The Slave (14 page)

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Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

BOOK: The Slave
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The stories I could tell you!” Leon
had said once, gulping water down to wash away his mouthful of
food. “Why, between gettin’ the house cleaned, gettin’ the owner
fed, and keepin’ body ’n’soul together, why you’d think we never
had time to have any fun!”

Was that what this was all
, Robin
half wondered, even as she washed and rinsed.
Was this fun? There’s nothing
fun about doing domestic chores, or working your tail off for what
comes down to room and board and a cash salary that comes two years
down the road.

But at the same time, there she was, buck
naked at a kitchen sink, and dammit, she was still on the edge of
arousal. Walking into the dining room and holding something for
Leon really was as thrilling as a stroke from a caring lover.
Thinking about the possibilities inherent in Chris’s invitation to
Rachel were both amazingly, powerfully erotic and
stomach-clenchingly terrifying. She had once offered such a license
to one who touched her submission deeply, but somehow it was
different then. She had known her dominant lover, and known his
friends. After her first full day with Chris, she didn’t know him
any better than she did last night.

And what was worse, there were no safety
nets here, no friends waiting for her to call and make sure
e was all right. There
were no safe words, no negotiation beyond what was to go into her
contract―if she got that far.

Her ass cheeks still glowed hot with pain,
and each move reawakened it. How could she be any good to play
with? Would they continue, despite these bruises? Would there be no
time for her to surrender and receive mercy?

It was far better to allow all these
questions and worries to collide with each other until they
obscured thought altogether.

When she finished, she closed the cabinets
and stacked the trays to return to Leon tomorrow, and felt rather
then heard the presence of Chris in the room. She turned to

All done, sir,” she said lightly, her
voice failing slightly when she looked at him. He was serious, a
thoughtful dispassion that made frivolity unspeakable. He raised
something in his hands, and she saw that it was a plain silver

Are you still determined to do this?”
he asked.

Yes, sir,” Robin heard herself

Then receive your training collar.”
He stepped toward her and looped it around her throat and placed a
small lock on it. The weight was almost negligible, but it was
heavy enough to make its presence known. The lock lay about an inch
below the hollow of her neck.

Now, you have truly entrusted your
body and your mind to my direction,” Chris said. “I see no reason
why my original expectation of your training should not be
fulfilled. This is a symbol for you, so that you remember why
you’re doing this. But it’s also a warning. If I take my key out to
remove this lock upon your request, I will not ever return it. Do
you understand?”

Robin understood completely. She nodded.

Good. Then go to the playroom. Rachel
is waiting for you.” He stepped aside so that she could pass him,
and it was only that move which impelled her forward.


* * * *


The cabinets were unlocked. The sliding
doors were drawn back, and the drapes closed, and the room lit by
soft, indirect lighting. Rachel was sitting on the bed, her skirt
tight against her hips. There was something in her hands that
glittered silver, and new things scattered around the room, almost
in disarray.

Come here, kitten, and let’s get to
know you better.”

Robin moved in cautiously. She was suddenly
aware of how her body must appear to this strange woman. She hadn’t
showered since the morning. Since then, she’d been beaten twice,
brought to sweat and tears. She had on no make-up, no scents, and
spending the entire meal in the kitchen with the steam and Leon’s
harried directions hadn’t helped her hair one bit. Her hands were
soft from washing dishes. And she had been close to coming too many
times to speak of.

And Rachel noticed. She beckoned Robin to
her, and ran her hands over the smaller woman’s body, lifting her
arms, tapping her legs apart, posing her. “Don’t you know how to
show yourself?” she spat angrily, after Robin fumbled her

Yes, ma’am,” Robin answered, blushing
again. “I’m sorry ma’am, I didn’t realize that was what you

Then do it.”

Robin took a deep breath and stepped
slightly back to give herself the room. Showing oneself took
precision, and a lack of things to bump into.

