The Space Between (26 page)

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Authors: Brenna Yovanoff

Tags: #Love & Romance, #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction

BOOK: The Space Between
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! I couldn’t do that. And she’s not a beast—she’s a little girl. I brought her with us.”
“So an illicit baby is up in your hotel room right now. Daphne, this is a
very bad thing
“But Obie hasn’t done anything
. Why shouldn’t he have a home and a family? He left Pandemonium because he loved her!”
Onstage, the band breaks into a rendition of “Stardust” and Moloch leans closer, folding his arms on the bar. “Maybe he did love her, but that doesn’t matter. We’re not supposed to breed with the locals.” His tone is ironic, toying with me, but underneath, I think I hear shame, or maybe bitterness. He reaches over and shoves the little dish that held the olives. “You made quick work of those. Are you feeling better yet?”
“Yes, much. I was wondering if you could help me with something. I need to talk to Myra.” I bite a slice of lemon and wince at the taste. “Is she here?”
Moloch glances around the nearly empty bar and shakes his head. “We came in through the jump-door together, but then she took off almost as soon as we arrived. I think I saw her skulking around the gardens yesterday, looking for some unfortunate reprobate to latch onto, but after that, I lost track of her. Since when are you two bosom buddies?”
I eat the last of the cocktail onions and get started on the gherkins. I’m not ready to tell him about the church. I don’t quite know how to describe the importance of a place that only appears in dreams. Especially when the dreams aren’t even mine.
In my own mind though, I have no doubt that the struggle with Azrael happened. The hotel room was destroyed, and I woke up with blood all over my neck, which leaves me with hope that the church is a real place—and that we can find it.
“The rosary you gave her is a strange thing to leave on a body. It might be important. I thought if we had it, you could help me figure out where it came from.”
Moloch shrugs. “It’s not a bad thought, but good luck tracking her down. If she couldn’t find a willing victim in the hotel, there’s a high probability that she’s out prowling around the city.”
I close my eyes for a moment and then open them again, trying to ignore the feeling that things are spinning out of control, well beyond the scope of my ability. “How big is the city?”
Moloch just shakes his head and laughs.
hen I go back up to the hotel room, Truman and Raymie are sitting on the floor, taking turns scraping at the carpet with a black plastic button from the sewing kit. Raymie is laughing, clapping her hands every time the button touches the floor. Truman looks up when I come in. He shrugs, like he has no idea what the game is about.
The room is marginally neater. While I was gone, he righted the overturned chair and swept up the broken glass. The pillows are arranged haphazardly on the sofa and the crushed lampshade sits forlornly in a corner.
“I think we should go out and look for Myra,” I say. “We need to go around and check all the hotels.”
Truman hands the button back to Raymie and stands up. His expression is skeptical. “Do you have any idea how many hotels there are in Las Vegas?”
“Yes, well it might go faster if we split up.”
He presses his fingers against his eyelids and at first, I think he’s about to start laughing, or else tell me I’m being unreasonable, but in the end, he just throws his hands up and smiles helplessly. “Sure, we’ll check all the hotels in Las Vegas. Let’s do it, let’s go look for Myra.”
We decide that I’ll be the one to take Raymie, because it will look less strange than if Truman were carrying a baby around Las Vegas by himself. Once we get outside though, I’m forced to admit that it looks pretty strange anyway.
The day is overcast and cool. Truman stands looking down at me. “Are you actually serious about this?”
“Yes,” I say. The city looks much bigger now that we’re outside, but I have no other ideas.
We agree to meet back at the room in three hours. Then Raymie and I start off in one direction, and he goes the other.
The boulevard is broad and packed with cars. I only have to look at the sheer size of the nearest hotel before I realize that this is a ludicrous idea. It’s true that I had no real trouble finding Truman, but that was because I had instructions. I had a general idea of where he would be and help figuring out where to find him when he wasn’t there. The line of hotels stretches down the street for miles, and these are just the ones on the strip.
There’s only one person I know of who might have some idea how to find my sister.
