The Stars Trilogy (89 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: The Stars Trilogy
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He kissed her again and again, his arms crushing her against him.

She clung to him, returning his ardor.

Soon, kisses were not enough. He had been too long without her.

“Can we make love now, baby?”

She giggled amid her tears.

He lifted her in his arms and whirled her around the room as he’d been wanting to do since he saw her again. She squealed like a little girl, her laughter echoing in the room.

He deposited her on a pink couch right under his giant Daredevil cut-out poster.


God, he had missed her!

All those weeks without her were pure hell. He had tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep, thinking of her...her sweet laughter...her intoxicating scent, her addictive taste, her glorious touch that both soothed and made him wild.

Dare kissed her, sucking on her luscious lips, letting her taste him, reminding her of who she belonged to.

She moaned and clung to him, undulating her sweet body against him. He could smell her arousal and he rejoiced in the fact that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

The fire inside him blazed even more and his erection was painful now, needing relief. He had missed being inside her, moving inside her, coming inside her.

His hand crept under her gown and found her sweet mound. He caressed it, traced her slit through her panties, pressed on her clit and massaged it rhythmically. She was soaking wet in no time.

She moaned. “Dare...uhmmmm...”

Kneeling before her, he removed her panties and spread her legs, wedging himself between them. His hands slowly pushed her gown to her waist, exposing her bare pussy.

As always, he sucked in his breath, awed by the sight. She was glistening wet and waiting to be pleasured.

He framed her beautiful cunt with his fingers as he loved doing. This little piece of paradise had pleased him like nothing else and through this, his manhood was validated. He had put his seed through this little channel and it took root in her fertile womb. Because of this beautiful thing, he was going to be a father. A father!

“Thank you, baby,” he whispered, his emotions riding with his arousal.

“For what?”

His hands moved further up to spread gently across her belly which was now showing the slightest bump. “For completing me.”

“Ohhh.” She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re as cheesy as Jerry Maguire, but I love it. I love you.” She kissed him, her lips aggressive.

She then cupped his fly. “Now, let’s see what’s inside this bulge. Is this your big surprise for me?”

He chuckled. “You’re as bold as Jenna Jameson but I love it. I love you.”


“Never mind.” He freed himself from his pants and his cock sprung out straight into her waiting hands.

She gripped him. “Ohhh, I missed this!” She started  moving her fingers up and down his turgid length.

His breathing became ragged as more blood surged to his groin. “Baby...slow down...”

“I don’t want you to slow down. Take me...Now!”

“Gracious fuck, you are fucking hot...” He tested her readiness by inserting his middle finger inside her. “Oh yeah, you are so ready for me, baby.”

“Come inside already!” she shrieked.

“Shit...!” He guided himself to her dripping portal  Her hips lifted from the sofa and she impaled herself on him. “Ohh!” The delicious sensation of gliding through her soft, tight pussy almost made him come. How was he able to endure not having this for a month, he didn’t know. One thing was sure, he won’t ever live another day without it again.

“Yes...oh yes! Make me cum! Move!”

If he wasn’t so damn near exploding, he would have laughed out loud at her bossiness.

He had to concentrate hard in making her come, delaying his own ejaculation, mindful of her delicate condition. He was thankful it didn’t take long or he would have gone ahead of her.

They reached the summit almost simultaneously, their  wild, uninhibited cries of fulfillment filling the entire room.


They didn’t know how long they were in that room.

They made love and they talked. He told her why he didn’t believe he had gotten her pregnant at first. He had fully believed he was sterile.

“Sterile!” she exclaimed. “I think we made the baby that first time in the jungle!”

He smiled wryly. “Yeah, Imagine that, huh? I probably deposited a gallon of cum inside you that night that in spite of my low sperm count, I knocked you up. That plane crash was pure adrenaline. It whipped up all my little tadpoles into raving action.”

They laughed out loud at that.

They made love again...

“How’s Gabby doing?” she asked as they were catching their breaths after that round.

