The Sheikh's Resisting Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 3)

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Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

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The Sheikh’s Resisting Lover


By Leslie North


The Tazeem Twins Series

Book 3



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This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and situations either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously.


All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent from the author.



I dedicate this book to you, my loyal readers. Thank you for all the lovely e-mails, reviews, and support. Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

I’d also like to say a special thank you to
Leslie’s Lovelies
who have had a huge role in making this book – you’re the best! THANK YOU for all your support:

  • MD Harrison
  • Betty Pehlman
  • Tamika Chinn
  • Danielle Miller
  • Voncile Catledge
  • Melissa Herman
  • Karen Pierce Rowe
  • Michele H
  • Melissa Lawhorn
  • Sandrine GRANGER
  • Robin OToole
  • Jessica Hong
  • T. Martin
  • Regina Carpenter
  • Raeann Whitney
  • Patty Wells
  • Marine-Ann Taylor-Christian
  • Cherisse-Angel Charles
  • Tonya Helveston
  • Cindy Berland
  • Stephanie Bryant
  • Cheri M. Wyre
  • Octavia Cooper
  • C. Baker
  • Monique Barnard
  • Judy Voight-Wong
  • Emma Long
  • Ann Pike Ashley
  • Tammie Terry
  • Nancy Dormanski
  • Lauren J B
  • Amanda Drummond
  • Melody Goeken
  • Gayle
  • Caroline Stowell
  • JJ
  • Melanie Dawn
  • Debra Price
  • Wanda Ross
  • Janet Paul
  • Beth Udall
  • Loreli Jessee
  • Robin Gentry
  • Tonni Brown
  • Lorraine Guidotti
  • Joanne Wright
  • Janet Paul
  • Carolyn Redden
  • Kelly Johnson



Table of Contents

The Sheikh’s Resisting Lover



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12




Chapter 1


“When are we going to fuck again?” asked the blonde as she walked out of his bedroom.


James leaned in the doorway of his quarters wearing only his silk pyjama bottoms and with no shirt on. His jet black hair was still messy from sleep.


“Don’t curse,” he reprimanded.


She smiled and draped an arm around his neck. “Okay. When are we going to make sweet, sweet love again?” she asked sarcastically.


“Shouldn’t you be leaving?”


The blonde narrowed her gaze at him. “Your highness, when can we meet again?” she asked as she ran her hands down his chest.


“I will call you,” James replied. This was the fifth time James had spent the night with her. Whilst it was fun, she wanted more than he could give her. As the youngest prince of Al-Qalta and an officer in the family-owned business,
Tazeem Petroleum
, the women he dated had visions of marriage and life in a palace. He smacked her posterior, as she gasped in surprise.


“You never call. I always call you,” she pouted at him as she fingered the diamond necklace he had given her. It was within his nature to buy women jewellery. That was all he could give them, sex and gifts. James shrugged his shoulders.


It was true, he never called her. As much fun as he had with the blonde, he was definitely not going to call her. In fact, given her current behaviour, he might not want to see her again. He had decided long ago that committed relationships were not for him. His work and his obligations were what mattered. If he dated a woman once too often, they suddenly wanted more from him than he was capable of giving.

“I will this time,” James replied with a smirk on his face.


“Okay, I will wait for your call,” she told him before leaning in for a kiss. At the last moment, he turned his head and she kissed him on the cheek. James ran his hand through his hair and walked back into his quarters. He had a quick shower and then dressed in black tracksuit bottoms and a grey t-shirt. He was going to go for a run after having breakfast with Rene and Joshua.



He joined his brother and his girl friend on the patio nestled between their quarters. The flooring was a light-coloured flagstone that sparkled when the sun peeked through the archway. A round, wooden table with matching chairs served as a casual dining space while the other side of the patio housed a large sitting area with a stone fireplace and flat screen television.


“Morning, love birds,” James said to Rene and Joshua, as he walked out onto the patio. Joshua was reading the newspaper and Rene was looking at her phone. They both looked up as James sat down at the table.


