to utter an immediate rebuttal but Beatrice interrupted Ella before she had a chance. "And then, once we've all had a lovely chat, you and Raz can enjoy your meal together. Just the two of you."

That was when Ella's brows rose, and her mouth dropped open with barely disguised shock.

Raz laughed nervously, walking alongside his mother. Beatrice hooked her arm inside Raz's and tugged him closer. "I'm so glad you brought Ella for dinner, Raz. We must make sure she feels welcome."

Ella was walking ahead of him. Aliyah had a firm hold of Ella's arm and was leading her through the double doors and into the ornately furnished sitting room. Raz saw Ella once again trying to find the words to object, but Aliyah kept chatting idly to her, preventing Ella from raising even the slightest objection to the prospect of having a private dinner with Raz in his family palace.

Raz had hoped his mother and sister would wait until at least after tea had been served before telling Ella that the dinner date he had promised her would be one with Raz alone.

Judging by the furious look on her face, Raz wondered just what he had let himself in for, once he and Ella finally got to be alone.


"Why didn't you tell me we were having dinner alone?" Ella demanded two hours later. She and Raz were sitting at a table on a terrace overlooking the garden. The stars flickered through the overhanging branches of the trees. The soft murmur of insects filled the cool night air. Ella held the thin stem of the glass of champagne and peered across the table, awaiting Raz's reply. Judging by his tight-lipped expression, it was obviously going to take Raz a few moments to find the right words.

Although at this moment, she was still a little angry at him for not telling her the exact circumstance of their dinner, she had to admit that he looked amazingly handsome sitting there, his eyes lowered, trying to avoid her withering gaze. Raz was undeniably good looking, with his elegant dark jacket showing off his wide shoulders; his crisp white shirt collar contrasting with the dark-skinned throat.

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