The Stolen Suitor (15 page)

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Authors: Eli Easton

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: The Stolen Suitor
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“You shouldn’t—
, Jeremy. Shouldn’t take off your seatbelt.”

“Don’t care,” Jeremy said, his voice muffled.

So Chris let him be, slowing down and driving carefully. There was hardly any traffic this time of day, not where they were going. And thankfully it wasn’t far to the bridge, because Jeremy wasn’t going to give up making out with his neck anytime soon, and Chris didn’t want him to. His hand was still on Jeremy’s leg and he rubbed the inside of Jeremy’s thigh over the denim, thumb against the inseam as Jeremy nuzzled his neck, shaking with desire.

Oh, the things I’m going to do to you
, Chris thought, and he wasn’t the least bit sorry. He hadn’t felt this alive since he could remember.

They made it to the bridge, and Chris pulled off into the dirt parking area. There was no one around, just the beauty of near-sunset on a Montana summer day. The pine trees swayed slightly in a welcome breeze. Chris put the car in park, turned off the ignition, and turned in his seat to kiss Jeremy, taking his mouth with the force and finesse of a roller coaster rushing downhill.

Jeremy moaned, his hips lifting off his seat.

Crap. He was so ready. In a minute, they’d be having sex right here in the front seat of his car when all of nature was just outside the door.

Chris pulled away and took Jeremy’s roaming hands in his to stop them. “I brought a blanket. Let’s go around the bend. Come on.”

Jeremy nodded, though his eyes remained half-lidded. Heaving a deep breath, he opened the passenger door and got out. Chris grabbed the things from the trunk, handed half to Jeremy, and they set off. They didn’t even bother to take the fishing gear.

When they reached the spot where they’d had their first kiss—was it only last Sunday?—Chris set down his armload and unfolded a blanket. The riverbank was thick with long grass and spotted with rocks, but Chris found a relatively even patch of grass, spread the blanket on top, and mashed it down.

Jeremy unlaced his work boots, his long hair falling into his eyes, and Chris kicked off his own shoes. There was still daylight left, but it was unlikely anyone would come out fishing this late, and Chris didn’t care. Jeremy fell onto him, and the pair of them onto the blanket, with the ferocity of starving urchins on a roast pig.

Lying horizontal side by side with Jeremy pressed against him, kissing him, was just about the best thing Chris had ever felt. The waves of pleasure that rippled through him, from the crown of his head to his toes, were not even all about sex. It felt more like… joy. There was a light in Jeremy, and it was overflowing and filling Chris too. Nothing had ever felt as right as the guy in his arms—thin but strong, hard and needy, and shaking with enthusiasm.

Jeremy’s large hands roamed, seemingly without rhyme or reason, as Chris focused on wrapping his hands through that long hair and kissing Jeremy senseless. Then Jeremy’s hands found Chris’s ass and held it tight as he ground, hard, against him. He moaned low in his throat, like he was dying, and,
, the pressure on his hard, sensitive cock sent Chris tumbling too close to the edge.

He pulled back a little. “Slow down.” He laughed. “I’m not as young as you. I have this thing called a refractory period.”

Jeremy stilled and slumped onto his back. “I’m… I’m not very experienced at this. Or, um, at all.”

He looked worried, and Chris smiled to reassure him. “I get it. It’s a small town. I hadn’t been with a guy before I left Clyde’s Corner either.”

“I’ve looked at Grindr a million times, but… it just seemed so sad. To do that with someone I don’t even know, at least the first time. And I’m sorta shy.”

“Really?” Chris teased. “You haven’t been shy with me.”

“Gary Prince,” Jeremy muttered.


Jeremy bit his lip nervously. “Sometimes when I want to feel more confident, I pretend I’m someone else.”

Chris felt an ache of sadness. “I like you the way you are, Jeremy. You don’t have to be anyone else.”

Jeremy visibly swallowed. “That’s good, because I keep forgetting to be him anyway. But can we… not stop? You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve watched porn. Whatever you want to do is fine. You can do anything.”

Chris knew what Jeremy was offering, and he had a pang of memory, remembering what it was like to be naive and gay and think that every older guy was just going to want to fuck him from behind, whether he liked it or not.

He rolled over on top of Jeremy, pinning him down and lining up the bulges in their jeans, rocking ever so slightly and maddeningly. He put his hands on either side of Jeremy’s face. “If you’re talking about anal, that’s not something I’d do with a guy right off the bat. All right? So don’t worry about that.”

