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Authors: Kyra Anderson

The Significant (15 page)

BOOK: The Significant
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“How long have you been in power?”

“Seventeen years,” Isa murmured.

Kailynn could not help but gawk at the

“How old are you?!” she gasped. Isa
turned to the Significant, surprised at the younger woman’s shock.


Kailynn’s eyes were wide.

“You don’t look thirty-four.”

“I look older?” Isa chuckled lightly.

“No, you look…I mean, you look amazing…”

Kailynn quickly grabbed her drink again,
gulping the strong liquor, hoping to somehow swallow the words that had just
escaped her lips.

Isa smiled gently.

“Thank you.”

Kailynn let out a long breath, setting
her empty glass down, though moving made her feel dizzy. She knew she had had
too much three drinks previous. Yet, the Elite seemed to barely be tipsy.

“I wish I knew what to say to help you
feel better.”

Isa’s eyes went distant yet again and a
small smile took over her mouth.

“You’ve done more for me than you

Kailynn found herself staring at the
Elite again. Isa’s expression was complex, a mixture between pain and
happiness, as though she found something that had once filled her with joy, but
no longer did so—lost in memories of happier times.

Isa’s eyes turned to Kailynn and
everything stopped.

Kailynn found herself intrigued by the
secrets behind the piercing blue eyes. Kailynn could see that there was pain
hidden somewhere deep inside the Golden Elite but, for a being with no
emotions, Kailynn was not sure how such pain was possible. Everything she had
heard over the previous weeks had only increased her curiosity, seeing the
Elite in a manner that she was sure almost no one else had was an overwhelming
realization for Kailynn.

But Isa had told her that she had been
happy to have the Significant with her. The words meant something to Kailynn,
but she was not sure one what level they resonated.

The words came out before she could stop
them. As far as Kailynn was concerned, the alcohol spoke.

“Can I ask something? It’s going to sound


Kailynn leaned forward.

“Can I touch your face?”


“I just…I wanna touch you…” Kailynn
reached both hands out to Isa, clumsily pressing both her hands to each side of
the Elite’s face. Her face turned serious as the pads of her fingers moved over
the smooth skin, her eyes studying every line in the Elite’s face. Kailynn
turned her eyes to her fingers, trying to understand the sensation of
perfection under her fingers. The Elite’s skin was impossibly smooth.

Kailynn still could not understand how
one could be so perfect.

Isa stared calmly back at Kailynn. After
a few moments looking at Kailynn’s flushed and awe-stricken expression, Isa
lifted one hand and gently pushed some hair away from Kailynn’s face.

“You’re incredible,” Kailynn breathed.

Isa hesitated only a moment before she
forced what little reasons he had left aside and leaned forward, bringing her
face closer to Kailynn’s. She would let Kailynn close the gap between them if
she wanted. She would not force the Significant, knowing the steep punishment
for anyone that became intimate with Elites.

However, Kailynn took the opening and her
lips locked with Isa’s.

Once their lips met, everything became
electric. Kailynn’s hands wrapped around Isa’s head and she pulled the Elite
even closer, desperate, her reason gone. Isa allowed Kailynn to control the
kiss, not sure that it would last long before Kailynn remembered where she was
and who she was with and stop.

Kailynn pulled away far too fast for Isa.
But one of her hands swept over Isa’s high cheekbones as she stared into the
Elite’s eyes. Isa studied Kailynn’s expression.

She pushed upward slightly and reached
out, setting her glass on the coffee table, her hand quickly wrapping around
Kailynn’s neck and bringing their lips together for another fiery kiss. Kailynn
eagerly locked lips with the Golden Elite again, her hands holding Isa, pushing
her down so that she was on top of the older woman, kissing her passionately.
Isa did not seem to mind their shift of positions.

Kailynn was not sure how long they were
kissing, but time had no meaning then. It was only her and Isa. Nothing else
existed—including consequences.

Kailynn grabbed the front of Isa’s shirt
and pulled her upright, her lips never leaving the Elite’s, sure that she would
collapse and die if she had to part with Isa. Isa followed the Significant’s
guide and found herself standing, her arms finally free to wrap around the
younger woman, allowing her to intensify the kiss.

Kailynn made a sound somewhere between a
whimper and a groan when Isa pulled away and the Elite was excited by the
noise. Her lips hovered over Kailynn’s as she looked over the Significant’s
expression. Her hand left Kailynn’s back and she cradled her jaw tenderly,
causing Kailynn’s eyes to finally flutter open.

Gently moving her thumb over Kailynn’s
cheek, Isa went in for another kiss.

Kailynn found her head spinning again.
She was not sure if it was the alcohol or the way Isa took her breath away as
they kissed.

Isa ended the kiss shortly, backing
further away and looking at Kailynn seriously. She did not need to speak for
the Significant to understand what she was asking. Kailynn took a deep breath
and laced her fingers with Isa’s, pulling the Golden Elite behind her to the
door she knew led to the Golden Elite’s room.

Neither of them spoke.

There were no questions of if the other
wanted to do this, or that they could stop at any time, or that what they were
about to do was very illegal. They both knew the other had chosen to take the

When the door shut on the rest of the
world, Kailynn turned to the Elite again and was immediately met with an
enthusiastic kiss.

