The Stolen (2 page)

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Authors: Alexx Andria

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #short story, #explicit sex, #serialized fiction, #werewolf sex, #alexx andria, #breeding prophecy

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But Ulster’s quick gaze lost nothing. “Your
mother used to bow at my feet,” he said, watching her reaction.
“She used to suck my cock, too.”

Cassandra smothered the grimace she felt on
her lips and shrugged. “Unless you’re talking about my adoptive
mother, which I highly doubt, the woman who gave birth to me was a
stranger. I could care less whose cock she sucked.”

Not entirely true, but she didn’t dare back
down in front of Ulster. If he scented fear, he’d overrun her. She
sensed there was a dangerous game afoot. She had to remain on her
toes if she wanted to escape unscathed. She held onto the hope that
Jandin and Koris would find her and if not them, Cristophe.

The woman returned with a glass of water and
handed it to Cassandra. There were faint things floating in the
water and if Cassandra hadn’t been desperately thirsty, she
would’ve declined. But as it was, she squeezed her eyes shut and
downed the glass. The woman quietly took the empty glass and melted
from the room.

“Better?” Ulster asked, raising one sardonic
brow. She nodded and his gaze narrowed. “Take off your clothes. I
wish to see what a Prophesied One’s cunt looks like.”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter and I don’t ask twice.”

Cassandra’s gaze shot around the room,
gauging her chances for escape. The hulking men flanking Ulster
wore the same flinty expressions as their Alpha and their bulging
muscles strained the leather jackets they wore. Cassandra sensed a
change in the air around them, something snapped and sparked in the
room with faint charges of electricity. A familiar heat began to
coil in her belly and her heart rate fluttered with dismay. She
lifted her nose and caught a coyly tantalizing smell beneath the
rot and decay from the house. Cassandra closed her eyes and willed
her hormones to relax. Being surrounded by all this testosterone
was revving up her internal clock. And if she could sense it, the
other wolves could surely sense it as well. She took a faltering
step back. “I don’t feel well,” she started, panic beginning to
curl the edges of her thoughts. They wanted to mate with her. And
the idea was beginning to appeal to her on some sick level. Damn
this Phasing bullshit! “I think I’ll just-“

“Grab her,” Ulster shouted just as Cassandra
turned on her heel and tried to book it out of there but multiple
sets of strong hands gripped her tightly and brutishly forced her
to her knees. Ulster rose from his chair and stared down at her
with a cruel twist of his lips. His scarred face was frightening
but there was something about him that emanated strength and power.
She felt a mental tugging inside her, drawing her eyes to the
muscular planes of his body. “Bring Arja,” he said, still watching

Arja was brought in and she quickly knelt at
Ulster’s feet. “How may I serve you, Master?”

“Sweet, obedient Arja,” he said, patting the
top of her head absently while still commanding Cassandra’s defiant
stare. “The Breeder needs a little help in reaching her Phase.
She’s fighting her nature. We must teach her her place within the

“Anything, Master,” she whispered, casting a
fearful gaze at Cassandra. “How may I be of service?”

“Don’t do this,” Cassandra said tightly,
hating how frightened Arja was. She could see the fear rolling off
her in shimmers of sickly yellow heat.

“I do this for you, Breeder,” Ulster

“Stop calling me that, you prick. I have a

“I do this for you,
,” he
amended with a sardonic smile that sickened her.

“Bullshit. You’re a bully and you’re doing it
for yourself. Have the balls to be honest at the very least.”

“Very well.” He pushed Arja away from him and
she stumbled with a cry to the floor before scrambling away. “I
want you to suck my cock like your mother used to.”

Cassandra swallowed her disgust. “Will you
leave Arja alone?”

“Why do you care?”

“Because I do. Leave her be and I’ll…do as
you ask.”

He eyed her with open speculation, as if
weighing the truth of her statement. Perhaps he feared she’d chomp
his dick off. The thought had merit. But a tingling deep inside her
belly had begun to curl itself around her senses and a hunger that
had nothing to do with food had taken root. She recognized the
signs this time. She smothered the groan as her temperature kicked
up a notch. Soon, she’d start ripping her own clothes off in her
need to be touched and fucked. Oh, how she hated Phasing.

