The Summer Deal (16 page)

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Authors: Aleka Nakis

BOOK: The Summer Deal
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Chapter Fifteen



It was well into the night when the family members with children headed for their homes. It seemed that they were all content to sit and talk to the wee hours of the morning.

“Are you ready to go,
?” Demo stroked her upper arm.

“Whenever you are.” She said, placing her hand over her mouth to cover a yawn. “I don’t want to spoil the reunion with your family.”

He pushed back his chair and went to speak with Thea Eleni. Returning with his cousin, Manoli, he told her they were ready to go. They bid the family goodnight, and Demo invited them to the house for afternoon coffee.

Walking toward the car Sammy said, “I don’t know how to make Greek coffee.”

“But I do.” Demo draped his arm over her shoulders. “I’ll take care of it, and I’m sure Anna and Manoli will come to help. Everyone will help. Aren’t I right?” He asked his cousin, walking on Sammy’s left side, for confirmation.

Thankfully, Manoli was fluent in English. “Do not worry Sammy. We will all be there, and we are all family. We are very comfortable in each other’s houses. It is just an excuse for us to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Pappou’s balcony is the biggest and we will all fit.”

They reached the Hummer, and the men retrieved the baggage and the shopping Demo had done in Chania.

“Where is the house?” Sammy looked around, but only saw the
, a general store, and a children’s playground in the center of the square.

“Two streets above us, but we need to leave the car here. There is no way we can park it on the cliff, and turn it around to come back down. It will be extremely difficult to turn this baby in that tight spot.” Demo shrugged his shoulders and closed his arms around the packages. “We don’t need it anyway.”

“The bakery smells will wake you in the morning. It is my favorite aroma in the world. Sammy, you have to try their cheese pies. They are the best.” They walked in the cool night air, with Manoli pointing out the bakery and the little convenience store.

“I’ll make a point of it.” She smiled at the man who looked so much like her Demo. They could be brothers, and they appeared to have a bond as close as if they were.

The house came into view, much bigger than she had expected. It was a two story stone structure with a large veranda overlooking the dark and imposing mountain gorge. The yard consisted of well-tended grape vines that spread as far as she could see in the darkness, and the light by the front door was on.

“The women prepared the house after you called.” Manoli informed Demo. “They were so excited to see you. They washed all the windows, dusted the furniture, made the beds and had the kitchen set up in less than an hour. I think they’re hoping that Athena and Tony will come with your parents by the end of the month.”

“It’s not improbable. Athena and Tony have news to share with you.”

“Go on, don’t keep me waiting.” Manoli looked at his cousin, who simply raised his brows refusing to comment. “Okay, you have my word. I will keep it to myself.”

“They both got engaged. Their fiancés, Alexandros and Zoë, are coming as well.” Demo relayed the news, beaming with pride for his siblings.

! All three of you at once.” Manoli shook his head smiling in approval. Then he laughed and said, “It’s like a virus—a good one— that rapidly spread through the family.”

Sammy wrapped her free arm around her middle, and quickly corrected him. “No, we’re not engaged or anything.”

Manoli laughed louder and opened the door. As they walked into the house, he spoke to his cousin in a low voice. Sammy strained to listen.

“Not yet. You’d better get a move on and take care of business, before that bundle of fire finds out what a bore you really are.”

Demo grinned and dropped a bag on his cousin’s foot. “Yeah, like you’re a bundle of laughs.”

The two handsome men embraced and smacked each other on their backs with fervor.

Turning on the lights, Demo placed Sammy’s bags into a bedroom and showed her where the bath was. He explained the workings of the hot water heater, which was full, thanks to the women’s visit earlier, and told her he needed to speak with Manoli for a few minutes.

“You can unpack and get ready for bed if you’d like. Leave the shutters semi-closed on the windows though. It gets very cool overnight. Do you think you can find everything you need?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” She turned to Manoli. “It was a pleasure meeting you. Goodnight.”

, Sammy, and welcome to the family,” Mano said, walking toward the balcony doors.

. Another word for the back of my dictionary.”

koukla mou
. I won’t be too long.” Demo kissed her forehead before heading to join his cousin.


“Don’t worry about anything,” Manoli assured his cousin. “You did the right thing. She’ll be safe here, and there is no way he’ll be able to get near the village undetected.”

Demo ran his fingers through his hair and nodded in agreement. “I know. But Manoli, I haven’t told her everything yet. Sammy suspected something with the jeep, but she isn’t aware of the rest. I don’t want to worry her without proof Daniels was behind it. She’s been through so much these last months, and she finally seems to have relaxed a little.”

“Some advice from your smarter cousin: Tell her what you know. If you don’t, she’s going to believe you’re lying to her. Sammy won’t appreciate that, regardless of your reasons. Deceit is not what you want to base your relationship on.”

“She doesn’t need more to weigh her down. She deserves to have a good, worry-free time for a change,” Demo argued.

“Maybe, but she won’t see it like that. Your Sammy and my Anna are not like our
, who seemed to accept what the
decided. Even they, I think, had more say in the family decisions than we are led to believe.”

“I know. I just don’t want her burdened with more
skata apo ton bastardo
.” Demo ran his hand through his hair battling with a nature ingrained deep into his being. “But, we’ve come too far and I don’t want to risk losing her trust. However, I do want a solid foundation for us. One with which she can feel secure. I’ll tell her, but not tonight.”

“Trust me
cousin, this isn’t frivolous shit from the bastard. It is important
Don’t wait too long. She will find out, and then you’ll be sleeping at my house in the baby’s room.”

