The Strangers on Montagu Street

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Authors: Karen White

Tags: #Romance, #Psychological, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: The Strangers on Montagu Street
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Table of Contents
The Girl on Legare Street
“Karen White delivers the thrills of perilous romance and the chills of ghostly suspense, all presented with Southern wit and charm.”

New York Times
bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks
“If you have ever been fascinated by things that go bump in the night, then this is a bonus book for you ... will have her faithful fans gasping.”
—The Huffington Post
The Girl on Legare Street
, Karen embraces Charleston’s mystical lore, its history, its architecture, its ambience, and its ghosts.”

Lowcountry Weekly
“Elements of history, romance, and humor. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next.”
“Beautifully written with interesting, intelligent characters and a touch of the paranormal. The story is dark [and] ofttimes scary.”
—Fresh Fiction
The House on Tradd Street
“Engaging . . . a fun and satisfying read.”

Publishers Weekly

The House on Tradd Street
has it all: mystery, romance, and the paranormal, including ghosts with quirky personalities.”
“White delivers funny characters, a solid plot, and an interesting twist in this novel about the South and its antebellum history.”

Romantic Times
“Has all the elements that have made Karen White’s books fan favorites: a Southern setting, a deeply emotional tale, and engaging characters.”
—A Romance Review
“If you enjoy ghost stories with some mystery thrown into the mix, you are going to love this . . . wonderful, mysterious, and ghostly tale.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Brilliant and engrossing . . . a rare gem . . . exquisitely told.”
—The Book Connection
“An extremely talented and colorful writer with tons of imagination.”

Fresh Fiction
The Memory of Water
“Beautifully written and as lyrical as the tides.
The Memory of Water
speaks directly to the heart and will linger in yours long after you’ve read the final page. I loved this book!”
—Susan Crandall, author of
Pitch Black
“Karen White delivers a powerfully emotional blend of family secrets, Lowcountry lore, and love in
The Memory of Water
—who could ask for more?”
—Barbara Bretton, author of
Just Desserts
Learning to Breathe
“White creates a heartfelt story full of vibrant characters and emotion that leaves the reader satisfied yet hungry for more from this talented author.”

“One of those stories where you savor every single word... a perfect 10.”
—Romance Reviews Today
Pieces of the Heart
“Heartwarming and intense . . . a tale that resonates with the meaning of unconditional love.”

Romantic Times
(4 stars)
“A terrific, insightful character study.”—
Midwest Book Review
The Color of Light
“A story as rich as a coastal summer . . . dark secrets, heartache, a magnificent South Carolina setting, and a great love story.”

New York Times
bestselling author Deborah Smith
“As lush as the Lowcountry . . . unexpected and magical.”
—Patti Callahan Henry, author of
Between the Tides
“The fresh voice of Karen White intrigues and delights.”
—Sandra Chastain, contributor to
At Home in Mossy Creek
“Warmly Southern and deeply moving.”

New York Times
bestselling author Deborah Smith
“Karen White writes with passion and poignancy.”
—Deb Stover, award-winning author of
Mulligan Magic
“[A] sweet book . . . highly recommended.”

“Karen White is one author you won’t forget. . . . This is a masterpiece in the study of relationships. Brava!”
—Reader to Reader Reviews
“This is not only romance at its best—this is a fully realized view of life at its fullest.”
—Readers & Writers, Ink

After the Rain
is an elegantly enchanting Southern novel. . . . Fans will recognize the beauty of White’s evocative prose.”
“In the tradition of Catherine Anderson and Deborah Smith, Karen White’s
After the Rain
is an incredibly poignant contemporary bursting with Southern charm.”
—Patricia Rouse, Rouse’s Romance Readers Groups
“Don’t miss this book!”

New American Library Titles
by Karen White
The Tradd Street Series
The House on Tradd Street
The Girl on Legare Street
The Color of Light
Pieces of the Heart
Learning to Breathe
The Memory of Water
The Lost Hours
On Folly Beach
Falling Home
The Beach Trees
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First Printing, November 2011
Copyright © Karen White, 2011
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