The Sinners Club (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: The Sinners Club
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“You are being remarkably hospitable toward a man you suggested was setting the village in turmoil.”
“I believe in giving everyone a fair chance, Mr. Smith.” He hesitated. “And somehow, I sense your sympathies are more in line with the Picoults than the Mainwarings.”
“My sympathies and my livelihood lie with my employer. I am in an impossible situation.”
“Because you like the Picoults.”
“I... admire anyone who has had to fight for what they want, and to be perfectly frank, I suspect the Picoults are simply doing their best to survive a very difficult situation. Unfortunately, I have to go back to London and face my employer and his solicitors, who will not welcome this news at all. I also have to tell them that Mr. Mainwaring is willing to contribute to a lawsuit against the current Dowager Countess.”
“Is he now?” The vicar frowned. “I didn't think he'd take it this far.”
“His dislike of Mary Lennox seems deeply rooted.”
“That's because despite all his ham-handed efforts, she has never shown the slightest interest in him.”
“That's rather an unchristian remark, vicar.”
His smile was wry. “I said I aspire to live a good Christian life. I don't always succeed.”
Jack ate another biscuit and then reluctantly dusted off the crumbs and rose to his feet.
“You have been very helpful, Mr. Tyler.”
“And you have been remarkably honest with me.”
Jack grimaced. “As honest as I am capable of being at the moment.”
“I'm so glad you said that.” The vicar angled his head to study Jack's features. “You look a lot like him, you know.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Your father.”
“Mr. Smith, I spent several years living cheek by jowl with John Lennox. He wrote to me before he died, and told me that he had married and had a son. Did you think I wouldn't recognize his offspring? Now, perhaps you'd like to sit back down and tell me exactly what is going on.”
aving tried to explain himself, and extracted a promise from the vicar not to reveal his identity to anyone, unless it was absolutely necessary, Jack made his way back to Pinchbeck Hall. The Picoults were certainly a dividing force in the community, but despite everything, his sympathies definitely lay with them, and it wasn't just because he'd fucked Simon and almost bedded his sister.
But what of his own claim to the title? He'd fallen in love with the house on sight and could see himself settling in the area. But despite everything, he wouldn't conspire with the likes of George Mainwaring to deprive the rightful heir of his title. If the child were a girl, he'd do everything in his power to ensure that Mary Lennox and her brother were comfortably situated for life. If it was a boy... well, he still had his pension from the Crown, and he could set up home anywhere the fancy took him.
He left his horse in the capable hands of one of the grooms and walked through the back of the house to the old earl's study. Was there a portrait gallery at Pinchbeck Hall? He didn't want to ask Mary in case she insisted on taking him to see it. If there was a picture of his father as a young man on the wall, she was likely to make a connection that might lead to awkward questions and definitely complicate matters. For a moment, he regretted his impulse not to don a disguise. The vicar hadn't approved of his explanation for his deceit, and he suspected the Picoults would be furious. But it was too late to admit to his trickery now. He'd simply have to carry on.
The door to the study was closed, so he knocked softly on it. When no one answered, he put his head around the door. The room was empty, so he advanced cautiously toward the desk. There was no sign of the earl's will, or the marriage lines either. He surveyed the desk and discovered the drawers were all locked.
“May I help you with something, Mr. Smith?”
He looked up, and smiled at Simon Picoult, who had come quietly into the room.
“Yes, please, I was looking for a fresh piece of paper and some ink. I have a letter to write to the Lennox family solicitors.”
Simon produced a key from his pocket and opened the first drawer. “Here you are. Do you need sealing wax as well?”
Jack sat down. “Yes, thank you.”
“It's getting rather dark. Let me get you some more light.” Simon lit a candle from the embers of the fire and brought it over to Jack. “Did you have an interesting day?”
“I met the Mainwaring family this morning.” He looked up at Simon. “They don't like you or your sister very much at all, do they?”
“I told you that.” Simon sat on the edge of the desk, a frown on his face. “George has been trying to get into Mary's bed since she arrived here.”
“He said she was the one who'd been attempting to get her claws into him.”
Simon's expression darkened. “As if she would, after everything she went through—”
Jack waited, but unfortunately his companion decided to keep a tighter grip on his unruly tongue. “You do have a champion in that household, though.”
“Really? Somehow I doubt it.”
