The Solomon Key (34 page)

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Authors: Shawn Hopkins

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Scott thought.

Bacon was the grandfather of the English enlightenment, the father of modern science. The phrase “knowledge is power” is credited to him — a phrase referring to his belief that mankind possesses the ability to transform itself into the highest enlightened state, godhood even. He was so influential in his time that Thomas Jefferson considered him to be one of the three most important people in history (along with John Locke and Isaac Newton). Some think of him as the grandmaster of enlightened Freemasonry, laying out the ambitions of all secret societies (that being the establishment of a New Atlantis). But how did he expect to accomplish such a feat? We will look at that in a little bit, but first we must consider to which Christ Bacon pledged his devotion to, for he is often considered to have been a Christian man. But either he honored Jesus Christ as He is portrayed doctrinally through the New Testament or as He is revealed by Freemasonry and the mystery religions — of which the Order is simply a fountainhead. For the ancient mystery religions recognized a Christ figure in their divine trinity too — within the 47th proposition of Euclid (the Pythagorean Theorem). The right triangle, Masonic philosophers insist, is the symbolic representation of this ancient trinity, the perpendicular being the masculine father, the base being the feminine divine mother, and the hypotenuse their offspring, the divine child(or Masonic Christ). This “divine child” offers salvation through knowledge and science rather than the blood atonement provided by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Bacon’s belief of the Bible, therefore, was not in harmony with the traditional teachings of Christian doctrine but rather reflected more accurately the mystical philosophies of Kabbalah (the Jewish adaptation of the mystery religions). Kabbalah is not designed to bring man closer to God, but to turn man into God, elevating him to such an enlightened and perfected state that the individual actually attains a god-like status. And since the New Atlantis philosophy aims at creating a one world utopian society, the ideology of Kabbalah only compliments the concept of building paradise on earth (thus Hitler’s obsession with the Occult in trying to create a perfect race of humans through which to rule the world). But we will revisit the right triangle and its true meaning within the mystery religions later.

Scott found himself drawn into the bizarre world of esoteric mystery, secret societies, and ancient conspiracy, and wondered if the Rosicrucian Order could still be at work as Isaiah suggested. Reading on, he discovered some rather interesting facts about a certain Dr. John Dee — Bacon’s mentor and personal astrologer and spy to Queen Elizabeth, a mathematician, mystic, and Rosicrucian who was deeply invested in esoteric study and frequently tapped into the spirit world in order to communicate with angelic beings. He coined the phrase, “Britannia,” and was credited with laying the philosophical foundation for Britain’s empire. He trained the first great navigators and constructed maps charting northeast and west passages. He was even considered the wizard of whom Shakespeare’s Prospero in
The Tempest
was inspired; along with Doctor Faustus, Harry Potter’s Dumbledore, Gandalf, and even James Bond (as her spy, he would sign his communiqués to Elizabeth as 007, thus the first Bond film,
In Her Majesty’s Secret Service
and thus the priest’s mention of it).

Dr. John Dee passed his esoteric knowledge on to his successor, Francis Bacon. For John Dee believed that America was the lost civilization of Atlantis, a theory perhaps communicated to him by the angels he spoke to... Once Elizabeth took the throne, the dream of colonizing America became closer to becoming a reality. But then the church excommunicated her, and, in the following years, spies and assassins were sent to kill her. Enter Bacon and Lee’s role in the Rosicrucian-formed intelligence network established to protect Elizabeth…

He came to a part that revealed Bacon to have been writing a book entitled,
New Atlantis: Land of the Rosicrucians
when he died
And upon reading that, Father Baer’s last word ricocheted through the corridors of his mind.
… But had the priest been trying to direct him backwards, revealing the history of this grand conspiracy, wanting him to appreciate the scope and magnitude of what it was he had become part of? Or was he actually accusing the Order of being responsible for the things now unfolding? Could it be possible that Father Baer was attempting to warn him that the Rosicrucians were the ones after the ring?

Scott skipped over the significance behind the rose and cross symbols since Isaiah had already explained them to him.

