The Sheik's Pregnant Lover (Love By Accident) (5 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Pregnant Lover (Love By Accident)
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He shifted ever so slightly and was rewarded with her body arching against him.  “Don’t do this?” he asked and moved again, pulling her hips forward so she couldn’t hide from him. 

“No.  That,” she sighed and her hips moved again, tense and waiting.  But she couldn’t keep still.  “Don’t,” she whispered and opened her eyes, looking up at him. 

“I won’t,” he said, his voice deep and husky but he lied and moved ever so slightly again. 

When her mouth dropped open and her body shivered, he did it again, pulling her legs up so her knees were around his waist.  His fingers quickly unbuttoned his shirt and he pressed her hand against his chest.  “So you don’t like it when I do this?” he asked and slowly shifted his weight, pressing his erection against her even more, rubbing her and he knew the moment she was lost to the sensation.  Her hips couldn’t keep still any longer and he moved again and again while her hands curled against his chest. 

When he moved one more time, he watched with awe as she splintered apart in his arms, her climax coming and coming and he moved his body against hers to prolong the orgasm.  When her body stilled and she fell back against the rock with her eyes closed, he stood there, still hard and painfully erect, but more satisfied than he’d ever been in his life as he watched her come down from her climax. 

When she looked up at him, her face was still flushed and her eyes bright with the post orgasm glow, and a good dose of embarrassment.  “Don’t!” he ordered
and she turned her face away.  He wouldn’t allow that though.  His finger came up to her face and turned her gently back so she was looking up at him. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed by the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Her mouth fell open and she squirmed slightly but he grabbed her hips.  “But you can’t move an inch!” he said, laughing softly at his predicament.  “Just give me a moment and I’ll be okay,” he explained. 

Sidra was as still as possible, but with him so intimately pressed against her, she had a hard time remaining still.  Her body might have recovered from the last few moments, but with him still pressed against her, all her cells were firing up, ready for round two. 

When he sighed and pulled away, she knew the
moment was over.  “I feel like I should say thank you for some reason.”

He laughed and pulled her into his arms again, kissing the top of her head. “Believe me when I say that the pleasure was all mine.”

She shook her head and blushed.  “I don’t think so,” she said and looked away. 

He chuckled again and took her hand, keeping it in his strong embrace instead of tucking it into his elbow as he had yesterday.  “What did you do yesterday?” he asked gently as they walked through the woods, the sun just starting to dapple through the leaves overhead. 

She told him about her jaunts through all the major tourist sites, the play and he even wanted to know what she’d had for dinner.  “What did you do?” she asked, sincerely interested. 

Rashid shrugged his massive shoulders and looked down at her, leaning against a tree and pulling her against him.  He still hadn’t recovered from their previous embrace, but she felt too good, too soft to not have her
him.  The pleasure was almost painful because of the intensity to make love to her, but he embraced even that, knowing that he would probably not be able to do anything about that need since she was leaving the day after tomorrow. 

“I thought about you.”

Sidra rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Be serious.  I’d really like to know what you do during the day.”

Rashid thought about the meetings he’d had in London
with the CEO of a major oil company and then
the private meetings with the Prime Minister who was trying to convince him to alter his country’s oil policy and grant better access to oil products and get a better deal.  There had been the calls from his finance minister about the military exercises in the north of his country, a discussion with his environmental minister about the solar stations and the
his scientists were making with the solar panels that would help the world transition from oil energy to more environmental options because he perceived the wave of the future to be non-fossil fuels and he wanted his country to be a resource for those products. 

But he didn’t admit to any of that to this beauty in his arms.  He didn’t want her to know about that
side of his life
.  He wanted her to be attracted to him because of who he was as a man instead of who he was as a ruler.  Right now, she only knew him as Rashid
, and from some of the comments she’d made, he suspected that she’d assumed he worked with horses or animals
.  He had a limited time with her and he didn’t want to alter her
perception of him by tainting it with his title.  Their
time together seemed so pure, so unadulterated by the reality of his life and he didn’t want anything to intrude on that. 

At least right now.  He’d started thinking about her last night and a plan had formed in his mind.  He would have to take it slowly, he knew.  But if this woman were real, he wasn’t about to let her out of his life. 

Focusing on her question, he thought back to yesterday morning.  His discussion with the veterinarian came to mind and the instructions he’d given the woman before he’d started his other meetings.  He felt no guilt in playing on her misperceptions of his job. 
“One of the horses is pregnant and about to give birth.  I looked at her yesterday, trying to see how she was doing.  Another has a sore leg,” he told her, only altering the truth a little in his mind.  All of this was true.  He did have a mare who was about to give birth and he had checked on her yesterday, but he’d spent only moments with the little lady before heading off to his meeting with the prime minister.  His stable manager had given him the other details, and although he didn’t tell Sidra that he’d ministered to all of the horses, he went through all their ailments and training regimens as if he were in charge of them. 

He considered
all of
it a white lie, but one that would benefit both of them in the end. 
By talking to her about the horses, s
he would still see him as a
n individual
man, a human being instead of a powerful
ruler of one of the wealthiest countries in the world and he could still maintain their romance as if it weren’t tainted by his title, protect her from the sometimes vicious politics that
surrounded him on a
n almost
daily basis with everyone
inside and outside of the palace
trying to gain power by claiming a closer relationship to him than is real.

