The Stand-In (19 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Leo

BOOK: The Stand-In
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And now he needed to join her. He retrieved his pants with quick, efficient movements and found a condom in his wallet. He tore into the package and rolled it on.

Fumbling onto the bed, he climbed atop her shaking body. His own limbs more jittery than he cared them to be, he braced himself on his arms and slid between her slack legs.
. She’d closed her eyes and her mouth still twisted with lust. “Winn, look at me.”

“I can’t.”

“Oh, you will.” He tweaked her nipple. “Look at me, love.”

She opened her eyes at his words, and they shone in blue wonder. He kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth with a caress of ownership and hunger. Before his lips left hers, he positioned himself at her entrance and speared into her slick pussy.

“Oh, heavens,” she murmured as she dug her nails into his back.

“That’s it, baby.”
Thrust. Thrust. Thrust
. “Leave marks on my skin.”

The sting of fingernail on his back only spurred him on. Patrick had never been so roused, so animalistic in his attentions. He fucked her with everything he had, feeling power in every sharp movement. Like a warrior storming a castle, he laid siege to her, seeking all her hidden treasures and claiming them for his own. With every volley, he felt her surrender a little more.

His balls slapped against her and grew impossibly tight. All his energy seemed focused at his crotch and he began to see bits of black in his periphery vision. Horrible, wonderful agony sliced into him, just as she cried out in shock and delight. As she came, as he came right behind her, he cradled her and rolled his hips as if his existence depended on it. “Winn.

Her whispered reply made his heart soar. “My Patrick.”

They lay, still and connected, for many minutes. He rested his head on her shoulder and she tangled her fingers in his hair, tracing lazy circles.

He’d never been so happy. Peace flowed through his veins.

When he finally had strength enough to lift his head and smack his dry lips, he looked at her. “Just for the record, this was
a booty call. You know that, right?”

She smiled. “I know it.”

“And, just for the record, the next dozen times I take you won’t be booty calls either.”

Her grin of lazy contentment as he lowered his head to her breast assured him they were finally on the same blasted page.

Chapter 10

Nancy showed Patrick into Jake’s office once again, walking ahead of him. Even though her wiggle seemed programmed to distract, it didn’t claim Patrick’s attention, not for one moment.

The only wiggle on his mind was one wrapped in a black dress from the Burlington Coat Factory with a sweet little thong underneath.

He and Winn had had an incredible night. They’d teased orgasm after orgasm out of each other, and she’d slept in his arms until they went numb. Fucking amazing. And in the morning, as he’d climbed back into his tux, he’d known he had to kill the bridesmaid article for
. He’d talk to Jake, make him understand. He’d even drummed up a few other story ideas on the drive over, on the off chance Jake would actually want to continue working with him.

In all honesty, he didn’t anticipate a positive reaction from his old buddy. He knew Jake was keen on the piece, but he’d have to get over it. Biting back the sulfuric taste of anxiety, he focused on the matter at hand. He just had to get through this meeting. Jake would have to understand.

And if he didn’t, well, he’d quit. He’d never really been the right fit for

The receptionist opened the door and motioned him in.

“Thanks, Nancy.” He looked around the empty office. “Where’s Jake?”

“He said to tell you he’s on his way. Shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. Would you care for a coffee in the meantime?”

“No, thanks.”

“Please make yourself at home.” She exited the office and closed the door behind her.

Patrick stood for a moment, wishing he could just get this over with. He didn’t like the idea of giving up on a story, but had known from day one this job was wrong for him. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he realized he’d have to hand in his resignation. His experiences with Winn only served to confirm his previous suspicions.

Feeling restless, he wandered toward the picture window and looked out upon the action in the Distillery District. A farmer’s market was in full swing down in the grounds and some of the enticing smells even reached into Jake’s office. Patrick spied a sausage stall and another selling cinnamon buns. Just a few feet away sat a florist’s stall, the blooms out front a riot of color. Tourists meandered from vendor to vendor, picking up trinkets and pottery and fancy soaps.