He became serious. “I didn’t press charges.”

“I know.”

“I owed her that.”

She touched his chest, right over his heart. “I know. I knew you would do that.”

“You did?”

“Yes. You didn’t leave me while the plane was crashing. You wouldn’t let your ex-wife waste away in jail for life. You are that selfless.”

“That’s not how the world sees it. My decision not to press charges is like an admission of guilt. That I am a monster, an abusive control freak, just like how Gabrielle is painting me right now to the jury. Maybe, she’s right.”

She hugged him. “No. She is wrong.”

“You seem so sure about that.”


“I was not a good husband to her, Celine.”

“But you are now, a great, great ex-husband.”

He chuckled. “Now, I like the sound of that.”

“Fuck me again.”

He slapped her bottom playfully. “Woman, such dirty language!”

She slapped him back lightly in the face. “Do it!”

Laughing, he gladly did.


Celine woke up in Dare’s arms at around noon time the next morning. She was so happy she might burst with it.

After their wild reunion in “Dare’s Room”, they proceeded to her room and slept. It was a most sublime feeling after being separated for a month. They missed sleeping in each other’s arms.

She smiled at the recollection of last night. They’d made love four times! They didn’t come out of the bedroom till noon today. They had one round just awhile back before they took a bath together. And just thinking about it was making her throb between her legs all over again. Was it her pregnancy? Her hormones were just plain crazy since last night.

She was holding on to Dare’s arm as they went to the dining room.

Marjorie was waiting for them there.

“Did you sleep well, children?” her mother asked with a knowing smile. She was clearly gloating.

She had to give it to her mother. Marjorie’s determination to land Dare as her son-in-law was simply impressive.

“Like the dead, Mom,” she replied, grinning.

“Good afternoon, Ma’am,” Dare greeted Marjorie.

“Hello, Dare. How are you today?”

“Uhm…great, thank you, Ma’am.”

She  noticed that Dare was blushing in front of Marjorie. The man had modesty, after all!

“We’re famished, Mom. What’s for lunch?”

“Dare is going to get familiar with our favorite regular dishes.
Kare-kare, adobo
king crabs.”

Marjorie opened the porcelain food containers in the middle of the dining table.

“That looks yummy,” Dare commented, his eyes lighting up.

“Oh, they are. Come on, sit down you two. Your father and your brother went to attend a board meeting. They’d meet us somewhere for dinner.”

They sat down facing each other at the head of the long table.

“My personal trainer is going to go ballistic when he learns this,” Dare said as he eyed the food avidly.

Marjorie laughed elegantly. “Forget your trainer for now. Eat.”

Marjorie filled Dare’s plate with rice.

Celine watched her mother fawn over Dare. His strategy to win her family first before her was a coup. Ah well, she couldn’t resent him for that now that they were back together.

They just finished eating lunch when his phone rang.

He took the call. “Hey, Kels, what’s up?”

Dare looked bothered. “Excuse me,” he said and stood up, distancing himself from them.

He talked to Kelsey for a few minutes then he dropped his hand holding the phone. He just stood there, unmoving.

She immediately sensed that something was amiss.

“Excuse me, Mom,” she said to her mother and walked up to him.

She touched his shoulder.

He jerked to face her.  He had this dazed expression on his face.

She was immediately concerned. “Are you okay?”

He stared at her for some time.

“Dare, you’re scaring me. Are you okay?”

“Celine…I…I have to leave for the US immediately. Today.”


“Something has happened to Alana.”

The mere mention of the woman’s name rendered her cold. Alana. Why did that woman have to come up every time and rain on her parade? Her rebellion rose immediately. She didn’t bother to hide her feelings this time. “So, what happened to her this time?” she asked him with an asinine tone.

“She…she overdosed on drugs.”

she nearly blurted out. That woman was so full of drama! Well, she was a best actress, so…Oh God, did she have to put up with this every time?

“Celine, she’s in a critical condition. I need to see her,” he said with more urgency now.

