The Submission of Alistair Ingram

BOOK: The Submission of Alistair Ingram
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Kelli Maine





Published by Kelli

 First Edition: Feb
12, 2013


 Visit Kelli Maine’s
official website at

 for the latest news,
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Copyright © Kelli
Maine, 2013



This book is a work
of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events
or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


 All rights reserved.
Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
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my Dolls & Doms readers. Thank you.















& Dolls


the sheer, red curtain, Black Betty adjusted her leather corset, rolled her
shoulders and took a deep breath. The chatter of male voices in the club came
at her in waves, low, deep, and laughing. Ice cubes clinked in rocks glasses
filled with double malt scotch.

been at Dolls & Doms for so long, she was certain she knew every man in the
room. Being a private, membership-by-invitation-only men’s club a few scant
miles from the Vegas strip, the roster filled with rich, famous and politically-elected
males wasn’t difficult to keep up with.

event was just another bachelor party. Another bare ass to smack.

signature song,
Black Betty
, began and blared over the club’s
obscenely expensive sound system. She took a deep breath and flung her long,
blonde hair back over her shoulders.

through the curtain with one spiked, black boot, she sauntered across the stage
and down three stairs to the main floor where she shoved away two men on either
side of her. Cheers rang out as she strutted through the crowd and flicked her
long, black whip. It cracked on the marble floor in front of a cocky looking
twenty-something. He was dressed in an expensive gray suit and sitting in a
leather club chair smoking a cigar—Alistair Ingram, hottest leading man on the
big screen and the groom to be.

the summer, Betty had seen the front page engagement cover feature r on one of
the lurid entertainment magazines while she was in line at the supermarket.
She’d picked it up and flipped through, noting the way Alistair preened in
front of the camera, never once posing with his fiancé who stood five yards
behind him carrying a big, heavy-looking box. Betty gave the marriage a year on
the generous side—if his bride-to-be got smart and dumped his pretentious butt.

her hips, she went into auto-pilot. Her routine was like driving a car by now.
She’d say it was like riding a bike, but she’d never learned to ride one. Every
best-man who booked a party wanted a Dom. She supposed they figured being
spanked was permissible by the bride-to-be, whereas performing erotic torture
on a Doll—the club’s cutesy name for subs that Betty despised—would fall into
the cheating category.

straddled his lap, leaned forward and pushed her breasts together, inches from
Alistair’s face. When he reached out to touch, she stepped back and cracked the
handle of her whip against his knuckles.

wicked grin spread across his lips. He shook his hand and sucked the knuckle of
his index finger, his melted chocolate eyes blazing. Jesus, he
But he knew it all too well. Betty couldn’t wait to get him alone and wipe that
shit-eating-grin off his face.

was one man who needed to be taught a lesson.

knew her punishment mentality was against every rule in the book. Everything
she did to him was to be consensual and done for pleasure—pleasure through
pain. But she couldn’t help her desire to punish the ones who were deserving.
The ones like her first husband. The ones who thought they were above
respecting women.

slipped a blindfold out of one of her thigh-high, black boots and secured it
over his eyes. “Stand, Doll,” she commanded, snapping her whip at his feet.
“For the next hour, you’re mine to play with.”

friends shouted and jeered as he stood. Betty glanced around and caught the
familiar faces of other movie and T.V. actors, a few musicians, a director, and
a producer who she’d brought to his knees on multiple occasions.

unclipped a spiked collar from her garter and buckled it around Alistair’s
neck. “Quite the charmed life you live, Doll. Time to get a little dirty.”

fucking grin still sat stiff on his lips, and he ran a hand through his
dark-blond hair, leaving it sexy and tousled. There was no help for him or for
her. She wasn’t going to play Miss Nice Dom tonight.

winked at the tall man standing next to the groom’s chair. “You’re the best
man, I presume?”

shot her a star-studded smile. “I am.” He played a lawyer on T.V. She’d seen a
couple episodes of his show on her nights off.

get me the leash on the bar,” she commanded, twirling her whip so it wrapped
around the best-man’s legs.

placed his hands on his hips in mock irritation. “Don’t I get a please?”

