The Summoner

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Authors: Sevastian

BOOK: The Summoner
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First published 2007 by Solaris

an imprint of BL Publishing


Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road

Nottingham, NG7 2WS


ISBN‐13: 978 1 84416 468 4

ISBN‐10: 1 84416 468 3

Copyright © Gail Z. Martin 2007

Map by Kirk Caldwell

The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in 4

accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

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This book would not have happened without the patience, support and belief of family, friends and colleagues. I’m deeply grateful to my husband, Larry, and to my children ‐ Kyrie, Chandler and Cody – for encouraging, proofreading, and enabling my work. Thanks also to family and friends who proofed and made suggestions though many drafts. And special thanks to Ethan Ellenberg, my agent, and to Christian Dunn and Mark Newton at Solaris, for believing.





Map: The Winter Kingdoms

Chapter 1 Chapter 16 Chapter 31

Chapter 2 Chapter 17 Chapter 32

Chapter 3 Chapter 18 Chapter 33


Chapter 4 Chapter 19

Chapter 5 Chapter 20

Chapter 6 Chapter 21

Chapter 7 Chapter 22

Chapter 8 Chapter 23

Chapter 9 Chapter 24

Chapter 10 Chapter 25

Chapter 11 Chapter 26

Chapter 12 Chapter 27

Chapter 13 Chapter 28

Chapter 14 Chapter 29

Chapter 15 Chapter 30



Back Table of Contents Next

“Walk carefully, my prince,” the ghost warned. “You are in great danger this night.”

Outside the mullioned windows, Martris Drayke could hear the revelry of the feast day crowds.

Torchlight glittered beyond the glass, and costumed figures danced, singing and catcalling, past the castle tower. Dressed in the four aspects of the One Goddess, Margolan’s sacred Lady, the partygoers lurched behind an effigy of the Crone Mother, far more intent, this Feast of the Departed, on appeasing their appetite for ale than memorializing the dead.

“From whom?” Tris returned his attention to his spectral visitor. The ghosts of the palace Shekerishet were so numerous that he could not recall having ever seen this particular spirit before, a thin‐faced man with heavy‐lidded eyes, whose antiquated costume marked him as a member of the court one hundred years past.

The specter flickered and tried to say more, but no sound came.

Tris leaned closer. Now of any time the ghost should be the easiest to see, for on Haunts, as the feast day was commonly known, spirits walk openly abroad and even skeptics cannot refuse to 8

see. The palace ghosts had been Tris’s friends since childhood, long before he came to understand that his insubstantial companions were not so easily seen by those around him.

“Spirits… banished,” the fading ghost managed. “Beware… the Soulcatcher.”

Tris had to strain for the last words as the revenant faded into nothing. Puzzled, he sat back on his heels, his sword clattering against the hard stone floor. The rap at the door nearly made him lose his footing.

“What are you doing in there, or aren’t you alone?” teased Ban Soterius through the door. The latch lifted and the sturdy captain of the guards strode in. Nothing in the young man’s manner corroborated the strong smell of ale on his breath, save for his mussed brown hair and the slight rumpling of his fine tunic.

“I’m alone now,” Tris said, with a glance back to where the ghost had been.

Soterius looked from Tris to the empty wall. “I keep telling you, Tris,” the guardsman said,

“you’ve got to get out more. Me, I don’t care if I ever talk to a ghost… unless she’s a good looking lass with a pint of ale!”

Tris managed a smile. “Have you seen the spirits tonight?”

Soterius thought for a moment. “Not as much as usual, now that you mention it, especially for Haunts.” He brightened. “But you know how they love a good story. They’re probably down listening to Carroway tell his tales.” He pulled at Tris’s sleeve. “Come on. There’s no law that says princes can’t have fun, too, and while I’m standing up here with you, I could be missing the love of my life down in the greatroom!”

Soterius’s good humor made Tris chuckle. The captain of the guards was a favorite with the 9

court’s noble daughters. Soterius’s light brown hair was cut short, for a battle helm. He was of medium build, fit and tanned from training with the guards. Everything about his bearing and his manner bespoke his military background, but the mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes softened his features, and seemed to make the marriageable maidens flock to him.

Tris was just as happy to have those same young girls and their ambitious mothers distracted. He stood a head taller than Soterius, with a lean, rangy build. He had been told often that his angular features and high cheekbones took after the best of both his parents, but the white-blond hair that framed his face and fell to his shoulders was clearly from Queen Serae’s side, as were the green eyes that matched those of his grandmother, the famed sorceress Bava K’aa. It was a combination the ladies of the court found quite attractive.

“I promise I’ll be down right behind you,” Tris said, and Soterius raised an eyebrow skeptically. “I just want to light a candle and put a gift in grandmother’s room before I go. Then you can take me on that tour of alehouses you’ve been promising.”

Soterius grinned. “I’ll hold you to that, Prince Drayke,” he laughed. “Get moving. The way the festival’s going tonight, they’ll run out of ale and you know that brandy doesn’t agree with me.”