Maybe she was being irrational but she couldn’t pretend. She couldn’t hide her disappointment. Now she knew how important Alana was to Dare. Even from across the globe his ex-wife could command him to go running to her. Dare would drop everything to go to Alana. Even his fiancee.

Feeling devastated, she just nodded. What could she do? If Alana was indeed in critical condition, she was not a monster to stop Dare from seeing his ex.

“Okay,” she said softly.

“Baby…I’m sorry. I will come back as soon as I can, okay?”

She didn’t answer. She turned her back on him and started walking away.

“Celine,” he called out to her.

She looked back, hoping he’d changed his mind.

“I love you.”

She smiled at him wanly. “You take care, okay?”

He nodded.

She walked away.


She didn’t want to talk to anyone.

She’d closeted herself in her bedroom, avoiding everyone at home. She shut off her phone, too. No calls. She was not in the mood to chitchat with anyone who just wanted info on her relationship with the Hollywood god. What would she say to them anyway? That her megastar BF flew in his supersonic jet to be with his ex who OD’d on some junk again? She was so sick of Hollywood dirt. She reeked of it, too.

She didn’t want to talk to Dare, too. What else would he say this time? That his ex was still family to him that he had to be by her side every time she was in trouble? Call it childish, irrational, unreasonable, whatever. That kind of set up just won’t work for her or anybody else for that matter. Sorry, she wasn’t in the mold of the Moore-Willis couple who maintained a very friendly relationship with their exes.

Life was peaceful this way. No phone, no TV, no internet, no gossipy people waiting to get the deets on her personal dirt. She didn’t want to  read about Alana and Dare on blogs and magazines and she didn’t want to see them on TV. It was just too painful for her general well-being, especially now that she was expecting.

She didn’t want to cry anymore. Her tears ducts had dried up when Dare left her the first time. Every day for a month she’d cried over him. It was a wonder she wasn’t hospitalized for dehydration. But it wasn’t true at all. She had more tears to shed for that man.

She didn’t want to torture herself with thoughts of Dare and Alana anymore but the mind was a vicious place and it was in her head. No escape from that as she didn’t want to take any oblivion-inducing meds for fear of her baby’s health.

So the torture went on and on.

What was it with Dare and Alana? They’d been divorced for so long and Dare had gone through two marriages after that and it seemed that his connection with Alana was still as strong as ever. He may have  told her he loved her but his actions didn’t speak of his total loyalty toward her. Alana still had a strong hold on him and she didn’t know what it was. Did Dare still love his ex, after all? And it was hard not to feel ordinary next to the gorgeous, multi-awarded, respected icon of modern Hollywood. She could never compete with those solid credentials.

Alana’s ominous words to her at the Cannes kept echoing in her head.
“Just so you will know that whenever I need him, he will come to me. Always.”

By the looks of it, Alana was telling the truth.

Dare was with Alana the ex, not with her, the fiancee carrying his baby.

God, she couldn’t stand this anymore. She was a gentle soul inside, naive most of the time. She was not strong enough for this complicated set-up.

They said that true love shouldn’t be fought. It will fight for you.

She was so tired of fighting for her love for Dare.


On the third day after he left, she called him.

“Hello…Celine?” came his voice that sounded like he had a cough. “Baby, I’ve been calling you. Why were you—”

“Dare, I want out,” she said before she lost her nerve.

“What…? What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to be with you anymore. The engagement’s off. We will talk again after I give birth. Don’t worry, you will have all the right to raise this baby with me. But separately. We’ll just have to live with that.”

“Celine…what are you...Wait a minute! Listen to me!”

She was inches from breaking down. “Please, Dare, respect my decision. The ring…it’s not safe to send it to the US through courier. I’ll have Rocky bring it to you when he goes back to LA next week. Goodbye, Dare.”

She cut off the call as her emotions got the better of her. She felt like passing out in her grief.

She curled into a ball and hugged her baby within her body as she cried for Dare one last time.

“Celine? Celine!”

Her mother didn’t understand the word privacy.

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