The Shy Dominant (11 page)

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Authors: Jan Irving

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Shy Dominant
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The thought made her throat tighten. She supposed other women would appreciate a bouquet of flowers, but this was a gesture of caring, what Fred was offering her. This was a well-thought out campaign to win her sexual subservience.

And it was working. Goddess, was it working.

“Go kneel by the couches,” Taz ordered her. “You’ll serve us food and drinks from the kitchen if we request it…and don’t be shy about showing off.”

Showing off? Dharma’s eyes widened as she mulled over the possibilities as Fred and Taz settled in the seating area.

Oh, she was good at showing off. And right now her blood was singing to do it for one man, to perform for him and make him crazy to have her and only her.

She walked over to the two good looking blond men. Instead of kneeling in front of them, she climbed onto the lap of the first one, her legs open, revealing not just her sex, but her backside fully to Taz and Fred’s view.

She heard Fred suck in a breath. Oh, she was getting to him. Her bashful voyeur.

“What’s your name, sugar?” she purred.

“M-Michael Millar.” He gave Fred a nervous look then tentatively stroked her rear end. She arched into his touch, enjoying it.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Millar, you’ll never be a dominant when you stutter if a beautiful woman sits on you,” Taz said in disgust.

Dharma looked at Taz, arching a brow. “Are you saying I can’t make a man stutter?”

Appreciation lit his eyes. “More like bring him to his knees if he’s not tough.”

Dharma let herself fall back onto the couch. Pretty soon Michael and Tony, the other cute guy, were freely touching and kissing her body. She squirmed, getting more turned on by the second and it suddenly hit her that she hadn’t felt any desire like this the night she’d done her photo session. In the past she had fooled around with her neighbours. What was different tonight was Fred’s presence. His watching her through hooded eyes heated her blood. She was writhing for him. She wanted to catch and hold his attention. She wanted to drive him to the point that he put his hands on her, where he spanked her for being a little too alluring to other men.

As she watched his chest rise and fall sharply, she thought she might be driving him to that point, but every time she thought he’d spring to his feet and claim her…he didn’t. At first she was confused, but when Michael began to stroke her pussy, teasing her into a frenzy, she understood—Fred was quietly asserting his control.

He mastered himself so he could master her.

She held his gaze, her body sizzling, craving an orgasm that the other men were not permitted to offer her. “Please,” she whimpered.

One corner of his mouth lifted. He recognised that she’d got his point.

“Come here, Dharma.” His voice was rough velvet temptation. She abandoned her ardent admirers without a backward look and saw Fred’s eyes heat as he watched the byplay. She couldn’t have made it more clear who she wanted to be with.

She sat on his lap, putting her arms around his neck. “You don’t need to work to keep my attention. I’ve given it to you for months now,” she said.

“I don’t want to be only your friend. I’m not some sexless—”

She laughed.

“Is that what you are—sexless?”

“Wench.” He slapped her rump and her eyelids fell. He rubbed the heat mark his palm had left. The squeeze and pressure of his fingers had her panting. He watched her, the pointing tips of her nipples, the flush over her chest, her hot, succulent body currently rubbing urgently against his knee. “If I decided you wouldn’t get to come tonight, what would you do?”

“I would be very, very desperate.”

He palmed her ass, massaging it intensely so that she trembled, thinking she might climax just from those rough hands rasping against her skin. “But you wouldn’t pout. You’d accept.”

“You’re teaching me to accept,” she said, holding his gaze. “You’re training me, aren’t you? As much as Taz is training you.”

He gave a brisk nod that sent another whip of heat through her clit.

“What will you do with me when I’m trained?”

His fingers delved into her pussy, caressing her folds so she moaned, unable to stop herself from thrusting against his hand. She was feverish with the need to come, but she wanted to come for him, not just for herself. She wanted him to watch her, to know that at the height of her moment, she performed for him.

“Anything I want.” One finger penetrated her and she gasped. “Men adoring you should be old hat to you.”

“You’re making everything new, exposing…me.” And it hurt, to be opened so much, to have all these raw emotions rise up. Why was it happening? It was just kinky sex, wasn’t it?