I steel myself to face her and sit down on the curb, holding Raymie in my lap. Out in the street, traffic stops and starts and stops again.
“Mom,” I say under my breath, shielding my face from passing tourists as I talk. “Are you here?”
She makes me wait. But not for too long.
“Look who’s back,” she says from the fender of an expensive car, sounding languid.
“I just need a little bit of help,” I tell her, doing my best to look contrite. “I’m trying to find Myra.”
Lilith’s eyes are cold and spiteful. Then she seems to relent. “You’re close. Get up.”
I glance in her direction, but there are people everywhere, crowding the sidewalk, so I don’t answer her aloud. Instead, I give her a quick, decisive nod and get to my feet, adjusting Raymie in the crook of my arm and following Lilith’s reflection as it vanishes and reappears, flashing in intervals along the strip.
“Turn left at the corner,” she tells me from a plateglass window and I do it, walking faster as the wind picks up.
At her direction, I turn onto an empty street and then another. She’s leading me away from the boulevard. After a few blocks, the scenery changes dramatically. Gone are the huge, extravagant hotels. The taxis and limousines have been replaced by scrubby palm trees and boarded-up buildings. All the houses are small and square, with wire clotheslines hanging in the side yards.
When we reach the end of the block, Lilith appears again, this time in the hubcap of a rusty sedan, leading me farther and farther, until finally she says, “Stop where you are.”
Obediently, I freeze, teetering on the edge of the curb, and look down.
The bracelet is lying in the gutter, caught in the rusted trap of the storm grate. It’s covered in charms, tiny vials filled with the seven sins. The clasp is still firmly shut, but the chain has snapped. The broken end dangles, trailing down into the grate. I extract it from the mess of candy wrappers and cigarette packages and newspaper.
“How did this get here?” I ask my mother, who is staring up at me from the smooth surface of WRATH. “Where’s Myra?”
My mother just shakes her head, gesturing behind me with her eyes. This street is darker and quieter than the one I just turned off of. At the far end of the block is a huge empty lot, fenced-in but full of nothing but weeds and gravel. Over by the back fence, something is lying in the knee-high weeds.
The gate is held closed with a heavy chain. Raymie watches, pressing her hands against her cheeks and staring in wonder as I melt the lock. I pick my way toward the back of the lot, slower now, reluctant to approach the crumpled shape. The sound of my boots on the gravel is very loud and I realize that I’m holding my breath.
“Don’t,” Raymie whispers. “Don’t squeeze me so hard.” Then she makes a tiny gasping noise and doesn’t say anything at all.
Myra is lying under a scraggly palm tree, between a pile of warped boards and an empty fifty-gallon drum. Her eyes are open, her face strangely peaceful. Someone has arranged her, covered her in a grimy blanket that might have been purple once. Her hair is tangled, her head wreathed in a crown of weeds and thistles.
Carefully, I set Raymie on the ground. “Cover your eyes,” I tell her, and my voice sounds almost calm.
I leave her sitting in the weeds with her hands pressed to her eyelids and approach Myra slowly. I pull back the blanket, and at first, I think that her throat has been cut, but the truth is so much worse. She’s been torn open from chin to pelvic bone, left ragged and bloodless. Her body is ruined, and all her flirtatiousness and her heedless grace are gone. Her arms and legs are twisted awkwardly. One of her shoes is missing.
I kneel over her, trying to find a sense of loss or grief, but there’s only Myra, broken and still in the shadow of the palm tree. There’s blood on the ground, spattered around the body, sinking into the dirt, but not much. Not enough. Where it fell, it’s started to eat through the gravel.
Something screeches in the tree above me, a hoarse, shrill sound, and I have to make myself believe that it’s a bird and not an omen. I reach for Myra’s arm, turning it to examine her wrist, but the rosary is gone, along with the rest of her bracelets.
Her face is horrific and delicate, and I hug myself. I want to stop looking, but something won’t let me turn away. Her eyes are as flat as clouds.
