The Solstice Mistletoe Effect (9 page)

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Authors: Serena Yates

Tags: #romance, #M/M Romance, #Gay, #GLBT, #dreamspinner press, #serena yates

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correct that Lance didn’t have anything other than his own

feelings and impressions, they hadn’t gotten anywhere with

their discussion.

Lance hadn’t been ready to talk about his fear that

Magnus might get bored with his new life. But looking back

at it now, he wasn’t sure that bringing it up would have

changed anything. Magnus had been his infuriatingly logical

self, and Lance had failed to reach him.

When Magnus had finally started to seduce him, he’d

been too tempted and needy to resist. Making love had been

a very effective way to distract him from further discussions.

He’d needed the physical contact so much that he wasn’t

willing to give it up in favor of a discussion, no matter how

important it might be.

“Come on, we need to get going.” Magnus stood at the

front door, looking like a model from a glossy fashion

magazine in his linen suit. “Our taxi is here, and the dean

doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

“All right, just give me a minute.” Lance wanted to say a

proper goodbye to Jakob, who was going to stay with his

grandparents while Lance and Magnus visited Stockholm


“Uncle Magnus sure sounds impatient this morning.”

Jakob smiled up at Lance and stepped back from their hug.

“Don’t keep him waiting.”

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


“I’ll miss you!” Lance took a deep breath and told

himself that Jakob would be perfectly fine.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay.” Jakob grinned.

“Farmor Carine said we could start with the preparation of

the special dishes for Friday night’s Midsummer Eve

celebration. We should be really busy.”

Yeah, Lance didn’t doubt that. He was sure Magnus

would be busy as well. And while he wanted to see the

university that was such an important part of Magnus’s

background, Lance wasn’t so sure that it would keep him

busy enough not to get bored. Magnus had already

mentioned several meetings he wanted to go to, and Lance

didn’t want to intrude on his lover’s networking. After all, he

had nothing to add.

The taxi approached the university campus from the

south, leaving the grounds themselves to their right as it

followed Frescativägen north, finally turning right to drop

them off at the impressive main library building. Bergianska

Botanic Garden, with its various trees and blooming flowers,

was just across the road. The summer in Sweden might be

short, but the vibrancy of the flora more than made up for it.

Lance looked around while Magnus paid the taxi driver.

Some of the buildings looked really old, while others were

clearly modern. Some students walked along the pathways

while others lounged on the grass, soaking up the sun. The

setting was peaceful, and he wouldn’t mind spending some

time here.

“Come on, let’s go, or I’ll be late.” Magnus looked

stressed, and Lance quickly followed him into the library


The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


Several boring meetings later, Lance wanted to leave.

Magnus looked like he was enjoying himself, talking to

serious-looking scientists, so Lance told him he’d be outside

getting some fresh air. Magnus nodded absentmindedly and

returned to his discussion.

Lance walked toward one of the benches and sat down.

People-watching was always fun, and students were one of

the most interesting groups to watch. There was a mix

between serious and more relaxed young people. Some were

sitting quietly, earphones in and eyes closed; others sat and

scribbled notes or typed on their laptops. Things had

certainly changed since Lance had gone to college, even

though that wasn’t very long ago. Or maybe it was that

European universities followed slightly different rules.

“What are you doing here?” The female voice tore him

from his reverie and made him sit upright in semi-shock.

He looked up, and there was Sigrid, wearing jeans and a

light pink sweater. Her hair was in a simple ponytail, and

her face was scrunched in disgust. As if she thought that

Lance didn’t belong there. He was equally surprised, though,

not having expected her to turn up. Maybe he should have?

“Well?” Sigrid stood there, hands on her hips, small

leather backpack perched between her shoulders. She

looked more like an avenging goddess than a woman who

had asked a question. As if she had a right to be there and

Lance didn’t.

“Hello, Sigrid.” Lance was going to be polite even if she

thought she didn’t need to be. “I’m waiting for Magnus to be

done with his meetings.”

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


“Oh?” Sigrid looked surprised for about one second

before she managed to rein herself in. She didn’t look happy.


“In the library building.” Lance wasn’t going to help her

find Magnus. She was likely to monopolize him like she had

the other evening. Who knew how long it would take Magnus

to return once she got her claws into him.

“You wouldn’t happen to know exactly where in the

library building, would you?” The cheeky snake would walk

straight inside and hone in on Magnus.

“No idea.” Lance gave her his most innocent wide-eyed

look, grinning to himself when she did an exasperated eye

roll and turned away in disgust.

The least she deserved was to spend a few extra minutes

looking for Magnus. Why should Lance make it easy for her

when he was now more certain than ever that she was

planning on making his life as difficult as possible?

SEVERAL hours later, Lance was ready to go home. Very

ready to go home. He’d walked around the beautiful

university grounds, had lunch at one of the many cafés, and

had read a couple of English newspapers and magazines

that were available to the public in the library’s main

information area. He was beginning to worry that Magnus

had decided to stay at the university when his lover finally

emerged from one of the ground floor meeting rooms in the

early afternoon.