She stood straight, spreading her legs in a
wide stance, and lacing her fingers behind her neck. This posture
thrust her breasts out prettily, left her entire body open and
inviting. At a nod from Rachel, Robin executed a neat turn, to
display her back, and then bent over, placing her hands just above
her knees.

Mmmm. I like you like that. But
finish it up.”

Robin swallowed, half rose, turned back and
knelt, her knees and thighs spread wide. She placed her hands
behind her back and bowed her head, her hair spilling forward
around her ears.

Not bad, little kitten, not bad. Tell
me, have you ever served a lady before?” Rachel took the silver
thing in her hand and attached it to Robin’s new collar. It was a
leash, a very short one. She let it trail down between Robin’s
breasts, and Robin shivered at the touch of the cool

Yes, ma’am.”

Oh good. I would hate to think that
all your experience was jerking off to cheap porn and strange men.”
Rachel laughed and pulled something else off the bed next to her.
“I think it’s time you prepared yourself to be well used, dolly.
And I want to watch you do it. Let’s go.”

Robin felt the tug of the leash and rose
with it, keeping the pressure light but steady. It was a good move,
a perfect response to being leashed, but Rachel seemed unimpressed.
They went into the small bathroom, and Rachel unhooked the leash
and leaned against the doorjamb and pointed.

Robin showered, keeping her body turned
toward Rachel as much as possible. She soaped herself up, blushing
and wincing whenever she felt the soreness of her ass and upper
thighs, and whenever Rachel snickered. And when Rachel handed her
the object that she had brought from the bed, Robin bit her lip.
There was a silver extension that attached to the water valve in
the shower; Robin had originally thought it was one of those
hand-held massage units. But it wasn’t. The thing in her hand was a
nozzle, long and shaped somewhat like a narrow cigar case, with
holes stamped into the end. It screwed into the end of the silver

Do you know how to adjust it?” Rachel
purred, moving forward for a better look. “I don’t want you to hurt
yourself. I’m saving all the hurt for me.”

Robin almost dropped it in her nervousness.
“I’ve never... I mean, I only... never with something like this,
ma’am,” she managed to choke out.

Then I’ll have to show you.” Rachel
attached the two parts with speedy efficiency, and showed Robin the
safety valve which prevented the water pressure from building past
a certain point. Robin’s heart pounded in her ears; it seemed
impossible that she was actually going to have to do this in front
of someone else. No one had ever asked that of her before. Oh,
certainly she had given herself cleansing douches and enemas, but
never, never in front of another person.

Cunt first,” Rachel said with a
cheerful smile, handing the nozzle over. “Shall I pass you some
lubricant, or do you think you’re wet enough?”

Robin did as she was told, no lubricant
necessary. The slender tube rose up into her by her own hand, and
she shivered at the cool invasion, and then at the slow jets of
water inside her body.

Turn! Let me see! Spread your legs,
wider!” Rachel was leaning into the room, her voice hard despite
her smile. And she laughed again as Robin did as she was told, and
the water cascaded down her spread thighs. Robin moaned, the
pressure and the sensations so nice, the shame so terrible! She
wanted to lean that silver penetrator against her clit, rock it
back and forth, pull it out and let the water batter away at that
little scrap of flesh that was feeling so abandoned and so needy.
But she kept it where it should be, and withdrew it when Rachel’s
voice commanded, and with a groan that almost ended in a sob,
accepted some slippery wetness from Rachel to open up and penetrate
her rear passage.

Do you like to be fucked up the ass,
dollface?” Rachel asked, keenly watching Robin push the nozzle

Ahhh...” Robin clenched and
unclenched her teeth, drew herself together and spoke through
shudders. “Yes, ma’am. Yes, I do.”

Oh, that’s good. That’s very good.
That’s it, dolly, open up and let some of that water out. Yes, pull
it back, let it run in and then right out again, yes, that’s it...
Now put it back and take some more....”

