The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2)
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"Too bad," Davos said, effectively dismissing the retreating doctor. "All the more for me to relish."

"At least let me have a short break before I have to return to heal her again," the doctor said at the door, his eyes on Davos, I think he no longer could look at me. Guilt? Or just a survival mechanism, knowing what was in store for me and switching off his emotional reaction to my plight. "I have an appointment in Manaus this evening."

Oh freaking hell. The doctor wouldn't even be here if Davos got out of hand. A sense of foreboding and sudden all-encompassing clarity swamped me. I was truly, truly alone.

Had the doctor just been another ploy to give me a slither of hope and then smash it? Make me open a little to his tender care and softly murmured words, and then cut me off completely from that line of support. Reinforcing my desolation.

Davos laughed, it slithered along my spine and left sickening pinpricks all over my skin. A small amount of sweat had broken out across my upper lip, threatening to spread at an alarming speed.

"Enjoy yourself, Doctor," he murmured. "Perhaps by this evening we both will have satisfied an itch."

Bile coated my tongue, as the door clicked shut behind the physician.

My eyes met the feral green of Davos' and an ugly smirk graced his lips.

"Are you ready,
" he mocked, emphasising the title the
had never acknowledged, even though it appeared they had that day in Auckland. I was not their long lost princess, and they'd known it.

What they hadn't known was what I actually was.

I had an awful feeling that despite what perverse and evil things Davos had in store for me this afternoon, I'd never be able to give them the answer they sought.

I sucked in ragged breath after ragged breath, as he stepped closer and closer to my bed. Just before he reached out a large hand to grasp me, I screamed.

It was the only weapon I had.

And it was never going to be enough.

Chapter 2
In My Dark, Dank Cell

"It's just you and me," Davos murmured in my ear, as he clasped a metal bracket around my wrist. "Cosy, eh?" he whispered, letting his sickeningly hot breath wash over my still healing cheek.

He bent and fastened two more chains to my ankles, the metal already digging into my flesh. I was strung up and defenceless. My arms pulled taut above my head, my back to a cold concrete wall, and my feet braced slightly wider than shoulder length apart. He adjusted the tension until there was absolutely no give at all. I couldn't even rattle the chains they were so tight.

I settled for a glare at my torturer, the only defiance I could spare.

He stepped back and held my gaze, a twist of his lips at one side letting me see his amusement at my ridiculous show of strength.

"With the good doctor gone, there's no one in this building to hear your screams," Davos pointed out, enjoying the reaction that must have shown on my face. "I don't have to consider word of our fun reaching the
," he added, crossing his arms over his chest as he studied me.

His green tinged eyes coasted over my exposed frame. He hadn't stripped me, but the shirt I wore was so threadbare he'd see every outline, every dip and curve of my breasts. And the trousers, although still clinging doggedly to my hips, had been ripped early on in my captivity, until now they were more shorts than long pants. He made sure I could see his hunger with each bile inducing caress of his gaze. I was no longer certain if it was hunger for my pain or something else, though.

And that made the bile surge up my throat.

"Before we get started, I have obligations I must meet," he said, in a tone that suggested he'd rather bypass this part and head straight for the fun. "What are you?" he asked, the question that was repeated daily,
several times a day
, during my sessions with this man.

"I've already told you," I replied, swallowing down the acrid taste on my tongue and almost gagging. "I don't know."

"Not good enough," he shot back. "The
wants the truth."

was the Queen of the
And I was sure these interrogations were carried out on her orders and not, in fact, the King's.

"I can't tell you what I don't know," I supplied, a
I had repeated since the start.

"No?" Davos queried with an arched brow. "Then maybe I can force it out of you. Perhaps it is buried deep inside and you just require the right stimulant to extract the knowledge."

He smirked. It made me physically sick.

"I can be very stimulating," he pointed out with a sneer.

Vomit pooled in my mouth. I was tempted to spit it at him, but the consequences would be too painful, even if the disgust he'd surely show would offer a minute measure of satisfaction. I gagged as the acid burned my throat on the way back down.

Davos frowned. Then took a step closer, dismissing my unusual behaviour.

"Last chance," he whispered, just as his big frame stopped within half a foot of mine. "What are you? You are not one of us. You are not one of the
you love so much. Then, what. The. Fuck. Are. You?"

My mind scrambled to come up with an answer, any answer, it didn't have to be the truth, just something to stop what would happen next. To throw him off the scent and give me a chance to prepare for my painful death.

But nothing could prepare me, I was sure. And no miraculous answer sprang to mind to rescue me from my dire situation.

The only thing I could think to say was, "What do you believe me to be?"

"An imposter!" he shouted, spittle coating my face, as a fisted punch to my stomach accompanied the cry.

Air burst from my lungs and I couldn't suck it back in again. I curved, as much as my body allowed in its current chained state, in on myself, trying to protect my burning muscles. The vomit
I'd swallowed earlier churned and clawed at my insides. I ached, but without air in my lungs I couldn't even scream through the pain. Just a grunt and tears streaming down my cheeks was the only outlet I had at my disposal.

"Can you breathe yet?" Davos asked conversationally. "Suck it in,
. This isn't even the end of round one."

