The Silver Sphere (20 page)

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Authors: Michael Dadich

BOOK: The Silver Sphere
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Shelby stirred next to Max, and groaned.

"Shelby, you okay?" he asked.

"I think so. My head smarts. Where are we?"

"Caught by these Nightlanders is where. We aren't far from
the ambush site, but they seem to be regrouping and waiting for reinforcements.
This rope is tight."

Shelby could tell he was struggling to breathe. "Did anyone
see us get carried off?"

"Well, I spotted you being taken. I followed, and a bunch
of these guys jumped me." He jerked his head at the Nightlanders.

"You followed after me? Alone?" She vaguely remembered
seeing him rush after her, but the memory was muddled.

"Well, I had to. Those Disembowelers ran everywhere—a crazy
battle scene."

"You followed to rescue me? Max, thank you." She felt
herself blush.

A rather large blade of grass sprouted up between them, and Shelby
gasped. Though she felt at home here, she was not yet used to the abnormalities
of this world. Magic was as common as the wind in this place.

I am Drake, sent to assist you." The
voice came from the grass.

Max and Shelby exchanged perplexed glances and returned their
gaze back to the green speaker. About to reply, Shelby paused when she glimpsed
someone coming.

One of the Nightlanders walked over,
his eyes boring down at them through his leather mask. He hunched over them a few
moments, then grunted and rambled off.

After a short pause, the voice returned. "I will cut your
ropes. Remain as if you are bound until I distract these wretched soldiers. A friend
awaits you at the bottom of the hill."

Max strained his head forward. "Uh, who and what are y-you?"

"I am Drake the Leshy, and I want my woods clean. Keep still
and await my distractions."

The blade of grass shrank into the ground. A sharp object materialized
between Shelby's ankles. It moved up and down as it cut through the coarse rope.
Before long, the loops loosened under her ankles and the tool slid behind her, again
rubbing against the cord. Within a few moments, the bonds eased. The wooden shiv
appeared between Max's ankles and repeated the process until both his ropes drooped.

Max and Shelby held their position as if bound, waiting for the
diversion Drake had promised. Two of the Nightlanders stood just a couple of yards
in front of them. Another pair was stationed behind their tree. Farther off in the
center of the makeshift camp, a handful of Nightlanders engaged in an animated discussion.
From above them, the sounds of a baby's wailing drifted down.

The Nightlanders stopped their conversation and looked skyward,
bewildered. A few of them muttered and pointed. The soldiers behind the tree joined
the two in front, and they walked over to the group that had been huddled.

As they all continued to search up in the trees to locate the
bawling baby, several wolves emerged from the far side of the camp. The Nightlanders
drew their swords sluggishly, as if drugged. Snarling, the pack raced at full speed,
not attacking but running in circles around the disoriented soldiers.

"Now," Max whispered.

They sprang to their feet, the ropes falling to the ground. Max
grabbed Shelby's arm as she wavered from the earlier blow to her head. He pulled
her forward, and they dashed off to the bottom of the hill.

When they arrived closer to their destination, Milo stepped out
from behind a tree—a welcome sight. Shelby smiled in relief.

"This way, Kin," Milo said, ushering them onward. "How
good to take you back well."

"Same here. What of the battle?" Max asked.

"I had to leave in order to follow you, so I do not know
the status. The Stonecoats will not lose. At worst, they'll beat back the ambush
and regroup not far from here."

He nodded in the direction of the besieged troopers. "We
won't need to worry about these Nightlanders. From what I read, the Leshy is closest
with the wolves in the forest. Drake appears to have placed a type of mind spell
on the soldiers, which I heard is similar to being drunk."

They traveled at a speedy pace through the weald. Shelby and
Max jumped felled trees and bushes as they ran. Milo dodged trunks and roots. The
forest ended and they burst onto the Dorado Path.

"Who sent Drake to help us?" Shelby asked. She was
panting hard, and sweat dripped down her brow.

"Throg is his name, and he found the last Kin. Presage will
be relieved. I feared for his life." Milo looked over his shoulder.

Shelby sighed. "It must suck to be lost and alone. At least
we have each other and some information. So will they be joining us?"