She listened and laughed.  And with each sound of her laughter, he felt more like a
powerful sheik
than he ever had in his life.  He could command armies to move at his whim and financial markets quivered when he made decisions, but her smile made him feel more
than any of that.  When her eyes glowed with admiration, he thought he could move mountains.  And wanted to.  Just to see her smile or hear her teasing
one more time. 

When the sun was higher over the horizon, Sidra looked down at her watch and realized that more than two hours had passed. 
“I need to head back to Laura,” Sidra whispered, but her eyes were looking at his mouth, her mind wandering towards how to get him to kiss her once again. 

“I guess it’s about that time,” he sighed, wishing they had more time together.  He cursed his responsibilities, wanting to spend the day showing her around London himself.  He wanted to put her into a limousine and give her private tours of all the main tourist attractions. 
could whisk
through the palaces, lunch at the Ritz, then he’d like to
to his own palace and take her into his arms, carry her off to his private suite of rooms and make love to her until they couldn’t move any longer. 

“Will you be able to sneak away tomorrow morning?” she asked hopefully.

He smiled and hugged her closely.  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

She grinned, feeling like an idiot with her happiness hanging on her sleeve, but she couldn’t help it.  The way he looked at her made her feel special and beautiful.  She stood on her tip toes and kissed his jaw.  “I can’t wait,” she said, then pulled out of his arms. 

He caught her around her waist and pulled her back.  “That’s not going to work,” he growled and wrapped his
arms around her.  She
didn’t mind at all, had actually been hoping for just such a reaction.  So when he bent low to kiss her, she
pressed her body against him, her face automatically turning up towards his and kissed him back with all the passion she was feeling despite her orgasm of only

When he finally pulled away, she smiled up at him, her face beaming with her excitement but she stepped back and hurried down the dirt path in the direction of the village.  She didn’t want to go, but knew she had to hurry before Laura woke up. 
Sidra rushed through the wet fields, hurrying towards the bakery for coffee and muffins.  She was out of breath when she reached Laura’s flat but her friend had overslept.  Thankfully. 

She placed the bag and coffee cups on the breakfast bar, then settled down
her cup of coffee, savoring the memories of her secret morning with Rashid, her body still singing from the memory of how incredible it had felt to be in his arms to experience that kind of excitement. 

“Why are you blushing?” Laura asked, her mouth hanging open and her robe only partially closed as she stood in her bedroom doorway, looking at Sidra as if she’d grown a second head. 

Sidra jumped and turned guiltily to her friend.  Her mind worked quickly and thought up an excuse.  “Oh, I was just thinking about that book I told you I was reading,” she said and was relieved when Laura smiled and tightened the robe of her belt. 

Laura laughed and shook her head as she picked up the cup of still hot coffee, slipping the lid off carefully. 
“You’re going to have to give me the name of that book.  I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that would put that kind of expression on my face.”

Sidra was relieved that her friend accepted her explanation, not feeling guilty at all for lying to her.  Laura was like a pit bull when she thought something was going on
and Sidra wasn’t ready to talk about Rashid just yet.  It was silly, but she had a feeling that telling Laura anything would make the feelings she had for Rashid go away and she loved this special feeling
Or maybe, Sidra knew that this was just a special moment in time and when she had to leave, she wanted these precious memories all to herself.  Telling Laura might make them dirty, sully them in some way.  Her feelings and actions were too wonderful to be wrong, so silence was the best option. 

Within an hour, the two of them were off on another spree around London.  This time they hit all of the decorating sites, enjoying an afternoon of shopping and Sidra found several unique pieces that she had shipped back to the States for future projects.  They laughed and lunched at a cute café, but when Laura received a message from one of her clients just before dinner time
, their fun was at an end

“Sidra, I’m so sorry but I’ve got to get over to this house and help this client.
  Apparently, something is wrong with her light fixtures and she’s just furious about whatever it is.

“No problem,” Sidra replied.  “Go and get things fixed.  I know how demanding some clients can be.”  Secretly, she had a plan and didn’t want Laura tagging along so this was the perfect opportunity. 

As soon as Laura left, Sidra locked up her friend’s apartment and headed for the drug store in the village.  She was painfully embarrassed but she persevered, making her purchase and then getting back to her friend’s flat with a
bag full
of groceries.  She had a
of cheesy pasta, garlic bread and a bottle of red wine all set up as soon as Laura walked wearily into the flat. 

Over dinner, they shared stories about various clients, laughing about some of their requests as they devoured the pasta and finished the bottle of wine.  With all the carbs in their systems, they were exhausted as they watched a movie that night. 
The romantic comedy was just what Sidra needed!



Sidra nervously tucked several of the various sized packets into her back pocket and carried one of Laura’s older blankets under her arm as she hurried out of the flat the following morning
just as dawn was creeping into the village
.  She reached the rock earlier than normal and paced back and forth as the sky slowly lightened over the horizon.  Would Rashid be able to get away again?  And would she be able
follow through on what she wanted to do?  She was so nervous, she didn’t hear Rashid as he and his horse walked through the underbrush until he grabbed her around her waist and lifted her into his arms.

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