Tris heard his friend’s boot steps fade down the corridor as he made his way to the family rooms. The silent stares from a row of paintings and tapestries seemed to follow him, the long-dead kings of Margolan, King Bricen’s forebears. Bricen’s lineage was one of the longest unbroken monarchies in the Winter Kingdoms. Glancing at their solemn visages and knowing the stories of what they had endured to secure their thrones, Tris was glad the crown would not pass to him. He picked up a torch from the sconce on the wall and opened the door into his grandmother’s room. The smell of incense and potions still clung to the sorceress’s chamber, five years after her death. Tris shut the door behind him. It was an indication of the awe with which even her own family regarded her that, even now, no one disturbed the spirit mage’s possessions, Tris thought. But the sorceress Bava K’aa earned that kind of awe, and though he remembered her most clearly as an indulgent grandmother, the legends of her power were enough to make him hesitate, just an instant, before stepping further into the room.

“Grandmother?” Tris whispered. He set a candle on the table in the center of the room and lit it 10

with a straw from the torch. Then, he set out a token gift of honey cakes and a small cup of ale, over which he made the sign of the Goddess in blessing. And then, with a glance to assure himself that the door was shut and he would not be discovered, he stepped onto the braided rug in the center of the room. Plaited from her sorceress’s cords, the rug matched the warded circle of his grandmother’s workspace, and Tris felt the familiar tingle of her magic, like the residue of old perfume. With his sword as his athame, Tris walked the perimeter of the rug as his grandmother taught him, feeling the circle of protection rise around him. Its blue‐white light was clear in his mind, though invisible. Tris closed his eyes and stretched out his right hand.

“Grandmother, I call you,” he murmured, stretching out his senses for her familiar presence. “I invite you to the feast. Join me within the Circle.” Tris paused. But for the first time since her death, no response came. He tried once more.

“Bava K’aa, your kinsman invites you to the feast. I have brought you a gift. Walk with me.”

Nothing in the room stirred and Tris opened his eyes, concerned.

And then, a glimmer of light caught his eye. It seemed far beyond the circle, struggling and flickering as if trapped within gauze, but as he strained to make it out, he recognized the form of his grandmother, standing at a great distance obscured by fog.

“Grandmother!” he called, but the apparition came no further. Her lips moved, but no sound reached him, yet a chill ran down his back. He did not need words to recognize a warning in his grandmother’s manner. Though Tris could not hear Bava K’aa’s voice, the indication of danger was clear enough.

Without warning, a cold wind howled through the shuttered chamber, guttering the torch and extinguishing the candle. It buffeted the circle Tris cast, and the image of his grandmother winked out. Two porcelain figures crashed to the floor and the bed curtains fluttered as the gust tore scrolls from the desk and knocked a chair to the ground. Tris gritted his teeth and strained to keep his warding in place, but he felt the gooseflesh rise on his arms as the chill permeated even the area within the cord and circle. Like a glimpse of something there and gone, impressions formed in his mind. Something evil, something old and strong, lost, hunting, 11


Then, as quickly as it came, the wind was gone and with it Tris’s sense of foreboding. When he felt sure that nothing stirred in the room, Tris raised his shaking hand to silently thank the Four Faces of the Goddess, and then closed the circle,’ shivering as the magic light faded in his mind.

He looked around the room. Only the torn parchments, shattered figurines and overturned chair testified that anything was amiss. More troubled than before, Tris turned to leave.

From the corridor, a woman screamed. Tris bounded for the door, his sword already in hand.

In the shadows of the hallway, Tris could make out a grappling pair, the dark figure of a man looming over one of the chambermaids who struggled to escape.

“Release her!” Tris raised his sword in challenge. Seizing the moment, the terrified woman sank her teeth into her attacker’s arm and wrenched free, running down the corridor for her life. Tris felt his throat tighten as the assailant straightened and turned, recognizing the form even before the thin gold circlet on the man’s brow glinted in the torchlight.

“Once again, you’ve spoiled my fun, brother,” Jared Drayke glowered, his eyes narrowing. King Bricen’s eldest son started down the hallway, and Tris could tell by his brother’s gait that Jared was well into his cups this feast night. Tris stood his ground, though he felt his heart in his throat. Ale never compromised Jared’s swing nor blunted his swordsmanship, and Tris had taken enough bruises at his brother’s hand to know just what kind of a mood Jared was in tonight.

“You’re drunk,” Tris grated.

“Sober enough to whip your ass,” Jared retorted, already beginning to turn up the sleeves of his tunic.


“You can try.”

“You dare to raise steel against me?” Jared roared. “I could have you hanged. No one threatens the future king of Margolan!”

“While father rules, I doubt I’ll hang,” Tris replied, feeling his heart thud. “Why don’t you bed one of the nobles’ daughters, instead of raping the servants? Or would it be too expensive to pay off their families when they disappeared?”

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