Read The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf

BOOK: The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf
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Mate or Meal 11

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf

Mate or mistake? Twenty years back, werewolf Anson lost his first

love to another man. Now, he realizes his true mate is actually his

ex’s son, swan-shifter Reed. He knows that no one would ever

believe his feelings for Reed are real. Wishing to protect Reed

from the inevitable fallout, Anson restrains himself from claiming

the swan.

Reed is disheartened by his mate’s refusal, his spirit and self-

confidence destroyed by his fears. He knows Anson no longer

loves Reed’s father, but the rejection hurts him deeply.

Anson’s injury in a previous expedition makes both men realize life

is too short for doubts. They surrender to their desires, but Reed’s

family doesn’t trust their unexpected bond. And then, a new

interfering factor appears, the werewolf’s son, one Anson didn’t

even know existed. When the boy’s mother insists Anson is really

her mate, can the couple survive the challenges thrown their way?

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter

43,164 words



Mate or Meal 11

Scarlet Hyacinth



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


Copyright © 2012 by Scarlet Hyacinth

E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-835-7

First E-book Publication: June 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


For everyone who anticipated Reed’s story. I hope you enjoy it.



Mate or Meal 11


Copyright © 2012


“No! I’ve had it, Liam. I don’t want him in my house, and that’s


Shiloh fumed as he looked at his wolf mate. “Even after five years

of you and I being together, he’s still holding a torch for you.”

“He is not.” Liam shook his head stubbornly. “We’re just friends,

Shiloh, and he’s pack beta. Of course we see each other all the time.”

Shiloh wanted to stomp his foot like a child at being denied. Truth

be told, he knew he was being selfish and unreasonable. Anson

Wright was no danger to his family or his bond with Liam. But his

swan nature turned out to be very possessive, and he couldn’t help but

bristle whenever Liam’s former lover showed up. An irrational part of

him always wondered whether it was possible for Liam to go back to

Anson, to get bored with Shiloh’s impulsive nature and find someone

better instead.

“Hey.” Liam stepped into his personal space, crowding Shiloh

against the wall. “When are you going to understand you’re


The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


Liam pressed his lips to Shiloh’s in a gentle kiss that quieted all of

Shiloh’s doubts.
“You’re the only one I want,”
he said through their

mind bond.

Even if five years had passed since they’d mated, every time they

touched, it was just as electrifying as the first time, or maybe even

more so. Shiloh surrendered to his mate’s exploration, moaning as

Liam’s tongue massaged his own. God, Liam was like his own

personal drug. How could Shiloh even think when Liam touched him

like that?

When they broke apart to breathe, Shiloh gave his mate a dazed

look. “Okay. You win. I’ll try to be less hostile with your friend.”

“Excellent,” Liam replied, his voice nearly a growl. “Now come

here. I’m not done with you yet.”

* * * *

Little Reed listened to the sounds coming from his parents’

bedroom and snickered to himself. When his dads were busy like that,

they didn’t hear him leaving the house. His heart hammering with

excitement, he opened the window and shifted into his swan form.

At his young age, flying was still a little awkward for him. He

hadn’t fully matured, which was why his parents insisted he stay

indoors after nightfall and never go out unless accompanied.

Personally, Reed thought they were exaggerating. This was Alpha

Soren’s pack lands, and they were guarded by the most-capable

shifters ever. Who would dare to hurt him?

He flew outside, heading toward what he thought of as his spot. It

was a tiny grove with a miniature lake, which he had discovered in

one of his clandestine explorations. Sure, his parents always chastised

him for his naughtiness, but Reed thought it was worth it.

Normally, Reed invited his accomplices, Angel and Clark, along

for his little trips, but he had a feeling he didn’t have too much time at

his disposal tonight before he was discovered, and he didn’t want to


Scarlet Hyacinth

get Angel and Clark in trouble, too. So he flew alone toward the tiny

lake, determined to get there no matter what.

By the time he reached his destination, he was quite tired. He

landed and shifted back into his legged form. Plopping down on the

grass, he looked up at the night sky. The stars twinkled, as if trying to

send him some strange, undecipherable message. Reed wondered

what was out there in the clouds. His real dad, maybe? It was still a

mystery to him how the man had died, and sometimes, Reed asked

himself about it.

Of course, he was happy with his family, so his thoughts soon

drifted into a more pleasant lassitude. He was so relaxed that when a

shadow loomed above him, blocking his sight of the stars, he nearly


Reed shot to his feet, his eyes wide with shock. As a swan, he

didn’t have great nightly vision, but still, he realized in instants who

the figure was. Immediately, he relaxed. “You scared me,” he said

with a pout.

“Well, you wouldn’t have been scared had you been home where

you belong,” Anson Wright replied.

“I like to come here,” Reed shot back. “Besides, my dads are


“I highly doubt they’d ever be too busy for you,” the tall wolf

said. “It’s dangerous for you at night. What if you get lost?”

“I won’t get lost,” Reed defended himself. “I know my way


“Yes, but you’ll worry your parents.” The wolf wrapped his jacket

around Reed. “Come on. Let’s get you home.”

Knowing Anson was right, Reed allowed the wolf to lift him up

over his shoulders. He held onto Anson, amazed that, from this

position, he felt strangely like he was flying.

“What about you?” he asked. “What are you doing out? Isn’t it

dangerous for you, too?”

The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf


“Little runt.” Anson laughed. “Don’t mock your elders. I believe I

can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

“Well then, since you’re around, I can stay, too. You can take care

of me.”

Reed had no idea where that had come from since he didn’t say

things like that even to his dads. But for some reason, he really liked

spending time with his father’s friend. The man tolerated his antics

BOOK: The Swan Who Flew After a Wolf
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