Another punch to my stomach, which surprisingly, although still hurting like a bitch, didn't make my lungs scream for air anymore than they already were. I grunted, coughed, and watched horrified as blood splattered the front of Davos' shirt. That punch had done some serious damage.

My vision blurred, blackened, and by the time the world stopped dimming and the room again formed in front of my eyes, Davos had removed his top completely. And stood bare chested in front of me, arms crossed, angry glare on his face.

"That wasn't nice," he pointed out. "Do I get my blood on you?" he asked, bizarrely expecting an answer from me. "Well? Do I?"

"You don't bleed," I forced out between still gritted teeth. "Your heart is made of stone."

"That's it,
. Show me what made you so delicious, a
Prince forsook tradition and bedded what he thought was a

Theo. Pain, that outshone the agony still burning in my midsection, speared through my chest. In a knee-jerk reaction I reached for my
, to soothe the ache or lash out at the cause of it, I don't know. But all that met me was empty space. A void so deep and dark it was fathomless.

Frustration flushed my body, made me stretch against the binds at my wrists and feet, and then scream in the face of my tormentor. Ear-splitting, heart-wrenching, from-the-deepest-part-of-my-soul type of scream.

My throat, already so hoarse from the bile and vomit earlier, was raw by the time I was through. I hung limply by the cuffs above and panted for much needed air, while tears rained down on the floor between my feet. 

"Are you quite finished?" Davos asked, unimpressed with my little display.

I spat at him, wishing my saliva was still mixed with my blood. His hand rose slowly to wipe the spittle off his face and he growled, low and threateningly.

"That will cost you," he promised, reaching into his trouser pocket and pulling a device free.

He flicked his wrist and the small thin object doubled in size, then trebled, until it was long and whip-like. Which he then propelled through the air making a swishing sound vibrate around the room.

"I think you need a little softening before we get down to business," he announced, ominously. "Make sure you know your place."

He cracked the whip against the wall within inches of my right cheek, making me jerk and suck in a surprised breath of air. He laughed at my reaction, then did the same movement again on the other side. This time closer. I could feel the displacement of air as the whip passed within millimetres of my flesh.

"Imagine what this will feel like against your skin," he whispered, running the device through his fingers lovingly. "Imagine the marks it will leave. Some, unfortunately, may be permanent."

He waited for me to see the falsity of that statement.
could heal from an injury such as that. When he saw the question on my face he leaned forward, a hairbreadth away from my lips.

And whispered, "I'll infuse my
into the tip, just as it enters your flesh. Channel essence to coat it in toxin. But I won't do it each time. You'll never know if the sting you feel leaves a permanent scar or not. You'll ask yourself, as the excruciating pain spreads out along nerve endings through your entire body, will I remember this when a lover strokes his hand down my spine?"

"Fuck you," I ground out. "You wouldn't know the touch of a willing lover, so try a different line,
. One I might just believe."

It was useless to be defiant, but even now, faced with the reality of a beating that could leave
permanent marks, I couldn't go quietly into the night. Even without my
to encourage and boost me, I still felt a demand from deep inside, telling me to never give up. To never give in.

It was futile, but I clung to those words, that whispered through my mind. I clung to them even knowing they were a fantasy.

His free hand wrapped around my throat and he pressed hard, making me gurgle and struggle for air. His lips crushed against my cheek, followed quickly by his tongue licking the salty taste of tears from my skin.

"I taste your fear,
. I smell your defeat. I can feel the thundering of your blood through your veins. I hear your pants for the last of your breaths. And I'll watch the light leave your eyes in the end."

He squeezed one more time, an unbelievably painful tightening around my throat, and then released me. I coughed and spluttered and attempted to draw in much needed air, unable to reach the bruises he'd formed on my neck and soothe them.

"One last time," he gritted out between a set jaw. "What are you?"

I shook my head, but my throat hurt too much to even answer. He knew what I'd say, I didn't need to cause myself more injury by voicing it.

Davos spat on the ground at my feet and then reached down and undid my ankle cuffs. He made quick work of those and with a snarled, "Don't try anything stupid,
. I'm just craving a chance to fuck you up more than necessary, right now," he undid the wrist cuffs and turned me around to face the wall.

If I'd thought I felt exposed when facing him and the room, it had nothing on the sensation of having him at my back. He ground my cheek into the concrete, re-bruising the recently healed flesh, and then re-established my binds, top and bottom. He then stood back and did nothing.

My face was turned sideways, so I could only see a partial glimpse of him watching me, watching his handiwork. Enjoying the moment before he stepped things up and let that whip fly. Several long drawn out seconds passed, no sound to indicate how much he was getting off on this, just the pressure of waiting, of
, what would come next.

Three months of captivity and it comes down to this.

I knew the moment the
Gi Rigas
had ordered
back in Auckland, that things were not going to go as Theo and I had planned. In the space of seconds my world, already turned upside down, was simply blown apart. Although I didn't see him die until Davos started using
on me, I watched Theo battle with the vine at his neck. I watched the blood drain from his handsome face and coat his collar. And I watched the love he felt for me blaze from his golden eyes as the terror of his plight took over.

I woke briefly to the sound of birds in the trees some time afterwards, the humid feeling of a jungle forest wrapping around my body, and from then only the dank enclosed space of my cell.

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