She blew a hard breath through her clenched
teeth, unable to stop the carnal smile that curved her lips. “Are
we going to talk about all day or get down to business?”

Momentarily startled by her easy acquiesce,
Ulster stripped quickly, shredding his clothes as if flicking lint
from a sport coat. His body was a hard maze of scars from battles
fought and survived; whether he was the winner or loser of those
battles, she didn’t know and it didn’t matter. Those crisscrossed,
jagged lines were the mark of a survivor, no matter the outcome.
Her blood thrilled at the savagery she saw in those wounds. She
tore the ugly dress from her body, delighting in the way the cold
air caressed her bare skin. Ulster growled in open appreciation at
what he saw. Her body had always been trim and fit — the
benefit of a super fast metabolism — but her skin fairly
glowed with the heat of the Phase.

“Get out!” he roared and the room cleared. He
circled her. His jutting cock, monstrous and thick, with a dripping
bead of moisture escaping the tip, drew her attention. He noted her
riveted attention to the bobbing length and he grinned with pride.
“Like what you see?”

! The word screamed in her head but
she simply smiled. He moved to her with a wary approach, as if
nearing a deadly creature. Perhaps her eyes glowed with the heat
beginning to burn her insides. She smiled more widely, enjoying the
fact that he was uncertain. “Are you afraid?” she asked.

“I fear nothing,” he said darkly, grabbing
her by the arms and jerking her to him. “Your skin is on fire,” he
noted with a subtle wonder. “I can only imagine how hot your sweet
cunt is on the inside.”

“Careful, it might burn,” she warned with an
evil laugh.

He smothered her mouth, sliding his tongue
against hers with a violent jab as he pressed against her. She
kissed him back, dueling with his tongue without reservation,
desire and lust clouding her logical mind. He was rough in his
touch but she didn’t care. A low growl rumbled from his chest as he
squeezed her breasts hard enough to leave a bruise. The nipples
were reddened and aching, needing to be handled and sucked. He
pinched the tips meanly and she shuddered against him. He dipped
his long finger inside her, testing her slick passage and withdrew
only to pop it into his mouth, tasting her. “Sweet like honey,” he
said roughly before pushing her to her knees toward his eager cock.
She sucked his thick length down her throat, loving the way the
girth filled her mouth and stretched her lips. The mushroom head
banged against the back of her throat as she sucked and teased
while gripping the shaft with her hands. His lean hips thrust
against her, pumping against her open mouth, and she closed her
eyes to the wondrous scent coming off him in waves. The Phase had
full control of her now and she wasn’t interested in fighting
anymore. This wild abandon coursing through her veins was heady and
addicting. She wanted more!

His fingers buried themselves in her hair
until they reached her scalp. He tugged and she groaned, wanting it
brutal and rough. He panted with harsh grunts as he continued to
fuck her mouth and she craved his seed. Her body fairly hummed with
the desire to taste his essence. Once again, she was seized by this
utter madness to fuck. Her pussy ached with the need to be filled
but she was too greedy to taste his powerful seed first.

“Yes!” he groaned, jerking against her,
pouring his cream down her throat in great, salty loads that slid
down her throat in hot jets. She swallowed every drop, growling
with disappointment when he had nothing left to give her.

“Greedy little bitch,” Ulster said with an
approving rasp as he withdrew his cock. Even though he’d spewed his
seed, he remained hard. She eyed the hard cock with need. The heat
inside her was climbing. It was almost unbearable. Sucking his cock
hadn’t lessened her need, but increased it. She whined, her
breathing harsh. “Fuck me, Ulster,” she begged, hating the words
pouring from her mouth yet was helpless to stop. “I’m Phasing
again. I can feel it!”

“You’re insatiable,” he said with wonder. “I
could fuck you all day and never tire of your body. You’re a
fitting queen for my empire. Come here, Cassandra!”

His words penetrated the lust haze and she
struggled with herself. When the Phase wasn’t in control, she would
hate Ulster and everything he stood for. And yet, her pussy was
dripping with the need to feel his cock inside her. He emanated
power and strength and those attributes called to the Phase
clenching her womb with the need to be calmed with seed.

