The Stranger She Married (33 page)

Read The Stranger She Married Online

Authors: Donna Hatch

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Stranger She Married
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Except Cole.

But Cole had his motives. Nicholas had none, only a hope that his wife would develop affection for him. And be his wife in every way.

She did have affection for him, she realized. It was not pity, or duty, or guilt. She truly cared for him. A deep desire to soothe his hurts, offer him the solace of her body crept over her.

"Oh, Nicholas, of course I will stay with you. You are the finest man I know."

His breathing became ragged beneath his mask.

She had to fist her hand to avoid ripping it off his face. How she longed to see emotion in his eyes, the shape of his smile. She could overlook his scars to the man underneath. Couldn't she?

"That is the first time you have ever called me by my given name,” he said in a hushed voice.

She flushed. She had treated him badly and purposefully kept him at a distance.

He reached for her, but his hand paused mid-air. “May I ... hold you, my love?"

Alicia paused, swallowed, and then leaned in toward him. He gathered her close, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against his chest. Solid. Strong. There was nothing weak or crippled about the way he held her.

The housekeeper, Mrs. Dobbs, came in quietly, checked the windows, banked the fire, and left without disturbing them. Sounds of her checking doors and windows before returning upstairs echoed in the empty halls.

"Oh, my love, how I've longed to hold you,” he whispered, his arms tightening.

His kiss on her cheek, still covered with cloth, warmed her further. When he released her, a foreign longing to be back in his arms crept over her.

"Perhaps we should retire.” His voice sounded tight, yet resigned.

If she continued this insane game of caring for two men, she would end up hurting herself and certainly Nicholas. Cole, she wasn't so sure about. He did seem to care. He had even said that he loved her. But that had been in a moment of passion. Probably just part of his seduction repertoire. There were times, though, when she thought he might care.

She gave herself a mental shake. Cole's feelings did not matter. She had to stop thinking about Cole. She was with Nicholas. Her husband. Her mind needed to be here with him. As she looked up at the featureless face without a drop of dread, she came to her decision.

At her door, he pressed a kiss to her face, and began to turn away, but she placed her hand on his arm. “Nicholas."

He froze. Even his breath seemed to still.

"Come inside."

He turned slowly. She would have given anything to see his expression. “Are you sure?” he whispered.

"I'm sure. You have given me more time than I deserve. I need to be your wife. In every way."

He still waited, as if watching her carefully. “I don't want you to regret this."

"I can't imagine that I will. You are a good man. I trust you. I'm ready.” And she would hate the person she would become if she postponed this any longer.

He nodded and motioned her to precede him through the door. Inside her bedroom, he blew out all of the candles and placed a chair in front of the fireplace until the room was so dark Alicia knew she would never see his features clearly.

Nervously, she waited, uncertain of what to do. But when he came to her and enfolded her into his embrace, her fears quieted and she leaned against him.

He pulled off his gloves and touched her face with his bare hands. They were warm and gentle. “If I hurt you, or frighten you in any way, tell me and I'll slow down. If you need me to, I will stop."

She nodded. Her heart swelled with tenderness for him. Supremely gentle, and surprisingly passionate, he touched her and kissed her until she was never more certain of anything in her life but that she wanted him. And wanted to be his wife in every way.

As she lay in his arms after they'd became truly husband and wife, she knew she had made the right choice.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Alicia woke to the sound of shouting voices. Sleepily, she sat up. Pale, predawn light seeped in between the heavy draperies over the window. Her cheeks heated as she remembered the delicious sensations to which her husband had introduced her last night. Smiling, feeling whole, she simply was unable to muster a terrible amount of alarm for the noise outside her room. As the volume increased and the footsteps thundered through the halls, Alicia threw back her covers, feeling obligated to at least pretend an interest in the commotion. She pulled on a peignoir, ran her fingers through her unbound hair and opened the door to a barrage of different voices.

"Bring the doctor, now!"

"Phillips has already gone for him."

"Don't move him."

"Bring a pillow to place under his head. And bring a blanket."