Humour lit his eyes. “In more than one way. Take off the lingerie and plaster yourself against the coffee table.”

Panting, she wobbled to her feet. Her pulse was racing, sending impulses that fired like a drug through her system. She barely managed to tug off the bra.

Fred didn’t help her at all, but just watched her lazily, his gaze focusing on her shaking hands.

She was conscious of the other men watching as well, of the want in their eyes. She put her fingers under the panties and dropped them, then freed her hair.

Completely nude, she leaned over the coffee table, feeling its hard surface against her breasts, how it plumped them up and made her more conscious than ever of her female curves, how the position raised her ass.

Taz reached over and ran a hand down that ass, as if to remind her of her place. Even that little sting of humiliation did nothing but make her wetter, hotter, so that she shifted restlessly against the table.

What would Fred decide to do to her like this? Would he command one of the men to discipline her? Would she be ordered to suck one of them off? Or would she be fucked?

The last thought made her hands curl into the wood like claws.

“She’s primed,” Taz said.

“She’ll get what she needs, in my way, in my time.” Fred was on his feet. Dharma turned her head to look up at him.
, her eyes begged him.

“Hold still,” he warned her. “Don’t move, you’re beautiful like this.”

She nodded, her throat too dry for speech.

He inserted his leg between hers then lifted it so his boot brushed against her weeping sex. “Feel that?”

She closed her eyes. Her body was screaming. “Oh, yes.”

He put his boot back down on the floor and she couldn’t help shuddering in disappointment.

“Drop down, press your body against it.”

There was something so intimate about this, about Taz and the other two men watching as she lowered herself so she was sitting on one of Fred’s boots. His leg between hers felt vaguely threatening and completely domineering.

“Polish it.”

With a whimper she began to work herself against the leather. At this point she was so aroused she didn’t care if she looked like a needy little sub.
She was.
Somehow this wasn’t an amusing game they were playing anymore. She was changing, like she was a rose and petal by petal Fred was opening her, claiming every part of her.

“You’d fuck yourself against anything right now if I told you to do it,” Fred said.

The truth was crude, a slap, but it only made her work harder. What if he took that boot away? She’d been teased to the point of pain. She needed to come, would do anything to come right now.

“Slow down.”

She moaned in protest but managed to jerk her body to a halt. Shivering, she held position, but when he didn’t remove the boot, she began cautiously to move again.

“I think you need something in your mouth.”

She thought she guessed what would happen next, but Fred, as always, was not predictable.

Taz lifted something from the table. It was chocolate, shaped like a penis.


“It’s carob,” Fred whispered, as if he wanted to soothe her. “Safe for my pet.”

She opened her lips and Taz fed it slowly into her mouth. She felt the avid gazes of all the men in the room as she closed her eyes and savoured the treat as if she were sucking cock.

It was easier to bear the pain of her need with her attention diverted to pleasing Fred. She nibbled gently, letting Taz thrust in and out of her mouth, while barely moving her pussy against Fred’s boot.

Suddenly time seemed to stretch, where the suspension of her pleasure was exquisite and she wanted it to go on and on. Her body felt heavy, rooted to the floor while her head was almost spacey. Incredible peace weighed her limbs. She was totally focused on sucking the carob treat with its hint of cinnamon, the smooth melt in her mouth, milky on her tongue.

Her heavy eyes opened and she looked up at Fred. Would it be his body she pleasured the next time they did this? She licked her lips, and he shuddered.


He lifted his boot, nudged her sharply. She came instantly, but even the obedient contractions of her body felt warm and removed, as if she was somewhere higher, floating, while being totally in this moment.

Her pleasure was like spikes of a sea urchin, spreading out, flaring in incredible colours against the backs of her closed eyelids. When it was finally over she collapsed like a puppet with cut strings.

Blinking, she felt the carpet mashed against her face. She was lying on the floor and Fred was cursing, checking out her head.

“I don’t think she hit it when she fell,” Taz said.

“I’m sure she’s okay. It’s a thick rug,” another voice said.

All she could do was look up, holding Fred’s worried gaze. She couldn’t smile, she couldn’t seem to reassure him. Floating…

He swung her up into his arms. “Baby, please be okay.”