Kailynn tried to open the front of Isa’s
uniform—she had
the front
just pulled apart. Isa chuckled into their kiss, unhooking the row of hooks and
eyes that closed the tunic-like front. Kailynn reached to the bottom of her
shirt and pulled it over her head, tossing it to the side before quickly
shimmying out of her pants.

She had to hop and find her balance as
she freed herself from her pants because she was staring at Isa as the Elite
undressed with the grace of a dancer.

Isa also left the uniform on the ground
stepping out of the floor-length skirt and walking to Kailynn again, grabbing
her face and pulling her into an intense kiss. Kailynn’s hands found Isa’s
shoulders and, yet again, she was surprised by how smooth the Elite’s skin was.
It was as if her skin was perfectly polished stone, only warm instead of cold
to the touch. The combination of those sensations sent shivers down Kailynn’s

Isa guided Kailynn back until her legs
hit the bed. She broke the kiss long enough to allow Kailynn to climb into the
bed before she climbed on top of the Significant and resumed their frenzied

Kailynn felt completely overwhelmed by
the Elite. Her weight, her warmth, her very being surrounded Kailynn and forced
out all the wrong with the world. The warm, safe feeling she felt with the
Elite dispelled all negative thoughts.

There was only Isa.

Isa’s mouth left Kailynn’s and
immediately went to her neck. She kissed along the column of flesh, her lips
soft and gentle, causing Kailynn to hiss and push her neck closer, desperate
for more contact. Her bare breasts came in contact with Isa’s bra and her skin
sang at the friction. She let out a pleading noise, one hand tangled in Isa’s
hair as the other reached around to try and unhook Isa’s bra.

She suddenly understood why Raphael had
always complained about bras.

Frustrated and desperate, Kailynn
resorted to grabbing one of the straps and forcing it off Isa’s shoulder. The
Golden Elite smiled against Kailynn’s skin and sat upright, giving Kailynn full
view of her perfect form once more. She removed the bra and pecked a quick kiss
on Kailynn’s lips before her mouth descended. She kissed a path down Kailynn’s
neck and sternum, her lips lingering at different intervals, setting Kailynn’s
body on fire.

Isa turned her head and took one of
Kailynn’s nipples into her mouth, her hand passing over the other one, palming
her breast. One of the Significant’s hands was employed gripping the sheets
tightly while the other held Isa’s head to her chest, relishing in the feeling
of Isa’s warm lips and tongue.

When Isa had paid attention to both
nipples, she leaned forward, capturing Kailynn’s mouth again, her leg sliding
forward and making contact with Kailynn’s panties. The younger woman gasped
into the kiss and a shiver ran up her body. The keening sound made Isa’s blood
run hot. She suppressed shiver of her own and moved down Kailynn’s body again,
kissing a path down her belly until she reached the top of Kailynn’s panties.

Kailynn raised her head to look at Isa
and saw that the Elite was watching her face with a look of amazement and lust.
The intensity of the expression made Kailynn’s head fall back to the pillow,
weak. Her entire body was vibrating with pleasure that she was sure she had
never known before.

Isa pressed one kiss to the top hem of
Kailynn’s panties before sitting up and hooking her fingers in the fabric. Her
eyes held Kailynn’s as she slowly, agonizingly, moved the fabric down Kailynn’s
legs, her fingers tantalizing skin as they moved.

Kailynn pulled her legs up to allow the
Elite to remove her panties. Isa tossed them aside before taking Kailynn’s legs
and spreading them slowly. She lowered herself back to the bed, pressing a kiss
to Kailynn’s navel before turning her head and kissing the inside of both of
Kailynn’s thighs.

“Isa…” Kailynn gasped.

The Elite moved her head to the apex of
Kailynn’s legs. Her tongue darted out to gently lick Kailynn’s moist womanhood.
Kailynn’s reaction was almost violent. Her body shuddered and her hands gripped
Isa’s hair tightly. She let out a choked sound as her back arched. Isa,
unbelievably turned on by the reaction, wrapped one arm around Kailynn’s leg and
pushed her pelvis down to the bed, her mouth returning to Kailynn.

Her tongue and lips worked over Kailynn’s
clit with delicate, loving care. The tip of her tongue gently opened the soft
lips as her hands held Kailynn steady, allowing the Elite to work the sensitive

Kailynn was sure she had never felt so
desperate in her life. She was torn between wanting the torture to end and
wanting it to continue into eternity. Her legs quivered in Isa’s hold. Her hips
moving in minimal circles, still held down by the Elite. Isa’s lips gently
closed around Kailynn’s clit and she pulled at it gently.

The cry that tore out of Kailynn’s throat
startled even her. She panted, her eyes closed, a sheen of sweat beginning to
break out over her body as Isa continued the blissful torment.

Isa slowly released her hold on Kailynn’s
pelvis and brought her fingers to Kailynn’s wet entrance. She gently caressed
the lips, rubbing her thumb over the clit as she looked up at Kailynn’s
expression. The Significant was panting, her chest rapidly rising and falling,
her entire body trembling with need. Isa thought she was absolutely beautiful.

She delicately pushed her middle finger
into Kailynn, reveling at the feeling of the younger woman’s muscles clenching
down on the digit. Kailynn let out a cry of pleasure, her back bowing off the
bed once more.

Isa crooked her finger inside Kailynn,
pressing forward and caressing the inner walls as her mouth went back to
Kailynn’s clit, gently licking and kissing, adding to the intensity of the

BOOK: The Significant
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