I said before that we would look into how Bacon could have hoped to spread his philosophy of a New Age and manifest it on the physical plane. There seems to have been two major ways through which he was able to set the stage for his New World Order. One of those ways was a worldwide revolution against established monarchies. We’ll get into that. But there was another ingredient that was most desperately needed and perhaps the most essential of all — the reversal of a divine act. When man first joined together to build the tower to heaven under Nimrod, God intervened by confusing their languages so that they couldn’t understand each other. The one world effort to reach heaven, to boast of humanity’s enlightened greatness, was squashed by a sudden inability to communicate. Bacon realized that in order to unite mankind, that confusion had to be replaced with understanding and a strong universal and central language by which information could be spread. To accomplish this impossible task, he created a literary society called, the Knights of the Helmet — the society responsible for the explosion of literature during the Elizabethan era and translating the works of Plato and other ancient wisdom texts into English. It is said that, in this way, up to 2,000 works passed through Bacon’s hands on their way to the English public and the nation’s literacy. However, his true purpose was to prepare the people of the Old World for the colonization of the New. You see, the Knights of the Helmet were named after the Greek goddess, Pallas Athena, who wears a helmet signifying secrecy or invisibility (for no one can see her when she is wearing it). Interesting enough, Bacon’s spirit encounter was supposedly with Athena, her telling him that the Divine Majesty delights to hide his work according to the innocent play of children and that he should “follow the example of the most High God, putting away popular applause, and, after the manner of Solomon the King, compose a history of the times and fold it into enigmatical writings and cunning mixtures of the theatre.”


Scott then read of Bacon’s “enlightened” entertainment and his intention to educate the English people for world democracy.

Without care for the praises of man, Bacon and his literary society is believed to have written many of their writings under the guise of another. William Shakespeare. Mark Twain wrote an entire book making this case in 1909. Isn’t it interesting that Shakespeare is synonymous with Apollo and Athena, both meaning “shakers of the spear,” representing the light of knowledge being shaken at the dragon of ignorance? Apollo and Athena are considered to be the great shake-spears. It is also interesting that William Shakespeare could be the anagram “here I was, like a Psalm” and in the King James Bible (1611), the 46th word from the beginning of the 46th Psalm is “shake” while the 46th word from the end of the 46th Psalm is “spear” (46 being his age when the KJ Bible was printed and the sum of 23 and 23 — the days of both his birth and death).

Though he was interested in the famous Baconian Shake-spear debate, he got Isaiah’s point and only skimmed the numerous historical facts that seemed to make laughable the idea that an actor like William Shakespeare could possibly be responsible for developing more than 20,000 words in the English language, or have an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the court.

Manly P. Hall (Masonic philosopher) wrote in his book, Secret Teachings of All Ages, that “Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucian initiate, wrote into the Shakespeare plays the secret teachings of the fraternity of the Rose and Cross and the true rituals of the Freemasonic order. The Bacon-Shakespeare controversy… involved the most profound aspects of science, religion, and ethics: he who solves this mystery may yet find therein the key to the supposedly lost wisdom of antiquity.”
Perhaps here is a good example of the Rosicrucian method, for Shakespeare clearly attempts to represent Christianity through over 1,200 biblical references, and yet his Christian themes are interwoven with the Occult wisdom of the mystery religions. And of course, we can easily see just how effective his work (commissioned by Pallas Athena) was, for Shake-spear has long been a mandatory requirement within the American education system.

He skipped the rest, beginning to understand in part the deception Isaiah had spoken of, America’s foundation presumably having played a central part in the orchestration of the New World Order’s birth.

He next settled into a section on the religious aspects of this utopian dream.