Suddenly, I wish Truman and I hadn’t split up. I wish I hadn’t brought Raymie out here to this vacant field.
“This is why you have to run,” Lilith says beside me, warped by the curve of the fifty-gallon drum. “Savage things are on the prowl.”
Someone’s been using the drum to light fires and it still smells like scorched metal and burning trash. It was red once, but now the paint is flaking off, leaving bare patches where my mother’s face shows through. The bow in the steel makes her mouth look wide and hungry.
“How could this happen?” I whisper to the metal drum and the empty lot. “She came here because she wanted to be safe.”
“It doesn’t matter where you go,” my mother says. “Dark Dreadful isn’t bound to one place any more than you are. She can always find you. She can hunt you anywhere.”
When I close my eyes, I can almost hear the scrape and shuffle of stealthy feet somewhere in the dark. I am alone with the reflection of my mother, imagining the sound, but Myra didn’t imagine things. Whatever she heard before the end was real.
I lean closer to my mother’s reflection, searching for some evidence of grief, some sign that she feels sadness or loss. Her eyes shine fiercely and I see myself there—two tiny dolls reflected back at me. I stare until the dolls stop looking like me and become blank-faced versions of a girl. Myra, Deirdre. All of us. She blinks, and when she opens her eyes again, the dolls are gone.
I wonder if she’s sad. All my life, my sisters have wandered out into the world, wicked and laughing in their extravagant dresses, and sometimes they don’t come back. My mother has never seemed to care one way or another. At least, not in the way that Truman grieves for his mother, or parents care in the movies. Her face is unreadable, but something in her eyes is stark and far away. I wonder if she’s worried about me. If she thinks I’ll be next.
I hug myself tighter and sit down in the dirt. Myra lies empty in front of me, missing, gone, and I am alone. I reach out and cover her back up, even her face.
It’s hard to say how long I sit there in the weeds before I’m shaken from my trance by the sound of footsteps crunching over the gravel toward me. I know who it is, even before he says my name.
“You were supposed to go in the other direction,” I say without turning around. My face feels like a mask.
Truman crashes through the weeds and stands over me. “Sorry, I—I looked back and saw you turn off the strip. And it was weird, so . . . I followed you.” Then he catches sight of the rumpled shape beside me. “What
I don’t answer, just reach out and draw back the blanket, exposing Myra in all her gruesome splendor. Crowned and gutted.
“Oh, Jesus,” he says, cupping his hands over his mouth and nose so that his voice comes out muffled. “Oh, God.”
He sits down beside me in the dirt, keeping a hand over his mouth, and neither of us says anything. In the tall weeds beyond us, Raymie is still sitting patiently, covering her eyes.
I have an idea that if I speak, my voice will break and then so will the rest of me, clattering into pieces. The only thing holding me together is my silence.
“What happened to her?” he says after awhile.
“Azrael,” I tell him, hugging my knees. The dry grass scratches my legs and I’m cold from sitting on the ground, but I sound composed.
“What’s Azrael?”
“You already know him,” I say. “He appears to you in dreams, like in the stories. Angels are always appearing to people, bringing them messages.”
Truman makes a dry, wordless sound, like a laugh, but not. “Maybe two thousand years ago, but there haven’t been a whole lot of divine visitations just lately. And trust me, the things I dream about aren’t like any holy visions I’ve ever heard of.”
“That’s because he’s not like the angels in the stories. He’s unbending and absolutely dedicated to his calling.”
“What’s he the angel of?”
“Death,” I say, gazing into Myra’s face. She stares back, glazed and out of focus, looking past me into the middle distance. “He wants to kill us all.”
Truman stands up. He lifts Raymie from the weeds and cradles her against his shoulder. Then, without saying anything, he reaches for me, taking me by the arm and guiding me to my feet. He turns me away from Myra’s body and leads me back toward the gate.
“Where are we going?” I say, sounding vague and breathless.
His hand on my arm is gentle but unfaltering, and he just keeps walking. “It doesn’t matter. Away from here.”

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