He was surrounded by four men and the ever-present

Sigrid. They were all talking at him in excited voices. Magnus

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


looked thoughtful and withdrawn, answering the occasional

question but otherwise unimpressed.

Magnus looked around, searching the little tables and

chairs. When he saw Lance, his eyes lit up, and he walked

straight toward him, much to the annoyance of Sigrid, who

stomped her foot in anger. Magnus didn’t turn around and

only said a very general goodbye, accompanied by a small

wave of his left hand. That small triumph, petty as it was,

warmed Lance’s heart. Looked like Magnus hadn’t quite

fallen under her spell yet.

Lance wanted to run toward Magnus and embrace him,

kiss him in front of everyone to stake his claim clearly. He’d

never been the possessive type, but the way Sigrid looked at

Magnus brought it out in him.

“Hey.” Magnus smiled and looked only at Lance.

“Hey.” Lance smiled back, and the need to kiss Magnus

became a physical ache.

“Let’s go, yeah?” Magnus pointed at the exit.

“Please.” Lance didn’t look around, his eyes on Magnus

as he followed him outside.

The other man looked tired and distracted, not quite

himself. Lance wanted to ask what was going on but was

scared of what he might hear. There were several taxis at the

designated spot in the street, so they didn’t have to wait.

Once inside and on their way, Magnus dropped his head

back and closed his eyes. He looked exhausted. He’d

probably forgotten to eat. Lance inched his hand across to

touch his lover’s and was relieved beyond measure when

Magnus twined their fingers and held on. He didn’t dare

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


speak. Something was definitely going on in Magnus’s head,

and it scared Lance to see him so withdrawn.

“I think I need some time to myself.” Magnus’s voice was

soft when he turned his head toward Lance. “I’ve got a lot of

thinking to do.”

“Sure.” Lance wanted to scream. He wanted Magnus to

talk to him, not withdraw. “I’ll go swimming with Jakob, like

we’d planned.”

“Thanks.” Magnus closed his eyes again, and silence

reined for the rest of their trip.

By the time Lance made it back from an afternoon at

the waterfront, there was a knot in his stomach that had

grown to the size of a football. He had trouble focusing on

Mrs. Carstens’s questions about their day, and even Jakob

looked at him as though he knew something was off.

Magnus didn’t come down for dinner.

When Lance finally made it up to their bedroom in the

early evening, Magnus was already fast asleep. He was on

his stomach, head burrowed into the pillows, hands balled

into fists even in sleep. His strong back wasn’t covered, and

Lance was tempted to start placing kisses along his spine.

His muscular ass was tantalizingly covered by the sheet, and

his strong thighs were clearly delineated further down.

Magnus was so beautiful, it hurt to look at him like this

without being able to touch him, get a response from him.

Lance had never felt so alone.

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


Chapter Eight

MAGNUS awoke on Thursday morning feeling exhausted

despite the early night he’d had. He must have fallen asleep

before Lance made it upstairs.

“Good morning.” Jakob’s voice was accompanied by

loud banging on the door. The boy was probably ready for


Even though Magnus was sure that Lance wanted to

talk to him, he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to do it

immediately. He was sure that his lover wanted answers. But

how was he supposed to make up his mind about the

university’s offer to lead their next polar expedition that


He needed time to think about his career options. Not to

mention this mess with Sigrid. He hadn’t wanted to believe

that she was interested in him beyond the professional, but

maybe Lance was right? Magnus had never given her reason

to believe he was interested in her romantically. Why then

was she being so persistent? It wasn’t logical. The real

problem was that Lance didn’t seem to believe him when

he’d told him that there was no reason for him to worry. He’d

have to reassure him.

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates


“Are you in there?” Jakob’s voice was muffled by the

closed door, but it was very clear that the boy was becoming


“Give us a minute, will you?” Magnus grinned when he

looked over at Lance.

His lover was curled up next to him, scrunching his face

in distaste at having to get up. His eyes were still closed, and

he didn’t look ready to face the day.

“Okay, but I’m really hungry. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Jakob must have left, because it remained quiet this time.

“Time to get up!” Magnus bent over Lance’s face and

kissed him on his half-open mouth. “We’ve got lots of

preparations to make. Jakob and my mother are expecting

us to help. You have no idea how much food she thinks will

be needed.”

“Humph.” Lance opened one eye and stared at him. “Are

you sure she wants my help too? I’m really not ready to get


“Yes, I’m sure.” Magnus gave his lover another kiss and

pulled away, making Lance whimper in protest. “No time for

that now, we’ll get back to it later.”

Magnus decided to take a quick shower while he had

some time. Tomorrow was Midsummer Eve, and he’d never

been less ready to join the festivities. For most people, the

festival was about magic and rituals to look into the future,

or the remembering of those old customs. For Magnus, it

meant an astronomical event—the summer solstice—that

signaled the official start of the warmest season. He didn’t

mind celebrating that, and he couldn’t wait to have the first

strawberries of the year, since they were his favorite fruit.

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

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