“Miss Margaret was convinced that you are a good man.”
Simon's smile was derisive. “She said that about me?”
“Several times, even when her mother and I tried to dissuade her.”
“You told her I wasn't a good man?”
“I simply said that her mother was right and that an accomplished rake would be very charming indeed.”
His companion grinned. “You are a complete hand, you know? Who else did you see?”
“The vicar. He had a far higher opinion of both of you.”
“Mr. Tyler is a good man. He tutored me with his own children, and kept me on when none of the public schools would accept me as a pupil.”
“Oh, I wondered why you'd suggested you didn't go to school.”
“Because everyone thought I was a Lennox by-blow. A rumor spread about by the Mainwarings and the Huddlestons, of course.”
“Who are the Huddlestons?”
“The earl's eldest daughter married one of them. Detestable people.”
“And you're quite sure you aren't the earl's bastard?”
“I bloody hope not.” Simon got off the desk and walked toward the fire and poked it unnecessarily.
Jack returned his attention to his letter and ignored Simon, who was prowling around the desk. It appeared that he wouldn't be getting any easy answers to his questions.
“I found out where the Keyes family home is, so I'm passing the information on to Mr. McEwan.”
“Oh, that's encouraging. Where exactly is it?”
“About twenty-five miles from here on the coast at Lindsey St. Joan. Do you know the area?”
“I certainly know the location of the village. We get some of our fresh fish directly from the fleet there.”
Jack finished his letter and blotted the ink. “Do you think you could draw me a map of how to get there? I suspect I'll have to visit in person to give the good news. My employer will certainly expect it.”
“I could come with you, if you like?”
“I thought you didn't want to leave your sister alone at this time?”
“One night isn't the same as a three- or four-day trip to London.”
“When exactly is the baby due?”
Simon shrugged. “I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Mary. I'm not an expert in such matters.”
“Few men are. If she is willing to let you accompany me, I'd be glad of your company.”
Simon smiled slowly at him. “I must warn you that the only inn on the way there is devilishly small and often overcrowded. We might have to share a bed.”
“At least we'll be warm.”
“Aye, and close.” Simon reached out and cupped Jack's chin. “I'd like that.”
Jack turned his head and licked Simon's callused thumb, making him groan. “A tight fit, I reckon, the two of us together, don't you think?”
“Tight and hard and wet—”
Jack bit down on the fleshy part of his lover's finger. “Indeed.”
The clock chimed five times and Simon moved away. “Dinner will be ready soon. Do you need to wash off the dirt from the roads?”
Jack glanced ruefully down at his mud-splattered buckskin breeches. “I certainly do.”
“I could help you.”
“And then we'd both be late for dinner, and your sister would not be pleased with us.”
“We could make it up to her later.”
“Don't tempt me.” Jack deliberately stepped into the other man until their cocks rubbed against each other. “You're hard already.”
“As are you.”
Jack leaned in even closer and licked a sultry path along Simon's lower lip. “If I let you wash me, I'd still be wet and I'd still be dirty.”
“So would I.”
“Not if I didn't let you come, if I made you watch and kept you waiting for it and begging for it all through dinner, until I was ready.”
Simon's pupils dilated. “And what if I came anyway?”
“Then I'd get you hard again and keep you that way while I punished you for disobeying me.” He bit down on Simon's lip until his lover shuddered and his cock jerked against Jack's. “Is that what you want?”
Jack stepped away and headed for the door. “I'll see you at dinner then.” He smiled as he ran lightly up the stairs, his cock throbbing with anticipation. Would Simon follow him, or would he wait until after dinner as ordered? Each scenario had distinct possibilities, but Jack hoped Simon would be patient. He needed a few minutes to find a good place to hide the key he'd taken from the desk drawer while he'd distracted his lover. He wouldn't need it for long, just time enough to search the desk drawers for the wills later that night. He'd put the key back in the lock before Simon even remembered it was gone.
Half an hour later, after easing himself with the aid of a wet washcloth and his fist, he arrived back downstairs to find Simon and Mary awaiting him in the drawing room. He bowed to the Dowager Countess, who was looking rather beautiful in soft black silk and chiffon cut low on the bosom. Her golden curls were arranged artfully in a knot on the top of her head and cascaded down to her shoulders. One luscious lock curled over her bosom as if placed there by an artist.
“Mr. Smith, how was your day?”