“I’m not worried. I want to try everything.”

“Right now I can’t think of anything I’d want more, anything hotter, than giving you your first blowjob. Because that’s, like, man’s first step on the moon. Like tasting sugar for the first time. Know what I mean?” He rocked a little harder.

Jeremy nodded emphatically. “Okay.”

Chris dropped his voice to a throaty growl, which wasn’t at all difficult to do. “And I’d love to be the first guy to drive you crazy with my tongue, with my mouth.” He licked Jeremy’s lips with the flat of his tongue, lewdly, then kissed him and, finding his squirming tongue, sucked on it in deliberate imitation of the act.

Jeremy made a vaguely mammalian noise and thrust up his hips. “Can we do that
?” he begged, making Chris laugh.



pulled away from Chris even though the feeling of Chris sucking his tongue was the most intensely erotic thing
. Between that and the way Chris was rocking on him, he could feel his balls tightening all too soon. “You’d better hurry, then, because the train is about to leave the station just from hearing you talk about it.”

Chris chuckled, smug bastard, and began kissing Jeremy’s neck. He moved off him to the side enough so he could unbutton Jeremy’s shirt and pull it from his jeans.

Oh. My. God
. This was happening. Jeremy had waited for this for so long.

Chris made him sit up and pulled off his old T-shirt, grease-splattered from his shift at Nora’s, so Jeremy was bare-chested. Then Chris tugged his own bright red, designer-something shirt up and over his head.

Instead of feeling an urge to cover up his bare chest—hard nipples and all—Jeremy wanted to push it forward, to beg for touch and taste. But Chris was already there, pushing Jeremy back down and running the flats of his palms over his bare skin with delicious pressure. The heels of his hands rubbed Jeremy’s nipples, which felt way better than it ever had when Jeremy had done it to himself. He made a noise he couldn’t believe he was capable of making. A loud one.

“Oh, Lord, I’m gonna be a screamer,” Jeremy said, not as embarrassed about that as he should be.

Chris kissed his way down Jeremy’s chest and sucked one of his nipples. Jeremy jerked and groaned. “Screaming is good,” Chris said between nibbles. “It’s like applause. Audience participation.”

“But we’re in the woods.” Jeremy was babbling now, and silently begging Chris to go lower. His hips were practically at a forty-five-degree angle off the blanket in a desperate bid to get Chris’s mouth where he wanted it. “I’ll attract a bear. It’ll think I’m a wounded animal and attack. Or a baby bear. It’ll think I’m a wounded baby bear. We’ll make national headlines—gay couple attacked by a—oh my

Chris was sucking on and tonguing Jeremy’s belly button as his fingers undid his button and fly.

“Baby bear, huh?” Chris stopped what he was doing—smug bastard!—and grabbed the basket he’d brought.

“Not done over here!” Jeremy reminded him.

Chris only chuckled and leaned back, holding a baguette. He put it between Jeremy’s teeth like he was going to have a leg amputated or something. “Bite on this.”

“Um-ay!” Jeremy leaned up his head, intent on watching as—

“Mmmm….” Chris made a yummy sound when he peeled down Jeremy’s open fly, revealing a precocious head peeking hopefully from the waistband of his briefs. Chris looked up and met Jeremy’s eyes. He gave a sexy grin. “Ooh. Uncut. My favorite.” Then he bent down and took Jeremy’s weeping head right into his mouth, suckling on it gently, the foreskin pulled over the glans by the pressure. Chris’s tongue played with it softly.

Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Blowjobs. Blowjobs were Jeremy’s new favorite thing in the world. Even better than he’d imagined, because you couldn’t make shit like this up in your head. It was purely a must-be-experienced thing. There was friction but… wet and slidey. And the suction, dear Lord. And the
of it! The visuals and….

He stared, unable to look away, as his hard length disappeared into that full mouth—in and out—suck, slide, Chris’s tongue flat along the underside. Then Chris pulled off and took the base in his hand and just licked up the shaft like it was a lollipop. Holy crap, that felt amazing and it looked so hot. Jeremy whimpered around the baguette and his hips thrust up again all on their own.