Every humiliating second seemed to last
forever, down to the final washes that emptied her out and cleaned
her up. When she stepped out, she collapsed into a little kneeling,
soaking wet bundle at Rachel’s feet, kissing them as though she had
just been punished, and the echo of Rachel’s delighted laughter
stung her.

Dried off, she was leashed again, and
brought back into the room. Rachel looked at her for a minute, and
set herself in motion. Before long, Robin’s wrists were cuffed
together behind her back, and a posture collar was up high around
her throat, forcing her shoulders back and her chin up.

You need some decorations,” Rachel
murmured, pulling out something new and silvery. “You’re much too
plain by yourself.”

Little clamps, wide-mouthed with fat, heavy
heads, were carefully placed on Robin’s nipples. Robin couldn’t
look straight down, but by casting her eyes downward, she could see
that they were cleverly made to press but not to pinch. Their
pressure was constant, but not unbearable, and the chain that
connected them glinted. But Rachel was not finished. She brought
out two weights, shaped like tears, and attached them to the
clamps. As the weights were added, the clamps tightened.

I wasn’t going to let you off that
easy, little dolly,” Rachel whispered. “Oh no.”

She lifted a tangle of more silver so that
Robin could see more clamps like the ones on her nipples. And then,
Rachel sank gracefully down, and began to attach them in rows of
three to each of Robin’s labia.

Each pinch of flesh made Robin want to jump.
Each gathering, each compression, and each addition of weight was
like a lightning bolt through her pussy. The pain was exquisite, as
only this kind of intimate pain could be. And Rachel’s warm breath
against her bare lips was a sweet agony in itself, one that made
her whimper, even as she struggled to stand still and keep her legs

Much better,” Rachel said, stepping
back to admire her work. “I might even let you near me

Yes, ma’am,” Robin whispered, feeling
the stiffness of the cuffs, the weights swinging softly against her
thighs, against her breasts, a tiny trail of sweat working its way
behind the collar. “Oh yes, please, ma’am!”

Eager dolly.”

Yes! Yes, ma’am!”

You have to learn to be patient.”
Rachel stepped back and fingered the button at the collar of her
blouse. “I’m surprised Chris hasn’t already beaten that into you.”
Carefully, slowly, she unbuttoned the conservative blouse, and let
it fall open. Robin panted in some air as Rachel’s firm breasts
came into view, each one with a thick, luscious nipple, and each
nipple bearing a golden ring.

Do you like these?” Rachel asked
teasingly. “If you want them, you’ll have to earn them. Show me how
much you want me, dolly. Make like you want me to fuck you, like
your hips need to push up to me. Yes, that’s right, shake them,
girl, make them rock.”

Robin moaned and closed her eyes. Slowly,
she began to rock her hips back and forth, each sway causing the
weights to swing, the clamps to pull at her flesh. She whimpered
again, but didn’t stop, planting her feet wide, and trying to
undulate, working her body to thrust her hips out, present her
splayed lips to the woman in front of her, a desperate plea for any
kind of touch. They jangled as they struck each other, and that
added to her sublime shame.

I don’t know,” Rachel said, watching.
Her eyes were dancing, but the smile on her face was thin and
cruel. “I think you could do with a little more, don’t

If you wish, ma’am!”

Each new teardrop added another degree of
pain. One on each nipple, and one on each of the foremost and
aft-most clamps on her pussy lips. These hung down lower now,
pinching cruelly even when she stood still.

When Rachel walked over to the cabinets and
came back with a short, stinging whip, Robin moaned, and felt tears

Now you’re really going to dance for

Robin tensed and bit back a cry when the
first lash fell. It was like being burned in a thin line, quick and
shocking, and Rachel delighted in catching her unawares. Robin bet
her knees into a half crouch and began to gyrate her hips, moving
them upward, and moaning with every tug on the clamps. The weights
bounced up and down, hitting her and each other before falling into
place and pulling on the wide mouths that pinched her flesh.

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