The Soul Weaver

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Authors: Carol Berg

BOOK: The Soul Weaver
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Table of Contents
Praise for Book One of
The Bridge of D'Arnath, Son of Avonar
“A very promising start to a new series.”
The Denver Post
“Carol Berg has mastered the balance between mystery and storytelling. . . . Berg is a master of pacing; she weaves past and present together, setting a solid foundation. . . . It's obvious that the author has put incredible thought into who and what makes her characters tick.”
The Davis Enterprise
“Berg exhibits her skill with language, world building, and the intelligent development of the magic that affects and is affected by the characters. [
Son of Avonar
] launches a promising new multivolume work that should provide much intelligent entertainment.”
“Imagination harnessed to talent produces a fantasy masterpiece, a work so original and believable that it will be very hard to wait for the next book in this series to be published.”
Midwest Book Review
“[Seri] is an excellent main heroine; her voice, from the first person, is real and practical. . . . I'm truly looking forward to seeing what happens next.”
—SF Site
Praise for
Song of the Beast
“A good introduction to this wonderful fantasy author's work because it's a stand alone yet has length, intensity, and themes common with her previously published Rai-kirah trilogy. This new novel has even stronger narrative drive than its powerful predecessors; it's a fantasy I didn't want to put down.”
—Victoria McManus,
“Berg's fascinating fantasy is a puzzle story, with a Celtic-flavored setting and a plot as intricate and absorbing as fine Celtic lacework. . . . The characters are memorable, and Berg's intelligence and narrative skill make this stand-alone fantasy most commendable.”
“The plot keeps twisting right until the end. . . . Entertaining characters.”
“A well-crafted mystery.”
“Dragons' voices and one man's sheer, indomitable will blend to produce a powerful story of courage and faith.
Song of the Beast
is this summer's sleeper hit.”
The Davis Enterprise
Transformation, Revelation,
The acclaimed Rai-kirah Saga
“Vivid characters and intricate magic combined with a fascinating world and the sure touch of a Real Writer—luscious work!”
—Melanie Rawn
“This well-written fantasy grabs the reader by the throat on page one and doesn't let go. . . . Wonderful.”
“Berg greatly expands her world with surprising insights.”
The Denver Post
“Both a traditional fantasy and an intriguing character piece. . . . Superbly entertaining.”
Interzone Magazine
“The prince's redemption, his transformation, and the flowering of mutual esteem between master and slave are at the story's heart. This is handled superbly.”
Time Out
“Vivid characters, a tangible atmosphere of doom, and some gallows humor.”
SFX Magazine
“An exotic, dangerous, and beautifully crafted world.”
—Lynn Flewelling, author of
Traitor's Moon
“Powerfully entertaining.”
“Berg's characters are completely believable, her world interesting and complex, and her story riveting.”
“Epic fantasy on a gigantic scale. . . . Carol Berg lights up the sky with a wondrous world.”
Midwest Book Review
“Ms. Berg's finely drawn characters combine with a remarkable imagination to create a profound and fascinating novel.”
“Carol Berg is a brilliant writer who has built her characters carefully and completely. The magic is subtle and vivid, and the writing is compelling.”
“A much-needed boost of new blood into the fantasy pool.”
Dreamwatch Magazine
The Rai-kirah series
Bridge of D'Arnath
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First Printing, February 2005
eISBN : 978-1-101-11854-2
Copyright © Carol Berg, 2005
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For Mother
In the Lists of the Dar'Nethi are tallied the full number of the Talents: Singer, Builder, Silver Shaper, Tree Delver . . . They are named without interpretation of their worth and without report of their rarity, for who is to say that the common Builder, who sings his bricks into the harmonious arch that pleases a thousand eyes every morn, is of any less value than the Word Winder, who creates an intricate enchantment that only a few can use to any effect? D'Arnath himself was born to be a Balancer, a most ordinary gift, but it was magnificence of his soul that made him a Balancer of Worlds.
Yet there are three rare Talents that cause a hush to fall among the people when they are named. One is Speaker, for the gift of discernment and truth-telling is rarely welcomed, and those who practice it are never other than alone.
The second is Healer, for of all things, life is the most sacred to the Dar'Nethi, and the youth or maid who accepts the gift of life-giving is both blessed for the glory of the calling and pitied for the burdens of it.
The third is Soul Weaver. Some say there has never been a true Soul Weaver, for who could relinquish his own life so completely, taking unto himself the full body, mind, and spirit of another being—lending strength or courage, skill or knowledge—and then be able to yield the other soul undamaged? Who could do such a thing and himself remain whole? Some say the Soul Weaver should not be entered in the Lists. It could be no part of the Dar'Nethi Way, for it is an impossible calling and only a legend amongst a people who are themselves the stuff of legends.
Ven'Dar yn Cyran
“A Brief History of the Dar'Nethi Way”
My senses were deafened by Jayereth's pain. Desperately I fought to maintain my control, to prevent her agony from confusing my purpose. We were bound by an enchantment of healing, our mingled blood linking our minds in the realm of flesh and spirit. If I shut out the experience of her senses, then I was powerless to heal her, but if I could not quiet her enough to see what I was doing, she was lost just as surely. Dark waves already lapped on the shores of her life.
Jayereth, hear me. . . . Hold fast . . . for your daughter, newly born to grace your house . . . for T'Vero who cherishes you . . . for your Prince who is in such need of your service . . .
With everything I knew of Jayereth I commanded her to hold quiet—just for the moment it would take me to see what I needed to see.

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