"They are a few hours away. It is crucial that you are all
together. I'm sure Presage will rethink his plans and send out reconnoiters to find
them. Such patrols will be risky, as the woods are full of Nightlanders and their

After a short time, they heard the galloping of horses ahead.
Milo turned and smiled. "I know my Shara's gallop. She is leading the Stonecoats
to us."

Max's forehead scrunched. "Are you sure she isn't leading
back a Nightlander patrol?"

"She would lead the enemy over a cliff before sending them
to me."

Shara rounded the corner and neighed when she viewed Milo. A
squad of Stonecoats followed close behind, their armor glinting in the sunlight.
Crimson blood smattered their plate mail, and one man had deep gashes and dents
around his side and chest.

"Milo, have you the Kin?" asked one of the Stonecoats.
He sounded shocked, as if he'd thought Milo dead. The warrior smiled and blood gushed
from his nose, where something had smashed into his face and broken the bridge.

"Yes, Cetus. What of the battle?"

"We managed. After you rode off to rescue the Kin, only
the Disembowelers and a few Zumbaki remained. We regrouped with the main Meridian
Army up the path. Lucky for us, some came back and helped us. We worried when Shara
returned without you."

"How many casualties?"

"Considering the possibilities, not too bad. We lost Barton.
Romden and Pratus are injured, and two of the Meridians died. Aside from my nose
and a couple of scrapes, that's about it."

"Which Meridians?" Max blurted out.

"Alas, dear Kin," Cetus said, "I did not get their
names. We are close to where we have regrouped. Let's move in haste, as the woods
are not safe."

Milo heaved himself back on Shara and gave his arm out to Shelby.
She accepted his help, and he hoisted her up behind him. Cetus followed suit with
Max. With Shelby and Max situated, they raced along the path.

When they arrived, Healer Beekman and his helpers were attending
to the many wounded. A glum Barrick sat while his arm was bandaged. He appeared
better than most, though an enormous flap of flesh had been torn from his triceps.
Shelby shuddered at the sight of muscle underneath.

Vilaborg immediately straightened. "Milo, you have returned
with the Kin."

"Actually," Milo said, "Throg had the two Kin
saved by a Leshy. He has also found the missing Kin, and they're traveling to us.
Just a few hours away according to the Leshy."

"We have been unable to locate Throg. Presage could not
link with him, and the messengers sent out have not returned. You couldn't pick
a better guide than Throg, though."

Several Stonecoats approached, patting Milo on the back, congratulating
him and expressing gladness at his safe return.

"Thank the druids. We feared the wors'," Cumber said,

Shelby walked over to Barrick. His spirits seemed lifted but
he still carried a defeated face. She refused to look at his mangled arm as she
sank down beside him. "Barrick, are you okay?"

"Aye, I am fine, dear Shelby. I cannot say the same for
Sol and Dukas." He sounded despondent, and winced as the healer sewed his wound

Max and Shelby bowed their heads in sorrow. They'd lost men already.
Shelby bit her lip. This wasn't a dream. She'd known it from the moment Stuart battled
the Minotaur, but the reality stung. People had died today.

Presage, who had been speaking with another soldier a second
before, disengaged and approached them. "They fought valiantly, and they will
be remembered. We are at war. Focus on the positives. We must unite the six Kin
and transport them to Meracuse, where they can strike up communication with the
Assembly in safety, and find some way to connect with the Sphere. I'll send out
reconnoiters to bring them in, and attempt to establish a link with Throg again,
although that will be difficult—his mental shields are up."

Mr. Dempsey joined the conversation. "Presage, I was curious,
as morbid as this may sound, why Malefic would risk keeping the Assembly alive in
the first place?"

"A very simple reason, Mr. Dempsey: when an Aulic Assembly
member is killed, their power to operate the Sphere is passed to their link. And
since we have all six Kin, Malefic will hold the Assembly alive, if only to keep
us from using the Sphere."

Mr. Dempsey nodded. "From what I understand, the Aulic Assembly
must be together to operate the Sphere. Is it in Meracuse?"

"Yes, the Sphere is in a secret chamber there."