“Thanks for the offer, but that is not the type of sleeping arrangement I had in mind.”

They laughed as Demo walked his cousin to the door, and placed the antique shotgun and carbine they had cleaned inside the cabinet. Demo put his knife into its case and then into his waistband.

“I’ll let the others at the
know the situation. It’s a good thing we asked them to wait.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Demo watched Manoli close the gate and then locked the door. He secured the rest of the house and went to find Sammy.

The door was half-open and the bedside light was on. Sammy was under the down comforter, breathing in a slow rhythm. She was asleep.

Lying on her side, her hair fanned out across one pillow and her arms wrapped around a second. A golden aura surrounded her from the bedside light and played on the golden threads of her nightdress. She looked like a fairy to him: so small and tender, emitting an alluring radiance.

He stripped and laid his clothes over the heavy wooden chair beside the bed. Placing his knife under the mattress, he gently removed the pillow from her hands. The antique bed was barely more than a double, and he’d end up on the floor if there were a pillow between them.

Finding the dictionary under the covers, he smiled. Greek was a difficult language, but if anyone could master it, it was his Sammy. He ran the back of his hand down her face, secretly hoping she wake up.

Watching her sleep for a few minutes, Demo reached over her to turn out the lamp and then lay down beside her, content to put the day’s anxiety and stress to rest. Perhaps Daniels had been apprehended by now and they could put it all behind them.

A low purring sound escaped her, as she settled against him in the crook of his arm, and his hand settled on her hip. His eyes closed.


Sammy enjoyed the sculpted plains on his chest, the soft curling hair, and the warmth of his naked skin under her fingertips. His clean masculine scent filled her senses, and when a deep throaty sound came from over her head, she opened her eyes.

This was no dream. Demo’s arm draped about her, her head was on his chest, and their legs intertwined in the tumble of covers. Her breath quickened as she realized the intimacy of her situation.

Her soft cotton shirt rubbed against her breasts, the friction frustrating the sensitive peaks. Awareness built deep inside her, filling her with conflicting emotions and yearnings to the pit of her stomach. Tingly warmth settled at her core, and she instinctively squeezed her thighs, naïvely intensifying her need.

Hesitating, because she could get used to waking like this, she untangled her leg from between his. The feel of his hard thigh against hers sent another jolt of electricity through her body. Steadying her breath, Sammy moved her arm off his chest and placed it in front of her as a barrier.

Demo caressed her back and, applying more pressure, he pulled her against him again. His fingers played with the hem on her short nightdress, and then burned her back as they slipped under the material and traveled up and down from her waist to her nape and back again.

“You awake,

“Yes. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered.

He took her hand and placed it on his shoulder farthest from her, causing her taut nipples to graze his chest and ache for his touch. A large hand cupped the side of her hip and coaxed her to move atop his hard body.

“I like waking up like this,” he said, rocking her against him and bringing her face closer to his.

His hands skimmed over her skin, searing it as they moved from her bottom to her thighs, and then up to encircle her waist, slowly heating the her ribcage and the sides of her full breasts.

Stroking her shoulders, his fingertips glided over the length of her throat to her jaw, lifting her face to his. He ran his thumb over her lower lip, inviting her to taste it. Eagerly parting her mouth, she saw an appreciative smile form on his handsome face. He raised his head, removed his thumb, and whispered words of worship as his lips captured hers, demanding more.

Desire raced through her as Sammy gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss and succumbed to the longing building between them. Their lips engaged in a sensual dance, and she could think of nothing but tasting and feeling him. This time he was real, he was physically with her, not a dream that would end at any moment.

Her fingers traced the angular line of his jaw, and she nipped at his upper lip. An exhilarating strength filled her, swarmed in her head, and bubbled deep in her chest. She savored the feel of his hands roaming over her body in lingering exploration, flaming yearnings she’d suppressed for so long.

Placing her knees to either side of him, he pushed against her hips with his thumbs and brought her up so she straddled him. Cupping her breast over the thin cotton, he outlined her hardened peaks, and rose to place his mouth over one, then the other. His heated breath insisted on more, and large sure hands moved to pull her nightdress over her head.

Following her extended arms, he lavished attention on every inch of newly exposed skin. He tossed the garment across the room and grabbed a handful of her long hair. Pulling it aside, he replaced its warmth with his mouth and shattered the hard shell she had built so carefully around her body and soul.

“More than I’ve dreamed,” he said in a husky breath.

The heat built into a blazing inferno, consuming her senses. She could no longer deny herself his touch. Sammy arched her back, bringing her chest toward him, and he grasped her fullness with a sense of possessive desperation. Demo captured her mouth and pressed his solid body against her soft one. The rasping of his curls against her sensitive breasts excited her further.

She wriggled against him, and a primitive groan escaped his lips. He flipped her over and put her back on the mattress, covering her body completely. Bracing himself, he dipped his head to her heaving chest, kissing the valley between her breasts. His mouth traveled over her stomach, then down to the sensitive area inside the curve of her hips, her thighs, stealing her breath with each new, tender, and patient caress.

His lengthy ravishing drained all her doubts and fears, fueled her desire, and unleashed the joy eager to burst from her soul.

“Demo,” she said, urgently digging her nails into his shoulders. “I need you.”

Relinquishing herself to the ripples of ecstasy on every part of her body from his capable hands, his burning lips, his heated breath, she hovered on the edge of the blissful abyss. Just as she was about to fall, he pulled her back.

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