doll, you only paid me to make one person beg tonight, and it sure as hell
isn’t going to be me.”

tossed his head back laughing and strolled to the bar to fetch her leash.

are you going to do to me, Black Betty?” Alistair asked, rocking his hips and
shoulders back and forth, the smoke from his cigar spiraling in the air.

grabbed his hair and jerked his head down, placing her lips beside his ear.
“I’m going to make you wish you were tucked in bed nice and snug next to your
pretty little fiancé, Doll.”

chuckled and rubbed his hands together.

was back with the leash. She yanked it out of his hands and clipped it on
Alistair’s collar. “Walk,” she commanded, tugging on the leash and leading him
through his friends.

music transitioned into
by Delphic
, and Betty cringed internally as the club’s Dolls
stepped timidly through doorways, dropped to all fours and crawled across the
marble floor. “Entertainment’s here!” Best-man shouted.

knew for the most part it was all an act. The Dolls worked there because it
meant a damn good paycheck—same reason she was still there. This was a job, not
a lifestyle like it was for the members of real BDSM clubs. This was vanilla,
and after the last ten rocky-road-years of her life, she fucking adored

this place wasn’t hardcore. She’d gone head first into that lifestyle and
gotten tossed right down on her back. She still had the scars to prove it
thanks to husband number two, who’d never been one for safe words. Hence the
reason she’d never be a Doll. She’d never find herself on her back again.

a few of the Dolls, like Red Mary, let themselves believe this was some kind of
glamorous lifestyle. That letting these rich assholes do whatever they pleased
to her was going to make one of them fall hopelessly in love with her. She was
here to be saved, to find the fairytale. She probably even let them fuck her.

figure out soon enough that there was no fairytale. Nobody knew that better
than Black Betty.

here.” Betty flung open a door and led Alistair down a hallway paneled in rich
mahogany. “Give me this.” She grabbed the half-smoked stogie out of his fingers,
dropped it on the marble floor and swiveled the ball of her foot on top of it.

cigar was two hundred bucks. Probably more than you make in an entire week.”
The side of Alistair’s lip hitched in a snide smirk.

grabbed his cheeks and squeezed. Hard. “No speaking unless you’re asked a
direct question. You answer me by saying
yes mistress
. Do you understand
me Alistair Ingram?”

let out a contemptuous snort of laughter. “Oh, I got it.”

shoved him against the wall, kicked her leg up and pinned him with her spiked
heel against his chest. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”

face went blank. She wished she could see his eyes under the blindfold. He held
his hands up at shoulder level, surrendering. “I understand.”

pressed her heel into his chest harder. She knew it was her imagination, but
she swore she could feel his heart pounding under her foot. The thought ignited
a smoldering heat between her legs. She leaned in, her lips mere centimeters
from his. “I understand,
she said, her voice a harsh whisper.

understand, Mistress Betty.”

mistress.” She lowered her foot to the floor and yanked his leash. “Your fiancé
will make me her maid-of-honor when I’m through breaking you, Superstar.”

couldn’t miss how his breath came quicker. All the dumbasses who were members
got off on the idea of being cock teased. She’d wind him up so tight, he’d blow
with a the slightest touch of her feather tickler.

a black door, Betty put a hand on Alistair’s cheek and turned the cut crystal
doorknob. “Welcome to my lair, Doll.”







Sense of Pleasure and Pain


though blindfolded, the word “lair” left Alistair with a perfect visual
impression. “Do your worst,” he said, licking his lips and spreading them into
a wide smile.

was such a fucking joke.  Black Betty worked at the club, she was nothing more
than a glorified stripper with a whip. She couldn’t hurt him. But, he’d play
along. It’d be fun getting her wet and horny, then pissing her off and leaving
her wanting him. There was no way he was sticking his dick in that.

was engaged to Heather Winston for Christ’s sake, blond bombshell lingerie
model and actress who’d spent more time gracing the cover of magazines that he
had. He tried not to let that fact bother him, even though their competitive
natures often threatened to pull them apart.

Black Betty commanded. He felt the heel of her boot prod him in the ass, and he
stumbled forward.

unhooked the leash and collar around his neck and grabbed him by his tie. “Down
on the bed on your back.”

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