“Hi, James,” Rene replied to him. He stretched his hand out and did his secret handshake with his brother as Rene narrowed her gaze. “I wish you would teach me,” she complained. James smiled and leaned closer to Rene to kiss her on the cheek.


“No one is going to teach you that handshake,” Joshua said to her. He flipped the page of the newspaper. Rene returned her attention to James.


“So, how was your night?” she asked him.


“My night? Fine,” James replied and started eating.


“Busy?” Joshua asked.


“Busy how?”


“Busy with the blonde,” Rene said. She bit into her freshly baked na’an with honey and started chewing. She did not take her eyes off James as she ate.


“Oh, her,” he replied as he laughed.


“Yes. Her!”


“She is gone.”


“Just another day at the office, right?”


“What do you mean by that?”


“It's very normal for you to have these one night stands,” Rene spoke with a very strict tone.


James laughed and looked at Joshua for help. He felt like Rene was about to tell him off, but his brother just shrugged his shoulders and did not come to his rescue.


“Is it not normal for anyone?” James asked. Rene looked at him as though he had said something completely weird.


“No, it is not!” she replied. “Since I returned, there have been six women in and out of your quarters,” she added.


“Has it really?” he asked. It's not as if he was counting. He poured himself a cup of coffee.


“Your intake has increased lately,” Joshua ventured.


“Intake?” Rene frowned as James started laughing.


“It was rather a weird word to use,” James stated as his brother shrugged his shoulders.


“Well, the point is that you have been bedding a lot more women lately,” Joshua clarified. James shrugged his shoulders. He did not know what to say to that. He did not think he had been sleeping with more women than usual. In his defence, he had slept with the blonde more than once, but he was loath to admit that he knew nothing more about her than her first name.


“You need to settle down,” Rene stated.


“You sound like my mother.”


“That is true,” Joshua agreed with his brother.


“Seriously, James, you don't need all these women. You only need
woman,” Rene said.

“The woman?” James questioned Rene with his eyebrows raised.




“Where do I find


“Well, you may want to find a woman outside your normal circle. I am guessing that you sleep with the same type of women all the time,” Rene said as she picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth.


“I do not have a type,” James replied. Rene shook her head at him and looked at her watch.


“Tanya should be arriving soon,” she said to Joshua who nodded and folded his newspaper.


“Who is Tanya?” James asked Rene.


“My friend,” Rene replied with a big smile on her face.


“Oh yes, the one you mentioned before.”


Rene smiled and nodded. “But seriously, James, this week try not to sleep with anyone. Just for a week, try!” Rene said to him. “How many do you even sleep with in a week?” she asked. He shrugged his shoulders. He was not interested in defending himself.


“I do not count,” he said to her as Rene's jaw dropped open.


“That is not healthy.” 


Joshua laughed. “That is the James I know,” he said as he stood up from the table and held his hand out to Rene. Placing her hand in his, she stood as he wrapped an arm around her waist.


“We’re going to the airport to get Tanya,” Joshua informed his brother as he finished his coffee.


Nodding his head, “I am going for a run, so I will see you later,” James replied as they walked off. As he drank his coffee, a small cat hopped up on the wall and came over to greet James. Bending down to scratch the cat behind the ears, “At least you don’t have any ulterior motives,” he told the cat as he placed some of the leftover eggs and sausage down for the stray.


He sipped the rest of his coffee before standing up to stretch. He looked at the little stray who was cleaning herself before she jumped over the wall and ran off into the garden. Following the cat over the wall, he headed out toward his favourite running trail.


Chapter 2


Tanya stood in the doorway of the private jet and stared out into the bright sun. She placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath detecting sweet smells of jasmine and honeysuckle. The small, private airport was framed in low-lying hills that were a rainbow of colours from the minerals in the rock base. She was not expecting anything like this at all, she thought as she walked down the steps.


A black car was pulling up, and Tanya saw Rene madly waving out the window. As the car drew to a stop, Rene leaped out and jumped on her friend as she hugged her tightly.


“It has been less than a month since you last saw me,” Tanya said to her as she held her at arm’s length.

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