The Sparrowhawk Companion (19 page)

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Provincial Society: 1690-1763
Adams, John
The Revolutionary Writings
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Letter Book (1751-73)
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(a play)
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, James Leheny, ed.
Andrews, W.A.
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Famous Advocates & Their Speeches,
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From Dryden to Johnson: The Pelican Guide to English Literature,
Doris Ford, ed.
Great English Essayists,
William J. and Coningsby W. Dawson, eds.
Historic Speeches,
Brian MacArthur, ed.
Oxford Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland
The Nicomachean Ethics,
J.A.K. Thomson, trans.
Ashcraft, Richard
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Atton, Henry
The King’s Customs
Ayling, Stanley
George the Third
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Strangers in the Realm
Barlow, Joel
Advice to the Privileged Orders
Barrow, Robert Mangum
Williamsburg & Norfolk: Municipal Government and
Justice in Colonial America
(master’s thesis)
Baumgarten, Linda
Eighteenth Century Clothing at Williamsburg
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Declaration of Independence
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Debate on the American Revolution: 1761-1783
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Bicentennial Commission
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An Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies A Fragment on the Pistol Fee
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Life of Johnson
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Speech in Lords Against Dramatic Perfs. Bill
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On Ends,
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Dictionary of Surnames
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Handel: A Life
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Ann Finlayson
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George III: A Personal History
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J.C.A. Gaskin, ed.
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Origins of the Common Law
Hogwood, Christopher
Hume, David
Political Essays,
Knud Haakonssen, ed.
A Treatise of Human Nature
Humphreys, A.R.
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Isaac, Rhys
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Tobacco Dictionary
James, Alfred P.
George Mercer of the Ohio Company
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Life & Selected Writings
A Summary View of the Rights of British America The Portable Thomas Jefferson Virginia Gentleman’s Library
(compiled by Sowerby from Jefferson’s correspondence)
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A Short History of English Law
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English Historical Documents: Vol. IX, American Colonial Documents to 1776
Kammen, Michael (ed.)
The Origins of the American Constitution
Kant, Immanuel
The Political Writings,
Hans Reiss, ed.
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King, Dean
A Sea of Words: A Lexicon for Patrick O’Brian’s Seafaring Tales
King, Horace Maybray
Before Hansard
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The Greeks
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Handel and His World
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The Roots of Conflict
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Colonial American English
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Lewis, Thomas
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Library of America
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Library of Congress
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Two Treatises of Government
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Georgian London
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