He had a feeling Winn would love it here. He could easily envision her leaning over to smell the lavender-scented cosmetics and drooling over the gourmet chocolates.

Jesus. He’d never wanted to tour any other woman through a goddamn farmer’s market. He was definitely a goner and after only a few dates, if he could even call them such.

He was man enough to admit something special passed between them. Hell, he’d known it from the night of Sunshine and Josh’s wedding. And then, seeing how she defended him to his father at Sierra’s reception only solidified those emotions. Far be it for him to play the romantic, but he couldn’t help feeling he’d changed. Seeing her come for him, touching her, tasting her orgasms, had elevated him in some way. He knew it sounded ridiculous, but there it was.

Wanting to giggle like a schoolgirl, he decided to give her a quick call to see how her morning was going. He walked over to the couch where he’d dropped his briefcase. He opened it up and fished around inside, unsure where he left his cell phone. Unable to find it, he removed his notebook, the one containing all his research materials on Margie’s agency and his notes on Winn. Setting it on the couch, he rummaged inside the case again and found his phone at the bottom. He pulled it out and flipped to the screen where her number was stored.

At that moment, Jake opened the door and strode in, heading straight to his desk to check the messages Nancy had left for him. He acknowledged Patrick with a bob of his head. “Hey, Paddy. So, tell me all the good news.”

Patrick shoved his cell phone into his pants pocket. “I’m done. Jake, I can’t do this story.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m sorry. I quit.”

“Is this a joke?”

“No. I’ve…let myself get too close to the subject of the story. I can’t be objective anymore, and I don’t want to write it.”

His eyes widened with incredulity. “Please don’t tell me you fucked the stand-in bridesmaid too. Paddy, come on. Can’t you keep it in your pants this one time?”

His blood pressure ratcheted up a notch. “How many times do I have to tell you I did not touch Gloria…?”

“I don’t fucking care what you did or didn’t do to Gloria. Frankly, I don’t even care if you made sweet love to all the bridesmaids in the Western Hemisphere. I just want the story behind the agency.”

“There’s no story, and even if there were, I wouldn’t be the journalist to give it to you.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I appreciate you giving me a chance when no one else did, Jake. I really do. But this job isn’t the right fit. I knew it from the start but wanted to give it a chance.”

“Oh. Wonderful. You knew it from the start but wasted my time anyway.”

“Come on, buddy. You have dozens of journalists at your disposal who would gladly cut off their right arms to do a piece for you.”

“I want the byline to carry
name, Patrick. I’ve already talked this up. You’re putting me in an awkward position.”

“Like I said, I’m sorry. But I can’t betray Winn’s confidence in me.” He stuck out his hand. “I appreciate you helping me, but I’ll have to find my creative outlet somewhere else. No hard feelings?”

Jake clenched his jaw and his gaze darted about the office. After a moment, he finally shook his hand. “Sure. No hard feelings. Best of luck, Patrick.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“Looks like I have no choice.”

Wanting to put a period on this weird chapter of his life, Patrick collected his briefcase and left the office, feeling lighter. Now that Gloria had, for all intents and purposes, exonerated him, he might be able to pick up his old job. Or hell, maybe call up Joe at the
. Might as well think big. Smiling, he headed to the
office elevators and pushed the button, eager to see Winn.

Whatever happened, he knew they’d write the next chapter together.

* * * *

“Ah, fuck, Winn. That’s so good. Gimme more.”

She laughed as Patrick’s eyes rolled back in his head from rapture, and removed her spoon from the vicinity of his mouth. “No, greedy guts. I’m glad you like my tomato sauce but save some for the pasta.”

As she put the spoon on the counter and picked up her bigger, wooden spoon to stir, he crept behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re a hard woman. Cruel, even.”

His lips tickled her ear and his warm, sauce-redolent breath made her smile. “And you’re impossible.” His hand traveled down her spine to cup her ass. “And handsy. How am I supposed to cook dinner if you keep touching me?”