Ulster grabbed her and hoisted her into his
arms, anchoring her hot core to his groin as her legs instinctively
wrapped around his torso. “We’ll rule this world together. Our son
will make the humans cower in fear! The prophecy will come to

! Her heartbeat thundered so hard
against her chest bone she thought she might die. The heat was
almost consuming her and as much as she needed sex, she couldn’t
allow Ulster to plant his seed in her belly! His son — their
son — would bring about the end of the world as they knew it.
She couldn’t allow that to happen! With the last bit of herself
clinging to reason, she reared back and punched Ulster in the face
with every ounce of strength she had. A soft crack from a broken
nose sounded in the still room and she sprang from his hold.

He roared as blood streamed down his face and
she ran blindly down the dim hallway, trying to recall where she
saw the door. The adrenalin pumping through her body was spreading
the Phase through her blood like poison. Her temperature was
dangerously high. She might die if she didn’t get what her body
needed, but she couldn’t allow Ulster to impregnate her. She felt a
prickling across her nerve endings and her bones started to scream
in protest as something horrifying began to happen within her

“You’re changing,” Arja’s awed voice cut
through the red haze beginning to permeate her vision.

“What’s wrong with me?” Cassandra cried, but
her voice was rapidly cut off by the elongating of her canines as
they ripped through the gums. She screamed but it sounded more like
a wild growl. She dropped to all fours and her bones cracked and
splintered as they grew and reformed. She howled against the
excruciating pain.

“Females don’t change,” male and female
voices whispered in fear. “What’s going on? What’s happening?”

Cassandra was completely transformed. The
rough fibers of the worn fabric beneath her sensitive paws made her
lift her right paw with distaste. She wanted to feel the night air
and taste the moonlight cascading through the dirty windows. The
compulsion to run made her whine and pace, her head down low and
menacing at the men who continued to stare in shock. She was of two
minds. Her wolf senses were alive and vibrant and she saw things in
variations of color and texture but her human senses remained
present even if she couldn’t verbalize.

The rest stared in shock and apprehension at
her sudden transformation while Ulster simply stared with a heat in
his eyes that made her whine with distrust. Blood gushed from his
broken nose and a red haze encased his body, ebbing and flowing
like ripples in a crimson ocean, but his eyes blazed with darkness.
He looked like the devil.

“And the Breeder will be like no other, the
color of pale moonlight…” Ulster intoned, his eyes glowing.
Cassandra caught her reflection in the mirror above the mantel. A
large white wolf with startling blue eyes stared back at her. She
yipped and backed away from the image until she realized she had
bigger problems. A roar filled the room and sent the women
scattering in fear. Ulster’s skin split and his bones shattered and
knit back together as he changed before her eyes. Holy
shit…Cassandra didn’t wait to see what he had planned — she
could guess — and burst through the window with an explosion
of coiled muscles and strength.

She hit the ground running, her long stride
eating up the ground with ease but Ulster had quickly followed her
out the window. She could sense his urgency, his lust for power, in
the way he dogged her, refusing to let her go.

An odd thrill arced through her at being
chased so ardently. She could only imagine it was the influence of
the Phase racing through her blood because she found Ulster
repulsive and evil.

Yet, there was something seductive about
evil, a voice whispered, urging her to lift her tail and tease him
with her entrance.

Jesus, Cassandra thought in a panic, don’t do
this! Ulster was everything she hated — malicious, abusive,
and power hungry — why in God’s name would she even consider
mating with him?

Because his seed is strong, the voice
whispered back. Only the strongest survive…

Her blood heated and she growled, whipping
her head sharply at the vile suggestions ripping through her
thoughts, causing her to slow her break-neck speed.

Dark silhouettes of frozen trees rose above
her, shadowing the glen with ominous shapes and hidden dangers but
she felt invigorated, reckless even. Her blood was percolating at a
boiling clip. She’d slipped into the final Phase. Even in her wolf
form, she could feel her channel slicking with warm, wet moisture,
preparing for a cock — in any form.

Suddenly sharp jaws clamped around her scruff
and they went tumbling in a snarling ball of fur and teeth to the
frost-bitten ground.

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