Alicia peered over the banister to the open foyer below. The servants huddled over a motionless form on the floor.

"Move back, give him some air,” Nicholas ordered in a commanding voice. His cloaked form bent over the person on the floor, running his gloved hands over the body's arms, rib cage and then over the legs. Nicholas leaned in closer, and when his head moved, the face of the injured person came into view. Robert lay pale and unmoving at the foot of the stairs.

With her heart in her throat, Alicia flew downstairs to him. “Robert!"

Nicholas continued his gentle probing. “He's breathing and he has a pulse. I'm just making sure nothing's broken before we move him.” With a growl, he finally tore the glove off his right hand and felt along the back of Robert's neck with care.

"I don't think anything's broken. Let's carry him to the nearest couch.” He replaced his glove.

The men lifted Robert, careful to not jostle him as they carried him to the sofa in the parlor. A maid placed a pillow behind his head and a blanket over his body. Another built up the fire. Robert lay unconscious.

Alicia took his hand, but it remained limp and cold. She realized that someone, probably Monique, had placed a blanket around her to ward off the chill of the early morning.

Clutching the blanket, she turned to Nicholas. “What happened?"

He drew her into another room and pressed her hands in between his gloves, making her long to pull off his gloves and feel the warmth of his flesh against hers. “One of the servants found him at the bottom of the stairs. He appears to have fallen down them."

"Couldn't he have simply passed out from too much drink where they found him?"

He shook his cowled head. “The way he was laying suggested he had fallen down at least several steps. And he's bruising more than a simple fall would cause."

The doctor arrived and they were ushered out. Alicia paced outside the door. She did not know if she could bear to lose Robert, too. He'd been her childhood friend. The thought of losing him frightened her more than she'd imagined. And his friendship with Armand seemed one of her last connections with her lost twin. She heard the soft murmur of voices but did not heed them until a glove rested on her arm.

Lifting her head, she looked up at Nicholas's dark form. The mask did not unnerve her as it once had. It only made her want to prove to him that he could trust her with his face someday. She had been timid about touching his skin last night, since he clearly wanted to hide his scars. She also hesitated out of fear of what she might encounter. But her hands had touched a smooth, rippled scar on his back that she knew was owed to a severe burn. It rekindled sympathy for what he must have suffered, especially if his whole body had been likewise damaged.

"Come with me, my love,” he urged, his voice gentle.

He slid an arm around her back and led her upstairs where he simply held her. With his warm, strong body against her, encircling her, she leaned into him, thoughts of last night's beauty returning; his tenderness, his patience, his reassurances, his careful yet passionate loving. She had never dreamed the depth of emotional and spiritual intimacy that could result from such a union.

How wrong she had been about him. Simply because she had imagined a monster behind his mask and cloak, she had feared him. Unnecessarily. His face might be unsightly, but the soul trapped inside the scarred body was beautiful. She wished she'd seen it sooner. What a selfish fool she'd been to have withheld her love from this dear man who so desperately needed love!

As he placed a glass of water into her hand and rang for Monique to help her dress, all the while whispering reassurances, she realized that she loved him, and had for weeks. No man had ever touched the tender place inside her heart he had found. No man possessed his patience, his gentleness, his poetic soul. She opened her mouth to tell him, but Monique came in with fruit, buttered bread, and hot chocolate.

"Most distressing,
. Fear not, your cousin will be well. Here, I've laid out your morning gown and now I shall draw a bath.” She paused, glancing at Nicholas and then at Alicia while a knowing smile began to form. “Shall I return later,

"No, Monique, see to her now.” Nicholas squeezed Alicia's arm reassuringly. “I'll let you know as soon as the doctor informs me of his condition.” He brushed that familiar, masked kiss to her temple and Alicia had to resist the desire to tear the cloth away from his face. Even covered, his kiss seemed more intimate this morning than it had ever before. As he turned to go, she clung to his hand, halting him.

He turned back to her and brought her hand to his lips, but they were separated from her skin by the cloth of his mask. How she longed to see the tender expression she knew must be there. With another brief squeeze, he withdrew his hand and left the room.