Within the scheme to unite mankind, we can see a clear trend toward universalism, the acceptance of all religions, a one world religion. Since it is clear that the ancient mystery religions, all very similar to each other and teaching basically the same things, have been the foundation and backbone for most other religions throughout history, we can expect a form of them to be used by Satan within the last days deception spoken of by both the prophets and apostles. The New Age movement, though nothing new, seems to be the religion of choice, but perhaps there is no greater picture of Lucifer’s intent than that of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.
The Knights Templar, while stationed in the Middle East, began mixing their Catholic beliefs with those of Islam, Judaism, and the Hashishim. In so doing, they adopted the teachings of the esoteric religions as their own. Later, while being hunted by the Catholic Church, they found refuge within the Masonic Lodge, and though Freemasonry existed before that, the Templars are credited with the development of its modern philosophy. It is Rosslyn Chapel that clearly connects Freemasonry to the Templar Knights, and Christianity to the ancient pagan religions. It was built by William St. Clair in the 15th century and represents an infusion of all beliefs. For example, there can be seen 110 sculptures of the ancient fertility god sprinkled throughout the more dominant images of crosses and roses. It is a chapel containing no clear indication as to what, or who, should be worshiped in it. Could it have been the expression of some prototype philosophy concerning the Order’s intentions within the New Atlantis?
There is evidence within the chapel’s artwork that suggests influence from the New World, and that before Columbus. The chapel was finished in 1492, and yet there is Indian corn found carved around the windows, corn indigenous only to North America and not grown in Europe. There are also cactus plants carved along the chapel’s arches and a type of clover leaf that botanists testify could have only be found in America — thus the speculation arises as to just how far the Templar Knights escaped the Catholic Church. It is also interesting to note that Columbus’ father-in-law was the grand master of the order of the Knights of Christ, an offshoot of the Knights Templar. Many insist still that Columbus was given secret charts and diaries which he used to reach the New World.

Scott looked up from the composition book and thought back to everything he’d been taught about his former country’s founding and the fight for religious freedom. Suddenly, the concept that Jesus would lead His followers onto a battlefield to fight for the individual’s right to worship any god or demon he wanted to seemed utterly preposterous from a Judeo-Christian perspective. And yet, the view itself was a Christian one. Patriotic Christianity, Jack Cairn’s greatest enemy.

He fixed his gaze on the darkening clouds before plunging into another section that dealt with revolutions.

America’s revolution would be the first of many, for the secret societies knew that in order to convert the Old World, they would have to do it through the example of the New. And while it is true that most “Americans” did not fight the Revolutionary War intending to promote “global” revolution, it’s indisputable that the secret societies played an important role...
Now, to understand the overall chessboard the American Revolution was fought on, one must understand a few things about Benjamin Franklin and the circles he entertained. It is undeniable that he was a very active member of Freemasonry and other secret societies in both England and France. A member of the Hell-Fire Club — a pseudo satanic order famous for its drunken sexuality...

A raindrop landed on Scott’s head and exploded his concentration. Lifting his eyes back to the commune before him, he watched as women began running to retrieve clothes that hung drying on clotheslines.

Stifling a yawn, and flipping the collar of his jacket up against cold thoughts of his wife’s predicament, he settled back into whatever this Hell-Fire Club was, how it was forced underground after dabbling in Satanism, and their motto, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” It was a philosophy that Aleister Crawly (the famous British occultist, Freemason, and Rosicrucian) had adopted a century later, earning him some of the credit in sparking the Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s.

Getting back to Franklin, we can only wonder what his business was with these people. Sir Francis Dashwood was the Club’s founder, a member of British Parliament and a close friend and advisor to King George III (much of the Club is said to have been comprised of English nobility). Franklin reportedly visited with Dashwood in 1758 to discuss the future of the American colonies, and though prompting some to believe that the Hell-Fire Club was just a cover for British intelligence and that Franklin was actually a British spy known as #72 or “Moses,” it is more plausible that he was working alongside the Hell-Fire Club against the King, ensuring the society’s esoteric goals. British Intelligence referred to him as “Moses” because he was seen by them as leading the colonists away from King George like Moses had led the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity (as a side note, it’s remarkable that Franklin’s original design for America’s seal was that of Moses standing on the shoreline as the waters were collapsing onto Pharaoh’s army, the inscription reading, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”). It seems likely, then, that British Intelligence was actually working with the secret Orders in undermining King George, attempting a world democracy through an American revolution that favored Bacon’s vision of such a new World Order. We’ve even seen it in our own time, America being the central force by which democracy is being spread throughout the world. But we shall come to that...

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