Milo walked over to Presage and motioned him aside. Shelby could
hear them speaking, though. "Presage, I suspect a spy in our midst. This ambush
was too well planned to be random."

"This possibility I must consider." Presage turned
his head.

Shelby caught his gaze wandering to Casselton, who stood grieving
over the covered bodies of Sol and Dukas.

Presage called Vilaborg over to him. "Vilaborg, I am curious.
Who operated the mobile portal when you were in the Cark to retrieve Zach?"

"Why, Casselton did. He is very experienced with the portal."


For a moment, Vilaborg looked confused. Then his eyes widened
and he frowned. "No, Presage, Casselton is a seasoned interceptor. He is loyal
to Meridia. I grew up with him. Such a thing is not possible."

"I question not his loyalty to Meridia."

Presage walked over to the grieving Casselton
and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I've known them since the third level of education, when
I transferred in to Pictor Academy."

"It is terrible to die without warning in an ambush, dear

Casselton shifted his gaze to Presage, tears drizzling down his
face. Gore and grime covered him head to foot, but he appeared unharmed. The blood
was not his.

"I am to blame. In my selfishness, I caused this."
Casselton clenched his fists to his chest, shaking.

Presage kept silent. Even Shelby saw the fear and hopelessness
deep inside the officer. Casselton turned away, and at first, it seemed he would
not speak.

At last, he flared, his jowls shaking. "My boy, Presage.
They took Simon. He is but a child."

Milo interrupted. "You risked the fate of a country for
your son, Casselton. That is a choice punishable by death." His words were
hot with anger.

"Calm down, Milo," said Presage. "This is no normal
act of treason. He will be judged, but no need to damn a loyal citizen of Meridia
when his only son is held hostage."

"One of my Stonecoats is dead, Presage. He is lucky I do
not judge him now with my sword."

Presage shook his head at the Stonecoat to signal that he must
not act here, then returned his attention to the traitor. "How did they contact
you, Casselton?"

"In Meracuse. They placed a letter in my chambers. It instructed
me to tell a staff member of the Assembly, one with his sister held captive, of
our plans of travel. I was also instructed to botch up the mobile portal. If not,
they would behead my boy," Casselton whimpered.

"The staff member's name?"


Presage raised an eyebrow. "Previous to this, Mapleton was
a loyal man. That may explain how the Assembly was captured. Mapleton discovered
where they held their weekly meeting, and they were likely ambushed."

Vilaborg stood behind Presage, his eyes welling with tears. Sculptor
crept up.

Casselton looked up at them and dipped his head in shame. "My
Simon means the world to me. I was confused and disoriented. I figured if I reported
the abduction, he'd be killed. I thought maybe a different way out would emerge,
where we could all survive, that I could strategize as time passed." His chest

"We are fortunate. Zach has found Throg and is safe. You
will be judged in forum, Casselton. As disappointed as I am with you, I do promise
we'll do everything we can to rescue your son."

As two Meridian soldiers were ushering Casselton off, Shelby
darted over. "Where are you taking him?"

Presage explained the circumstances to her.

"You're going to hold him? They took his

Milo said, "I have studied your country's laws in school,
damsel. Treason is punishable by death."

Shelby cast him a stern look. Casselton continued to weep, and
she scurried over to him and rested a hand on his arm.

"Please, dear Kin, whatever happens to me, please try to
help my little boy," he pleaded.

"I promise," she said and hugged him.

The Meridian soldiers escorted him away. Disheartened, Shelby
stared at them a few seconds and then whirled around to Milo. His hair was mussed,
his armor dented, and his expression somber.

"I'd like you to tell me what you would do if your only
son were abducted, you brute," she snapped and dashed off.

Shelby returned to the Kin, who had been sitting and trading
stories. She explained what had happened to Casselton, and they fell silent for
a while, staring at nothing and brooding. Casselton betraying the entire country
seemed too unreal. Even if they'd kidnapped his son, what he did just wasn't right.
Shelby knew it, though she didn't want to believe it.

Max said, "Shelby, I know this is horrible, but you'd feel
the same way as Milo if one of us had been killed due to Casselton's actions."

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