Chris was watching him, eyes dark with lust. He held Jeremy’s hips down with his forearms and licked him again, all the way up. His tongue played around the edge of his foreskin, circling the glans. Jeremy moaned. He loved playing with the end of his foreskin when he touched himself, but having Chris’s tongue there was pure ecstasy—filthy, filthy ecstasy.

Chris pulled the tip of him into his mouth and sucked.

Jeremy let out a huge, shaky breath and tried to nudge himself deeper into Chris’s mouth.
You’re good at this
, he wanted to say. And
do it, suck me hard, make me come
. But he wouldn’t have the guts to say any of that out loud. Besides, he could only groan and gurgle with his mouth full of bread.

Chris pulled off. “You’re beautiful.” He pumped Jeremy once, twice, with his hand. “I mean it. You have a gorgeous cock. I love your foreskin. Wish I still had mine.”

Jeremy whimpered.
I want to see yours too.

“You will,” Chris said, reading his mind. “Would you like to come?” he asked, pulling Jeremy’s foreskin back and running his tongue all over the red-bordering-on-purple head.

Jeremy nodded enthusiastically.

“In my mouth, okay?” Chris said, the lust in his voice thick as molasses.

Oh my God.

Apparently, not only was he a screamer, but he had a thing for dirty talk too, because he nearly lost it just hearing Chris say that.

And then it didn’t matter because Chris shut his eyes and sucked Jeremy like he meant it, hard and fast and perfect, and like he was getting off on it too. Chris must be really good at this. Or maybe it always felt this way. Oh my God, he was in love. He was going to die. It felt… It felt….
Oh fuck

He screamed around the baguette in his mouth, a sound that was still so loud it startled some birds. And there, there was the sun, and Jeremy Crassen was a rocket falling into it, happy to be obliterated.



Jeremy finally regained the use of his senses, he realized Chris had managed to get himself off during the heights of I-wouldn’t-know-it-if-a-Mack-Truck-was-headed-straight-for-me. Jeremy was disappointed about that. He would have liked to have at least seen it, if not caused it. But he felt too blissed out to mind very much. He mentioned as much, though, and Chris laughed silently, his chest bouncing under Jeremy’s limp head. They were both lying down now, Chris holding Jeremy, and he had no idea when that had happened, but it was nice.

“I’ll make sure your eyes are open next time. But I don’t think I’ll ever look at baguettes the same way.”

“Shut up,” Jeremy mumbled. “You’re the one who stuck it in there.”

“No, it was adorable. Seriously, your eyes all huge and watching me and the moans…. Damn! That’s an image I’ll take to my grave.”

“It was only because there are bears.” Jeremy thought it bore reminding.

“I know, sw—um, Jeremy.” He rubbed Jeremy’s bare shoulder, which was starting to get a little chilled now that the sun was setting. When had that happened? “So… what did you think of oral sex?”

Jeremy raised a thumbs-up. “I’m a fan. Superfan. Stalker, even.”

Chris nuzzled his hair. “You mean you’re going to follow me and corner me in weird places and make me go down on you?”


“Sounds good to me.”

They lay there on the blanket for a long time, just absorbing the dusk. The sky went dark purple, then purpley gray, fading, fading. The crickets were so loud, they couldn’t even qualify as white noise—more like yellow noise. Added to that was the sound of bullfrogs punctuating the gloom now and then, and the odd mosquito buzzing his ear.

It was, Jeremy thought, like a scene in a book, only better because nothing was happening. Nothing
to happen. Real life wasn’t like that. Real life had long spaces between the plot points. And that was excellent because right now, holding a half-naked man in his arms for the first time, Jeremy was in no hurry for life to move forward.

Except… maybe his heart was
heavy and full. And maybe the press of Chris’s skin was too achingly sweet. He felt more than he should, and definitely more than was wise.

him. Where other eyes glanced over Jeremy Crassen, dismissive, Chris
. Plus Chris was handsome, and funny, and honorable, and a good-hearted blowjob giver extraordinaire, and a seriously sucky horseback rider. How could Jeremy help but fall in love with someone like that?

“You’re shaking,” Chris said, rubbing Jeremy’s back. “Maybe we should put our shirts on.”

“Okay.” Yeah, he needed some protection. A suit of armor would be good. He located his T-shirt and pulled it over his head.

“You’re really agreeable when you’re sexually sated, aren’t you? How do you feel about cleaning the bathrooms at the Merc?”

“A blowjob for each stall,” Jeremy bartered. He thought it was a fair price.

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