Despite her concern over Robert, she found her thoughts dwelling on Nicholas and the new feeling of wholeness that infused her soul.

Monique smiled at her. “Lord Amesbury is a good man,
, despite his intimidating appearance. I know it isn't my place to say, but I rejoice that you have found happiness with him."

Realizing that she had been smiling and humming as she bathed, Alicia felt a blush creep clear down to her toes. “It is that obvious?"

Monique poured lavender water over her hair, carefully washing and rinsing it. “A woman who has been loved well glows,

Alicia sighed and stood up to accept the towel. “I regret that I feared him for so long."

"It takes a heart to see what the eyes cannot."

Alicia silently mulled that over. “It takes a heart to see what the eyes cannot,” she repeated slowly. “You are a very wise woman despite your age, Monique."

The maid smiled serenely while she dressed Alicia and worked on her hair. Alicia indulged in sweet memories of a husband with gentle hands and a whole body.

Mrs. Dobbs came in. “The doctor has completed his examination and is leaving."

Alicia rose unsteadily. “How bad is it?"

The housekeeper shook her head. “I have not been advised of his condition."

Alicia forced herself to remain composed as she descended the stairs. She arrived in time to see Nicholas bid the doctor good bye. “Nicholas?"

He turned to her. “He's awake. You can see him as soon as the servants have moved him up to his room."

After much fussing, they got Robert settled comfortably in his bed and then Alicia was allowed to go in. Robert sat propped against the pillows on the sofa.

At Alicia's entrance, he grinned, despite his pallor. He looked like he'd been brawling. “Stop fretting, Lissie, I'm all right. Try and convince your stubborn husband that I can get out of bed now. He's worse than a nursemaid."

"Hush, you fool, you've had a bad fall."

"Hah! I didn't fall, I was pushed."

"What?” Truly alarmed, Alicia sat on the bed beside him and took his hand.

"I know I was. I was going downstairs. I thought I saw a shadow but it was pretty dark—"

"—and you were inebriated—"

"—and I felt a push on my back and the next thing I knew, I was falling.” He scowled. “I wasn't

"Are you sure you didn't just miss your step?"

"I've been up and down these stairs hundreds of times. I have never fallen down them before. And after I landed on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, I saw someone coming down after me."

"Perhaps it was one of the servants."

"No, but a servant scared him away before he got near enough to finish me off. Before I passed out, I heard a voice muttering something about breaking my neck if the fall didn't do it."

Chills ran down her spine.

"And it would have if you hadn't been so drunk,” Nicholas added as he thumped in. “The doctor said your body was relaxed enough to take the fall. Sober, it probably would have killed you."

"I never thought I'd say that I am glad you'd been drinking.” Alicia tightened her grip on her cousin's hand.

He looked at her through a blackened eye. “Armand always said I had a thick head."

Alicia fought a sudden wave of dread as tears sprang to her eyes. “I can't lose you, too, Robbie. You and Hannah are all I have left."

Robert pulled her into a rough embrace. “I'm sorry, Lissie. I have let you down in many ways."

Dobbs came in with a tray, tutting and clucking as she settled the tray on Robert's lap. She returned a moment later with a tray for Alicia. “I thought you'd like to take your meal with him, my lady."

"Thank you, that was thoughtful.” She had eaten breakfast so half-heartedly that she now ate with a ravenous appetite.

"May I bring you a tray too, my lord, or would you prefer to eat in your room as usual?"

"My room, if you please,” Nicholas replied. An odd quality to his voice raised Alicia's eyes but he arose without further comment. There seemed to be an uncharacteristic heaviness to his step as he left the room and thumped down the hall.

"He's a good man, Lissie. He treats you well."

"Yes. Much more than I imagined.” She hoped he didn't notice the slow blush that developed at the memory of how well Nicholas had treated her last night. “Has he told you we suspect someone is trying to kill everyone in our family?"

Robert stilled, considered. “No, but I can see how you drew that conclusion."

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