He extricated the wooden spoon from her grip and balanced it on the lip of the pot. He then turned her around in his arms to face him. “Would you like me to stop touching you?”

As soon as his dark gaze swept over her face and settled on her mouth, her insides turned as mushy as the tomatoes in her sauce. She buried her face in his chest. “No,” she squeaked. “Not really.”

He chuckled into her hair. “That’s my girl.”

As the tips of her ears grow hot, she fought the giddy giggle rumbling in her chest. Since Patrick had returned from the
offices, he’d been all over her, and in the best of ways. They hadn’t actually been intimate, but his every touch, every word, had spoken of intimacy, of a connection neither of them could deny any longer.

“Hey,” he said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “There’s something you should know.”

“You’ve decided to start dressing like a pirate full-time?”

“I did like the boots.” He paused, considering. His playful grin grew more serious when he bit the inside of his lip and narrowed his gaze. “Actually, I want you to know I killed the bridesmaid story today. I no longer work for

“But…your career.”

“My career would not have been helped by working for Jake, as much as I appreciate his willingness to help me. Now that the truth about Gloria is out, I want to start working my old contacts. In fact, I made a couple of calls today. Seems I’m not completely dead in the water.”

“That’s amazing. So no story about Margie’s stand-ins? I think she might be disappointed.”

“Margie will have to get over it.” He passed a hand over her hair and kissed her forehead. “I know you were never keen on the piece. And call me jealous. I don’t really feel like sharing your story with the world anyway.” His gaze softened, molten chocolate. “I’d rather keep you all to myself.”

Her heart hammered in her chest. “Thank you.”

He trailed a path of soft kisses over her temple, her cheek and toward her mouth. By the time he claimed her lips, his embrace grew tighter, full of heat. As he held her close, she felt his erection swell against her stomach and her insides melted.

As his tongue danced with hers, Winn closed her eyes and surrendered to giddiness. She hadn’t allowed herself to experience sweet delirium in so long, not since her early days with Mike. Even then, she hadn’t been this happy. Maybe because she’d always suspected Mike wasn’t completely committed to her. Oh, he’d talked the talk, and often. But his compliments and gestures had always rung somewhat untrue, perhaps because he’d followed up on so few of them.

In fact, now that she allowed herself moments of true clarity, she recalled many instances in which he’d left her high and dry. He’d never fully supported her theatrical ambitions. Indeed, had he even attended any of her community theater productions? No.

Hell, had he attended any of her family gatherings? Well, just enough to schmooze with her dad a few times and long enough for Enid to confirm she hated him. She couldn’t say any of her family members really

And neither did she.

However, in the past while, she felt as if she’d gotten to know Patrick and liked what she knew. She certainly appreciated how he made her feel. Even now, as his large hands tickled her ribs and slid up her torso to cup her breasts, she bloody loved the way he made her feel. Tingly and sexy and desired. As if they were the only two people in the world.

The phone buzzed, indicating someone waited in the lobby, wanting to see her.
. Clearly they weren’t the only two people in the world.

Patrick passed his thumb over her hard nipple and let out a soft grunt. “I suppose you’d better get it.”

“I suppose.” With a matching sigh of frustration, she peeled herself away from him and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Winn? It’s me, Amber.” Her former friend sobbed into the mouthpiece. “Don’t hang up. Can I please come in?”

Frowning in surprise, she buzzed her in and looked at Patrick. “It’s Amber. She sounds upset.”

He offered her an encouraging smile. “I’ll turn off the sauce so it doesn’t burn.”

She nodded and stared at her apartment door. Within seconds, she began to pace, not knowing what Amber could possibly want with her. They hadn’t had a proper conversation since she’d taken up with Winn’s father.

After making sure her tomato sauce didn’t bubble over, Patrick joined her in the foyer and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure whatever it is, there’s no reason to wear through your hallway carpet.” He grinned. “Do you want me to give you some privacy? I can leave…or go wait in the bedroom, stark naked, tied to your bedposts.”

“I’d like you to stay. And I don’t have bedposts.”

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