He came over to kiss her hand. “Rather busy, my lady, but I did make some progress in my inquiries.”
“I understand you met Mr. Mainwaring.”
“I did.” He sat down next to her on the couch. “He seems determined to drag the matter through the courts, although I did advise him that such cases are rarely successful. The English establishment is generally unwilling to tamper with the rights of an established family line without overwhelming evidence of deception or criminal activity.”
She placed her hand on his knee. “I'm so glad you told him that. Do you think it did any good?”
“To be honest, I don't. He seems fairly determined to bring you and your brother down at any cost.”
The countess's beautiful eyes filled with tears. Jack watched, fascinated, as one single teardrop rolled artistically down her cheek.
“Oh, he is such a
The footman announced dinner and Jack offered Mary Lennox his arm and escorted her into the small family dining room. Simon followed, and after the covers were removed, he told the remaining servants they could leave them to serve themselves.
Due to his ravenous appetite, Jack waited until the end of the meal to continue the conversation.
“Mr. Mainwaring is certainly used to getting his own way.”
“I know. He's managed to turn the whole neighborhood against us!”
“Not quite everyone, my lady. The vicar spoke very highly of you both.”
She sighed and contemplated the food on her plate. “Mr. Tyler is a staunch ally, as is his wife, but everyone else who matters thinks we are interlopers and have taken advantage of an old man.”
“Surely you knew that such a marriage was bound to cause confusion and gossip amongst your peers?”
“They've been gossiping about us ever since we arrived. I didn't think my marrying Jasper would cause such an uproar, or I wouldn't have agreed to it.”
Jack studied Mary carefully but she appeared to be quite sincere. “The earl suggested the marriage to you?”
“Of course he did!”
“Because you were carrying a child?”
“What exactly are you implying, Mr. Smith?”
Jack took a sip of his wine. “To be frank, gossip has it that the child is your brother's, and that the two of you forced the earl to marry you to hide your incestuous relationship.”
Mary's mouth formed a perfect O and she glanced imploringly at her brother. “Simon! Tell him it isn't true!”
“I'll swear on the Good Book that child isn't mine.”
To Jack's surprise, Simon was chuckling.
“Do you find this amusing, Mr. Picoult? Your reputation is threatened, as is that of your sister, and the potential heir to an earldom. Surely it is no laughing matter?”
From the way Simon jumped and winced, Jack could only surmise Mary had kicked him hard under the table.
“Of course it isn't. I'm just amused at the speed the gossips manufactured such a ridiculous tissue of lies.”
“Not so ridiculous if Mr. Mainwaring believes he can prove it.”
“He can't.” Simon snapped his fingers. “It's impossible.”
Jack regarded him evenly. “Servants can be bought, Mr. Picoult, as can false witnesses, you know that. I myself have been witness to behavior between the two of you that would be considered scandalous if not verging on incestuous.”
Mary Lennox pushed back her chair and Jack automatically stood too. She came toward him and he braced himself for a blow.
“Did you think our behavior was
“He kissed you.”
“So? Do you not kiss your sister?”
“Not quite like that.”
She licked her lips. “But I like him to kiss me.”
His cock hardened in a single aching rush. “I noticed.”
“Jasper didn't like to kiss.”
Jack's gaze flew past Mary to Simon, who was watching them intently.
He smiled at Jack. “She's right. He didn't. She had to get her kisses from someone, and who better than me?”
Mary had to distract Mr. Smith before he began to ask questions that she and Simon were unwilling, or unable, to answer. She focused her gaze on her prey until he stopped staring at Simon and looked only at her.
“Simon said you wished to play with him again tonight. May I watch?”
“He didn't do what you told him to do. I found him playing with his cock and coming into his hand. Aren't you going to punish him for that?”
He stared at her for a long moment as if deliberating whether he was willing to be distracted. “What do you think would be a suitable punishment for him, my lady?”
Thank the Lord; he was as sexually avaricious as Simon. She bit down on her lip. “I think we should tie him up and make him watch us.”
“Do what, my lady?”
“Fuck of course.” She opened her eyes wide at him. “Don't you want to?”
“Here, my lady?”
It was remarkably hard to shake his composure. Normally she would consider that a dare, but with matters as they stood, she had no time to enjoy the sexual challenge. “We will retire to Simon's room. He has all the necessary equipment there.”

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