She closed her eyes, aware of him carrying her, aware when they left the club and the cool evening breeze brushed her skin. He hadn’t bothered redressing her, just ran with her to his truck. He put her in the passenger seat, buckled her in then took off his sport coat, throwing it over her. His eyes were scared, his hands gentle.


He climbed into the driver’s side.

His face was white and tense.

“’Mmmm okay.”
I’m okay. Don’t…worry.


It was like lifting a house, but she managed to flop a hand against his thigh.

“You aren’t hurt? I can take you to the ER.”

She remembered the last time she’d gone there. Fred had been waiting for her when the doc had checked her out. He’d driven her home and stayed the night on her couch, not wanting to leave her alone in case her arrhythmia reoccurred.

“Isss not m’heart.”

He stared at her.

“Feel…really good.”

He squeezed his eyes shut.

Taz tapped on the driver’s side window. Fred released it down.

Taz was looking at her, examining her face with an experienced gaze.

“She’s fine, Fred. Fred, man, she’s

As if he knew he wasn’t reaching Fred, he reached in and grabbed the other man’s arm, tugging sharply.

“You took her high, really high. Your lady is very happy right now, that’s all.”

“Mmmmm,” Dharma agreed.

Taz backed away from the truck. “Take her home. Watch over her.”

Fred looked at her. A second later, he pulled out of the parking lot, driving fast, jaw flexing.

Dharma kept her hand on his big thigh. She kept stroking him and gradually they slowed down. Gradually his muscles didn’t feel like unyielding iron under her touch.

When he parked at his house, he looked at her. “The girls are staying with their mother tonight. It’s okay, we’ll be alone.”

She hadn’t thought of it before he brought it up. She couldn’t muster much feeling about it one way or another. The lovely floaty feeling persisted, and she wanted it to. She didn’t want to think.

Shielding her with his body, he carried her quickly inside his house. The beauty of it, along with the scent of basketball practice and hair gel, of man and leather jacket greeted her. He carried her upstairs, kicking a door shut behind them.

She’d never been in his bedroom. Dazed, she could only stare up at the round skylight over the bed. The moon shone down on her like a blessing, cool silver light soothing everything, giving it a gentle sepia colour.

Fred stripped away his coat and placed an afghan over her. He pulled her tight into his body and she lay there, limp and wildly happy.

She loved him, she loved him and she was in his arms with a lover’s moon overhead.

She closed her eyes and he held her as she sailed away.

Chapter Ten

Dharma woke with her face squished into Fred’s neck, her hand fisted in his sweater and one leg hooked over him. He was staring at her and she wondered if he’d slept at all. It didn’t look like it.

“I’m not making a getaway, ma’am, I promise,” he drawled.

Her lips quirked. She felt sleepier than she could ever remember, except for when she’d had a bout of the flu a couple of months ago.

“How do you feel?”

“Heaven,” she croaked.

“Really?” Concern still darkened his eyes.


“Taz said it was subspace. He’d told me about it but—” Fred ran a harried hand through his hair. “You weren’t supposed to go there, not yet!”

Her lips quirked again. “Sorry.”

He squeezed his eyes shut. “You fell like a champion boxer after a knockout punch.”

“I didn’t feel it.”

He ran his hands ran over her head again. Her hair was so mussed, she figured it was not the first time. “No bumps that I can find.”

“I feel really good. Like…” She still wasn’t quite tracking, as if the route between emotion and expressing it had been burned out. It wasn’t a bad thing at all. She was somewhere else. Nirvana. “Like I’ve eaten chocolate mousse and been massaged at a spa and gone swimming and had the most incredible sex in my life.”

“Hmmm.” He reached out for a pitcher and glass, pouring her some water and holding it for her so she could drink. She drank three glasses before her thirst was quenched.

“What did you do to me?”

“It wasn’t me. It was—”

But she only shook her head. “Let’s…let’s be clear that it was you. I never would have done that stuff with you and Taz if it hadn’t…been you. Because even though I’ve fantasised about two men, it’s not safe, you know? But you gave me that.”

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